Fantasy Assassin in a modern world

Chapter 168 - 168 Training

“Before I can teach you any techniques we need to improve your basic physical abilities. As you are now, your reliance on mana and inner energy limits you. I need to train you from the ground up.”

Even though Michael has trained his body every day with a normal exercise routine he hasn’t done so without unconsciously using his inner energy. Now that his spiritual energy was blocked running up and down the shrine stairs was harder than he expected. After running up and down a few more times his legs felt like they were metal weights that were dragging him down. Still, Michael needed to continue since Loki told him that the only time he can stop running was when he was told to stop.

Loki was even running up and down with him, but his pace was greater in addition he was wearing weights. Seeing Loki doing the same thing as him but with even harder restrictions, not only was Loki training him Loki was training alongside him, knowing this Michael felt his blood pumping. The two kept running for three hours straight, and Loki’s pace did not change nor did he sweat as much. On the other hand, Michael’s pace at the end was him barely walking, after he was done he panted heavily on the grounds of the shrine. Loki tossed a towel at Michael who could not move.

“That was a good warm-up, after a ten-minute break will do striking training.”

Michael who was panting heavily on the ground had his eyebrows scrunched up, but after a while, a firm gaze reappeared on his face.


After the ten-minute break was up Loki brought Michael to the back of the shrine were a massive tree stood tall. It was a majestic sight to behold as the sun shone brilliantly on the area while the leaves of the tree fell dancing with the wind, the same wind that gently brushes Michael’s face as he looked at the massive tree with awe in his eyes.

“Alright now I want you to copy my movements and strike the tree.”


Loki got into a basic fighting stance, his left leg slightly bent forward his right leg as support was at the back, his right hand in a fist at his waist, and his left hand open palmed was stretched forward. Loki then twisted his waist and with that momentum, his right hand with a twist of the wrist and forearm punched forward. The open-palmed left hand was then placed by the waist and was also punched forward with a similar motion.

“I want you to strike the tree with the same striking motion repeatedly. Did you get that or do you want me to repeat it?”

“No need, I understood how to do it.” Michael got into a similar stance and started punching the tree.

“I want you to focus on your form every time you punch, no need to hurry, no need for excessive power or speed, just focus on your form as you strike.”


While Michael was punching the tree Loki started doing handstand push-ups to strengthen his shoulders, lats, traps, pecs, and triceps. Loki who was doing this had no top on showing off his well-trained body. Loki’s current body could no longer be compared to the time when he first arrived and occupied former Loki’s body.

The current Loki had a body that look to be molded from iron, it was a lean well trained body that wasn’t bulky like bodybuilders, but the amount of muscle mass was similar. Loki had trained his original weak body into something that was able to handle the vicious battles he expects to face.

Since Loki didn’t know how strong the ceiling of power in this new world was, he continued to train with the expectation that the top of this world was as powerful or even more so than those in his old world.


Michael who was concentrating on his form as he punched the giant tree was in a state of deep immersion and didn’t even notice that his knuckles were already bleeding. Michael who was so focused on punching the tree hasn’t noticed that each strike he made was becoming stronger and sharper, he simply continued punching. Michael who was so engrossed in what he was doing woke up because of Loki who suddenly stopped him from punching.

“Didn’t you hear me? I said stop already.”

Michael who was forcefully stopped by Loki looked around in a daze it was then he noticed that his fist was bleeding.

“Huh, what happened?”

“You were so engrossed in your task that you didn’t even notice the damage you were accumulating. Well, I guess training in such a way can be a good thing, but if I wasn’t here you might have continued until you could no longer feel your hands.”

Loki cleaned the blood off Michael’s hands then he got a bottle of water from his bag and poured it on Michael’s hands.

“Alright, I’ll give you time to rest afterward I will teach you how to improve your mana circulation.”


It was already evening when Loki and Michael finished training. The two trained side by side and Loki whose training was even harsher than Michael looked relaxed, on the other hand, it was Michael who was sweating profusely as well as having a lot of bruises even his hands tightly wrapped with some bandages.

“Your determination to become stronger is commendable. I hope you continue your training like this, when I think you are ready for the next phase of the training I will tell you.”

“Wait, aren’t you going to continue to supervise me?”

“Michael, I can’t possibly supervise you every day I do have a job and also I have other things I need to do.”

When Michael heard what Loki said he became silent and was deep in thought. Seeing him like this Loki sighed as he was about to say something Michael interrupted him and spoke first.

“Sir Loki, I decided I want to create a club. So can you please be its advisor?”


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