The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 263

“What is it?” she turned and asked; still a little sad from the passing – the companions headed out after the introductions were made.

“Do you think master is ok?” asked Emma.

“Yes, yes, do you think he’s ok?” added Emmy. Worried, their eyes remained on the ground.

“Honestly,” she paused and watched as a crowd gathered around the stalls and merchants, “-I’ve no idea,” they stood overlooking the yard; grass trimmed to perfection, the lighting, though the night – seemed as if day time. Claireville Academy pulled all the stops.

“He’ll be fine,” added Achilles with Scott in tow.

“I’ve heard the news, from Aceline and I, we’d like to pay respects and offer our sincere condolences,” Scott nodded with a truthful tone.


“We’re grateful for the thought,” replied Undrar with a smile, “-I presume this is the man you’re working for?” she turned to Achilles.

“Yes, I’m on guard duty for the idols,” she confirmed what was asked.

“Could you kindly pass this message to Staxius?” a note was handed, one that Scott covered with both hands, “-it’s for his and his eyes alone, secrecy is vital,” a whisper to which the duo headed to the Arena.

‘All seems gentle and calm on the surface,’ she turned to the crowd, ‘-though underneath brews something else.’

“-Are you alright?” Avon pulled her hand.

“Yes, shall we visit the stalls, the scent does arouse my appetite,” thus, they ended up spending most of the night sprawling around to forget their worries.

Lit by a thousand flame of which came from the crystals making up chandeliers atop the dining table, Royalty had dinner. The ceiling, not as high as most were accustomed did leave an impression. From an Arena made for battle, it turned into a place worthy of being named a fancy restaurant. None knew how long it took to renovate. Beautiful architecture with tapestries of invaluable worth and paintings fetching into the thousands decorated their entourage.

Sat with their meal complete, Ernis engaged Xula in conversation. The topic, Staxius and his trip to the main-land. Not wanting to be heard, he turned to Gallienne and the queen mother. The duo joined after he politely asked, the more the merrier.

“Do forgive my asking,” away from prying ears, “-I haven’t seen Prince consort Piers?”

“Funny you should say so,” she faced him, “-I’ve not heard anything either. The last I know was that he set off to Dorchester.”

“I see,” the tone emotionless, the gaze befell the tapestry opposite him.

“Listen,” whispered the queen, “-I’ve heard about the death of Lizzie. It came as a shock when the media spread the news as if nothing happened. Pains my heart to see such a lovely lady suffer a horrid death. As queen, you’ve my full support, do what you must, Staxius, I’ll help in avenging her life if that’s what you desire,” the words straight from the Ice-queen.

“I’m glad to hear that, really,” the look behind the dulled rubies was one of warning, “-sadly, what I plan to do will not be that pretty a thing to see. People are to suffer; one might say I’m planning something big. It could potentially trigger a war between two kingdoms,” the gaze remained, “-so you see, majesty, if people are to find out my support, thee are most likely to be exiled and killed for treason.”

“Is that so...” her voice faded, “-what about Arda, if what you say is true, what about thine kingdom?”

“They’ll be fine, I’ve no intention of bringing harm to Hidros and it’s people,” no emotions nor doubt, he remained steadfast.

“It was a pleasure dining with you all,” spoke Ernis, the time had come to leave.

“Likewise, your highness, likewise,” voiced Staxius in a bland tone.

Goodbyes exchanged, escorted by Royal guards, Gallienne headed out to where they would stay. The dorms turned hotel for her majesty, guarded and empty of students with only a few individuals.

“See you later,” waved Ernis as Lucy led the way to the dorm.

“What about us?” asked Xula.

“We could always just teleport to the mansion.”

“I see,” her cheeks flushed, “-lead the way then,” her head remained at his feet.

‘Honestly,’ sensing the change, he could but watch gently. She who had been angry till now grew to be bashful. The main culprit, “-let me carry thine child,” the words echoed in her mind. “Before we leave, I’d like to check on Eira, is that fine with you?”

“I’ve been meaning to give her a few words of confidence too,” she added with reddened cheeks. A call to Josiah sorted everything.

Stood under a tree with its reach across a few meters, big and strong as the wind blew, a girl with white hair. The moon made it easier to see, the clouds didn’t seem to intervene either. Slowly and surely, footsteps, muffled by the music inside the area, made its way to said tree.

“You look different,” called a voice.

“Father,” from leaning on the tree, using her back, she gave a little nudge and rushed into his arms, “-you’re the one who looks different,” a tight embrace later, she did the same to Xula. A lovely reunion, seeing her face gave a jolt of energy; a face innocent and ready for anything. Minutes turned to an hour, the trio sat and spoke. She laughed, Xula laughed, Staxius remained stoic. When asked why, “I’ve got a sore throat, laughing doesn’t help either,” an obvious lie.

“If you say so,” more than him, she spoke to Xula; the two grew to be very close.

‘I wonder how that secondary aura is doing,’ eyes closed, he held her hand, ‘-I see,’ he continued to watch, ‘-doing any kind of magic might disrupt her element. I best leave it for now,’ what he saw was the crest of the ice-dragon; a snowflake. It had grown to be essential to her Ice-element. Rather than get involved suddenly, as Eira seemed to not be on edge, the trouble was left for another time.

“Eira,” called a familiar voice.

“Over here,” she stood and waved.

“Sophie,” voiced Staxius.

“It’s you,” she walked over and shook hands.

“Thanks for always taking care of my daughter,” he gave a nod, Xula followed suit.

“No need for thanks,” she smiled, “-it’s as you said,” her eyes turned to the queen, “-her majesty does look sublime. There’s no way anyone could compare to her beauty; honestly, it makes me a little angry,” to which she laughed.

“Surely you jest,” voiced Xula with a smile and gentle tone, “-thine fiery hair and eyes are fierce and strong, I’m positive that men dance around thy fingers.”

“Not really,” she chuckled, “-my finger is bound to one man,” she showed her ring, “-in any case, we rather leave, uncle is growing impatient.”

“Good luck, Eira, I’ve placed a lot of bets on you winning,” Staxius said in jest.

“I better get a cut off the profits,” she fired back, “-take care of father, dearest mother,” and thus, their figures disappeared into the night.

“Shall we get going?” Staxius held out a hand.

“O-ok,” not physically and mentally ready, as though it was her first time, she blushed. In fairness, both had shared countless passion-filled nights. Without care to birthing a life, they sat back, enjoyed, and gave in their carnal desires. More meaning behind the intimate act, the pressure rose.

At home, on the bed, with Staxius atop the blushing Xula, he asked, “-are you sure about this,” the voice firm, “-caring and raising a child will be hard, I don’t wish to be selfish and impose this on thee.”

“Shut up,” she pulled him closer, “-I don’t want to hear anything else,” she whispered. ‘What I want is for you to have a reason to come home. I wish to see that smile again, the one devoid of woe and hardship, the one you gave when speaking about Lizzie and the companions. The smile you give when I do something out of character, I want that smile to return,’ her truest words kept inside her mind and heart.

“Thank you, Xula, I love you,” he bit her neck; the eyes closed, the man slipped into Clarity. He needed to find a way to impregnate Xula; going at it the normal way with two bodies bonding, wouldn’t be enough. Instead, god and angel had to share more than their bodies – it involved their souls as well.

*Heed mine call, soul whomst departed the living, I, Staxius Haggard, the god of Death, give thine a chance at life,* echoed in the hall-of-rebirth, a familiar voice.

“It’s father,” awake, Lizzie ran to the main room, a place where the current lord of death slept. As opposed to being reborn instantly, Jessica made a plea. She followed her best friend’s movement since the day in Krigi. Knowing a bit about how he thought, the decision of letting Lizzie live for a few days was forced. As it was her first-ever request, Lord Death gave in her words.

“Go, my heir calls on thine soul. It shall be a rebirth; your memories will come too after a certain age is reached; this is my gift to him. Go, lost sheep, he who you love awaits,” with a smile, he watched as the soul headed out. ‘So, you’ve attained divinity, you do surprise me, Staxius, here I thought I’d have to wait a few centuries for you to call onto the symbols of power. Nike, Kronos, it’s as Qhildir said. Not only are the mortal realms in danger, but every single dimension, realms under other god’s dominion too. Titans will return, at the helm, the heir to Kronos, the god-killer, one who took Nike’s life out of spite. Be strong and live hard, my heir, it’s not far till we’ll have to call onto thy power.’

“What do you say Creation,” he turned, “-have you seen the importance of having an heir yet? Entrusting your belief onto them. You were wrong, young as he might be, the boy defeated three god-ranked spirits.”

“I acknowledge his strength,” she walked over, “-I’ve my doubts,” it paused. “Time will tell, dear friend, time will tell.”

A portal of white color, one that signified rebirth, materialized. Coming out of it, a hand with a pentagram, ‘-you did come for me,’ without hesitation, she took the hand and was pulled out the hall.

“Lizzie,” levitated in a tunnel as souls went past, a figure spoke.

“Father?” in a bubble, her hands rested on said transparent wall.

“Yes, it’s me,” the face materialized, “-time is short. Before you go, I’d like to say I’m sorry, this is the only thing I can do. You’ll be reborn into the world of the living as my child and Princess to Arda. It comes with shelter and three meals a day.”

“Way to make it sound exciting,” she smiled, “-I knew you’d come back. Thanks for everything, father, I can’t wait, being reborn as thy child; we’ll be a family,” sucked into an opening, a final wave.”

“-you did great,” without warning, the moment the mind came out of Clarity, he fell to the floor. *Cough,* blood spewed, unconscious Xula remained still. Her neck had a few bite marks, Staxius’s chest was torn by scratches. What transpired was a thing to be kept secret till their deaths.

“What do we do now?” asked Avon, it had grown late.

“Let’s find a place to stay,” Undrar led the way to a moderately priced inn.

‘Now then,’ sat in a luxurious car with the Goldberg crest, the lady with her child headed to the noble district. ‘I’ve called in favors from the pope. Let’s hope the team sent will be strong and clever enough to carry out an assassination whilst making another person take the blame. Tomorrow will be the day the plan goes into play. Don’t fail me now, you corrupted man of god, may thine sin be known to Tharis.’

At midnight, with an unreal solo from Sugar, the opening ceremony ended. Many were left standing; all had jammed the whole night. The next concert would be on the 28th after the finals. Bets were made; hearing the name Blade’s End, did shock many. A single adventurer in the basket of mages trained for this day alone.

Sepmora, the school of witchcraft, was rumored to have had the toughest selection. In such a manner, talks about the possible winners and losers went around town.

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