The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 362

“Boss,” spoke the pilot.

“What is it?” he asked from across the fuselage.

“Lady Cake asked us to head for Arda and not land at Rotherham.”

“Very well,” he sighed, “-take us to Arda, the run-way should have been built by now,” and off they flew.

Later in the journey that took more than a few hours, they passed over Dorchester. Staring downward one could see the scorched remnants of the Mage’s war. Their destruction was on par with the new weapons. Castle Garsley was replaced by a train-station. The town transferred over to the noble district named Garnet’s Town. The Train-station was given the name of The Silver Guardians. All in lovely memory for the companions that died without experiencing the joys of parenthood. Or so that was what he thought for the ladies did experience the joy. They watched Eira grow, shame was it that they could not have attended her coming of age.

Over yonder as the sun readied to sleep, came greenery. A sudden change from the deserted land of Dorchester. Tilted to the right, the Jet took to line with the air-field. The latter was built kilometers away from the capital, it served as a mid-point for Town Eden and the former. Trees cut reservedly as to not anger the Dryads. The forest was given freedom and so did they give modern architecture a try. The Airfield held two run-ways of 2-kilometers long. Sufficient to allow for cargo and passenger planes to land. The border was opened to all, an order from the King. Ardanian Culture was one very intricate and full of stories and myths. The many races joined as one to share their experiences and grow. A unity of races, the idea of which Paradus hated with ire. Not as complex as Phantom’s airfield, the Jet landed without trouble. The hangar was few as for the command tower, it stood as if a shadow against the tall-trees. Taxied inside one of the hangars, Phantom, was written against the metallic gate which split into *Phan-tom.*


“Orders boss?” asked the pilot visibly tired.

“Rest up and go explore, Arda should have more than a few things to keep a young man entertained,” he crawled over to the cockpit, “-keep this between you and me,” said in a whisper, the pilot and co-pilot gulped. “There’s a small village full of bunny-girls to the East, they’re very accommodating, if you catch my drift,” placing a hand on their shoulders, he nodded and left. Alone, the duo stared one another with smirks, a libido that soon had them in hysteria.

‘Boys will be boys,’ he thought and stepped onto the grey, dusty floor. A sudden glance made the neck-hair stand. A relaxing atmosphere turned rather tense. Peering over to where it came, a lady with long black hair, red lipstick, sharp facial features, a beauty mark under the left eye, and the death-stare of a mother. The outfit was of a skin-tight skirt which ended above her knees, it exposed her thighs rather becomingly. The shirt was one formal of white embroidered with frills near the shoulder. Her chest was covered by a notepad of some sort, one that she had tightly grasped.

“Do you have the slight idea on how long I’ve been waiting?” she spoke through gritted teeth, the glance turned to a narrow-eyed glare.

“A few weeks?” spun to match her glare, “-is there a reason to why you’d use such a tone with me?” Words of authority stuck her sense of duty, obliged, her eyes lowered.

“I apologize for my disrespectful behavior,” she said with a bow.

“There’s no need for that,” he returned, “-I got you good, didn’t I?” breathing a chuckle, she stared to a man who had made her a fool.

“Honestly,” she stomped to give a light punch, “-Majesty, thou art always the ever so joyful child.”

“I suppose,” patting her shoulder as to say hello, “-should we head out?”

“With pleasure,” turned with a clap, a luxurious car reserved to where he stood.

“Isn’t this the new model 8I-T0?”

“Correct,” smiled Serene, “-it’s the luxurious variant of an otherwise utility vehicle. Spare the technicalities, we need to head to the capital this instant,” on that a butler opened the door to which he sat. The transport could be described as a love-child between the RFS and Void. A utility sports vehicle. It bore menacing-looking wheels and a bonnet that had features of a lion for the headlights gave said impression. A statuette of a golden angel with her wings spread stood overlooking the road. Roared to a start, the interior moved, the vibration felt like invisible hands caressing one’s heart.

Sat at the back, he peered out at the ever-static image of the jet.

“Majesty, is something the matter?” asked Serene who sensed the distress.

“Yeah,” he turned and leaned forward, “-you two, step-out.”

“M-majesty?” replied the driver, “-what is the meaning of this?” he asked rather confused.

“Did you not hear me?” repeated the king once more, “-I asked for thee both to step out.” Obliged, they now stood outside.

“Is something the matter?” asked a worried Serene, the driver and his assistant, one a beast-man and a demi-human, were shocked. They stood with hands behind their backs waiting for an answer.

“Yes,” returned Staxius after what seemed an eternal silence, “-I’ve decided,” he reached for the door, “-I’ll be the one driving,” thinking they had done something bad, the duo’s tense shoulders relaxed into a hunched posture.

“Excuse you?” asked Serene with a side-glance.

“Come on,” he stepped inside, “-get in, I want to experience this beast for myself. I think it be right for a king to lead his stallion and not let another have the reins.”

“What of us?” asked the Driver to Serene who stood melancholically.

“A truck’s bound to come to pick up supplies later, I’ll have them pick you up.”

“O-ok...” they stared blankly as he sped off into the distance. The roads were big, bigger than in Oxshield and split in the middle by trees, a sort of natural barrier. Paying no heed to the speed, the foot remained steadfast on the accelerator. The borders of the forest soon let into a clearing with the Capital on the left. A massive tree that even the cloud couldn’t do justice. The area around was less forest and more infrastructure. Houses and outposts were built around the capital, trading posts, a merchant gathering guild for those who were not in with the Trader’s guild. Independent businesses are allowed to share the profit of most. The 8I-T0 was soon to arrive in the vicinity of the capital. A barrier stood strongly on the road, they pulled to a stop.

“What’s thy business in Arda?” said one of the watchmen. A necessary precaution to have a certain level of security. The threat of terrorist attacks loomed as if an obsessed lover.

“Is this sufficient?” the windows rolled with the King giving a smile.

“Majesty!” bowed the guard who was quick to lift the barrier, “-welcome back to Arda, we’ve been waiting.”

“See I told you,” added Serene with the car advancing, “-the people want to see their king once more. The king who’s done so much,” her voice seemed unusually grateful.

“I only did what I thought was best, there’s no need for all of this,” the main-road split into a sort-of roundabout that climbed up to the first floor of the capital. A nonchalant bridge for vehicles built using magic. Rare was it for people to use said path as most nobles and guests of honor did so.

“Stop, stop,” waved an elf with a baton.

“Name and purpose please,” he asked whilst knocking against the window.

“Staxius Haggard, Ruler of Arda,” came through as the reply.

“Please sire, we don’t have time to mess and joke around,” said the elf who had yet to catch a glimpse.

“Do face the people who you’ve asked the question.” The elf seemed a little overzealous. A tell-tell sign of one slacking off or an excessive amount of pride on a certain matter.

“Aren’t thee the talker,” returned the elf with a glare.

“Care to repeat that?” smiled Staxius.

“MAJESTY,” he stumbled backward, “-I’m s-sorry.”

“Don’t worry,” came a voice from the other side, “-just have the portal changed to the third floor, we’re headed to the castle.”

“Lady Serene, I’ll do so right this instant,” he stumbled over to a booth and spoke via a telephone. The gate soon changed to a purple color.

“Guess it’s time to say this,” smiled Serene, “-welcome back to Arda, majesty,” instant teleportation to where the castle stood. Grey with veins growing around the towers, the castle stood as majestically as always. The town in front was filled with activity. Many dressed in expensive clothes walked around the town which turned into an entertainment and commercial district for the rich. Big-name brands of clothes and electronics resided in the olden-styled buildings. Restaurants had seats outside on the stone-bricked pavement. The road was of the same style, bricked laid one by one opposed to the tarmac. Roared across, 8I-T0 caught the eyes of many, eyes that knew not the owner for the windows were darkened. Twist and turns later, they pulled close to the newly extended part of the castle, a garage with numerous cars and bikes hidden under a lovely slated bricked roof.

“This place sure has changed,” parked, they stepped out to a rather empty yard. The path was of marble meant for the outdoors. Immaculate and clean, the yard else known as the garden, had flowers all around.

“Lizzie,” a flash of green hair to the right underneath the shadow of a blossoming tree caught the eye.

“Papa?” the girl was soon to turn and give a large smile.

“Yes, it’s me,” quick on the feet, he rushed to her side. “What are you doing outside?” he asked with her in arms.

“Mother was showing flowers,” her little chubby fingers soon pointed to Xula. She sat with a lonely stare, long white dress mixed with blue flowers and a stray-hat. She didn’t notice as her focus was on a bee resting atop a gentle flower.

“Flowers are pretty, they attract many o’ visitors to have a taste of their nectar,” came a deep voice.

“They can also have thorns for those they wish not to partake in their nectar,” returned a dejected voice.

“Xula,” he reached out to her shoulder.

“S-Staxius?” her face swapped for one confused, “-is that you?”

“Does it look like anyone else?” a nervous smile had both stare away. It felt awkward and awkward was it to try to speak.

“W-welcome back...”

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