My Backyard is the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 381: International response!

With night vision goggles, Li Yin could see Dahein\'s face clearly, but in the pitch darkness, Dahein couldn\'t see anything at all. He just lay on the ground with a face of fear, with his hands raised up, and kept shouting not to shoot. .

   Kicking Dahin a few times, Li Yin said, "Hanging him on the electric pole outside Mogadishu will also give him a longer memory."

After receiving the order, Kumasi and two soldiers threw Dahein on the Humvee, and Li Yin got into one of them, and the three Humvee drove along the street to the outside of the city. Li Yin ordered everyone to withdraw from Mogadishu and gather at the assembly point outside the city.

Li Yin\'s attack came and went quickly. Neither the armed forces of the transitional government nor the armed forces of the peacekeeping force saw a single enemy, but they just fired blindly. After just half an hour, they suddenly They found that there were no more gunshots, as if nothing had happened. They came to the prison station cautiously and found more than 20 peacekeepers locked in the prison. The armed forces of the transitional government were not so lucky. They killed and injured more than 30 people, and even the president was taken away.

After the soldiers assembled outside the city, Kumasi counted the number of people, and none of them was missing, which made Li Yin secretly relieved. They have completed this rescue mission quickly, but there is one thing left. Do, that is how to deal with President Dahein of this transitional government.

Although Li Yin wanted to kill the representative of the transitional government with one shot, it is obviously inappropriate now. After all, the international public opinion is still here, and a punishment is enough, so as not to make the matter too big, so Li Yin ordered Da to be severely beaten. He Yin paused, beat him up and howled like ghosts and wolves, begged endlessly, and then asked soldiers to bind his hands and feet and hang him on an abandoned telephone pole outside the city.

"Let\'s retreat!" Li Yin gave the order. It was midnight at this time. In the daytime, he might encounter a lot of troubles. After receiving Li Yin\'s order, all the personnel got into the car and drove along the highway to Gadaro. In the past, this transitional government could not pose a threat to him at all. Now Li Yin has realized this more and more. What he really needs to do now is to truly control Gadaro and the surrounding areas in his own hands. This is fundamental.

Li Yin\'s convoy left gracefully, but Mogadishu was blown up. The government armed forces and peacekeeping forces were all looking for Dahein. In the morning, they got a report that the president was hung on a telegraph pole. After getting this news, they immediately went to the northern suburbs of Mogadishu. At this time, Elizabeth had already learned about what happened last night in the peacekeeping force, and the empty prison room also proved her guess. Then, she followed Peacekeepers saw Dahein hanging from a utility pole.

At this time, Dahein still has the majesty of the president. It seems that in order to protect Dahein, he robbed the soldiers of the Peace Front and left only his underwear. Now Dahein has no underwear left on him, so he is hung naked On the telegraph pole, his body was also bruised and purple, and the blood under his nostrils had dried up, making him look very miserable.

The surrounding Somalis were all pointing at Dahein and laughing. They obviously didn’t like this president. It was he who ordered to charge 50% of the tax to the farmers who planted crops in Mogadishu, which caused many people to give up. If the land becomes a refugee, they will naturally not have a good impression of such a person.

Elizabeth finally found the pleasure of revenge. She was responsible for taking pictures throughout the process. She believed that this report would embarrass Dahein after it came out. In addition to her, there were reporters from many countries who came to film this incident. This time it was even more lively.

  After returning to Gadaro, Li Yin asked the soldiers to go back to rest, and at the same time stepped up security patrols in the area around Gadaro. Maybe the armed forces of the transitional government would retaliate against Li Yin. He had to make preparations just in case.

On the second day, the transitional government of Somalia was attacked by the Peace Front, and the news of President Dakhin\'s humiliation began to flood the world media. Sitting in his office, Li Yin smoked a cigarette and watched satellite TV programs. The incident was reported, and governments responded.

Originally, Li Yin thought that all the countries would condemn his evil deed, but a news published by "International Herald" seemed to change the tone of the media a little. In this report, the reporter told the whole story of the incident and used I personally experienced the writing of this word, and the article stated that it was Dahe who greedily seized the armed vehicles escorted by the Peace Front to the international rescue organization, and then the Peace Front would choose to retaliate.

However, although the diplomatic spokespersons of various countries changed the tone of unanimous condemnation, expressing that this was only an armed conflict within Somalia, Western countries still expressed some concerns about the newly rising Somali warlord, expressing hope that this warlord can make a transition The meaning of the government is to live in peace.

However, Li Yin has been dealing with Al-Shabaab and successfully captured the important town of Gadaro. Western countries do not want to offend the Peace Front, so they can only make peace in it. They said that they will continue to pay attention to the development of the situation in Somalia, and their real intention behind it Li Yin is not sure, after all, these countries say one thing and do another, but there is also good news, that is, Elizabeth reported the situation of Gadaro\'s refugees. Faced with this incident, many countries expressed The willingness to carry out humanitarian assistance made Li Yin feel a little more relaxed.

After this incident of attacking the transitional government, Li Yin launched an attack on the eastern seaport city of Obia, drove away the Al-Shabaab armed forces entrenched there, and designated all the land within 300 miles east of Gadaro. They have entered their sphere of influence, and once again cheered the Western world. Their favorability for the Peace Front has increased a lot. However, Li Yin did this because of his own strategy, not to please the Western countries, otherwise he would I don\'t want to completely turn against the Youth Party so early.

Because he also paid the price for the war with the Youth Party. The Youth Party launched many terrorist attacks on the areas ruled by Li Yin after that. Although most of them were detected in advance, there were still a few times for them to succeed. Li Min was heartbroken. The Al-Shabaab attacked a vehicle full of refugees with rockets, killing more than 50 refugees, and a patrolling Humvee was also ambushed. Fortunately, the soldiers reacted flexibly, but the vehicle was destroyed. But nothing happened. At that time, more than a dozen armed youths of the Albatross were eliminated, which was a bit of a bad breath to Li Yin, but Li Yin still had a headache when faced with the guerrilla tactics of the Albatross.

"I now understand why terrorist organizations are so difficult to eradicate. It is really impossible to prevent." Li Yin said dejectedly. During this time, Charles handed over one billion US dollars and more than 10,000 tents to Li Yin in exchange for the ten egg-sized pink diamonds. , almost drove the two brothers crazy. After getting these khaki tents, Li Yin replaced the tents for all the soldiers, and the appearance of the military was changed immediately. , and this color is basically the same as the color of the desert, which also reduces the chance of the military camp being discovered by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft of country m. Since Li Yin fought the transitional government and captured Obia, the people of country m seem to be interested in him Much bigger.

"Hehe, Your Highness, this is natural. The modern society is not like the Tang Dynasty. People in the Tang Dynasty need to rely on the city, otherwise they can\'t survive at all. It is obviously different here. They have various channels to obtain supplies." Li Ran stood by Li Min. said in front of him.

  Li Yin shook his head, "Can\'t you have a better suggestion?"

"I can provide His Highness with a batch of special bionic dogs. These dogs can accurately detect bombs, drugs, and track them. Maybe His Highness can alleviate this problem. As for other things, there is really no good way. Another thing is to offer a reward, whoever provides relevant information can get money, this is equivalent to having countless pairs of eyes." Li Ran said.

"This is the only way now." Li Yin said, "The key is that we must establish a management system as soon as possible, otherwise this place will still be anarchic. This is the main problem. Without a unified management system, there will be no There is no order."

"Then do you need me to send a group of management-type terminators here to help you establish a government management system? After all, the scope of your rule now is the two small towns of Gadaro and Obia, and centralized management is still very difficult. It\'s convenient." Li Ran said.

Just as Li Yin was about to speak, Kumasi walked in suddenly and said to Li Yin, "His Royal Highness, there are some people outside who claim to be international rescue organizations. They say they are here to negotiate with you on humanitarian relief for refugees. They want to discuss some specific matters." I want to talk to you."

Hearing this, Li Ran spread out his hands, meaning to ask Li Yin to let him go back. Li Yin opened the door of time and space to let him return to the Australian base, and he greeted him. Now he has finally gained some recognition from the international community. , his hard work these days was finally not in vain.

   "Hi, Chief Hatton, we meet again."

  Li Yin just went out when a voice came from afar. r1152

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