The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 115

“Master,” Achilles reached out, “drop it,” he fired back quickly. “Master,” she reached out once more, “drop it,” he fired back again. “Staxius,” she gave up, “yes,” he replied with a smile. “Can you be any more difficult,” she added in frustration. “Much more problematic,” he winked as if proud. “Where are we headed now?” she asked. Her reply was but him pointing his finger at the office. “What about it?” they had walked for a few minutes now. “I’ve got someone waiting,” the office faded behind them and the car came into view. Her fix eyes firmly stuck onto Staxius, she waited. Meanwhile, he placed his hand onto the vehicle and channeled his mana. A strange rumbling and hum began as soon as contact was made. “Wake up Avon,” Staxius spoke monotonously.

“As you wish,” the sparkly spirit materialized. “Did you missh me?” he winked and bit the lower lip in a playful manner. “Gross,” Achilles whispered from behind, to which Staxius chuckled. “Are you laughing at me,” Avon pouted. Achilles moved closer, “who is that?” she asked. “That’s Avon; a spirit who is my bodyguard, aid, spy, and anything I ever want him to be. He’s more like a son with that playful and cheeky personality, I do enjoy the company. He has my back on a daily basis. I can’t fully recall, but he has, in fact, stopped any sneak attacks directed at me. Whether guns, daggers or people being disrespectful; Avon isn’t one to be looked down upon. Feeble and foolish might be how he’s perceived but trust me, that boy isn’t weak.”

“Are you talking about me,” Avon asked casually, he crept and knelt under both Staxius and his new companion. “Sadly yes,” without warning, Achilles tried stomping the spirit’s face, “no, no, no,” he vanished, “-don’t try and do anything funny. I could kill you in a heartbeat,” the childish tone faded into one of a merciless killer. “I told you, don’t mess with him,” the aura changed back and he hugged Staxius tightly. “Get in the car everyone,” he made up his mind to what to do next. Rather than spend time with Eira who took a shower, he decided to head out. “Avon, I need details about where the hideout is,” they drove.

“Long story short, their hideout is situated south-east of where that tailors’ house was. It’s a straight line until you reach the rocky plains. It’s then followed by forest, swamps, and forest again, the scenery was everchanging, I could not keep track that accurately,” he continued to recount what he saw, the car was headed into the capital. “-once one has crossed all those obstacles. A weird symbol on a tree is what separates you from the destination. A trapdoor leads into their lair – it’s luckily marked by a giant cliff. Poisonous plants also run rampant there, a single sting and lord death will take you on vacation,” he finished. With that, Staxius took the opportunity to tell Achilles his past, and things that she was bound to know. From the fights he lost, to curses, to his capabilities, Staxius told all. There wasn’t a risk of betrayal, that girl’s soul belonged to him. Even if she tried to betray, a single snap would be what stands between her and the afterlife.

Minutes turned into hours; the weather remained gloomy since morning. The sun shone occasionally, but rain and cold were what ruled at that time. Mild showers that served to refresh the ever-shining atmosphere. A change of scenery, a good one at that. Rosespire came into view, it thrilled him. The capital was a place filled with mysteries and things to look at. He could never get bored, Staxius adored the way people interacted. That was to say excluding the business district, that place was far from being fun and entertaining. Though it did have its pros – outwitting one’s rival could be proved to be fun. Nevertheless, Staxius remained nonchalant to everything, all those feelings floated around his head but they never stuck. The goal was always to get stronger or richer, make more allies and try and change the people around him; change for the better. Manipulation was out of the question – it was a lead by example scenario. He had to guide himself before guiding others. His first duty as King was to establish an adventuring guild for Arda. The first task he tackled with was coin, gold coins. A base of operation was needed, writing scrolls in the car wasn’t that desirable.

“How much gold do we have?” Staxius asked out of the blue, “I know not. You spent recklessly, that’s for sure. I mean you paid a gold piece for those bloodied clothes – have you no incline to save and be economic.” Avon went off, Staxius treated coins as if they were toys that held no value. “come on it’s not that bad now is it?” he added playfully. Avon gave in and checked their balance –


[Gold: 1569]

[Silver: 98]

[Copper: 99]

“Master,” he asked with a serious tone, “yes?” the capital came into view. “Did you use up ten gold pieces when I was away?” a quick flashback to the tailor’s house reminded him that he threw away ten without thinking. “,” he tried to lie but gave up in the end. “Yes,” he spoke loud and true, Avon sighed in disappointment. “No matter, we’re closing in on the capital. Achilles, take this opportunity to admire and see where this world’s technology has advanced too.”

The evening closed in, the journey took two and a half-hour. The visit here was to check back up with the guild and buy some blank scrolls. There was also the task of getting a little base of operation to write whatever scroll he needed. A small shop that opened rarely. Staxius knew that selling scrolls frequently would make the prospect of its rarity vanish. He had to be careful about how many he would make and how many he would sell. He needed the value to remain the same, healing scrolls were his only ace. The only way he could make gold easily as opposed to go out and adventuring.

First, they stopped at the main guild. Staxius had some items to sell. The bloodied hoods worn by the members of the dark-guild he had slain.

“Evening Staxius,” Diane spoke courteously, he stared and spoke, “evening Melisa,” once more, Staxius ignored Diane just to make her frustrated. Her reaction was but a sigh, her attention quickly changed to the other adventurers. “Evening Staxius,” her shoulders relaxed; the sight of him in flesh and blood made her blissful. “I’m thankful that you didn’t go into battle against the dark guild,” she spoke without knowing the truth. “...” he watched and sighed, “what’s the matter?” she asked with her voice filled with suspicion. “It’s just that I might have fought them already,” Diane overheard what he said. “Don’t kid yourself, you may be silver but you don’t have the strength to fight off those devils.”

He gave her the cold shoulder and continued, “I’ve heard that the guild collects any and all items right?” Melisa watched intently, “yes, we do unless it’s stolen goods or plain old trash.” He smiled, “then, will this get me something?” Avon walked in with a pile of bloodied black hoods. “There’s also daggers and stuff in there,” Achilles followed behind. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING,” Diane snapped, “THOSE ARE THE DARK-GUILD’S HOOD. BURN THEM, HIDE THEM, JUST DON’T BRING THEM HERE,” her voice echoed throughout. “No value then?” Staxius asked. The adventurers grew curious, “peculiar hoods, but who cares,” the whispers died down quickly. “They have value, don’t worry; I’ll ask the guild for more information,” Melisa asked her supervisors. They gave the green light to collect said items. After all, having evidence of the existence of said organization was paramount. “We can only do about 80 copper per hood,” the offer was made. “Eighty-five and it’s a deal,” Staxius fired back. “Eighty-three,” she smiled, “done,” the hoods were taken inside. About twenty of them, in total he got sixteen silvers. The current balance indicated –

[Gold: 1570]

[Silver: 14]

[Copper: 99]

“Pleasure doing business,” Melisa thanked him due to habit. “Before we go, I’d like to sign these two behind me as adventurers. Could you get the necessary paperwork filled?” Staxius asked, Avon though a spirit could change into more physical and real shape, Achilles had her heads in the cloud, she watched the ceiling, architecture and beauty of the building. “And they are?” Her eyes looked cautious, “they are my companions. I need to get them the title of adventurers before I can think of making a party.” His answer seemed honest, “as you wish,” she signaled them both to enter. “Twenty golds, pay up,” Diane came over to were Staxius stood. Avon and Achilles were taken inside. “Seriously, making that boy become an adventurer is a bit heartless isn’t it?” she tried to guild shame him. “Don’t try and be moral with me, you guys have kids at the age of fifteen battling monsters. I’d think twice before trying to look down onto someone else. Because most often than not, the shits who try and lower other people to their level are the worst kinds of scum,” twenty gold coins dropped in front of her. It riled him up, how dared she. “No need to cause a scene,” her voice remained soft and quiet. “Just fill out their names and age, we’ll take care of the rest,” it had a change of heart, her fierceness vanished for an instant.

Information was filled rather rapidly. All that remained was to see what rank those two were going to be awarded. He had no high hopes, getting tier-ten would have been enough for him to start a party. So far, there were three members including Staxius, one or two more were needed. Preferably people not from Hidros, for said party was to set off to Arda at some point.

*Knock, knock,* the door shook, Diane rushed in without making noise. It felt weird but Staxius stood and waited. Later, both his companion came out, their faces looked gloomy and tired. “What happened,” he walked to where they stood. “...” no response, Melisa walked directly behind. “What did you do to them?” Staxius asked, the tone filled with anger at their pathetic sight. “What do you mean?” it startled her, there had been no foul play. “Standing around was boring...” Avon and Achilles mumbled at the same time. They looked listless, apparently, the time it took made them tired. He sighed and laughed, those two were impossible to deal with.

“I’m guessing you’re the party leader, given that you paid for their fee – the honor of seeing their rank will be yours.” She walked to the counter, where two sheets of paper rested in her hands. “The first one is for Avon,” the first sheet was placed onto the table. “-the rank given to him is Sapphire or tier-seven.” The second sheet placed onto the table, “the second one is for Achilles,” her fingers trembled. “-h-her rank w-was d-decided as b-bronze,” her face turned gloomy. “What do you mean bronze,” Staxius’s tone filled with regret, “-are you sure it’s not Silver or higher.” He was mad, the companion he brought back to life was a living hero. The mightiest of the bunch, how dare they assign her with Bronze rank. “What?” it baffled her that Staxius was angry about her not getting a higher rank.

“No matter, give me their guild cards, we are to head off.”

[Achilles: Bronze]

[Potential: Platinum]

[Avon: Sapphire]

[Potential: Platinum]

The guild cards showed both their potential. It was of a silvery color, just like the one Staxius had. A rare color to which the assistants were left speechless. Normally even getting tier-ten was something to be proud of. Here, in the span of a few days, Staxius got one of the highest as well as getting ranks above tier-eight. The tier was most adventurers were standing due to their lack of strength. Not to mention that getting potential as platinum was unheard of. Most that people got were bronze or silver, but platinum. Nothing changed, they witnessed the birth of a group of individuals who were destined for more.

Far, far away from the main guild, there was also another boy who went by the name of Gurdan. His potential was platinum as well; he had the ability to become someone truly powerful. The one fated to be called the first hero – the guy who is to defeat the god-slayer. That was what Melisa thought until Staxius came along. Nothing was set in stone yet, Plaustan still remained the bed infested with monsters trying to invade. Their immortality has brought about trouble for the individual guilds. However, they didn’t falter – the fight went on without the populous knowing. The first and last line of defense, humans against beings that far surpass them in physical abilities.

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