It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



  Apple never expected to see a scene like this. She thought things like this would only exist in a romantic novel or movie, but Jayden really did it for her.

  Not that her father never did good or gave the best for her, of course her father was a different case.

  But seeing someone\'s effort to make her happy and do all this for her, really left her at a loss for words.

  Was it because of the candles that were lit in the dim night, or maybe it was because of the flowers that were scattered around it which added to the romantic feel? Or maybe it was because of the beautiful music played by Jayden...

  Apple just found out that Jayden could play the piano.

  She didn\'t know which factor made her feel so happy, but she felt so loved right now. She felt she loved the man who was sitting behind the white piano and looking at her tenderly.

  Never before had Apple had this feeling. Even with Kyle, her ex.

  She felt like crying and laughing at the same time. She wanted to run to Jayden, but her legs were carrying her too slowly and she didn\'t have the strength to pump them faster than this. But then again, Apple knew she would eventually approach him.

  Apple couldn\'t take her eyes off Jayden. He was very handsome in a white t-shirt and jeans. Simple and casual clothes. He wasn\'t wearing a tuxedo or formal suit because Jayden remembered, Apple always looked at him in awe and said he looked handsome in simple clothes like this.

  Jayden looked a little more relaxed and seemed more homey when he wore a white t-shirt and jeans and Apple loved that impression.

  So Jayden threw away all his crazy ideas about the proposal and kept it simple but memorable, because that was what the girl wanted.

  Apple bit her lip to stop herself from smiling, because she was sure that if she didn\'t, she\'d be smiling from ear to ear by now, and Apple wasn\'t sure the expression on her face would be pleasant to look at…

  And when Apple finally got to Jayden and stood by his piano, the man played the last few notes of the song and ended it beautifully, before he gave all his attention to Apple.

  The last tune was soothing to Apple\'s ears, before he finally ended the solo piano playing and stood up to walk over to her.

  "You look beautiful tonight and the nights before and nights to come," Jayden said, he bent down and kissed Apple\'s cheeks and smoothed out the jacket she was wearing.

  "I know I\'m beautiful," said Apple with a big smile on her lips. "But it\'s really nice to hear that."

  Jayden chuckled when he heard this and then put on his own jacket slung over the side of his chair.

  "I\'ll say it as much as you want," Jayden said as he grabbed Apple\'s hand and led her away. "I\'ll show you something."

  "Hmm?" Apple raised an eyebrow. She thought this was the moment he would give the ring to her.

  But then, it seemed Apple didn\'t really care where she was going, because as long as she was with Jayden, then Apple wouldn\'t mind wherever he took her.

  Jayden then led Apple out of the greenhouse and took her to the lake in the backyard, where a small boat, only fit for three to four people, was moored by the lake, waiting for them to board.

  "I thought you were afraid of water," Apple said, reminding Jayden of his trauma.

  "I\'m not afraid of water," Jayden corrected her, pinching her cheek. "My trauma is related to the sea."

  "What about this?" asked Apple, pointing at the lake. "It has a lot of water too."

  "Of course it\'s different." Jayden then pulled the boat closer and helped Apple to get on it before he caught up.

  "You know how to row?" asked Apple again, a little worried when she got on the boat.

  "Of course," Jayden answered proudly. He then took the oars that were on his left and right and pushed the boat away from the shore, bringing them into the middle of the lake.

  Apple realized that in the middle of the lake there was actually a small stilt house. It was a simple lake house filled with only a table, where on the table was their dinner.

  "A romantic dinner?" asked Apple as they approached the little lake dwelling in the middle of the lake and she saw what was there.

  Jayden laughed. "Yeah, it seems so. I\'m sure you\'re hungry."

  "Hmm, I forgot that I was hungry when I heard you playing the piano," said Apple. "I just found out that you can play the piano."

  "Stick around and you\'ll find out more things you didn\'t expect from me," Jayden said, rolling his eyes, which made Apple laugh.

  After that, he brought their boat closer and immediately got down from there to moor the boat and help Apple down from there.

  On the table, there was already a bottle of wine and a delicious spread of dishes. This all felt like a dream and Apple really didn\'t expect Jayden to put such effort into it.

  "I\'m flattered by all the effort you put in for me," Apple said, as Jayden pulled out a chair for her to sit down.

  "Of course I\'ll only do it for you," Jayden said as he kissed her shoulder and walked to the only chair across from hers and sat there.

  Apple had been waiting for Jayden to take out the ring. She thought, after playing the piano, he would drop to his knees and propose, but he didn\'t.

  Maybe after the special dinner?

  Somehow Apple felt giddy, although she never imagined she would be proposed to in this way.

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