It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 543 THANKS, BABE

Chapter 543 THANKS, BABE

"How\'s Pyro?" Jayden asked as they drew near, his voice calm, even under these circumstances.

"My dad is fine, looks like a concussion, but alive." Apple said quietly when she felt Jayden\'s back against hers. "This is bad."

Yes, Jayden knew this was bad and he should have forced Apple to stay in the car or wait for help to arrive before the two of them got into the house and faced a situation like this.

The first experience of putting Apple in danger when there was a robbery in a cafe the other day was enough to prove that he hated putting Apple in situations like this.

"It could be worse," Jayden said when he saw two more men emerge from the darkness of this house, which made them five against two.

"Great," Apple said quietly, she also saw the additional two people who just joined the other two. "I hope you asked for help earlier." Apple had seen Jayden send a message to someone earlier.

"Yes, but it will take them some time to get to this place," Jayden explained.

Well, that\'s much better than nothing...

"At least we just need to survive until help arrives, right?" Apple said, trying to simplify the situation.

"You can kill them," Jayden said with a shrug. "No problem."

"Interesting offer," Apple muttered as she tightened her grip on the knife in her hand. It\'s going to be an interesting night…

And when one of the five men started attacking, Jayden rushed forward to retrieve the knife that the first man had dropped and kicked him, while Apple faced the man who had attacked her.

The man looked tall and burly, every muscle in his body made him look intimidating, but Apple was furious at seeing her father hurt, so she didn\'t have time to feel intimidated by this stupid man.

Apple moved quickly to dodge the man\'s attack and because her body was much smaller than his, she could easily do that.

But, while she was moving, she had wielded the knife in her hand to slash any part of the man\'s body she could reach.

Jayden had already said she could kill this man and that was probably what she would do, because she had no reason to let this man live after what he did to her father.

Blood soaked the floor and splattered the furniture and walls there. It\'s awful to look at, but Apple and Jayden don\'t have time to pay attention to any of that.

Especially Jayden who has to face four people at once and they are trained fighters.

Out of the corner of her eye, Apple could see Jayden shoving one man away from himself before facing another, while one man had fallen to the ground and winced in pain, but couldn\'t immediately get up and fight back.

Meanwhile, the fourth man sneaked behind Jayden\'s body and tried to stab him with the knife in his hand.

Seeing Jayden in danger, Apple then threw the knife in her hand, which then pierced right behind the man\'s head, sending him falling to the floor with fresh blood splattering the floor.

Jayden realized this, then smirked at Apple while saying loudly. "Thank you, babe." Then he refocused on the three men in front of him, whereupon the man who had fallen to the floor had risen again and started attacking him again.

"Anytime, babe," Apple replied instantly.

And after she threw the knife in her hand of course she had to find another weapon to protect herself.

Apple then moved toward her father\'s study while trying to avoid the attacks of the man in front of her. Apple remembered that his father kept a gun under his desk and she aimed for it, while the male assailant followed her into the study.

As soon as Apple was inside, she rushed to her father\'s desk and her heart started beating really fast. Then she felt like her heart stopped beating because the gun she was aiming for was not there, while the man closed the study door by kicking it, showing the gun Apple was looking for.

"You are looking for this little girl?" he asked, grinning, the wounds Apple had inflicted on him, didn\'t seem to bother him at all.

The man waved the gun in his hand. They didn\'t use this gun because the sound would attract attention from the neighbors in the vicinity, especially since Apple lives in a fairly congested neighborhood.

"Oh, thanks for finding it," Apple said lightly. "Can you give it to me, so I can blow your head?" Apple said in a sharp voice.

However, the man then threw away the gun in his hand and then moved closer to Apple very quickly and managed to pull her hair.

Apple tried to break free and kick the man, but instead he gripped her wrist very tightly. This man is very strong. Apple couldn\'t move once he got his hands on her.

And after that, this guy hit her, slapped her in the face until Apple felt her head wouldn\'t stop turning and she saw the stars.

Damn! That hurts like hell! She cursed under her breath.

The man then tried to approach Apple again, and she tried to crawl away, but her efforts were fruitless when the man stepped on her foot and Apple could hear the sound of her bones breaking.

She roared in pain and tried to move away, after the man lifted his big leg.


Apple was very upset that this man had managed to catch her like this, especially when she saw the man\'s triumphant gaze for hurting Apple.

Therefore, without thinking, Apple then reached for the drawer under the bookshelf, which she remembered was the place where her father kept his tools. After all this house was hers, and Apple knew very well where she could find weapons.

There, in the last drawer, she pulled a screwdriver out and plunged it quickly into the man\'s leg.

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