It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 783: ANTHONY

Chapter 783: ANTHONY

This was the first time Mika asked to speak to Misha, so the man looked shocked and a little nervous when Kia gave him her cell phone so he could talk.         

"Yes, my dear," Misha said very softly, sounding more gentle than usual. "What do you want? Do you want a teddy bear as big as your mother to sleep with you?" asked Misha coaxing Mika so she could allow Kia to be here a little longer.     

Only, the little girl pursed her lips cutely, she frowned as she stared at Misha with distaste.     

"I want my mommy, I don\'t want teddy bears! Give me back my mommy!" Mika started sobbing and this left Misha shocked and panicking a bit because he didn\'t know what to do.     

Well, he had read so many books on parenting and whatnot, but still, theory and practice were completely different and no matter how much he read, he was still confused about this kind of situation.     

Seeing Misha\'s panicked face and wrinkled forehead, indicating that he was in deep trouble, Kia finally took pity on him and put the call on speaker, so she could also hear what their little daughter was saying.     

"I want my mommy, give my mommy back!" Mika was crying uncontrollably, while in the background, they could hear Keira\'s voice trying to calm her down, but the little girl was having none of it. "You are evil! Why did you take my mommy away?"     

"But, I told you that Mommy was going to the party and you agreed, remember?" Misha tried to remind Mika.     

And coldly and directly, Mika answered that. "No! I do not remember!" Mika sounded very annoyed between her sobs and this made Kia want to laugh at Misha\'s facial expression.     

It was certain that this was the first time for Misha to be scolded like this, especially by a three year old child.     

"Kia…" Misha whispered. He frowned so hard, the look in his eyes hinted that he was asking for her immediate assistance.     

Misha had heard of himself being abused and cursed at, but he didn\'t take it to heart at all. He really didn\'t care about all the bad names they put behind his name.     

It was just that, when Mika said that he was evil, he felt that someone had just stabbed him in the heart and this made him flinch.     

Ugh! This little girl sure knew how to torture someone, her tongue was really sharp…     

Seeing that Misha was having a hard time, Kia let the situation drag a little longer while the man really looked miserable, only when Mika\'s crying didn\'t stop for a long moment, she took over the phone and comforted her little girl.     

It took a long time for Kia to calm Mika down, because she wanted her mother to accompany her until she fell asleep and hum a song that Kia usually sang for Mika.     

However, when Kia finally managed to put Mika to sleep through the video call and thanked Keira before ending the call, it turned out that not only Mika was asleep, but Misha was also nodding his head drowsily.     

"Really... why are you falling asleep too?" Kia muttered, she watched Misha more closely, trying to see if he was just pretending or not, but it turned out that the man was actually sleeping soundly enough, that when Kia draped a blanket on his body, he didn\'t wake up at all.     

This of course made Kia shake her head in disbelief, but then she said goodnight to Misha and got into bed to sleep.     

Kia couldn\'t bear to wake Misha to change rooms because this was not according to the agreement, but then when she saw the man\'s sleeping face, she couldn\'t bear it and allowed it.     

It was just that, before she went to sleep, Kia was very sure that she occupied the bed alone and no one would sleep there. But, it was a different story when she woke up in the morning, because at that time she found herself in the arms of Misha. The man had moved onto the mattress and was sleeping beside her, hugging her like a pillow.     


This morning Mika was calmer, she did ask to call Kia, but she didn\'t pick up. Maybe because it was too early and the two of them slept late. She didn\'t know what the two of them were doing so late at night...     

And when Keira was preparing snacks for Mika after breakfast, she heard the sound of the doorbell ringing.     

For a second, Keira thought it was her fiancé, Ben, but they didn\'t agree to meet this morning and anyway, Ben was out of town on business right now and when she looked through the peephole in the door, there was a strange man she had never seen before.     

Feeling unfamiliar with this man, Keira put on the safety chain before she opened the door.         

"Anything I can help with?" Keira asked the man through the slightly opened door.     

The man smiled kindly and started asking questions. "Is this Kiandra\'s house?" he asked in a polite voice. "I am Anthony, Kiandra\'s uncle from her mother\'s side."     

Keira frowned in amazement, she didn\'t expect that a member from Kia\'s family would be looking for her after so many years. The more astonishing part was, it was not her parents or her siblings, but her uncle?     

"Can I come in and meet my niece?" Anthony asked politely, he could understand Keira\'s surprise and didn\'t force it.     

"But, Kia isn\'t home, she\'s away," Keira answered carefully, she didn\'t know how to face this person.     

However, before the conversation could continue, Mika was already running toward her because she had been at the door for too long and thought that it was her mother who had come home.     

"Mommy?" called Mika in her childish voice.     

Of course, Anthony could hear the sound and his eyes immediately lit up with joy. "Is that Kia\'s child?"     

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