The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 385

“No, Mr. Dorino, I see thee worth every penny.”

Returned to the appraiser, the man kept eyeing the ring, the jewel, metal, and design, all so uncommon.

“May I ask to where the masterpiece was made?”

“Arda, my home. There are plenty of far more expensive items. Ardanian culture is one of our world’s most rich and intriguing. Born in Alphia, thou art known to how the humanoid shape may vary according to their DNA. Such is a result of the united mindset of accepting one for what they are, I really admire it. Do come to visit, I think it be a good experience.”

“Yes, yes,” laughed the appraiser named Lucas. Out of the people around, his way of dressing was nostalgic. A robe-like suit with long hair tied with a hair-clip, a mixture of lady’s fashion for a man. Earrings, bracelets, and many accessories matching the attire, not over nor underwhelming, a perfect fragile balance.

“Mr. Lucas, may I ask a personal question?”


“Yes, go ahead,” he agreed with full attention.

“Are you perhaps from Dorchester or familiar with the Dorchestrian culture, more specifically, the village of Krigi?”

“I’m surprised,” taking a step back, the happenings of the ball were ignored to him, “-never did I think someone to know the birth-place of my mother. I personally never visited, but my mother was gracious enough to grant me the honor of knowing. Would it be fine if I ask thee the same question?”

“I’m a native of Krigi. Purely on guesswork, I’d say your lady mother fled to Alphia during the great-war?”

“Yes, that is very much correct. Mr. Haggard, you do impress.”

“Likewise, Mr. Lucas, tis a pleasure to see our culture and rituals to not be lost to the ravages of time,” arms laid across their chest, they bowed, followed with a hug, and exchanged kisses.

‘The formal greeting allowed to the village chief and his family.’

“You knew,” he smiled, “-you know, I’m sure of it!”

“Mr. Lucas, let’s have dinner soon, I’d love to meet thy lady mother.”

“Sure, we’ll refer to Mr. Dorino for details,” turned to the perplexed man, a hasty nod paired with a smile finalized the arrangements. Thus, the party began. Many formed differing clicks based on standing and wealth. As an unknown, Staxius was left out of the conversations to stare out a window with a cigar in mouth. He didn’t mind being alone, the presence and way of movement, speech, and overall mannerism, created an impact big enough to have curiosity aroused. Body-language was what mattered at a fundamental basis – a skill mastered in the teenage years. From 18:00 to 19:00, Mr. Dorino went to meet and welcome the guests. The conversations ended in the same fashion, ‘pretell, who’s the alluring man staring out the window?’ with a smile, he’d reply, “-a friend, do you wish to make his acquaintance?” most simply, the bashful nature of the ladies was to decline in a way it said the opposite. They weren’t used to making the first move and were content at staring. The men, on the other hand, were on edge. Used to being fawned based on their name alone, created a minute amount of gossip.

“How nice is it to be the center of attention,” said a tired Lucas, a youth in his best years. Hard as he could have tried, there were lipsticks and bite marks on his neck.

“How nice is it to be the focus of the ladies,” said Staxius with a grin, “-the love bites surely must be impolite.”

“No need of concern,” he said taking out a scarf, “-I’m ready for any occasion.”

“Casanova, tis a pleasure to make thy acquaintance,” said he in jest.

“Please, I’m not as great as he you speak of. The man was known for having ladies fall head-over-heels, a love they never experienced, a man of charm and intrigue.”

“I take it thou idolize him?”

“One could say so,” he leaned with back against the wall, “-a man who could have anyone. Unlike me, the one I wish for is yet to be found,” the voice came to a stop, the accent and tone were audibly tired.

“Waiter,” hailed Staxius, “-would you kindly have my friend a drink or two.”

“You didn’t have to,” said Lucas.

“I only but asked, thank the waiter instead of me.”

“You sure are interesting, Mr. Haggard, or should I say, Blood-King of Arda.”

“You’re a man of knowledge as well.”

“Surely thee jests, anyone of an inkling of interest at the outside world will be bound to come across the King of Arda. There are rumors of thee owning Phantom, are those true?”

“Yes, I don’t mind admitting. Phantom is my arm’s trading company, and we’re willing to sell as long as thee have the capital.”

“Unbiased and clear, just as the stories say. Alphia is in alliance with Arda. Not many know the news – I think, just the announcement of our emperor courting a lady, and one as beautiful as the Princess of Arda, was sufficient.”

“Drinks, sire,” said the waiter.

“Thank you.”

“My reputation is still fairly unknown, sure, people know the name but not the man. Time will tell, my friend, time will tell.” The slow chugging of air being sliced caught many ears. Lights blinked against the star-filled night; a helicopter hovered above the well-maintained yard. Soon to descend, it landed with guards leaped to provide security. Only after the rotors came to a stop that the ones inside stepped out. An emblem of a flower indicated who they were.

“The guest of honor is here,” said Lucas with a hint of dismay.

“Way to make an entrance, who are they?”

“Seriously?” he paused, “-Lady Shino Pierre Gaso, of the Gaso Group, one of five biggest conglomerates in Alphia. I’m surprised you didn’t know.”

“I never came across her name in my travels, so I’d not know.”

“Considering you spent half a million on a gift to Mr. Dorino, I figured you knew who would come today.” Ignoring the question, the relatively noisy hall came to a prolonged silence.

“Lady Gaso,” said Dorino escorting her inside the ball-room where the crowd stopped breathing, her piercing gaze eyed everyone to then fix on the men. Her steps were sharp and dangerous, in a nervous manner, the conversations resumed.

“Now that’s a way to make an entrance. Her presence cut the breath of many.”

“That’s lady Gaso for you,” her walk continued with Dorino bowing head each time she spoke. A long red and white traditional dress from Alphia. A bun with hair flips, with locks of hair swaying off the side of her head. Thin eyebrows, the stare held the fierceness of a tigress. Arrived at where men of equal power sat, she took over the conversation and had them in her palms.

‘She’s interesting.’

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll go have a walk, let’s continue our discussion later,” he left for the outside. Most specifically, they examine the helicopter.

“Excuse me, sire,” hailed a guard.

“No need to fret, I’m here to only observe.”

“Go ahead,” to which one was assigned to watch. Circling the craft and taking breaks every few steps, ‘-figured as much,’ he moved to the car and sat.

*Calling Cake...*

“Hello boss, how can I help?”

“Hello, sorry if I’ve disturbed.”

“No worries, I was on way to the office, what happened?”

“Have you heard of the Gaso Group?”

“Yes, they’re rich and powerful. Highly influential in Alphia, why do you ask?”

“Any connection to Meldorino?”

“The company is under the Gaso Group, that’s why I haven’t been able to take over it yet. It’s a bidding war I tell you, why, is the Group causing problems?”

“No,” he smiled, “-I do so happen to be in the presence of Lady Gaso. I need information, tell me everything about them, and I mean everything – contact Godfather Sable, I’m sure he has something on them.”

“It just so happens I prepared the very same thing on potential targets. One thing to know is her dealing with Phantom. We sold her the DD2 Armored variant for five million.”

“I saw the very same helicopter.”

“There might be more in the skies, we do sell what we make, part of it. Midas is proficient at finding clients – tis a given.”

“I’ve received the file. See you later, Cake.”

“Have a good day, boss.”

*Gaso Group owns seven luxury brands including Meldorino. In recent years, profit has been low. Meldorino was the first to be liquidated to break-even after a hard year. Those are the rumors; her vindictive nature is reason more of why buying out Meldorino is tough. Godfather Sable’s informants say Shino Gaso has a hand in the underworld and links with Cimier. The Lerado incident might have had a hand to do with lady Gaso. There’s knowledge a company of the DG is trying to buy-out companies from Gaso. It leads me to suspect her involvement.*

‘Cake, you always want to take on the final boss before preparation,’ the faint salty scent of sea forced a sneeze. “A shower might have done some good,” he mumbled, *knock, knock.*

“What’s the matter?” rolled the windows revealing a flustered Dorino.

“I’ve arranged for you to meet with Lady Gaso. Tis my way of repaying the favor, go ahead, Mr. Haggard, make the most of this New Year’s Eve.”

“I do appreciate the offer,” opened upwards, “-let’s not have the lady waste time.”

Lights turned blinding, the walk to where she stood felt long and slow. The returning glares were of disapproval, the other directors, under her command, were tired and tipsy.

“Lady Gaso,” said the director, “-here’s the man who saved my life.”

She gave a once over to settle on his face – her arms crossed, the face held a stern expression, one of boredom.

“Yes, hello, glad you saved my fellow comrade’s life,” her speech was fast and uninterested.

“Staxius Haggard,” he returned in a similar fashion, “-not to be disrespectful, but a lady of power should mind her speech and mannerism well.”

“And why should I do that?” she frowned, “-why should I care of someone who’s unimportant.”

“Such insolence,” he smiled, “-said behavior could have thy head put to the sword.”

“Are you threatening me?” the introduction turned sour, those around were left to wonder if she’d have another fit of rage.

“Not in the least, I’ve all but been courteous,” with a nod, “-let me introduce myself. I’m Staxius Haggard, Blood-King of Arda, and Leader of the Argashield Federation. Lady Gaso, thou must take the habit of addressing anyone and everyone in respect. Might I remind you, there are far more influential people in the world.”

“King of Arda,” she rose an eyebrow, “-are you perhaps the leader of Phantom?”

“Yes, that much is true, why do you ask?”


“I apologize for my prior behavior,” said she giving a curtsy.

“I apologize for making thee uncomfortable.”

“I’m Shino Pierre Gaso, President of the Gaso Group.”

“Staxius Haggard,” a heated first conversation turned to a peaceful introduction.

“May I offer us to have a seat to a more reserved space?” asked the lady.

“Sure,” thus they took to the first-floor inside the study. The fireplace burnt away slowly, the amber color gave a soothing atmosphere.

“Majesty,” said Gaso with a sharp tone, “-not that I wish to be arrogant, I personally care not for social standing and hierarchy.”

“The act earlier was to not be disrespectful in the eyes of thy directors? I saw their expression upon saying my title, you choose to conform to their beliefs as to not cause trouble down the line.”

“Do you find pleasure in saying out loud what the other is thinking?” she said with a hint of annoyance.

“Tis a bad-habit of mind, I rather say it to be more of a unique feature.”

“Thou art arrogant,” she sighed, “-let’s speak of why I chose for us to have a private conversation.”

“Is it the liquidation of Meldorino?”

“Why don’t thee have the conversation by thineself,” her eyes rolled.

“Point well made.”

“It is as you said, I’ve decided to have Meldorino be liquidated. I know Phantom owns 30% of the company; thou art planning to have more stocks bought?”


“Thought so, here’s my offer, I’m willing to sell how many percentages of the company you wish to buy.”

“What rate?”

“1% for 100,000 Exa.”

“You do know the economy is in peril. 100,000 Exa for 1% in a company on the verge of bankruptcy seems idiotic,” fingers pressed together, he watched intently at her reaction.

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