The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 108

There, Sophie waited patiently. Her eyes didn’t leave Staxius for once, her right hand gripped a small sword while the other held a gun; a small black and golden colored pistol. “You and I may be mages, but that doesn’t limit our arsenal to be only magic and spells,” she justified herself even though he didn’t care. “Gun, sword, anything to that matter, a battle is a battle, winning is all that matters. That’s the simple and sad truth, lose and you die, one must always think about winning and surviving. This world may have changed but the universal law of survival still holds true.” He fired back, a dark mist began to emanate from his feet. Out of fear, all the students left and ran for the safety of the spectator booth. Luckily, the escape was made easy for an exit was located right behind them. Huon managed to help the stumbling Rosalinda outside, Ysmay still didn’t utter a word.

Unknowingly, the four of them sat a few meters apart. “Sophie is going to win this battle,” Huon spoke, “-I care not if she has to kill that man. Disrespecting Rosalinda is something no one has ever dared doing.” He burnt with anger and hate. “C-calm down,” Rosalinda spoke, her body fatigued and mind spinning. “Honestly, I just wish father kept his calm in situations like these. He always tried to start a fight wherever he goes. Sadly, that’s the thing I admire most; the confidence to take on anyone, anywhere.”

“Good,” Staxius broke the pin-drop silence, “-our students caught the hint and left.” He looked around but the view was blocked by the one-way barrier. Good indeed,” her eyes and body changed, they looked intimidating. Her whole stance looked much more relaxed, her feet seemed to levitate, wind magic was in use. Channeled through the sword, lightning magic. The air around her boiled, she used fire magic to cast a shield, none could reach her without getting burnt, and not mildly. She wasn’t playing, if any body-part came into contact, it would instantly melt.

Meanwhile, Staxius just watched. He didn’t use any particular stance. The simple steel sword rested on his belt. None knew he had that weapon but a light tap dispelled the illusion spell. The arena grew colder, “did you feel that?” Ysmay muttered. “Feel what?” Eira asked to which Ysmay replied with, “the sudden drop in pressure; the drop in temperature and the screams of many ruthless souls. I can see them, they are enraged but tamed, the bloodlust is...” she could not finish, as she began to cough. “Don’t overexert yourself,” Eira patted her back, “-being a psychic must be hard,” it all faded into the background.

*Clang,* it resounded, the first clash of swords made waves. The battle began, Sophie didn’t rely on her weapons. Within the first seconds, she used a multitude of spells, ranging from lightning to wind. They were all high-tier magic, she went all out. Staxius tried his best to dodge and perry the spells. Most of the fireball spells were sliced and dispelled. He channeled mana cancellation into the sword, thus they fought. From the first instant, Sophie held the advantage. Staxius only but dodged and run; “Coward,” Huon yelled. This didn’t do anything, both opponents were focused and without any notice, Sophie cast something incredible.

*Lightning and Fire element: Infernal Thunder,* in a quick motion, she threw both her weapons above; they levitated and summoned forth a spell. Said spell was so powerful, the Order deemed it illegal to use. She didn’t care, the spell was properly summoned. ‘Trouble,’ it looked as if two gigantic hands; one of lightning and one of fire trying to grasp Staxius. They came together like a clap and *BAM,* it rattled the whole building. It raged on, the spell didn’t end, it was a continuous stream of lightning and fire. They did, in fact, made contact with her foe, ‘sorry, but I care not if you live or die. This is revenge for the last time we met,’ her eyes turned red.


Panting, she used most of her mana in that attack. Fast and quick, she could not afford to draw out the battle. That was playing right into Staxius’s hand. The emphasis on a defensive style to tire out the opponent. It saved both his stamina and mana while the other went full-force. “Eira Haggard, I apologize,” Sophie yelled but coughed blood. Eira knew what she meant, Staxius’s presence vanished. No longer could they feel him nor his aura, that spell must have vaporized the poor boy. “Pathetic, no one has ever lived to see another day when the crimson princess used her signature spell.” Huon and Rosalinda celebrated their win. *Chuckle,* Eira laughed, “father isn’t that weak,” it caught their ear, a small feeling of dread loomed.

“Going full out before I can tire you out,” a soft voice spoke, the spell raged. “-I admit, that’s something very smart.” A figure walked nonchalantly, “-but, you must have known that magic and spell don’t work on me,” the face burnt, arms and legs melting, Staxius walked. He didn’t dodge nor use anything else to counteract her full power. One of his eyes was burnt out of recognition; the cheeks had holes that revealed his teeth. The clothes were gone, burnt to ashes. Skin fell, muscles exposed, the right tibia didn’t have anything apart from bones. Without muscles, the bones would have crumbled away, but something held his skeleton in place. “W-WHAT ARE YOU?” he emerged, Ysmay puked blood, Huon’s mind went numb, Rosalinda’s gaze could not lift off that man. Eira watched, her father was a broken mess.

“H-how can y-you walk, b-by all means you should be dead,” Sophie muttered, her voice faltered. *Fire element: Fire-ball. Wind element: Slashing Gale.* her assault didn’t end, she continued to throw all her projectile spell. Staxius walked, the fireball blew part of his hands off. The wind spell pierced and sliced his chest. A massive hole was made, the heart was gone. He fell onto his knees. “Y-you’re d-dead now a-aren’t you?” she smiled; her face was one of a murderer gone psychotic.

The realization finally hit, Staxius did die. Eira’s face changed, everyone’ turned gloomy. Without saying a word, she unknowingly cast shadow-step and rushed onto the battlefield, “FATHER,” she screamed while approaching what remained of him. “Avon, take care of her,” before she could touch his shoulder; just a few millimeters away – a figure shot out of Staxius. It stopped and carried her to the exit, she flew for a solid five-seconds, the door shut before her. *BANG, BANG,* “LET ME IN,” She screamed, tears flowed.

“You people always make such a fuss about the death of a loved one.” His head moved and faced Eira, “-this is your first lesson. One must never cry over someone dear’s death. Especially during a battle; it leaves you vulnerable. Seeing me die made you want to come and rescue, but if this was a war, you’d have gotten killed instead. War doesn’t care about humanity and compassion; you fight for yourself and your team – not to fulfill some noble goal.” The tone felt monotonous and deep, “-you should keep those emotions in check while on the battlefield. But don’t turn emotionless, for it’s the very thing that can give you the last push when the table turns against you.” His body began to regenerate, the muscles and skin reformed. The aura around him grew even darker, it felt like the death reaper loomed over his head. “Remember the smiles, remember the love, remember what you want to protect, the people you care about, the things you love. Remember their affection, it will help make you into a stronger person; this is something I’ve learned from experience. I have a lot of things I want to protect; this is why I had to put on that show.” He stood; the body fully healed. He stood, naked to his core, on his back, a giant scythe with a skull engraved. On his chest, the ancient markings that once disappeared engraved themselves yet again. From his arms to his legs, scars in the shape of dragons and other symbols made their presence known.

“W-what are you?” Sophie gave up, she knew not what happened. A man who died before her eyes was revived into someone even stronger. The students were too dumbfounded to mutter anything, their mind constantly replayed the scene where the body healed itself. Around his neck, his crest, the adventuring necklace hung. All the stuff he used to carry around was back in Void. Avon made sure to take everything away.

“What am I?” his body turned from staring Eira to Sophie. “-that’s a very wise question. A question to which I don’t hold the answer,” the tone remained monotonous yet it had a hint of friendliness within. His naked body was like a work of art, a canvas for all the symbols and curses he had. Everything engraved, it grew over time. No one knew for he never showed his body. Always wearing the suit that left only his face out to the public. Sadly now, it all was laid bare for them to see. Every time he died; one mark burnt itself onto him. It began from the chest, but as the time progressed, the chest filled out and moved to the other parts except for his back. Both legs were filled, it had reached the arms. That death meant a new part was to be engraved, the symbol lit on his right arm. “On said topic,” he stared Sophie who was scared beyond words. “The battle is yet to be over,” the eyes closed and he vanished. “I win,” a sharp metallic object poked her back, “I yield,” she gave and fell. Everything that transpired before them was too unreal to be true.

“Master, it’s not wise to walk around with your sword unsheathed.” Avon materialized, he winked and joked. “-here,” all he managed to acquire was a pair of boxers, white ones at that. “Thank you,” he patted Avon and walked out. “I shall tell you what I require tomorrow,” the gates opened, he quickly glanced to check on Sophie. ‘Yea, definitely going to take some time to realize what happened.’ He wondered.

“OUCH,” Eira yelled, Staxius gave her a hard forehead flick. “Sorry, but you were out of it.” He added joyfully. “Father,” she tapped his back, her tone formal and serious. “Are you immortal?” she asked, she wanted an answer. Unlike the others, seeing Staxius come back from the dead didn’t phase her nor did his naked body. “The honest answer is yes, I’m immortal – but most don’t believe what I say.” His tone matched hers. “I’m your daughter, it’s my job to believe in the weird tales you have to recount.” It came from the heart, she didn’t have a very good childhood. “I’m sorry,” he turned and knelt, “it may sound cheesy, but I’m Staxius Haggard, heir to the god of death.” The tone serious, he stood and walked. “Go back and get ready, I am to train you later in the day. Finding some proper attire is a must.” He waved and left, the signature wave – the one he hadn’t done in ages. A quick flick of the wrist over his right shoulder while pointing out only the index and middle finger. Thus ends the wager, a fight with Sophie that was indirectly the first lesson for Eira.

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