The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 7 - Lucien's Fate

"Let go" Syryn\'s tone was frigid. If looks could kill, Lucien would have died multiple times from the daggers that Syryn shot.

But Lucien stubbornly hung onto the tiny area of cloth on Syryn\'s coat. There was fear swimming in his eyes. And when Syryn moved his arm, Lucien flinched away like he was afraid of being struck. Syryn then immediately noticed the mapwork of blue bruises on the young boy\'s neck. An ice-cold wave of revulsion swept through his guts and Syryn felt himself waver. Lucien was just a little boy. Still innocent, still malleable.

The heat from the enormous fire around them licked his bare skin. The sky was tinged red and covered by a thick veil of smoke that engulfed the air they breathed. The cacophony of screams and horror-stricken weeping provided a fitting backdrop for the moment that passed between the two demonic children. Lucien was terribly afraid of Syryn and yet he clung on like his life depended on it. Beneath the fear was a resoluteness that Syryn found himself admiring.

"Please take me with you master." His childish voice was composed and placating. This composure was all fake and Syryn could tell by how Lucien\'s tiny hands trembled.

There was no helping it. A new life for Syryn, a new fate for Lucien. "I\'ll let you come with me under two conditions." He held up his fingers just in case Lucien couldn\'t count.

"One, never call me master again. Two, make a blood contract with me." Syryn had come to a decision. He would try to do with Lucien what Rowan had done for him.

"I agree to both conditions," Lucien spoke without even thinking about it. It was so fast that Syryn was taken by surprise.

"Do you even know what a blood contract is?" He folded his arms and frowned at Lucien.

The redhead shook his head and nervously looked at the fire that had come dangerously close to the duo. His cheeks had turned a rosy colour from the heat and he was breathing heavier.

"Crap. Let\'s run!" Syryn grabbed Lucien\'s tiny hand and set a pace that the child could follow.

"Are you okay?"

Lucien was breathing hard when they arrived next to the river that Syryn had been spending his time at. In response, the kid wiped his sooty face on the sleeves of his tunic and nodded. "Yes mas-, y-yes." Syryn was starting to feel sorry for him.

Milky poked his head out of Syryn\'s pocket and eyeballed the newcomer. When Lucien saw the white furball, he let out a small sound and they stared at each other. Milky then sniffed the air around them and leapt out to make himself comfortable next to the small bonfire that Syryn had started.

Syryn who had been rooting around the boulders found his satchel from its hidden spot and he began taking out a saucepan and raw ingredients for a meal. "Here, get some water."

"I\'m talking to you kid. Stop spacing out over there."

Lucien tore his gaze away from Milky, ran over in a panic and snatched the pan right out of Syryn\'s hand. The older boy then saw the redhead run to the edge of the river and tumble in with all the grace of a clumsy 7-year-old. Syryn then sighed as he watched the river carry away the future demon Lord of pain and suffering.

"There, there, you\'ll be alright." Syryn patted Lucien on the back. Little Lucien had received such a fright that he had begun to hiccup and sniffle. Syryn\'s coat was draped over Lucien who had been divested of all his wet clothing save for his underpants. He ignored the various bruises on Lucien\'s pale torso vowing to deal with them later.

"Here, this will warm you up." A hot bowl of rice and pheasant broth was pushed into Lucien\'s hand. "Eat."

He dug in with a ferocity that spoke volumes about his hunger. Tears clung to the tips of his lashes but Syryn could finally see colour back on the kid\'s cheeks. After he finished his bowl, Syryn ladled in more broth. Lucien then ate with a single-minded concentration while Syryn watched him devour the food with a fondness that came from feeding a hungry puppy on the street.

"So, how did you end up with the slavers?"

Red eyes flitted up and Lucien hesitantly replied.

"My grandfather and mother sold me off...two months ago." His cherubic lips quivered after he had spoken. It didn\'t take a genius to connect the dots. This was the story of a mother who had been forcefully copulated by a demon. She then gave birth to a beautiful baby boy that she proceeded to sell off when he began to receive too much attention. Judging by Lucien\'s bruises, he had been abused by some sick disgusting pig of a slaver. Syryn suddenly felt very upset when it occurred to him that most of the slavers were still alive.

"What\'s your name kid?" He asked in a gentler tone.

A shy reply, "Lucien."

How honest, Syryn thought. "Well Lucien, call me big brother." And he smiled kindly at the child who looked on in wonder. "You know what big brothers do? They protect their little brothers from monsters."

Lucien hung onto every word that Syryn spoke. The wonder in his eyes could have convinced anyone that Syryn had plucked the stars right out of the sky and put them in Lucien\'s palms. He was as adorable as a pup and Syryn was starting to get whipped for the little brat.

"Big brother... " He whispered reverently. Lucien tasted the words on his tongue and savoured them.

"Yup. Tell me, Luci, can I call you Luci?" When Lucien\'s eyes brightened at that, Syryn grinned and continued. "Luci, can you do magic?"

The wilting of his shoulders was an answer that Syryn did not expect. The Lucien in his first life was a horrific sorcerer adept at curses and poison. Maybe Lucien hasn\'t been taught any magic, Syryn thought.

"Come here." Syryn gently cupped the sides of the kid\'s head with his hands. Thumbs pressed lightly on each temple, Syryn explored Lucien\'s mana veins. There he made a shocking discovery that had him pitying the child even more. His mana core was damaged. It was a purposeful job done to kill any future Lucien had as a mage.

"How cruel.."

Guileless red eyes blinked up at Syryn. The pain of having the mana core attacked was an agony that even adults could not bear. Lucien had suffered greatly and not just this one but the adult Lucien who must have endured untold suffering to gain the powers he did. It was a saga of tragedy. Syryn gently brushed away the messy red fringes on Lucien\'s forehead. "Luci, your mana core is damaged. I can fix a small part of it and it will allow you to practise a little bit of magic."

Lucien dipped his chin back down and trembled. "Why are you so nice to me?" And when Syryn looked into his eyes, he could see distrust. Lucien had never received kindness from his own family. The adults in his short life had all been abusive and disinterested in his welfare so it was no wonder that he was afraid of being used and deceived. Syryn himself had lived a similar experience before Rowan had showed him what it was like to be treasured, regarded and cared for. It was his turn now.

"I don\'t know why you decided to follow me, Lucien. I don\'t mean any harm and I know my words aren\'t enough to convince you so you\'ll just have to accept it for what it is. You\'re so weak anyway that I find no satisfaction in bullying you. Grow stronger and maybe I\'ll be tempted to fight you." Syryn displayed his canines in a wicked smile. He couldn\'t help it. Maybe he shouldn\'t have scared the kid but damn it he was no Rowan. It would be a learning experience for both of them.

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