The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 246

“What are you thinking about?” a few meters away from the destination, Adete popped up right behind.

“I’m looking for a way to kill vampires, any ideas?” he asked for getting an answer out of her was the last thing in mind.

“Orenmir should be fine,” she said without much thought.

“Excuse you?” the trip stopped momentarily, she gave a peculiar answer.

“Slaying vampires for humans is hard, not for another nightwalker. Considering you have a unique Blood-Arts, the blade of the blood queen isn’t just a name, but a real thing. It has a special enchantment that allows for immortal and undead to be slain. In case of a fight, you’ll be just fine,” she explained without much care.

“How did humans fight though?” the flight resumed,


“Oh, they used mana to enter contracts with demons – from there on, the demons gave them power. Not much, though it did allow them to fight on somewhat stable ground,” despite recalling nothing from her prior life, Adete had information about how the war happened. Information concerning vampires, a living library.

“It’s a given that a former vampire slayer would become the strongest swordsman in the continent,” they landed.

“Yeah, Raulf with the help of Josiah and Tempest played an important role during the fight against nightwalkers. I’d seriously refrain from speaking their name when we head for Noctis’s hallow.”

“Welcome back majesty,” guards bowed the moment he landed. A nod of his own, Staxius headed inside. Aurora and Balthazar currently sat in the dining hall with Xula. Meal courtesy of her majesty since they would depart on a somewhat hard trip.

“King Staxius,” Balthazar spoke for the meal had ended a few minutes prior.

“A pleasure to see you,” he returned a smile and approached Xula, “-I assume that preparations have been made?” the question directed at both.

“Yes, you’re free to go,” she gave a gentle smile, “-do be careful,” on that, a maid rushed.

“The u-uprising in the s-south has g-gotten out of control,” she said for the message came from Niroz, “-the general request thy council,” desperate and panting, the task assigned was completed.

“Excuse me, everyone,” she stood.

“Do take care, majesty,” Staxius said to which she stopped and held out her hand.

“You too,” she said with genuine care, *muah,* a kiss on her hand later, she left with the face of one ready to fight the entire world.

“Lord Balthazar,” now alone, Staxius focused onto the grandfather and heir, “-has everything been sorted on thy side?”

“Yes, majesty,” he stood, “-Ruslan shall be joining us shortly,” they headed for the yard next to the entrance. A yard filled with delicate flowers and trees with a fountain in the middle. One could say it was but a garden, however, as people in the castle referred to it as a yard – the name stuck.

“Lord Balthazar, Aurora,” Ruslan came from the left side, “-everything is in place for the succession,” he said with a smile. Apparent was it that the man had waited for this day.

“I shall open the portal granted to us by her majesty,” a silver adorned ruby ring summoned a gateway. Tis was Balthazar’s doing, each allied race had the same ring which linked to their land or town. It functioned the same way as scrolls with a crucial difference. The use of the item was unlimited, ‘-I never thought of that,’ the mere sight triggered an inspiration. ‘It explains why the mages here used Staff and wands as opposed to themselves. The assumption that it was but a mere catalyst to amplify one’s strength was baseless. To have the ability to cast a spell infinitely, mages didn’t need to use that much mana.’

“Majesty,” kicked out the spur of inspiration, a familiar voice spoke, an aura unlike another approached.

“It can’t be,” Balthazar’s eyes’ narrowed, the already wrinkled forehead had a few more added. A visible sense of agitation and anguish, the crimson eye lit.

“Have you made thy decision?” Staxius asked impervious to the other vampires’ expression and change in demeanor.

“Uh-hm,” she nodded in agreement.

“No trouble since I won,” a simple line that made no sense to any onlookers.

“Yes,” she knew what he implied. Subtle as he was, only she noticed his hand tapping gently at a sword. A threat that if she made any move to try and hurt him or Aurora, instant death. The fear settled in, without a weapon and with her best move – a single blow sufficed to bring the lady crashing down. A display of power that none could dare to contest.

“Do pardon my curiosity,” Ruslan asked with a not so inviting tone, “-what is she doing here?”

“Serene could jeopardize the whole succession,” Balthazar added.

“Not to mention that she’s known to drink blood from her kind without much remorse,” said Aurora in turn.

“Good arguments all around,” Serene said with a merciless gaze, “-but she isn’t here to cause trouble,” Staxius interjected, “-Serene will be my guide for the entirety of the trip. If she does try to make a move, I can reassure that a flash of light will be the last thing she sees,” a gentle gaze behind which hid an unquenchable thirst for bloodshed and carnage.

“As his majesty said, I’m but a guide. Exiled from the Nox’s clan, I now serve the royal family of Arda, nothing more nothing less,” her speech settled.

“If you say so,” grudgingly, Balthazar stepped foot inside.

“Don’t provoke them,” he whispered, “-I’m glad that the invitation was accepted. Nonetheless, don’t do anything that might force me to slay you, Serene. I’d hate to lose a fighter to something stupid,” he entered.

A city divided into two halves, of which the separation was a wall. Three third, of the town, was given to the commoners and lesser vampires whilst the remainder was where nobility stayed. Elevated since the land here was slated – it gave them more power for they live at the top whilst the others remained down. The only way inside the noble district was a stairway that came after the wall.

Two different types of life, the lesser weren’t treated that badly. Considering they had an ounce of vampire blood coursing through their veins, they were given ample freedom. Living conditions weren’t that bad either, small as it may be, the houses were beautiful to look at on the exterior. The people wore formal clothes and felt well-mannered despite being the inferiors. A gloomy atmosphere and grey sky were what one could expect. The seldom sun remained a rare guest – a good thing considering their weakness. Reason being the location; long ago, a barrier was put in place to stop any sunlight to ever reach down. A secluded refuge for nightwalkers.

The blessed lived like kings and queens. Money, fresh blood from humans, and much more. Feeding off blood grew from a means of survival to a delicacy. The few who were unlucky humans to have bad-tasting blood were thrown to the lower level. There, they would be kept alive for the sole purpose of their blood. Drained, day after day as if cattle, many died shortly after.

Four clans remained atop the hierarchy, they ruled over the land. Namely: The Nox’s clan, with its leader being Balthazar. Onyx, led by Alaric Eoin, the Sabbath led by Julia Fawn. Last but not least, Gabrielle Izora of the Lié par le Sang clan. Together, these four held power over nightwalkers.

The Onyx’s clan, a group of individuals who craved human blood. Their sole purpose was the search of said delicacy. Short in numbers but influential for many of its members held the title of Viscount and above.

The Sabbath clan, the group in charge of taking care of public order. The guards that serve to destroy and kill any who ventured into their domain. Close allies with Nox’s clan, both leaders were intimately tied till a few decades ago.

Lié par le Sang, which translated into tied by blood, is the only recognized clan from the lower class. As a member of the Ardanian’s council, the lady represents the lower class as a balance to Balthazar who represented the nobility.

The Nox’s clan were a powerhouse, even if the three other clans could one day join together and fight, they’d end up being destroyed without mercy. Reason being, Balthazar and his special guard unit – vampires with both the blood of a vampire and demon. Monsters that once unleashed could ruin a whole city in mere days. Even so, never has it come across the leader’s mind to take over the whole city. Quiet and peaceful with people having a place to belong – a good way to live considering their numbers. Needless bloodshed was to be avoided. Since vampires had a low chance of conceiving, it’s dishonorable to take one’s life. Having a kid run around the street was rare, and when it happened, none could but smile and laugh. From the outside looking into the community, the only thing one might take out of it is oppression. There were always two sides to the same coin, from the inside looking out – the inhabitants were happy. Tied by blood, noble or not, they had a place to belong and live. The job of the four clans was to protect its citizen without care for class. The purity of blood affected how powerful someone could be, thus the discrimination.

As a whole, the four clans were friendly. Behind shut doors, a few individuals wanted but one thing, the collapse of the current hierarchy. A shift in power, the thirst for greater strength and authority. What better way to put those who wished to disturb the peace down to earth than the mighty fighters of Nox. Simplified as a whole, tis was the situation in Noctis’s Hallow.

“For one who was supposed to be exiled, you sure know a lot,” teleported just shy of the stairway. Staxius commented after a summary of the area was given.

“I’m thy guide after all,” they followed Balthazar up north. Good looking mansions with the residents outside walking and chatting. Kids were rare but a few ran around from left to right playing tag.

“We are here,” said Balthazar once they reached the upper sector of the city. Three separation – a giant roundabout. In the middle, the mansion where the Nox’s clan resided. To the right, The Onyx and the left, The Sabbath. A five-minute walk from each other – they were very much far apart.

“Aurora, go to thy room and get prepared,” the old man ordered.

“What about us?” Staxius asked.

“Ruslan will take care of the next Blood-King,” he replied with a smile.

“This way,” Ruslan said, Serene followed closely. A nostalgic feeling whelmed her mind from each step.

“I doubt that the succession and coronation ceremony will happen on the same day,” Staxius voiced for it seemed that preparations were yet to be done.

“On the contrary, majesty,” Ruslan led the way inside, “-it’s imperative that both are performed on the same day. The crowning of the Blood-King in front of the other clans to avoid a shift in the hierarchy. Messages have already been sent. The leaders should come around soon enough.”

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