The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 94

Blood covered their bodies, the green mixed with red, their clubs destroyed all in their wake; the hobgoblins walked inside. Normally, a barrier would always be put up for only chosen individuals who were allowed in the capital. However, due to the absence of the royal guards, none could verify who came and left. Thus, a single guard was appointed to check on whoever tried gaining access. To that end, the barrier fully closed leaving only a small doorway. People leaving were advised to use the upper-level’s exits. Sadly, on the same day, a small event was organized to celebrate the founding of the royal guards. All were invited, the event ended abruptly for unstated reasons. Though this didn’t stop them from celebrating the occasion, the barracks held a feast.

*Boaw,* the barriers broke effortlessly. “everyone inside, please evacuate to the upper-floors.” Panic filled the entire ground floor. The miscommunication proved to be lethal, as people tried to get down for help, some also tried climbing up for shelter. A massive blockage stopped all movement, the inhabitants grew more fanatic. Tis was their survival instinct – stronger than any human for they were demi’s who still kept strong characteristics. Order remained but a fantasy at this moment in time. The small goblins ran through the broken debris left by the barrier. Their goal, to slay anyone in sight. What more opportune than people blocked on a rather small stairway. One by one, women, children, and more were backstabbed mercilessly. The screamed echoed throughout, fires were set ablaze. Prophecy was nowhere to be found, the hobgoblins focused on destroying the fort, they began with the barracks. Club in hand, their assault raged on.

Defenders, they used magic, swords, but it was all for naught. Imprisonment spells, walls, spiritual barriers – nothing could stop the wave. Hope had been lost in the first five minutes. A quick glance at the path leading inside the capital told it all. Guts, body parts, blood, brains, it all scattered around. Disgusting and putrid weren’t enough to describe the screams – if hell were to exist then that scene would have summed it up. The victim count increased by the second, the stairway was still blocked. It got to the point where friends and families push their own kinfolk off, none cared – utter chaos.

All seemed lost, the goblins continued their slaughter, the hobgoblins continued their destruction, few shamans; hidden away from the general populous set the few buildings on fire. Girls and teenagers who were unlucky enough to be caught got taken outside the trunk. They wailed, screamed, cried, but the sound of people dying overwhelmed all. A crisis that could have been averted if only the royal guards were present. Hope wasn’t lost yet, a whiteish portal opened, a shadow rushed out. On the stairway, just where the goblin stood, said portal unveiled the famed and mystical Prophecy. The spirit, partially transparent rushed out, sword in one hand and magic in the other; it annihilated the small devils in a matter of seconds.

‘I smell blood,’ before he stood a familiar place. A place he once deemed as heaven, but now had been corrupt by the ways of war and tragedy. The resemblance stood uncanny to the battle out in Dorchester decades ago. ‘War, a false way to protect the peace.’ In the corner, just near the border to the forest, a trail of blood caught his attention. Though the inside needed help, he carefully stared at the trail. “Avon, please go help whoever is in need.” Instantly, with sparkles in his eyes, Avon appeared. “Master, should I hold back?” he asked with his head slightly tilted and in a joyful manner. “Definitely not, use everything you got and slaughter all the monsters; leave no one alive.” He patted his head, the voice remained monotonous, the eyes blank, Avon vanished.

“Millicent, come and help me, this load is a bit much to carry,” blue hair, wolves ears, and beauty unlike any other – Fenrir had been unloading the merchandise. “Right, I’m on it,” she replied and clumsily rushed outside.


‘It has been a long time since I’ve done this but, let’s try it.’ Staxius continued following the trail, he sensed more and more goblins; some had a peculiar feel to them. *As the one bounded to my soul, heed mine own call, dearest friend and companion, Fenrir, appear before me.*

“Hey, Fenrir are you feeling alright?” Millicent asked. The blue eyes felt weird, it looked worrisome. “I’m perfectly fine,” the fear faded, she smiled and poof vanished into thin air. “MASTER,” the summoning worked, Fenrir jumped on Staxius as soon as she appeared. “Fenrir, how I’ve missed you,” he fell to the floor. Her tail wiggled, the ears playfully moved about; she licked his face. Smothered with saliva and compassion, Staxius squinted his eyes and gave to Fenrir’s antics. “Someone is blissful aren’t they,” He finally had space to breathe, “Yes master.” She stood; “-it’s been a long time since you’ve summoned me like this.” Her playfulness vanished into seriousness. “I guess you’ve sensed whatever awaits us,” a small chain glimmered around her neck. “Yes, I smell strong and powerful enemies,” her eyes directed towards the trees and into where they hid. ‘That necklace, green in color, what is it?’ Curious, he took a quick pause and examined, then it came as fast as lightning. “You’re an emerald ranked adventurer?” Staxius spoke, his face changed from neutral to surprised. “Yes,” she quickly turned her head, her long hair followed behind and gave a quick smile. “-I’ve gotten this rank by defeating the monsters around Dorchester,” she proudly held up the ornament.

“Let’s leave the questions for later, we’re in Arda, the capital has been attacked. I’ve already sent someone powerful to help with the capital but my guess is that they will last around thirty minutes. We need to cut off wherever they are coming from.” He stood and carefully looked where she stared moments prior. “Thanks for the insight master, I see that you know well what to say in these kinds of situations. What’s the plan of attack?” baffled, he stared at her with a face of a guy hell-bent on slaughter. “Isn’t it obvious, we run inside and end their lives.” No intonation whatsoever, he resembled a demon, a person whom death didn’t faze. “Sounds good to me,” she smiled. “-whenever we pair up, strategy becomes second nature. After all, we’re bound by soul, aren’t we?” she winked, her appearance changed into a fearsome and gigantic wolf. She had gotten stronger over the years, it showed by how large she had gotten. The claws had engravings of lightning bolts. As opposed to being white and blue, the fur had black spots all over, it looked like ancient markings – just like the ones he once had on his chest. One look was all it needed, both ran out of the woods and headed straight for the beast’s lair.

“Come on, fight,” the few stumbling sell-swords who made their way down fought. The goblins had stopped their invasion, Prophecy had struck fear into the little one’s heart. Instead, green devils gathered around the hobgoblins who also stopped their assault. They slowly marched back from whence they came. They weren’t overpowered nor getting slaughtered, the beasts suddenly grew more cautious. Their strong survival instinct helped to make that decision. “What are small little pests waiting for,” one of the men urged them to fight. A standoff of the attackers and defenders. Gathered near the broken barriers, they stopped. “Now, now, time isn’t to retreat,” Avon casually walked behind and placed his hands on one of the hob’s muscular arms. *Grrrrrr,* it tried to push him, sadly, said arm tore away from its host and vanished into small bits and pieces. “Don’t touch me,” using the other, the hob tried to smack Avon with its club but ultimately, *Clap,* the beast broke into tiny pieces. “Nasty little things aren’t they?” Avon spoke, the crowd before him stood in awe. “WATCH OUT,” another club came straight for his head, *slash,* another arm sliced off. “Hey there Prophecy, how are you doing?” he casually winked. “Get it together,” a tiny girl’s voice, Prophecy spoke for the first time. The second hob died thanks to a thousand cuts.

“Who are those two?” the sell-sword asked out of fear, they had witnessed the birth of one of the strongest duo in the history of Arda. “You do speak,” Avon vanished, he matched Prophecy’s speed as she sliced off the heads of the small devils. “Shut up, her majesty the queen has ordered me to fight on her behalf. I haven’t the time to entertain a foolish spirit.” She increased her speed. “I’m not that foolish,” her sights were set for the last hob who went into berserker mode. “Impressive, so you can keep up with my speed, how about this?” gone, nothing, they disappeared. “This isn’t fast at all my old enemy,” he kept up with her. “Let’s just slay this monster before we engage in conversations,” her tone always remained quiet but monotonous. “Sounds good to me,” minutes went by and the remaining monsters died, qaisars dropped.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief; one of the surviving goblins screamed. It was so loud it broke the thing’s vocal cords, tis was a cry for backup and help. Subconsciously, both Avon and Prophecy stood in front of the broken barrier. Loud footsteps came closer and closer. Hands on swords, both took their stance – the aura they felt were of something of greater power. It reached heights they hadn’t sensed before. Demons, utter demons with the power to destroy a country. “We’re probably going to lose this battle,” Avon spoke. “I agree with you, though I’m a powerful spirit, without my master by my side, my abilities are locked.” The footsteps reached the edge, “attack,” Avon screamed. *Boof,* he came to a sudden halt. “Mind yourself, Avon,” Staxius had stopped him with a single hand, “- you could have gotten hurt,” he smiled and kissed his forehead. Instead of getting angry, he patted his head and walked. Avon was like his small child. Stood beside Staxius, Fenrir, she was covered with blood. “Greetings Prophecy,” Staxius waved at the spirit and stepped inside. “Master, what about the enemies back up?” Avon asked curious to where he had been. “Damn, this town has seen better days hasn’t it?” Staxius ignored whatever he said, the sight before he felt sad. The buildings continued to burn, the chaos hadn’t gone out yet, the stairs were still blocked. “Sir, mind me asking what’s that on your companion’s back?” Prophecy asked in turn. “Those are the girls and women I found while clearing out the goblin’s hideout.”

As he gazed upon the battlefield; the sell-swords and people who hid came out of their shelters. “Is the battle really over?” some asked, “who are they?” others collected the Qaisar. “A human?” one stated the obvious. “Don’t spout such nonsense, don’t you recognize that crest, that’s the rumored guardian of Arda. Also less commonly known as her majesty’s fiancé.” The gossip spread like wildfire; he had returned. “Avon, you should probably get back,” Staxius patted his back,”-job well done,” he smiled. “Prophecy, could you kindly conjure a portal straight to where her majesty is?” The stare changed from emotionless to normal and friendly. “This way,” a portal opened and the invasion stopped. The events that transpired on that day would greatly influence the queen’s decision on adventurers and how Arda should be ruled.

Lives lost; people killed; buildings destroyed. This was the norm for villagers without anyone to protect them. What he encountered in that cave would forever change his outlook on how people lived. The terror and how ruthless monsters were didn’t really get through his head. None ever knew what he saw there, and none will ever know – Staxius had an awakening.

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