So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 198: Secret Meeting (2)

Chapter 198: Secret Meeting (2)

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Li Peiyun’s expression turned grim. “Nonsense, you want to teach me the history of my own country?”

“The ancient geisha culture of our country is adopted from Chinese brothels,” said Aoki Yui.

Li Peiyun sneered continually. “You say it so brazenly. I hate this thing about the Japanese most. Learning our culture and scolding us at the same time. Typical inferiority complex.”

“So, you’re an angry young man,” Aoki Yui said.

“Yes,” Li Peiyun admitted openly. “Since young, my grandmaster told me that the Japanese deserve death not less than 10,000 times. If you grew up in that family environment, you would be the same as me. If you want to deal with me, let’s be honest with each other.”

“Of course we should,” said Aoki Yui with a smile. “My family used to operate a brothel as well. The most famous brothel in Japan belongs to my family.”

It turned out that their ancestors were engaged in vice-related business. No wonder they bewitched so many people.

“In 1944, the Japanese army captured Changsha and occupied it for a short time, but it was fiercely resisted by the village guerrilla squads in the countryside. Demonic Priest once formed guerrillas in the countryside on the edge of Hunan and continued World War II. My grandmaster was a member of the guerrillas. At that time, he was only 12 years old, but he had very good qualifications. Although he and the Demonic Priest were not teacher and disciple, they had a bond that was similar to one. The village was slaughtered after you caught the Demonic Priest.”

“The village is still there, but all the people at that time have been killed, so the villagers could not find the original site of the guerrillas. They were a result of people migrating and settling there.”

“My grandmaster can be said to be the only direct disciple of the Demonic Priest. He knows everything about Demonic Priest, including the Great Deities Palace.”

“I have said what should be said. If you want to know what shouldn’t be said, let me see your family’s sincerity first.”

Aoki Yui was silent, as Li Peiyun drank himself patiently.

“Your conditions are too risky. If we don’t handle this properly, we will be deported by Baoze. At that time, even if you get the key to the Great Deities Palace, it won’t help.” Aoki Yui shook her head slowly.

“You should be satisfied. Fifty years ago, Buddha Head owed my grandmaster a favor. Grandmaster asked me to find him. However, this old bald head was so dignified that he refused to help me. That’s why I have to collude with you. If Grandmaster knows about it, he will skin me alive.”

“We can give the thing to you and tell the rest that it was stolen. The Aoki family won’t show up.”

“Scram!” Li Peiyun said, “If you don’t show up, what use is it giving the thing to me?”

“You can request something else as compensation, such as me,” said Aoki Yui as she used her finger to lift Li Peiyun’s chin.

Li Peiyun said gloomily, “I don’t eat human flesh. Why would I want you?”

“You’re a man, didn’t your heart move?” said Aoki Yui.

Li Peiyun sneered. “No.”

Aoki Yui sat back to her original position, slightly discouraged.

Li Peiyun said, “What I have cultivated is the purity skill of Taoism and the Demonic Priest’s Tri-Elements sword. I pay more attention to the cultivation of perseverance and willpower. If you can make my manhood move with your charm, your technique will be groundbreaking.”

Aoki Yui replied, “I can’t give you an accurate reply now. I need to ask my family for instructions.”

“You are the most outstanding member of the younger generation of the Aoki family, yet you have no right to speak?”

“I’m just a little girl. I have no decision-making power. Besides, this kind of thing is not arbitrary. We need the leader of the family to hold a meeting, and the family heads will decide together.”

“I want to know what is the relationship between the Aoki family and the Demonic Priest.” Li Peiyun said, “My grandmaster always said that the Demonic Priest was wronged and would not commit treason. But, I checked his information. It is 100% true that he helped you Japanese, especially to destroy a huge demon descendant family. Their influence is equivalent to the presence of the Chinese government in the demon descendants’ community. It’s a pity that Japan was incompetent. It didn’t take long to announce its surrender. Therefore, he was dealt with by the Taoist and Buddhist Association.”

“No comment, I don’t want to say more about the Demonic Priest. After World War II, the Demonic Priest became a taboo of our family,” Aoki Yui said, “But I like the way we are talking now. I say something secret, you say something secret. We can drink all the way till night.”

“Have you heard of Tamamo no Mae?”

Li Peiyun shook his head.

“She was the legendary Nine-Tailed Fox Demon. At the end of the era of peace, the legendary fox demon turned into a gorgeous beauty, bewitching the emperor and making him bedridden. The ministers invited Abe Shinoya to carry out tarot card readings in secret. Abe Shinoya was the grandson of Abe Harakira, a famous yin-yang teacher in history. His sorcery was superb. He divined that Tamamo no Mae was a disguised fox demon.”

“In order to eliminate the fox demon, the emperor sent hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of eminent monks, mages and yin-yang teachers to surround Tamamo no Mae before killing her. The yin-yang teachers found an ancient book in her body. It was recorded in the book that Tamamo no Mae crossed from China to Japan to confuse the emperor, so that the emperor could find a treasure for her.”

“What treasure?” asked Li Peiyun.

“I’m not sure. Some people say it was a sword known as Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. Some say it’s Yata no Kagami. In a nutshell, she came with a purpose. As for the reason, the ancient books mentioned the Great Deities Palace.”

It was the Pantheon again.

Li Peiyun frowned. “Go ahead.”

“Tamamo no Mae said that the origin of her race fell in the Great Deities Palace. The master of the Great Deities Palace suppressed it, destroyed it. He destroyed its soul and body with thunder, fire and great power from all over the world. However, it was still immortal, its flesh and blood were calling. One day, it will return to the world.” The tone of Aoki Yui was pious and solemn, as if she was reading the Bible.

Li Peiyun was bamboozled.

“What kind of place is the Great Deities Palace?”

“The Demonic Priest may know, but he is dead. Li Wuxiang may know, but he is also dead. The Great Deities Palace is a cursed place, and those who enter it will not end up well,” said Aoki Yui.

Li Peiyun calmed his mood and frowned, “The origin of your race refers to the ancient demons? The master of the Great Deities Palace can kill an ancient demon like that? He must be an ancient demon as well. However, what does this have to do with the Aoki family?”

“The Aoki family is the descendant of Tamamo no Mae.”

“Charm is a natural skill of every member of the Aoki family. This talent is most remarkable, especially for women. In history, there have been many women who have bewitched the masses. However, they still had huge flaws. People with firm willpower could suppress their charm to the minimum, or even ignore it. The most powerful source of the talent of charm was in the Great Deities Palace. As long as we can find the thing left behind by the origin of our race, the Aoki family will produce a Gokudo Path expert.”

“At the end of World War II, in order to salvage the war, we have been looking for the Great Deities Palace, and it is within reach now...”

“Interesting,” Li Peiyun said with a smile. “This reminds me of the Li family’s Unparalleled War Spirit. After the Opium War, the Qing Dynasty no longer had the confidence and strength of a big country. It was pummelled by foreigners and their legs became weak whenever they heard of foreigners. In order to save their dignity and support the national backbone, they frantically looked for the Great Deities Palace. They wanted to gain the mystical power of the Great Deities Palace and use it to resist the western cannons and muskets. As a result, the Great Deities Palace was not found, but the Unparalleled War Spirit was created.”

“Unparalleled War Spirit is very terrifying. At her peak, she even broke free of the Gokudo Path. If it wasn’t for the uncontrollable fate of the Qing Dynasty, history might have been rewritten.”

“How do you know?”

“I don’t know, but the Sakurai family knows.”

“We got some information from the Sakurai family,” she said. “During the first World War, the Sakurai family was one of the largest families in the demon descendants’ community in Japan. There were many experts and their resources were rich. Our family back then was just a small family. After the Battle of the Yalu River, the Qing Dynasty was a piece of fat and oily meat in the eyes of the whole world. Everyone wanted to take a bite. However, the Qing Dynasty was unable to resist at all, so it was up to the other powers to take whatever they wanted.”

“However, in that war, the Sakurai family was almost annihilated. Japan won in the battlefield, but the Sakurai family had declined. You need to know that if the demon descendants of the eight countries united, they would be an invincible force in the world at that time.”

Li Peiyun was silent as he thought of the girl who had been nailed to the stone by himself.

“It’s interesting. Why did the Qing Dynasty seal the Unparalleled War Spirit later on?” After a long silence, he asked.

“The Sakurai family treats Unparalleled War Spirit as a taboo, just like how our family treats the Demonic Priest. I only know that the Qing Dynasty couldn’t control Unparalleled War Spirit. We inferred something from it. I’ll tell you...”

“Your demon descendants’ evaluation of her was ‘Famous till today, Unparalleled War Spirit’. The so-called ‘Famous till today’ was to look at the history. No one had ever made such a thing. It can be seen that the Qing Dynasty did not have much knowledge of Unparalleled War Spirit. They hoped to change the fate of the country with her, at least to create a breathing opportunity for the country. It’s a bit similar to Zheng Chenggong and his son’s navy defeating the world’s strongest navy, the Dutch fleet, resulting in the West not daring to invade China’s waters for 200 years.”

“But the unknown means uncertainty. Unparalleled War Spirit is not something that human beings can control. If she went out of control, who would be the worst off? It’s not the western powers. They’re invaders. It’s not a big deal. They would vacate Chinese territory. The entire China will suffer. Anyway, given the character of your government back then, if they couldn’t beat the Japanese, they should have just conceded defeat and handed over everything. It’s not as if they haven’t done that before.”

“I see. No wonder the demon descendants’ community is so afraid of the Unparalleled War Spirit. Li Xianyu’s life is very good. He has a big backer.” Li Peiyun bit his teeth in secret.

He was also a Gokudo Path inheritor. He did not have any family love. He had to depend on himself for everything. Li Xianyu was also a Gokudo Path inheritor. He was accompanied by a beautiful great-grandmother. If he ran into any trouble, Great-Grandma would settle it for him. It’s okay... Well, it’s okay.

He had endured for so many years, and finally made himself a great success. However, he was defeated twice by Li Xianyu. He had also lost inexplicably. If Li Xianyu stepped into the Gokudo Path in the future, the Li family would have two people in the Gokudo Path. Then, if he were to find Li Xianyu for revenge, he would be killed in minutes.

Recently, Li Xianyu had kept a low profile. After all, he was just a small fish, unlike himself who was an out-and-out S-level master. He was not afraid to go anywhere.

Li Peiyun and Aoki Yui’s glasses made contact as he drank all the wine in his cup. “It’s my turn. I’ll tell you a little secret. It’s related to the Great Deities Palace, the Li family and the Demonic Priest.”

“What’s the secret?” Aoki Yui’s eyes widened as she probed curiously.

Li Peiyun looked down slightly and avoided the innocent and amorous feelings that she had inadvertently revealed again.

In his heart, he cursed, Fuck. The charm of this woman is too unfriendly to men.

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