The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 31

“Don’t kid with me, boy. A weakling such as you doesn’t have the right to look down on me.”

“How interesting, I was the one who slew your so-called top assassins, do you wish for us to partake in a little dance?”

“You’ve been eager for a fight since you’ve entered this garrison, so how shall we fix this quandary?”

“Tis very simple,” *Death Element, activate; Unleash Aura.* A powerful gust exploded out of Staxius, within his right palm he played with a shadowy fireball which burned in a white and black flame. Eyes firmly stuck onto this leader’s face, he stood. The power he slowly let out increased in strength little by little.

“Ma’am, is everything alright?” A group of fully armed swordsmen stormed the medium-sized tent. Before them he stood, strength increasing by the minute. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, ATTAC…”

“Halt at once!” The leader shouted, hearing her voice risen to such a high tone, everyone was stunned. “But ma’am…” The man who seemed in charge of that little platoon spoke out. “I believe I’ve read your intentions, everyone please set out and don’t let anyone any closer.” Her voice went from strong and mighty to helpless and shy.

“I will not falter in front of this man who dares to defile my lady, I shall dispose of him.” Persistent, he unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Staxius who hadn’t budged. Tip close to the back of his head, the man who seemly held the advantage spoke, “Heed my call defiler, I challenge you to a duel.” Throwing his sword in front of Staxius, he officially issued the duel.


“What a shame, and here I thought we were going to converse as civilized humans as opposed to the trash you call your subordinates. Very well, if tis a duel you want,” He turned around, “It’s a duel you’ll get,” he leaned and whispered.

*Gulp,* The anger in his seemingly soft tone shook the foolish challenger to his core. “Hear me, members of Thunderstain, if you wish to protect your leader’s virtue then I’ll dare every one of you to come at me with all your might,” He smirked and left the tent.

“Isac,” she sighed as she shook her head in disappointment.

“W-what is it, ma’am,” Cheek all flushed he replied.

“YOU FOOL,” she shouted, “That man whom you just challenge has no remorse nor pity for killing man such as you, I’d even go so far to say that he enjoys it.”

“But ma’am, he threatened your integrity,” Adamant, he stood. “That’s not the issue at hand,” She sighed even more. “What is done cannot be undone, with this emblem guiding our path, we shan’t fall now,” Holding up the crest that sparkled as the wind blew in alongside the light from the outside.

“Everyone, get ready for battle, this will not be a one on one but a full-on war against that brat who dared think so perversely about me.” She kept a strong appearance.

Meanwhile, outside, everyone felt the tension coming from the tent. When Staxius stepped out, the remaining members were fully on guard, without provocation they remained dormant like wolves.

“Psst, egh Undrar?” Staxius called out telepathically.

“Yes, what is it?”

“The thing is, I might have unwillingly started a war with Thunderstain.”

“YOU DID WHAT? Where are you this instant?”

“No need to worry about my safety, just tell Fenrir to get ready, I’ll be calling on her soon.”

“Only Fenrir, what about the silver guardians?

“Oh, leave them be, I don’t want to trouble those girls anymore, also keep an eye on Millicent, she’s important.”

“Give me a moment, I’ll call on her,”

“Hold up, how’s Eira?”

“How the heck can you worry so much about this babe, it’s not even been twelve hours yet. She sleeping at the moment.”

“Good, thanks for being awesome, love you, little sis,” He chuckled.

“Screw you too, big bro.”

Sat on a double bed, Undrar shared a room with Adelana. The new place they checked in was neither to expensive nor cheap, the perfect balance. The room was well lit, the furniture was old yet seemed brand new, the staff here really took care of everything. Using her small feet, Undrar scurried out of the spacious room. *Knock, knock,* “Fenrir, it’s me, Viola.”

“Hold on a moment,” Right next to the room where Eira slept, Fenrir and Millicent shared another

room. Footsteps grew louder and closer, without losing a beat, the door flung open. “What is it, Viola?” Fenrir was supercharged with energy thanks to a hot bath. Signaling her to come closer, Undrar whispered, “Brother has told you to get ready for battle, he’ll be calling on you soon.” Hidden, Alyson overheard everything. Instantly after the message was delivered, she vanished. Clueless, Undrar headed back.

“Adelana,” Almost like a snap of the fingers, Alyson whispered. Taken by surprise, Adelana jumped with a spell ready to cast. “Oh, it’s only you,” A sigh of relief followed.

“You should not drop your guard like that,” Alyson replied.

“What is the matter?” She stood naked inside Ancret and Annet’s room. “Master is going to battle,”

Alyson’s expression remained solid as a rock. “He’s doing what?” Worried, without losing any time, she got on some clothes and called an emergency meeting.

“I’ve received news that our master is going to battle, however, we haven’t been called. Thus, my

assumption that he doesn’t want us to be involved. Despite that, we must honor our vow to protect him, Alyson and Ancret. I want you two to go watch over him, now scram.” Like shadows, they all vanished.

Back at the camp, the wind who frequently blew got serious. The temperature dropped considerably; the gust picked up in intensity. Above, the clouds covered the sun as if to prevent it from seeing the massacre that was looming. The forest seemed to cry, leaves rattling, dust getting picked up from the ground where he stood, the duel was ready. *Crack…crack…crack,* Staxius menacingly cracked his knuckles slowly. He made sure everyone saw him doing it.

“Lady Thunderstain, do you really wish to partake in this childish battle you call an honorable duel?”

He spoke, breaking the long silence.

“I’m only following the advice you gave me and my men,” She smirked. Her armor was black and red, shield with her precious emblem and a short sword with a rounded handle, it looked more like a magical staff that sword.

“I see, this duel has turned into a siege, then let me up the stakes. This battle will be a fight to the death, if at any point you wish to leave, then out of mercy, I’ll allow it. However, I’m also putting up this,” Held up, the dragon insignia, majestic and pretty. “I’ll fight with my dragon crest up for grabs, I’ll suggest that you do the same. I mean, there isn’t a hope in hell for me to win this, up against such a considerable army, I’m but a mere fly.”

“Ma’am,” Isac whispered, “I’ll advise you to not fall into his game. Nonetheless, I’ve sent scouts ahead, there are no worries about reinforcements, so take up swords and accept his conditions, we have to risk it, attaining that crest is vital.”

“I accept your request, in case you win, then I, Rose Edelina shall comply and hand over my crest.”

“EXCELLENT, I’m pleased to hear such soothing words, now then, shall we start?”

Covered behind a line of men forming an arrow, and boxed in by the rest, Staxius stood, trapped like a rodent. “CHARGE,”

*Death element, activate, UNLEASH AURA,* A violent black mist shot out of him, his eyes began burning with a fierce flame. Everyone felt his power, for a second, all the warriors halted. “DON’T FALTER MEN, HE’S BUT A COWARD,” Rose screamed from behind. Encouraged by their leader, everyone pounced.

“Should I kill them all instantly with Tactus Interitus or no…” Decisions, decisions. He thought while dodging every attack effortlessly. “It’s not that I don’t like them, Thunderstain seems like a good ally to have at the ready. Sadly, we are beyond the point of no return, I’ve schemed everything since we entered Dundee. The merchant, willingly getting abducted, now what, my plan was to kill and rob them. Up close, they seem reasonable. If only my emotions weren’t in the way, I’d have killed them in a heartbeat.”

“FUCK IT,” he screamed, *FENRIR COME FORTH,* annoyed from all the pointless dodging, the bloodlust got the better of him. Emerging from an icy white portal, Fenrir, in her giant and menacing wolf form. Confused, they all fell back. “Rose, do you still wish to fight me?” Staxius vanished from the battlefield and was now behind their leader. Hearing him behind her, she screamed like a little girl. “LADY ROSE,” Isac shouted, “MEN CHARGE THAT WOLF,” he ordered. Furious, everyone obeyed, “Rose,” he whispered even softer, “Look in front, this battle is pointless, I’m fighting my urge to slay every single one of them. Not Fenrir though, if your men so much as touch her, then this field will be covered with the blood of your warriors.”

“LADY, DON’T GIVE IN, STAND STRONG FOR US,” Isac screamed as he ran back.

“I’ll give you five seconds,” Under pressure, humans cracked faster than stepping on an egg.

“FOUR,” his scream added the overall load. Rose was confused, scared and clueless, all she wanted was to save her comrades. “THREE,” Isac’s voice became the only thread which kept her strong. “TWO,” Tears began to roll down her cheeks, “LADY ROSE, I LOVE YOU,” He confessed. Her eyes glimmered with hope and happiness; dark arts was activated the moment Staxius walked in. Everyone’s emotions were read like a book, “ONE,” he understood clearly that the reason Isac became her strength was because of her love for him, unknown yet present, “I GI…” Staxius heard her surrender but chose to ignore it. *Slash,* Neck sliced like a hot knife going through butter, “FENRIR, KILL THEM ALL,” he shouted. *AHOO,* Swing after swing, like waves crashing against rocks, her men fell like pebbles. Death and death, blood pouring like a flooded waterfall. He promised, and he delivered. Out of respect for her former lover, Staxius caught his body instead of letting it fall down.

Catching the short and weak body of Isac who still breathed, Staxius delivered him into her hand. “I told you, this fight is a meaningless one, a duel you dared issued against me, tis is the world we live in right now. You’ve seen how ruthless I can be, now imagine this but ten times worse, that is the state of things in Dorchester, my birthplace. Honestly, I don’t care for your feelings, now I’ll take that crest.” In a single motion, he took the necklace and walked towards the beast whose snow and blue glorious fur turned bloody red. “Good job,” He petted and caressed her ears.

Once again he stood in the middle of corpses, nothing really changes does it. In front, Rose held Isac tightly. This was probably the last time they ever met, awake thanks to adrenaline, Isac caressed Rose’s moist cheeks. She cried, tears fell lazily onto his face. Each drop resounded, he felt all her pain and suffering. “D-don’t cry, t-this is m-my *cough, cough,* fault.” Using his bloodied hand, he tried wiping away Rose’s tears but failed as his body refused to obey. His strength faded, caressing her cheeks made him feel at ease. “Isac… don’t leave…” She whispered. Gathering all his remaining will power, he spoke for the last time, “Please don’t cry about this loss my lady, this duel was fought and won by that man who stands beside a god. I wish I could have remained by you for eternity however, I’m at peace. My unrequited love was finally returned, at last, my death isn’t such a bad thing, my lady Rose, I love you.” Like cutting off a thread, his body fell, for a man of his size, he was heavy. Sadness and anger filled Rose’s body. In a fit of rage or a quest for vengeance, she rushed Staxius. The sound of something piercing a fleshy body was heard, muffled, Staxius spoke, “Wow, *cough,*” blood sprayed onto her face, “You’ve stabbed me,” Surprised, the confused Rose fell backward. “Why didn’t you dodge?”

“What’s the point, I’ve killed or rather slaughtered your family. Isac was a good man,” Nonchalantly, he removed the sword, blood gushed out. “You see, I can’t be killed that easily, I hope this opened your eyes,”

*Snap,* Staxius smirked under the cover of the cloud who began crying. “What a day,” He laughed.

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