The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 157

“S-so w-what d-do you want?” out of fear, the businessman asked.

“Information,” he took a pause, “-tell me who is responsible for the attack today. Tell me where are the dark-guild members hiding and any information related to them. God’s ale, there must be quite a market here.”

“F-fine,” it was either get killed by Staxius or the underground organization. “There’s a noble living on the outskirts of the capital. All the wealth was acquired by the trade of god’s ale and slavery that was done away from the Emperor’s eyes. Many influential people were hooked on said drink; it didn’t have as much impact on the psyche. Rather than becoming mindless slaves, they needed people who consciously sought after the product. From what I heard, the one used in Hidros and one here differs.” With each sentence, he gulped and tried to stay composed. “T-that’s about all I know.”

“I see,” Staxius rotated the chair, Akhtar’s forehead stopped at the tip of the gun. “-Care to tell me why they want you dead?” the face hidden by darkness; the light cut out. The storm outside, with each flash, lit the face partially. The red eyes burned with the intent to kill.

Powerless, “I borrowed money to buy God’s ale and give it to the idols. I thought if they grew independent on that stuff, I’ll have more control over the stars that live here,” the face pale, sweat dripped, the feet shook. The truth now laid bare naked, Staxius took a step back. Akhtar closed his eyes in fear. *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* a single snap later, he disappeared.

A few minutes went by, the scared little eyes opened slowly. “Am I safe?” he asked, the man was nowhere to be found. To that, the body eased, the pants were wet. “I better not mess with Aceline and her crew ever again,” the next plan had been to give her God’s ale. Luckily, the small encounter with her guard had put a barrier between both.


“I thought you were going to kill him,” Adete sat with her back resting on his neck. They teleported back to the hotel. “Killing him would be a bad thing. Akhtar may be an idiot, but he has power over many of the idols and companies here. If he were to die, Aceline’s long-awaited tour might get canceled. I don’t want to cause her any trouble; things sure are interesting. An unknown noble that controls the god’s ale distribution – we need to check that out soon.”

The further he searched, the closer Staxius got to the dark-guild. Making contact with Karlson proved to be more advantageous than before. The rumors of the Red Seals getting exterminated by a single man who went by the nickname of Shadow; went around all the boss’s table. It piqued interest, many wanted to know the identity. A whim that most could not fulfill. Being secretive was the first and foremost rule that every underground thug had to abide by. From the lowest to the highest in that hierarchy, none knew who was friend or foe – to the different factions that were present.

Unknowingly, Staxius entered the God’s ale cartel faction, a place where not much death happened. Only trade and extortion; one that made the most out of the bunch. Karlson happened to be the second in command of said operation, the first being the nameless noble.

“Where have you been?” the door opened. “A night stroll?” casually, he walked in with clothes drenched. “Sure, whatever – just go take a bath or something. We’ve got a hefty day tomorrow; it’s photoshoot time,” Scott’s voice faded in the background, Staxius sat on the toilet.

A few hours went by, all slept. All except Staxius who stood on the balcony and stared off into the distance. The rain had stopped; mist covered most of the scenery. “A being ranked mid-god tier; I can’t even imagine thinking how powerful that is.”

[Unique Skill: Rogue Hero] Faced to face with an angel, the god slayer fought in another realm. “HOW MUCH POWERFUL ARE YOU,” the angel screamed in agony. “Very powerful,” the voice cocky, “-invading realms to become stronger has always been my job. From Scarborough to this semi-divine ranked dimension, you guys are pathetic.”

An army of angels dressed in white-robes charged for another attack. However, the skill known as Rogue Hero made defeating him impossible. A skill that altered any life-threatening event into one advantageous to the host. Nothing was left in his wake, defeat was imminent. “Another batch dies, let’s head to the other dimension; Kronos isn’t pleased with my performance so far.” Three figures followed behind, Kanad and Kylsha, the last one remained hidden by a shadow.

Back in Iqeavea, another day rose. “Lady Aceline, today we have rendezvous with various companies for photo shoots,” the schedule was laid out whilst they walked to the car. “I’ve already memorized all, no need to worry.” The door opened, “-still, tis my job,” it drove.

This time, the destination was on the outer edge of the entertainment district. A building named HLC; a manufacturer of camera-related products. She was to advertise many things in their studio, from perfume to shampoo – the day only began.

“Another giant building,” Staxius mumbled. “I guess,” Scott replied without much care. “Time to head to work,” she led the way. Since yesterday, many bystanders became more aware of her presence, especially after that speech about the law.

Half of the day was spent in a single room with lights and cameras everywhere. She changed from outfits to outfits without bothering to take a break. Poses after poses, Staxius could not but sit idly by and watch. “Pretty boring isn’t it,” Scott walked over and sat, he held two cans of soft-drinks. “Not really, just look at her; the face is radiating with light and bliss. Aceline does enjoy her job,” a faint smile could be seen on his as well. Seeing someone enjoy their work that much could have made the laziest person into a hard worker.

On the outskirts of the capital, Prince Ernis sat with a book in hand. The suggestion given the night prior went around inside the mind. A way to pressure the media in showing the protectors in a new light. Ideas ran low, trying to find a way to resolve the situation proved tougher than anticipated. ‘There is only one option; closure,’ manipulating the media wasn’t the most honorable thing to do. Only an interview with the one responsible for such an uprise. “A prince interviewing the savior of Star Tower,” it had a good ring to it.

“Lucy,” without time wasted, he rushed upstairs. “How may I help?” she sat before a computer and checked on her part-time business. “I’ve decided to interview Staxius on this whole situation. I may not be a journalist, however, that doesn’t matter. I’m the Prince, and tis my job to keep the faith of the people in our grasp. ” the voice confident, Lucy could not but agree.

*Driing,* Scott’s phone rang. “Hello?” he answered.

“Hello Scott, this is Lucy from the Imperial family. I’ve got a request on behalf of Prince Ernis.”

“Go ahead,”

“Can Staxius make it to the imperial mansion later this afternoon?” hearing his name, the manager handed over the phone.

“Staxius speaking, what is it?”

The whole situation was explained. He needed to sit down and chat with Ernis for a while. Questions about how life was in Hidros. A more in-depth explanation to follow up on the Star Tower incident.

“I guess Ernis took my advice to heart. I agree, however, I won’t be able to make it today,” he looked at Scott who gave the green light. “On second thought, I’ve just got permission. See you in about two hours,” the phone hung.

“Are you sure about this?” Staxius asked the manager who seemed to not be worried. “How will you make it in two hours?”

“I’m quite fast,” they waited for Aceline to take a break.

Everything was explained, her protection would not be at any risk. Since the shoot was nearly over in two hours – the car would head straight back to the hotel. No other jobs were scheduled, it gave him more than enough time to go back and forth. Even so, fulfilling his job was a priority. Aceline returned to the hotel after two hours, Staxius remained close by. Leaving the client out in the open wasn’t smart nor was it respectful.

“I shall be off,” the door closed behind, Aceline and her manager were in the safety of the hotel.

The time now was about three in the afternoon. Sat outside on a bench with the left eye closed, the All-seeing eye was used. To use teleportation, a clear image of the place one needed to go was necessary. Paired with Nox’s curse, teleporting virtually anywhere was made possible. It took around thirty minutes, the sight jumped from person to person. It went on and on, from shop keepers to teenagers, the path till the imperial mansion proved to be a tedious one.

“Finally,” with breathing erratic, he saw through Lucy’s eyes. “Thanks for taking some of the burdens,” the voice casual. “No need to worry, I’m here to help,” Adete sat on his shoulder.

“Lucy, it’s been two hours.” Ernis walked around her room. “Given that they probably don’t have a car; the trip here might take more than six hours,” the distance was a factor he never paid heed to. “You’ve always made it there in four or less. Having fast cars and traveling by helicopter isn’t a privilege many are given,” the voice serious, Lucy brought the prince’s mind to reality.

“I apologize; I guess we should have headed to the capital instead.” A noise came from below, a room got readied for the small chat. The butlers and maids were well versed in different fields. It didn’t take long for all to work.

*Snap,* “greetings,” Staxius teleported inside. “WHAT THE,” Ernis jumped back, Lucy dashed with a lightning bolt spell ready to unleash. “Is that how you say hello,” he blocked her hands with a single finger. “Staxius,” her guard lowered, “-what a pleasant surprise,” the breathing relaxed. “WAIT HOW DID YOU GET HERE,” her eyes opened wide. “Teleportation,” he winked.

“Show-off,” she stepped back.

“Alright, shall we begin this so-called interview,” the voice impatient, Ernis escorted him downstairs. The room was light brown, the ceiling covered with paintings made by a talent none could find anywhere. Walls hidden by bookshelves, portraits, musical instruments; the harmony of the various apparatus used to create art were spotted here and there.

“Very elegant,” he walked. The floor was covered by a red carpet, embroidered with golden-colored edges in a floral manner. “Do take a seat over here.” Behind him, bookshelves, and in front, a camera.

“I think we should start,” the prince took a seat right behind Staxius, they faced the camera diagonally. “Do begin,” the voice changed from casual to formal and polite.

“Care to tell us how life is in Hidros?” the prince seemed curious; the interview began. Each answer given was clear and dignified. Staxius made sure to not exaggerate, honesty was the best policy. Minutes turned to hours; the interview changed into a casual chat between two nobles.

“Lastly, care to clarify your statement concerning public service?” the voice now sharper than before.

“I stand by my words,” Staxius’s stance changed, it grew into one more formal. “Since I hail from Hidros, I haven’t a clue about how public service works. Honestly, I was appalled by how the media handled the situation. They twisted the news and headlines to make the guards seem as if incompetent. I know that my words earlier might have lit the flame of distrust. I truly believe that people should endeavor to fight for justice rather than compel people into following the law. The reason Hidros never needed such a system was that children are taught the meaning of justice. Adventurers are there to protect the people, mages, and others helped in doing the very same thing. I might have grown on a warzone and our continent is always fighting amidst itself – but that doesn’t discredit the small kids that run around the street playing Hero. The people of Iqeavea are blessed in that sense. No longer do they have to worry about fighting for justice, there are people qualified to do so. I wasn’t angry about their lack of strength but the lack of resolve. I’m grateful for the guards, they made my job as Aceline’s bodyguard easier. No longer do I have to be on the lookout at all times, seeing their black and brown uniform sets mine heart at ease. Even so, I don’t regret living on Hidros – tis the place where I belong, a place where happiness isn’t attained easily. Despite the struggle of everyday life, everyone endeavors to bring a smile on their friend’s faces. I hope that monsters and war never ravage this peaceful land of Iqeavea. Trust in the ones who made this atmosphere of peace possible.”

“I’m at a lost for words, Staxius Haggard – you truly love Hidros don’t you?” the prince could be seen with a tear running down his cheek.

“Till I die,” the camera shut off.

“That should settle matters of the public – let’s just hope I phrase that whole thing correctly. It should calm down the citizens and return their faith and trust in the public service,” the tone returned to casual and friendly, he sat with a smile; the interview ended.

“Thanks for everything,” they shook hands. “That silver tongue of yours never ceases to amaze,” Lucy walked in.

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