The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 204 - A Woman's Woes

The kitchen was eerily silent despite the six people currently occupying the space.

Syryn had a dazed look in his eyes as he chewed on breakfast.

Rowan who was seated next to the mage appeared unconcerned by the upheaval that his change had caused in the manor. "Lucien, shouldn\'t you get dressed for classes?" He asked the redhead who hadn\'t touched his food.

"Rowan, what does it feel like to have such a big chest?" Red asked in return.

Salem put down his spoon and looked at the blonde expectantly. Alka\'s ears perked up as well. The only other member of the house looking just as unconcerned as Rowan was Riha.

"Well," Rowan began with some hesitation. "If you must know, it feels like I have two sandbags attached to my chest."

Alka snorted.

"That\'s it?" The redhead asked as he stared unabashedly. "And what about between your legs? There\'s nothing dangli-"

"Lucien, you\'re getting late for class," Rowan firmly interrupted the child before he could ruin breakfast time for the family.

"Rowan," their resident half-elf addressed him when he saw that the redhead still had more to ask. "Your clothes won\'t fit you. You need a new wardrobe immediately."

"What I have now should be fine for today," Rowan answered. "I\'ll get a new uniform set from headquarters."

"You can\'t be thinking about going to work like that," Alka stated with some surprise.

Rowan didnt see what the problem was. So now he had breasts and other delicate bits. What did that have to do with his ability to take care of business as usual?

"Tell him, Alka," Syryn said to the plant mage. "Rowan won\'t listen to me." The castle had been damaged by Rowan so it was closed for the foreseeable future. The anti mage could only ask Roga about how to get in contact with the teenage boy who had sold them the idol. But there were other avenues available as well. 

"Have you two done anything weird after Rowan changed?" Red asked again. He was beyond curious about the consequences of Rowan\'s changes on the dynamics of their relationship. Red was certain that Syryn was as homosexual as they came. If Rowan was permanently stuck as a woman, would Syryn have to adapt, improvise and overcome?

Syryn stiffened up in his chair. Rowan outright ignored the query.

"I think this is the end of your sex life," Red declared in a bored voice. "Luci wants to know if you\'re gonna bleed every month."

Rowan\'s breakfast went down the wrong pipe and he choked. Salem passed the blonde a glass of water and sighed.

"Poor Rowan," Alka declared, but the plant mage looked positively gleeful.

"Rowan will be fine," Syryn said while looking at everyone, and pausing on Red. "I\'ll find a way to undo this since I caused it."

None of his housemates looked surprised at Syryn\'s admission of guilt.

"Good for him," Red said with a snigger. A wicked smile lighting up his pretty face, the redhead turned to Rowan. "Until then, stock up on some supportive innerwear. Those things look like they\'re ready to pounce on some hungry babies."

Rowan looked like he wanted to laugh. The blonde cleared his throat and abandoned his breakfast. He was disrupting everyone\'s routine so the anti mage decided to leave for work.

"Where are you going?" Syryn asked.

"Getting ready for work, Ryn."

"I\'m coming with you, Rowan," Syryn insisted while standing up. "What if you get accosted on the road?"

"Syryn, it\'s still Rowan," Alka said to the mage. Now Syryn was the one acting like a mother hen. "He is still very much capable of defending himself."

"I know, but I can\'t help but worry."

What if Rowan never turned back into a man? What if Rowan wanted to see what it felt like to- Syryn stopped his thoughts right there.

"I\'ll come home before noon," Rowan assured his lover.

Syryn nodded and accepted the kiss that Rowan placed on his cheek.


A dark-eyed anti mage was minding his own business when a strangely familiar-looking woman walked into the Sanguine Headquarters with the confident body language of having been there many times before. She was one of the most beautiful women he\'d ever seen on this side of the kingdom. But why was she wearing the anti mage uniform, and that too in a size that was too large on her?

"Artemus, I need a favour." The blonde beauty approached him. She reminded him of Rowan.

"Do I know you?" He asked her with some caution.

"It\'s me, Rowan."

He heard the words and understood them. But Artemus had to repeat it in his mind one more time before he truly understood what he was dealing with.

His dark eyes strayed downwards towards dangerous territory but he stopped himself in the nick of time. Shocked onyx eyes snapped back up to meet amused blues.

"You can look, Artemus," Rowan said with some laughter in his voice. "I don\'t care if you do."

"You\'re joking, right?" The anti mage replied.

"No, come with me. I\'ll explain as we head to the logistics office."

Sometime later, Rowan was dressed in a smart anti mage uniform that fit him like a glove. Curious heads turned to look at the blonde woman who everyone assumed was a new recruit.

Most of the men were jealous of the dark-haired anti mage walking beside the blonde goddess.

"A fertility idol? Why was it in Syryn\'s hands in the first place?" Artemus asked Rowan.

"He was interested in the idol so I bought it for him."

The look he received said he deserved what had happened. "A fertility idol for Syryn. That conjures an image I would rather not think about ever again," Artemus blandly said to the blonde. "What was the favour you needed, anyway?"

Artemus\' efficiency was legendary in the Sanguine HQ. Rowan felt guilty about imposing on the man who already had so much on his plate, but if anyone could help him, it was Artemus.

"I need information on the whereabouts of the teenager who sold me the idol, and I need it as soon as possible. Something tells me that the longer I stay in this form, the more I\'ll end up regretting it."

"You look good this way though," Artemus wore a tiny smirk. "Maybe you should stay like this, Rowan. Give the boring hq something nice to look forward to every day."

"Syryn would take offence to that," the blonde smiled back at the dark-eyed anti mage.

"Eh? A-mu who is this lady yer standin\' so close to?" The voice of an unhappy mage called out from behind them.

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