The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 366

“What of it, Emperor?”

“Dearest father-in-law, I’ve decided that the Alphia Empire will join the Argashield Federation. We will do what is needed to help the allied kingdoms. My only wish is that thee accompanies me to my continent, we’re in peril and I think it best to rely on someone in a time of crisis.”

“Rely on someone,” he said with an unconvinced tone, “-do you wish to say that you’d have chosen any old fool to be in thy entourage?”

“No, god forbid,” the head shook in dismissal, “-I never said such a thing,” strong gestures of disapproval amplified the words spoken. “I only considered this option for thou art the father of my will-be wife.”

“Very bold,” he smiled, “-very well, I shall ready myself for the trip,” the gaze laid onto the butler behind, “-Arle, thou better protect the emperor,” he walked over to a vertical window giving into a dark-corridor.

“When can I expect thy arrival?” asked the young emperor intently.


“What do you mean expect,” turned the King, “-We shall go together. After all, I’m agreeing to be part of thy council. If something were to happen, I’d be the one to blame.”

*Knock, knock,* the door opened with a Sage holding a staff, “-I’ve brought the papers,” said he with a listless gaze.

“Perfect timing,” without a word said, a pen was placed inside the king’s hand, “-even in the age of technological advancement, we rely on what is physical and pure,” he leaned onto a tall platformed use to keep vases up high.

“May I ask to where you’re going?” inquired Arle who stood on her toe to catch a glimpse.

“Signing the Alliance,” he smiled, “-Emperor Sultria VI of the Alphia Empire, do you vow to always side with the Argashield Federation even if this is to go worse?”

“Yes, I do,” said he without a doubt.

“Very well,” the papers were signed. Date, 6th December XX93, The Alphia empire changed from supporters to allies. The news would reach all in due time.

“Youst,” without warning, he called to which the butler answered, “-have the Emperor take a test. I’ll have preparations ready for my departure. Please have Serene come to the office.”

“Father!” cried the Emperor, “-what is the meaning of this?”

“Take a rest for the love of what is holy. If you were to see thy visage, I’d swear that the response would be less than amicable,” heavy frowned with the eyebrows tensed as to display anger and confusion, a pat on the shoulder had the king leave the room.

‘Now then,’ thought he scattering across the empty hallways deeper inside the castle. Shadows loomed every corner, the outside yet visible, was but an unattainable piece of bliss. The shadows of the windows resting on the floor stretched on high till meeting the opposing wall. Invisible pair of hands wrapping itself around the castle. At intervals, pillars besides which rested naught but an empty stand would flare with the sunlight.

Opened to a room changed from large and empty to large and compact, countless tables of which held holographical displays, stood glaring at him who entered. At the center of such a mess, a desk of wood and a singular monitor. One that controlled all around the room. The right-side, which once held a couch and table was replaced by metal cabinets for storing essential files. During the war, none would have guessed but this room was the center of all information transfer. It was yet to be dismantled and transferred over to the new wing. One started by the saints, the church for conversion, now used for the military.

“You asked for me?” came a voice who entered without a knock. The pitch-black hair and pale skin would have many fear for their lives.

“Serene,” said the King, “-I’ve got a few tasks you need to accomplish.”

“I heard about you going to Alphia, is that true?” she wondered with a step forth. Her tight-skirt struggled to keep with her movements, it felt as if it were to tear with each step.

“Yes, tis true.”

“Does it have to be now?” she wondered with a dulled stare, “-it hasn’t been a day yet a week and thee think of leaving so soon?”

“I know,” he shook the head, “-trust me, I want to rest and relax yet, there are matters more important than frolicking nonsensically.”

“I guess the decision has been made, what is it that you wish, Majesty?” she now peered over his shoulder.

“I want a status report on Arda. Spare none, what has the Blood-King faction been up too?”

“Alright,” she paused to draw up a massive hovering screen. “The factions holding Arda are the Noble-faction and the council of races. The post-war situation is rather hopeful, people are returning to the norm. The mine has been providing enough food and shelter for those working. The land is fertile once more, no more is the trouble of harvest. The North, where the Winged-Wolves are concerned, has had an influx in population. Mont Blanc is bountiful with prey. We found a particular plant with the ability to amplify mana-output. It grows onto the top of the mountain. I can say with pride that the villagers are filled with bliss for the plant is highly valuable. The Lizardmen tribe is alienated as you ordered. The swamp is nothing but a wasteland. Krask’s death has their kind in disarray, I’m sure that a new leader will come soon – one who values the peace of an alliance. The army is now under the control of General Mieshre of the beastmen tribe, her efforts in fighting the invasion are strong-footed amongst our men. The noble faction suffered quite a lot, their holdings and land are ravaged. I doubt there’s any amber of revolution burning. The Blood-King Faction has been all over the world spying on everyone. The Vampires are cured of the curse of day-light. Even the lowest tiered vampire, with the worst blood, is twice as strong as a Silver-ranked adventurer.”

“Most excellent,” said he, “-what of the council, has anyone tried to speak?”

“The council is tamed, my liege, everyone respects the new rule.”

“What of the citizens, are they happy?”

“From what I’ve gathered, yes, they are happy. Despite the tax, many are working hard to pay the kingdom who sheltered them in the war.”

“They’re too kind,” he sighed, “-after that homicidal act from Kreston, I doubted the populous to take my side. I’m glad,” he smiled.

“Yes, glad is the word to use for if it had gone another way, we’d be ruined.”

“Thank you for covering in my absence.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” she patted his head, “-Blood-King, you should really think of starting a harem.”

“Oh please,” he laughed loudly, “-a harem would tear my heart in pieces. I may be immortal but the anger of ladies in love is far crueler than what you may think. No harem, I’m a loyal man sworn to love the prettiest lady in the whole world.”

“Boring,” she rolled her eyes defiantly, “-no harem, what’s the point of being all-powerful?”

“Boring is the term harem, in no way does a man need more than a one to satisfy his libido. Besides one could always partake in the pleasures alone and behind shut doors. Heck, why are we even discussing such immoralities, thee doth have the worst way of bringing impure thoughts out my mind.”

“Impure, thou referred to the bonding of flesh and the creation of a babe as impure, how dulled are you, majesty?”

“Provocations isn’t going to do much,” stood with a relaxed face, “-the rather abrupt conversation has helped in soothing my mind. Thank you once more, Serene.”

“It was my pleasure, majesty.” Even since the episode with Eira’s sudden departure and how his mental health declined. Serene vowed to always take care of him who she served. A vow that had saved him many o’ time. During the five years of being away and stuck inside never-ending schemes – Serene’s nonsensical conversation and a rather flirty attitude was a bitter-sweet rest. One that he profoundly enjoyed, Serene truly was she who cared, the best secretary he could have wanted.

Down the hall and out in the still-active yard. The king traversed across the trimmed grass onto the renewed alchemic tower. The top was of a glass dome in which held many o’ telescopes and maps of the stars. The Sage had taken a big interest in astronomy in the later years. “The next step for us is to go to the skies.” A phrase he’d often repeat to the younger folks during storytelling.

Glass inlaid with golden symbols, he walked onto a tiled floor without none around. A globe stood in the middle, one reminiscent of the Hall of Rebirth. Further, into the room, a door led to the outside where a railing went around the tower. There, overlooking the castle and yard below, “-hello.”

“Hello,” returned through the phone.

“Can you hear me, Cake, hello?”

“Yes, yes, how may I help, boss?”

“I require transportation to the Alphia Empire. Is the jet readied to fly again?”

“Yes, why do you ask so, the jet is for thy personal use only, none in their damned mind will ever think of taking off without thy consent.”

“I thought I’d ask since, well, you know.”

“Yet to adjust to how powerful we are?” she laughed, “-no matter. Do you wish for me to send over a car?”

“No, I’ll be fine.”

“When should I expect arrival?”


“Deal, will there be guests?”

“Emperor Sultria VI.”

“I see, the son-in-law, very well, we shall spare no expense. I’ll have Lady Courtney join the flight. She’s been wanting to have a long-talk on Phantom’s progress.”

“Efficient as always.”

“It’s my pleasure,” she laughed, “-take care Boss, I’ll see you later tomorrow,” the phone call ended. ‘She’s not wrong on that front,’ a cigar lit, ‘-Phantom’s evolving at a very fast pace. Our influence in the underground rose to the status of the family and backed by Godfather Renaud no less. As a business, as an arm’s dealer, we’ve outfought any competition with connections. Phantom’s research unit is making advancements as if the world is to end soon. The culmination of five-years work, the project to have us as the supreme leaders in air.’ Peacefully gazing over yonder, a small man hailed fanatically.

“What is it?” a blink later, Staxius landed with wings retracting.

“Oh...” stared the Emperor, “-are you an angel?”

“No, of course not. I’m the king of nightwalkers. What’s the matter, is something wrong, has Eira rejected you?”

“Please don’t joke that way,” a nervous smile hid the troubled mind, “-about going to Alphia.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve made arrangements for our departure. Let’s have dinner since will be leaving sooner than later.”

“Are we going at night?”

“That’s the plan.”

“What of me?” asked the butler, “-am I to stay here?”

“No, you’re coming with. The matter of monsters has me very interested.”

“King Staxius,” came a sultry tone from the back, “-is it not a bit rude to forget a friend?”

“Queen Elina,” the posture changed to one accommodating, “-it’s a pleasure to see that you haven’t left. Why not join us for dinner?”

“My oh my,” she covered her mouth, “-you sure know how to please a lady,” her fierce eyes darted behind at the Emperor – the same as a tigress saying don’t touch my prey.

“It’s a given,” interjected Staxius who stood before his son-in-law, “-I must know how to accommodate she who’s been very generous with my company.” He moved to face the entrance with a simple glance. A message to say that everything would be alright.

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