The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 35

*Haaah,* After a big exhale, he spoke, “Adelana, Ayleth, Ancret, Alyson and Annet, I think I owe you an apology for lashing out,” Head bowed, everyone could not but rush and hug him.

“I’m sorry as well,” Adelana spoke, everyone cried. “Hook, line and sinker.” Staxius’ attention changed from the heartwarming hug to Millicent wailing inside; she held up the radio. “This must be urgent,” He went inside while carefully pushing aside the girls who loved him as a caring master.

A week had passed since Parcyvell and the princess struck a deal. Hidden in the shadows, always scheming; away from the wittiest strategist. Princess Gallienne and Parcyvell worked together perfectly, their line of thinking was so alike you’d think they were twins.

“Greeting princess, I’m sorry to bug you this hour, I’ve but a question to ask.” Parcyvell used the blood of freshly picked villages from the surrounding; he cast the Bloody Mary spell – a spell which allows two people to converse freely at the expense of someone else’s lifeforce. The whole ritual involved tasks only a mad person would undertake; it involved hours of torture, infusing your own mana into the victim, calling upon a spirit. To surmise, it’s a spell not often used due to the prep work. Nevertheless, the ability to speak instantaneously with the other person makes it worth it.

“Greetings to you as well, Duke Parcyvell. To what do I owe this honor?”

“I gravely apologize if you were busy, sadly, the nobles here in Dorchester are oozing with anticipation for the fight against Kreston. Everyone has revenge set on their mind. If you delay any longer, our plan then may entail consequences we haven’t even envisioned.”

“You worry so much. Today is the day your dream comes to reality, my dear duke.”


*Crack,* “YOU WORTHLESS SON OF A …” Parcyvell screamed as soon as the Bloody Mary spell vanished. The mirror through which the communication was made possible, broke. It meant that the poor fellow supplying for life-force had sadly passed away. Frustrated, the Duke unleashed his anger onto the still warm lifeless body, rips, and cuts, and dismembered arms and legs as if uprooting flowers. He was covered with blood, “Gareth, please bring me a towel.” He shouted as if it would make any difference.

*Creeek,* The door through which laid the torture chamber sloppily opened; inside intricate and innovating but usually confusing devices were spotted. “In the name of God; how do you even stand this stench,” Gareth asked, using his left hand to cover his nose, and using the other to hand out the snow-white towel. “Now, now, this foul stench as you say is my most prized collection,” The dimly lit room finally brightened out. On the walls; body parts, bodies, mostly women were hung or nailed fixed. Some breathed while others reeked. Nonchalantly, wiping his face, he stood up from the bloodied mess he caused. “Gather the nobles, today is when we finally go to war, princess Gallienne just reassured me. Despite her young age, that girl is worse than the devil.” They left the room.

“Surely you jest, Parcyvell you’re as twisted as a man as she is,”

“I’ll gladly take that as a compliment – sadly, she’s more wicked than me. I’m both excited and afraid of what plan she concocted.”

“Guess we’ll find out later. Please take a bath in some poison; you reek of death and shit.”

“Now, that’s not very nice to address your lord in such an insolent manner.”

“You stupid…” Gareth tried grabbing him but lost grip thanks to his bloodied clothes. Swiftly, the duke escape acting like a little kid, he giggled and left. Leaving a trail of crimson footsteps behind him.

“May I come in,” A soft and innocent voice spoke from the hall. “Gallienne, is that you, my child?

Please enter, I’ve been waiting.” She replied. The massive door opened; the sheer size would put a hut to shame. Inside, sat beautifully as if she were a goddess, Queen Sely. She was having her usual tea accompanied with some luxurious pastries. The room was very spacious, you could have a spar here and still have space remaining. This was the study; bookshelves reaching up to the very high ceiling, this was her private collection. From unique work of arts by famous authors to grimoires even a witch couldn’t hope to get, she had it all. The queen was an avid reader and passionate of magic and anything related to that subject may it be: alchemy, necromancy, so on and so forth.

“What ails you?” Teacup put back onto the table, she straightened her posture.

“Mother, is Theodore here?”

“I’m afraid not, please check the garden dear, I’ve asked him to gather some mint for my tea.” She replied as gracefully as she could; Sely truly was a queen. “Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience, I know full well that you hate getting interrupted at this hour.”

“No need to worry,” She smiled, and the door closed. “Ack, I hate her, she’s so entitled I want to puke,” Gallienne headed towards the garden. Her soft and quiet footsteps faded into the endless corridors, “What is that girl up to again,” She sighed. “Always scheming, just like my brother – oh I wished you never had to meet him.” She resumed her prior activities.

“Theodore Piper, I demand your presence at once,” The princess spoke from within her room. Earlier thanks to her mother’s words, she headed into the garden to find naught but bees and

butterflies. Like any butler employed by the royal family; the main requirement was their strength both as a mage and as well as a martial arts specialist. Butlers and maids were trained rigorously, they formed part of a branch in the royal military as combat servants who served both as bodyguards and retainers.

Faster than a blink of an eye, he appeared. “How may I be of service princess?” Previously Theodore was assigned to the queen, but after a fallout within the family, he was assigned to the princess instead. The queen was guarded by maids instead; the king was very possessive as well as gullible.

“How’s the task I gave you coming along?”

“The subject is ready; you may speak to her this very instant if you desire.”

“I’m tired, please bring her here instead.” She spoke, still irritated from earlier.

“As you wish,” He disappeared. Locked in the dungeon, a girl who bore bleach blonde hair; a sign of

being pure and noble sat in the darkness. *Ping, ping, ping,* the slow and monotonous sound of a

knife hitting the iron bars broke her day-dream. “Theodore, is that you?” She asked, voice as innocent as an angel. “Impressive for a blind girl, instantly sensing my aura and recognizing it on top of that is very impressive indeed.” He flattered her.

“Am I finally free? I’ve done what you wanted – please let me go.”

“Don’t hurry yourself, you still have a crucial role to play tonight. Come, the princess has asked me to come to fetch you, be on your best behavior.” *Clang,* the lock opened. Out of courtesy, Theodore escorted her to the princess’ room. The walk was long and tiring, the vexing stairways didn’t bother the butler as much as it did to the young maiden. She was out of breath half-way across.

“Your highness, I’ve brought her.” Leaving her out in the open inside Gallienne’s room; he left. Blind, she only sensed the ominous aura surrounding the princess. The girl was blessed with divine eyes at the detriment of her normal sight hence bestowed with the blessing to see a person’s soul as well as premonitions.

“So, you’re the praised and revered proponent of Tharis the goddess of Judgement. I’ve heard far and wide about your exploits and miracles performed in Plaustan. Luckily, I’m the only one who knows the truth about you,” She approached, “That hair, so soft and pure,” Her grips tightened.

“Your highness, it hurts,” She spoke. Eyes changed from irritated to angry, “Astrid Gaubert, this may come as a surprise but I do intend on hurting you,” She pulled her hair horizontally backward, “PLEASE STOP,” Astrid screamed. A red aura began to emanate from her; her blessing from Tharis was acting up.

Scared, the princess let go. “I see you truly are the apostle of heathens. No matter, with you by my side, I’ll force Kreston to launch a holy crusade against your belief. As you see, the church in Kreston hates everyone and everything that goes beyond their teachings, for them only one god exists.”

“Theodore,” Galienne called out.

“Yes, your highness,” he appeared out of nowhere once again.

“Please escort this fine maiden to Duke Parcyvell’s castle and hand him this note.” The letter bared a crimson seal which legitimized its origin. “Princes..” Before he could finish, she spoke – “Take my personal airship, I need her delivered as soon as possible. Now then, don’t waste time.”

“Thank you for your generosity,” He bowed his head and took Astrid by hand. “Princess Gallienne, heed my words, a man whom you tried to erase has arisen once more, he shall destroy the darkness which lurks in your pitiful heart. Goddess Tharis judges all and knows all.” She left while reciting a divine revelation.

“Such nonsense coming from a heathen’s mouth is naught but a futile attempt to falter my resolve,

I wish death comes to thou fast, blinded fool – wow, I nearly spoke like dad, is this what it means to be related?” She wondered about her unusual change in speech.

Outside, inside the newly built garage, Theodore got the airship ready. Red and black in color, the vehicle was the finest piece of technology anyone had ever built. With the help of the order as well as scholars from various universities around the globe; of course, from kingdoms who swore allegiance to one another, it was built. A smaller and faster alteration of the big airships people used.

“Excuse me Theodore, but where am I headed now?”

“At the moment; its Dorchester, please let me help you.” He pulled her into the cockpit.

Mana injected; the machine started up. It wasn’t that long when the airship reached its maximum velocity and swore through the air like a comet.

Still on the radio, Staxius saw Undrar pointing up as she heard a strange sound coming from above. Confused, the moment he looked up, a red bullet flew by. Indifferent, he continued.

“Astrid, we’ve arrived.” The airship landed near castle Grasley’s front gates. “Excuse me for being so late,” Theodore handed over both the girl and the note, then left without looking back. “Good luck Astrid, that man is a fiend.” Those were his parting words before she got off. Seeing the letter and the girl; Parcyvell chose to admire the lady instead. Dressed in white from head to toe, her face was as flawless as a diamond. Skin in the color of sand, she stood, blindfolded. In the middle of her breast, the holy insignia of Goddess Tharis; a balance.

“Gareth, please show this lovely maiden the way inside.” Impatient, he broke open the seal barehanded.

“Dear Duke Sten Parcyvell,

I’ve sent this note to inform you about our next plan of action. As you see, I took much of the needed time to hunt this fellow lady, the details of that quest are bland and mundane. All you need to know is that she’s an apostle from another god, which means that Kreston wants her dead.

Now, I’ve already sent spies to propagate rumors about her being in your castle, throughout Kreston. This will force them to truly lead a holy crusade against Dorchester. I know full well that you’ve kidnapped Duke Hawkin’s daughter. I don’t expect her to be alive by this point. Don’t harm the apostle just yet, she’s important; keep your inner demon in check or else you will be my next toy. With this, I’ve fulfilled my promise, and don’t worry about the king; as far as he’s concerned, you’re a saint.”

“Princess Gallienne, you truly are the best,” He returned inside, jolly.

“Please be careful…” Rose ended the call, a look of contempt filled Staxius’s eyes.

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