The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 305

“I suppose we should converse with the guests,” looking down, the face felt lighter than before.

“Staxius,” a soft voice called from behind, “-could you please take care of Lizzie,” her eyes wandered upstairs. Many of her friends had come and were eagerly awaiting her return.

“Of course, do enjoy thyself,” held in a cradle, Lizzie slept as if all the noise were naught. As for Xula, she climbed the stairs with screams of joy resounding down.


“Yes?” she who had been staring the babe had her eyes glow.

“Do you want to maybe hold your little sister?” he asked.


“N-not right now,” she stepped away, “-I’m a little on edge. I fear that I might drop her,” her face stared away.

“No matter,” clear and direct, “-let’s go meet with the guests, it would be rude not to participate.”

“Lead the way then, father,” gracefully, they walked to the nobles. Pretty standard for gatherings of sorts, most were impatient to see the second princess. One by one, the King attended to each and everyone present. Rosetta and Youst remained close in case the babe needed attention or change of clothes. Eira was showered with compliments that night, noble boys from other prestigious families approached with compliments of which they harassed the beauty of the moon on a clear night sky or the aroma of flowers. As cold as she was at Claireville academy, her gaze changed the moment she sensed ulterior motives of baseless praises. Engaged with the parents, Staxius could but use the All-seeing eye and watch over Eira. Not overprotective, he was curious to how she dealt with frivolous approaches.

“Goddess Sephira,” a boy walked over and spoke.

“Pardon?” turned, Eira squinted her eyes.

“I do apologize,” he took a step back, a fox-demi human from the noble family of Ishra. The oldest son; shunned for being weak and unable to produce mana and wield any weapon. Frail constitution, the family cared only about power, thus the second oldest was in line to head their family. The Ishra’s were one of the noble families in Arda. Not that they meant to focus solely on power, said family had always trained special guards for the royal family. Vowed to serve the Queen at any cost, it didn’t come as a surprise when a boy that weak was born, “-I mistook her highness for a goddess I’ve heard of in the many books I’ve read.”

“Goddess Sephira, the ice-queen,” she stared an unwanted smile, “-you wish to compare me to the goddess who’s praised for being the most dignified and virtuous out of the elder-gods?”

“I apologize fully,” he bowed, “-I meant no disrespect, it’s just that thine hair, cold and pure made my feet move on its own.”

“Pleased to make your acquaintance,” smiled Eira, “-you’re the first who’s approached me with curiosity as opposed to my rank and beauty,” a lock of hair grew to tickle her face, using the index, she gracefully returned it behind her ear, “-I’m First Princess of Arda, Eira Haggard.”

“I-I’m Kozu Ishra, eldest son of the Ishra family.”

“Do enjoy the party, Lord Ishra,” nodding her head, she returned to Staxius. The latter had finished his conversation with the head of the Ishra family, a menacing wolf-demi human. Stex Ishra, one of the strongest swordsmen in Arda.

“Father,” whispered Eira, “-were you spying on me?” she asked.

“Not spying,” he stared with a blank face, “-I was only waiting for the typical go-to-hell refute.

“I see,” she poked at his stomach, “-do you wish to say I’m cold also?”

“I yield,” he laughed, “-let’s go meet with Uncle Josiah.” Having conversed with all the guests, what remained were his comrades.

“Brother,” coming out of the shadow behind Gallienne, “-I’m back,” smiled Courtney for he didn’t see her after the landing.

“W-who’s that woman?” asked Eira in shock, her foot stopped moving with the face turning to one ready for battle.

“Don’t pay her heed,” said Staxius monotonously, “-Uncle Josiah.” They spoke till Xula made her way down, a little flustered, she moved quickly around the crowd, “-Staxius,” she touched his shoulders.

“Wrong person,” replied a female voice.

“Wait,” a few meters away stood her husband, “-who are you?” she turned to the twin.

“We meet again, majesty,” smiled Courtney.

“Those eyes,” she took a step back, “-Daemonum Gladio,” instantly recognized, Staxius intervene for the queen had Prophecy on standby to fight. “Please my queen,” he caught her hand, “-you needn’t worry. I forgot to introduce my long-lost Twin sister, she’s a little eccentric.” Glared as a response, Xula had none of it.

“Yes, I am indeed Daemonum Gladio,” bowed the lady, “-I’m your dearest husband’s alter ego. Someone who’s very much enjoys fighting, to the death,” a smirk portrait itself, “-however, it’s nothing you should worry about. I’m here as friend opposed to foe – Let’s say that Staxius and I have many things that are to become apparent in a few days.” Escaping her fury, a crying Lizzie took the queen’s mind off the developing situation. Together, husband and wife headed into the bedchambers to take care of the babe. Inconspicuous, none had an idea of what had happened. There, the king spoke the truth and explained the situation in greater detail. After which, opposed to being angry, Xula’s face replaced for one frightened. He didn’t skip out the detail about fighting a god in another realm. A prospect that had her on edge, of which her hand tightly grasped onto his as if to never let go. Her fear was of him going to a place where not even death could reach.

“I won’t say to not worry, it would be selfish of me. I know it comes as a surprise; however, I’ve attained divinity. It makes me a God by both name and body, I know not if you were aware. I’m the heir to the God of Death. I’ve shown Eira my truest form; she’s fine with the idea. I chose to keep it a secret for it would have caused unnecessary unrest as you bore Lizzie at the time. That’s my truth, the reason why I’ve always been strong and weak at the same time. Being mighty means nothing in the grander scheme. You’re close to attaining the rank of demi-goddess, you must know what we have to deal with. I’m thy conduit – for the longest time, all your power has been channeling through me. I feel it every time I fight, the warmth of home, that’s why I can say for certain that I’ll always come back.”

“We’re filled with drama, aren’t we?” Xula gave a nervous chuckle, “-the things we both deal on a daily basis far eludes us. I’ll do what I can to support you,” on that, Staxius interjected, “-I’ll do the same, my queen,” sat on the bed close to one another, *KNOCK, KNOCK,* the door opened.

“Mother, Father,” Eira stood in the doorway with hands on her hips.

“Come in,” said Xula a little flustered, the would-be kiss interrupted.

“May I ask what you were about to do?” the door close behind.

“Your mother had something stuck on her cheek, I thought I’d help.” As not to cause trouble, Staxius stood and headed out to tend to the guests. Many presents were given and stacked in a storeroom down the corridor.

“Josiah,” spoke Staxius, many of the guests were famished. To that end, tables were readied for dinner.

“Uncle, are you coming?” asked Sophie who moved with the others.

“Go on ahead, I’ll be there in a moment,” he stopped with the focus on Staxius,

“About the exchange program for students, could you give me the details right now?”

“Sure,” reaching for a letter in his suit, “-Eira’s class 2-A will be sent over to Arda on the 6th of December. It will not interfere with their studies. They choose to gave time off their vacation to be able to learn from the leader of Kniq. What do you say, is that acceptable?”

“What about the time they are to spend here?”

“That’s to your discretion, Guild Master, though we recommend less than sixteen days for they are from noble families,” he took out an agreement, “-here are the papers.” Signed and cared for, Josiah resumed his walk towards having dinner. As if clockwork, Xula exited of a portal for a maid had called on them to dine. ‘6th of December, depending on how the monsters are handled; we might head for Plaustan. The Tower might be a good training ground. Tomorrow’s the day the deal is to take place out in Easel Run-Gard; I hope it goes to plan.’

Time showed 19:30. Royalty dined with royalty, Ernis took a liking to the people around and so was the feeling from Gallienne. Queen Mother Sely was quite reserved by the sudden interactions. Courtney made herself rather popular amongst the Ardanians, her charm which came from Dark-Arts ensnared many of strangers.

“She’s as sharp with her tongue as she’s sharp with her thirst for blood,” commented Xula after having wine. Once dinner was over, they moved to the ballroom were many swayed to the melodic arts of the musicians.

“Father,” turned Eira with an innocent gaze, “-let’s dance,” she asked with a smile.

“Go ahead,” nodded Xula, “-from what I can see, many young suitors wish to dance our daughter. What will it be, King, are you ready to let her go or will you take her hand and dance?” Swayed on the clean white marble floor with golden leaves and flowers. Each tile served to create a masterpiece. High walls ending in a dome that sparkled as mightily as the sun. Left to right, couples danced.

“Care to dance,” he held out a hand to which she accepted. Thus, father and daughter took to the center. Leading the piece, Staxius felt as graceful as a feather, complimenting him was Eira who moved just as graciously. “That was fun,” they stopped with the music.

“Good luck,” said Xula, “-Eira, you do realize dancing with your father means that one is not ready to have any romantic endeavors.”

“Of course, I know,” she smiled, “-I’ve more things on my mind than petty matters of the heart.”

“I shall leave you girls to it.” Walking across towards Ernis and the rest, he joined with the comrades and spoke for minutes that turned to hours. During said conversations, many, many little rumors were known to him. The ins and outs of what Kreston had been up to. News that Undrar voiced with a smile.

“Majesty,” without notice, time reached 22:00, “-many of the guests have already left,” added Serene.

“Dear me,” laughed Gallienne flustered, they all had taken a room to drink the night away. Eira took care of Lizzie whilst her mother and father entertained themselves.

“It was p-please t-to come here,” stumbled Ernis.

“Highness,” caught, “-you should show restraint when drinking,” teased Staxius.

“It truly was an honor to visit Arda,” smiled Undrar; the feeling was mutual across the faces.

“Why don’t you escort them home?” asked Xula, “-do wash up,” she spoke to everyone.

“I guess so,” a little tipsy, “-butlers helped the men whilst maids helped the ladies. Even Queen Mother Sely’s face lit with a reddened glow. “I’ll go change,” whispered Staxius.

*Clop, clop, clop,* echoed in the corridor leading to the changing room, a figure stood near the door. “Courtney.”

“Hey brother, are they heading home?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he entered, “-what about you, where will you rest?”

“I’ll crash at Pandora for the time being. I can’t afford to cause you trouble now can I?” she smiled. “-I love to kill; therefore, I’ll take the mask of Shadow and ask for work. You’ll know what I’m doing at all times, besides, aren’t you going to research for the puppet army?”

“Yeah,” he changed clothes; “-you’ll be spreading the name of Shadow as one to be feared. Do as you wish, dearest sister, I’ll trust you since thou art I,” reaching for a wallet, “-here,” a key, “-that’s for Pandora. Stay as long as you want; reach out for help the instant you’re cornered.”

“Brother, oh-brother,” she slapped his back, ???-we’re gods after all. I’ve no intention of losing.”

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