My Backyard is the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 374: Li Ran's dangerous words!

Leaving Mogadishu, the towns in the south and north of Somalia are ruled by different warlords. In Somalia, towns are the main settlements of Somalis, so these towns have become the focus of warlords\' competition. The owner is a common thing, and the favorite place of the warlords is of course the capital Mogadishu. In just ten years, the capital of Somalia has been ruled by fourteen waves of warlords. It can be said that it is not a favorite At the same time, it\'s a hot potato, and this is why Li Yin didn\'t attack Mogadishu. He didn\'t want to deal with these warlords coveting the capital\'s covetousness.

As for the sectarian armed forces, as the name suggests, they are world-renowned Islamist armed forces. This is why country m is so sensitive to sectarian armed forces, because they are deeply afraid that Somalia will become the second Afghanistan. After all, Somalia controls the throat position of the global waterway, and The most famous sectarian armed group is the Union of Islamic Courts. Compared with them, the Al-Shabaab is still a little weaker, because this armed organization once ruled the whole of Somalia, but this is obviously not what the people of country M originally saw, because in their eyes, Islamic equal to a terrorist organization.

  In order to eradicate this organization, country m instigated Ethiopia, which has always had a border dispute with Somalia, to use the army. A total of 40,000 special forces accompanying Country M launched an attack on this armed organization and eventually drove it out of Mogadishu, but this force is still very strong today.

When it comes to the country of Ethiopia, we have to talk about the two evil neighbors facing Somalia. One is Ethiopia, which often sends troops to Somalia, and the other is Kenya. These two strong neighbors are running dogs of country M, and Ethiopia Both China and Kenya have occupied two high-quality pastoral areas in Somalia. In order to legally occupy them, they have never wanted a unified government in Somalia. This is why the 14 transitional governments in Somalia have all failed. In addition to the reasons of the native tribes, these countries of interest are also unclear.

"The scenery here is really good." On the outskirts of Gadaro Town is the place where Somalis graze camels. The golden desert is here. It is also a unique scenery for black-skinned herdsmen to lead a group of camels between the blue sky and the desert. , and it is these camels, cattle and sheep that support the economy of this country, and there is another kind of myrrh, which is a kind of spice, and Somalia is the largest origin of this spice. "I said, we can\'t always rely on diamonds to make a fortune. These Somali specialties also have development value."

Li Ran also accompanied Li Min to Gadaro every now and then, and he said: "I just wanted to talk to Your Highness about this issue. Selling diamonds is not a long-term solution, it can only relieve temporary needs. Your Highness must learn to control if he wants to grow bigger in Somalia." The economy of a country, now His Highness’s army is getting bigger and bigger. Food, weapons and ammunition, fuel. Soldiers’ salaries, vehicles, these all need a lot of expenses, especially for these refugees, there is nothing to do, just consume food every day No matter how much Ryukyu\'s food is, we can\'t continue to consume it like this. Wouldn\'t this slow down the development of Datang? Your Highness should benefit from both sides now."

Li Yin was silent when he heard the words. He had really thought about this issue. It is not a big deal to bring a large amount of food from Ryukyu every day to be consumed here. He will never be able to support the whole of Somalia. Self-sufficiency in Somalia is fundamental. After thinking for a while, he said : "Do you have any good ideas?"

   "It\'s very simple, build a common trade port between the two worlds." Li Ran said slowly.

   "Be more specific." Li Yin vaguely felt that Li Ran\'s suggestion might cause a huge change.

Li Ran moved on the co-pilot of the Hummer military vehicle, and said: "After fully intervening in Yizhou\'s economic affairs, I have been organizing people to investigate the economic situation of the entire world, and I have come to a very pessimistic conclusion. Your Highness Yi The state\'s economic system will collapse within five years from overcapacity."

Li Yin was stunned for a moment, "Don\'t scare me." Now that Yizhou is prosperous, Li Yin can\'t imagine the consequences of economic collapse. Now that the people have gained sweetness, once this sweetness is lost, it is equivalent to the establishment of Yizhou. The foundation is gone.

"This is not alarmist talk. Your Highness\'s colonial plan has indeed opened up a path for Yizhou\'s economic development, but your Highness, don\'t forget the population and consumption capacity of that era. The population of the Tang Dynasty was 20 million, and the population of the world The total is less than 100 million, and most of the 100 million people can\'t afford the goods in Yizhou. However, Yizhou\'s production capacity has been continuously strengthened after electrification. Once these goods are unsalable, Yizhou The rapid development of the state is tantamount to nonsense." Li Ran said with a serious expression.

"You mean, the supply will soon be unbalanced?" Li Min thought for a while and said, he understood Li Ran\'s meaning, now Yizhou is equivalent to concentrating the wealth of the whole world, and this has caused instant prosperity , But in this way, other places are getting poorer and poorer, and the purchasing power is getting worse and worse, while Yizhou\'s industry is constantly strengthening. One day, Yizhou\'s products will become the result of rotten streets.

   "That\'s right, but now we have found a way to open a port and sell Yizhou\'s goods to the world. One Africa is enough to ensure the economic prosperity of the Tang Dynasty." Li Ran said.

  Li Yan had to admire Li Ran\'s wisdom, and he continued: "But if this is the case, how will the currency issue be solved? Merchants in Yizhou don\'t know the dollar, and here don\'t know the currency of the Tang Dynasty."

"This is not a problem, it\'s just a little troublesome. Why don\'t we set up a trade zone in Ryukyu to buy grain and various supplies and sell them to Africa for dollars, and then exchange them with Datang\'s currency and the dollar equivalent to merchants in Yizhou. As a result, His Highness got US dollars, and Yizhou merchants got Datang’s currency, and at the same time, it can provide more jobs and improve the income level of the people, which can be described as killing three birds with one stone.”

Li Yin excitedly said, "Well, this is equivalent to adding another foreign trading country, which not only increases the economic aggregate of Datang, but also avoids inflation. In this case, you should organize people to establish a business zone and organize A commercial company that can go back and forth between the two worlds."

   "Okay, Your Highness, but this may require His Highness to keep the time-space door open."

   "There is no problem with this, but you have to find a hidden place in Somalia to build a warehouse, and I will go in and out from there in the future."

  Li Ran heard the words: "I have already thought about this. I will build an underground fortress and a defense system, so as to ensure our safety and concealment."

Li Yin is very satisfied with Li Ran\'s plan. This means that Yizhou and modern society have formally opened up business. In this way, Li Yin can ensure that Datang will continue to maintain a high-speed development, and will not be affected by insufficient supply. balance leading to collapse.

As for Somalia itself, Li Yin is also planning to carry out economic construction. Although he has selfish intentions in helping Somalia unify, it is also the welfare of all Somalis. It was discovered that there is a huge oil field in Somalia, but because of the chaos here, this oil field has not been developed for a long time, and it is precisely because of this oil field that the West has extended its tentacles here again after abandoning Somalia for ten years. The most important thing is the resources here, but this Somalia is really muddy and cannot support the wall. The plans of the people of country m to support the puppet government have gone bankrupt one after another, but this does not affect the government of country m. The bridgehead back to Africa, but they obviously didn\'t expect that there would be an existence here that they couldn\'t control.

Li Yin originally came to Somalia to eliminate the threat that country m might pose to Datang, but he did not expect that he found a new development path by mistake. He had to strengthen his control over his sphere of influence. Originally, he wanted to eliminate the al-Shabab in one fell swoop, but this plan made him suddenly feel that he should keep this militant organization, which is a headache for the people of country m, to contain the special forces of country m in Mogadishu. The army is also good, otherwise this organization is wiped out, and country M may designate him as a terrorist organization, but he will continue to attack the Youth Party. After all, the two sides have already feuded. Darrow was not uncommon for shootouts.

After discussing with Li Ran, he decided to focus on the seaport city of Obia in central Somalia. This place is 300 kilometers away from Gadaro. It is just a small port on the coast of Somalia. The ability is worrying, but what Li Min wants is foreign trade routes, so that he can control the foreign trade on his own territory, and even sell goods from Somalia and Yizhou to the world, and at the same time import various products from other parts of the world. This kind of commodity is used in Yizhou and Somalia, so that the economic cycle model is formed, and he no longer has to let the Australian base play the hard trick of self-production and self-sale, and this Somalia, which is basically at the same level of living as the feudal society It can also be developed and provide Li Yin with a source of funds. (To be continued..)

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