It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 439 BRUISES

Chapter 439 BRUISES

"I can sleep in your room," Jayden replied lightly.

"If you sleep in my room, then where am I going to sleep?" Apple widened her eyes in disbelief. This man was not seriously suggesting that.

"You can sleep on the living room couch," Jayden replied, he shrugged nonchalantly as he poured more mineral water into his empty glass. He was like someone who had just returned after being lost in a desert for months.

"What makes you think that I would agree to sleep on the couch and give up my room for you?" Apple folded her arms across her chest, staring at Jayden in disbelief that this man would be so shameless as to suggest such a thing.

"I am a guest here, shouldn\'t a guest be well served?" Jayden then turned his attention to the refrigerator, where there were lots of photos pinned with magnets.

They were photos of Apple as a child and only Apple. The girl had short, curly shoulder-length hair, just like her current hairstyle, it seemed she didn\'t really like experimenting with her hair.

On the other hand, Apple, realizing that Jayden\'s attention was on her childhood photos, immediately pushed the man away and stood in front of the refrigerator, blocking his view.

"It\'s very gentlemanly of you to tell a woman to sleep in the living room while you sleep in the room."

Jayden laughed when he heard the statement. "I never said I was a gentleman, beautiful," he replied. "I wouldn\'t mind even if you called me an asshole, because that\'s what I am."

"You are not sleeping in my room," Apple insisted, she was fuming because he annoyed her so much tonight.

It started with him yelling at her on the ship, then he almost strangled her to death and now he wanted to invade her room?

What kind of selfish and shameless man was he?


But, despite Apple\'s stubbornness to defend her room, she finally had to admit defeat and withdrew from the room when Jayden casually slept on her bed without wearing a shirt and left his upper body bare just like that.

"If you want to sleep, just sleep, there is no need to be afraid, I am too tired to do anything to you." Then he added. "You are not my type anyway, so you will be fine."

Of course, Apple wouldn\'t be coaxed into sleeping in the same bed with a topless guy like Jayden. She left the room after turning off the air conditioner and hiding the remote so he wouldn\'t be able to sleep comfortably in that hot room.

Apple wanted to see how long the Tordoff heir would survive in a room without air conditioning.

And sure enough, after a while, Jayden came out of her room and grumbled under his breath, trying to find the AC remote. But it couldn\'t be found anywhere, because Apple had it.

Apple also sensed that Jayden had approached her and stood looking at her, but since she was pretending to be asleep, Jayden couldn\'t do anything, because he didn\'t want to disturb her.

This was a plus, but still the girl refused to make the annoying Tordoff heir feel better after taking her room.

And after a while, Apple actually fell asleep not really caring about how Jayden would deal with the heat.

But, in the middle of the night, just two hours before sunrise, Apple woke up feeling thirsty. She then lazily went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water for herself.

But when she turned around and was about to drink it, Apple was surprised to find Jayden standing there, sitting on the island naked with sweat glistening in the dim kitchen light.

"What are you doing there?!" Apple\'s hiss stifled. This wasn\'t the first time Apple had seen a naked male body, but she had never seen a male body like Jayden\'s. He looked like someone who spent his time in the gym all day, although that was highly unlikely since he had a job that required his attention.

"Where\'s the AC remote?" Jayden asked in a furious tone. "I can\'t sleep at all," he grumbled.

Apple bit her lower lip to suppress a laugh. She wanted to say that it was his punishment for taking her room, but seeing Jayden\'s frowning and funny face made Apple answer him casually.

"Get out of my room and I will give you the AC remote," Apple replied.

Jayden frowned. What was the point of him getting that AC remote if he couldn\'t enjoy the air conditioning as it was in Apple\'s room?

"You know, I have a meeting this afternoon and I haven\'t slept at all," Jayden grumbled, then he ruffled his hair in annoyance. "This isn\'t funny at all."

"I think it\'s funny. I like it," Apple replied casually, but then she reached into her pajama pockets and handed the AC remote to Jayden. "Here. As a token of my gratitude for saving me by shooting the man in time." And also for daring to get on board, even though Apple knew it was a tough thing for Jayden to do, despite him trying to hide it.

But, of course, Apple didn\'t say her last sentence out loud.

Jayden immediately took the AC remote and grumbled something incoherently, then got off the island and was about to walk back to Apple\'s room.

But then, he stopped and turned around. He looked at Apple intently and spoke softly. "You should compress your neck, it looks like the bruises are starting to show," he said.

Apple, who was not used to Jayden\'s words sounding sincere, touched her neck a little awkwardly.

"I am sorry," he said in a tone full of regret. "I did not mean it."

Apple cleared her throat and replied. "Let\'s just say we are tied, you should compress your eyes too, because they are already starting to be swollen."


Read my new story: UTAMED: THE ALPHA.

Hope you will like it ^^

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