It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 743: WE NEED TO TALK

Chapter 743: WE NEED TO TALK

The intervention of the four men earlier turned out to be quite helpful for him as well. That was why, Misha too didn\'t say anything, because after that, Kia willingly let him take her home in his car.         

On the other hand, the reason Kia was willing to be driven home by Misha was because she was already too tired and wanted to go home soon, she could also sleep in this man\'s car on the way home and again this way, she didn\'t have to waste any time bickering with him at all.     

"Where is your house?" Misha asked. He wanted to break the silence between them by having small talk with Kia.     

Actually, Misha had waited more than four hours because Kia should have left work three hours ago, but it turned out that she extended her shift which made Misha have to wait longer in the cold night air.     

Misha chose not to enter the restaurant because he didn\'t want Kia to see him first which would have made the woman run away before she even saw himself. Therefore, he chose not to directly approach her.     

Meanwhile, when Kia heard what Misha asked, she snorted. "No need to act stupid," Kia said as she closed her eyes and leaned her body against the back of the car seat that felt very comfortable, her eyes felt very heavy now. "If you know where the daycare is, where I leave Mika and also where I work, you definitely know where I live too."     

Yes, logically, shouldn\'t he have known it already? Kia would be very confused if Misha didn\'t know about it.     

"You really are very observant," Misha said, then glanced at Kia, who had closed her eyes. "Are you sleeping?" he frowned.     

"Yeah, I\'m going to sleep, so don\'t be loud," Kia said half-mumbling. She felt very comfortable now and since Misha knew where she lived, she could sleep peacefully, couldn\'t she? "Wake me up when we reach our destination."     

"Isn\'t it rude to leave me driving alone while you sleep?" Misha was still trying to have a conversation with Kia, but the words that came out of his lips were quite harsh.     

Luckily, Kia was too sleepy to feel offended. Therefore, she didn\'t think much of her answer when she replied to Misha.     

"I only have four hours to sleep and now I\'m conserving energy," said Kia. She still had her eyes closed when she spoke.     

"But, I want to talk to you." If Richard were here, he would have sighed in frustration that Misha couldn\'t read the situation at all.     

All this time, Misha only let him be subjected to formal situations, where he had to constantly be professional. Most people would try to please him so that he did whatever he wanted.     

Therefore, Misha was not used to begging or asking others for help.     

"I want to sleep, if you want to talk to me then just drop me off here, I\'ll take the bus home, so I can sleep." This time Kia opened her eyes and looked at Misha fiercely, she was ready to get out of this car and was even about to unbuckle her seatbelt.     

However, Misha held her hand and stopped her movements.     

"Go to sleep, I\'ll wake you up when we get there," said Misha in a low voice. He then glanced at Kia, who was staring at him intently, then removed his hand, while she closed her eyes again and fell asleep.     

It didn\'t take long for Kia to fall asleep, because she couldn\'t stay awake anymore.     

Even her hatred for Misha couldn\'t beat this drowsiness of hers and in fact, she was comfortable enough to sleep in this man\'s car.     

"Are you really sleeping?" Misha muttered as the car stopped at a red light. He then turned around to look at Kia, who was now hugging her own body. She even snored softly in her sleep.     

Four years seemed to have completely changed Kia. She looked much fiercer and toughened.     

The woman he had known for just a week four years ago was a sweet and cheerful intern, she laughed a lot and always had a smile on her face.     

However, the woman sleeping beside him right now wasn\'t that kind of woman at all…     

Kia became more cynical while her words had turned sharper. She seemed alert and much calmer than the intern girl who worked for his company in the past.     

What exactly had she gone through for the past four years? And why did she run away from home?         

Wouldn\'t it be much better for her to stay home with her family while she was pregnant? Why did she have to take the much more difficult way out?     

Was she not going to say anything? She wouldn\'t say anything just like she did four years ago?     

Even now, Misha couldn\'t understand what was going on in Kia\'s mind and why she was doing what she was doing now.     


Kia opened her eyes because of the sound of her cell phone that kept ringing incessantly. She looked groggy as she just woke up and when she felt around her she finally felt something strange.     

Her body felt stiff and she could not move freely. When she tried to open her eyes, she had to wait a while for her eyes to adapt to the light around her.     

Where was she now?     

Kia was trying to understand where she was now, as it seemed her mind was still not working properly, but then she realized there was someone right beside her.     

"Are you awake?" Misha greeted her.     

For a few seconds, Kia frowned, because she didn\'t understand how Misha could be here, but then slowly, she remembered last night\'s events and when she looked around, it was clear to her what had happened.     

She was still in the car, with Misha\'s jacket slung over her, covering her to keep herself from getting cold.     

But why?!     

"Didn\'t I tell you to take me home?! Where did you bring me?!" Kia exclaimed angrily, she then threw the jacket in her arms at Misha angrily, which was immediately caught by him.     

"We are now in your apartment building, in the basement parking lot to be precise," Misha said in a slightly hoarse voice. From the dark bags of his eyes, it was clear that he had not slept all night.     

"What?" Kia then looked around and realized that what Misha said was true, she was in the basement parking space of her apartment building. "Why didn\'t you wake me up?!" cried Kia.     

She then looked at her appearance in the rearview mirror of the car and cursed. Her appearance was very messy.     

This was a face she didn\'t even want to show the person she hated. She shuddered because her face looked terrible, from lack of sleep and exhaustion.     

The make up on Kia\'s face had been smudged and this made her look even more terrible, especially with the bags under her eyes that seemed to show how sleep deprived she was.     

"You slept so soundly, I couldn\'t wake you up, but if I carried you, there\'s a chance you\'ll wake up and if your roommate sees me, she may misunderstand," said Misha.     

On any other occasion, Kia might have realized how much Misha could be so considerate about a possible misunderstanding, but for now, she was very upset about having to sleep all night in the car.     

"You could have woken me up," Kia said demandingly. It was only now that she could feel her body aching so much from not sleeping on her mattress.     

It seemed, she didn\'t feel any better after sleeping at all, even now, she felt much worse, from sleeping in one position for a long time.     

"I didn\'t want to wake you," Misha said, repeating his explanation.     

However, Kia didn\'t have time to argue with him, because she had to pick up the phone that had been ringing since earlier, it was certain that it was Keira. She and Mika must have been surprised that she didn\'t come home all night.     

And sure enough, when Kia picked up the call, the first sound she could hear was Mika\'s cries.         

And because the basement was very quiet and the crying was quite loud, Misha could hear it too.     

This made him uncomfortable.     

"Yes, mommy is fine, sorry for making you so worried," Kia said to persuade Mika to stop crying. "Mommy has arrived at the apartment, in five minutes Mommy will be upstairs, okay?"     

Kia then said a few more things to calm Mika, while releasing herself from the seatbelt that was still wrapped around her body.     

Ugh, at least Misha could have taken this seatbelt off, right? No wonder she felt suffocated when she slept earlier.     

Then, Kia took her bag and opened the car door, when she was already outside she put away her cell phone so no one could hear what she said to Misha.     

"Thanks for the ride."     

That was all Kia said and that was all Misha got after waiting for four hours outside the restaurant where Kia worked and after staying up all night, waiting for Kia to wake up. He just got a \'thank you for the ride\'. Just that.     

However, Misha couldn\'t do anything, because he could only watch as Kia walked away, entering the building and Mika\'s cries still ringing in his ears again.     


"I think I have to take her to the doctor," Kia muttered. When she hugged Mika, she her body was hot. She got too emotional earlier and had cried for over two hours now, because she didn\'t find Kia beside her when she woke up in the morning.     

Mika had been like this since she was a baby, she was very sensitive to her surroundings and got sick easily.      

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