The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 395

“Cleopatra,” spoke the King, “-my question, I’ve yet to have the answer.”

“I don’t have a choice in the matter, do I? You introduced yourself as the God of Death, the peculiar architecture, way of dressing, and countless other details speak volumes. My home is ruined, in no way will thee lie about such a thing. I guess there’s nothing much to do, King of Arda, I, Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, pledge myself to thy name,” taking a formal respectful bow, he accepted.

“Do refer to me as to how thee wishes, I’m not particular in title or code of honor. Not to a being from another world, thee deserve more than the commoners here.”

“Thank you for the kindness, I’ll stick with Majesty – in no way do I wish to incur the wrath of the unknown.”

“As thee wishes.” On the 10th of February, another joined the puppet army. Not a combatant, but a strategist, one experience in the ways of politics. Legends of her journey as Queen were showed in greater details, the Arcane Library did her justice.

The jester, subject to the hypothesis from the conspiracy community, was researched to no avail. No information, the only viable explanation was as quoted; “-Jester, else known as the New Year wrecker, is still at large. The few videos available on the Arcanum have been deleted. No trace in either soft or hard copy. The minds of our loyal readers have concluded this. The jester is a deranged individual who came to show the weakness of the AHA. The heroism filled association rumored to be tied to the underworld. Speaking ill might result in death, thus we plead, do not ask questions or you are dead. Amidst the plausible reasoning, one stands out like a sore thumb, it goes as follows. The Jester is a character made by another individual to promote Luna’s ghost stories. Her popularity skyrocketed ever since the new appearance. The matter has been squandered without a trace – we can but speculate, but tis as followed, the Jester will strike, please, be on the lookout, Alphia isn’t safe.” Whether right or wrong, it was up to the reader to decide. In such a manner, the days turned to weeks and another month went by.


The 11th of March came in a blink. Staxius and Julius remained steadfast by the Emperor’s side. The young men by age met and became good friends. A handsome prince interacting with the future brother-in-law. The sudden addition of a very talented politician had the council a little confused. Cleopatra made her debut as the secretary of Staxius, who was the Emperor’s counselor. It wasn’t hard to see how the general populous might have been confused. During the discussion hour, as the initial problems were brought on for clarification, Staxius’s quick wit and direct approach slowed to a normal pace. The trio, including Cleopatra, were very much vigilant. Each decision was taken into consideration with plans for the future. The change it brought held more subconscious results. The people, edgy from the announcement of Monsters in the North, were somewhat relieved. She didn’t just make an impression, her beauty got her what she wanted, a definition of a seducer. Her level of charm rivaled and surpassed Serene’s – a feat not humanly attainable. While Serene took to the melancholic beauty side, Cleopatra’s more open and touchy approach garnered more favors. The meeting ended with the council in accord. Sultria could but smile, never had he seen them be manipulated and forced to do his bidding.

“I’m impressed,” said the emperor enjoying a warm drink.

“There’s no need for such are trivial matters,” added Cleopatra loudly. Her personality was sometimes unbearable.”

“As pretty as she is, her mouth is as repulsive,” refuted Staxius.

“What a crude thing to say,” her mouth covered in shock.


The television screen soon toggled to an urgent news report. A man spoke loudly over the sheer chaos in Melmark. The title, Jester’s return. A bomb exploded over the Capital a few minutes earlier. The chemical released contained a virus that made a person’s DNA, most specifically, the one controlling their latent powers, go rampant. Instant combustion for those with affinity to fire or drowning for those with water. Screams followed by death; the heroes were hit far worse than the civilians. The perfect anti-hero weapon, the perfect anti-Alphian virus.

“HAHAHA,” came the broadcast of a man, “-hello Alphia, did you miss me, oh yes you did, you did, you did, wait, you did, didn’t you?” now stern, “-I present you my present. Best regards as you die painful deaths; go ahead, try to send the heroes, criminal AHA...” he covered his mouth as if a child, “-did I say too much, oh no, no, no, no, that can’t be true,” it cut to static white noise. Luckily, the wind blew and took most of the virus to the mountains. Still, death was imminent, the danger of the situation was far worse. Even doctors couldn’t assist for they were themselves affected. Biological weaponry, a theoretical way to fight but not implemented.


“Don’t get emotional,” said he, “-calm down,” the plug was pulled. “Stay put, the virus isn’t going to subside even if you go there.”

“We need to do something,” urged to act, the face fixed the door.

“No, you don’t,” held in place by Cleopatra, “-Emperor, stay put,” said she handcuffing him to the chair, “-he’s restrained, now what?”

“Let me think.”

“Take your time,” said she with a lick of the lips. What followed was a little over the top, she got carried away by him trying to escape. Cuffed to a chair, she gagged to then sat atop him seductively. Few nuzzle on his neck, a warm bit on the ears, and overall foreplay, ‘-I’m going to devourer you.’

‘The virus is in Melmark, only Alphian’s are affected. The cure must be with the Jester, I can think of only one person to go seek the culprit,” turned to check on the Emperor, “Hey, I think I have an idea...” what returned was an undressed Sultria trying to get away from an ogre.

“Cleopatra,” quick to grab the back of her collar, “-what are you doing?” he pulled.

“Checking if he has any concealed weapons,” she gently touched his leg with her feet.

“Seriously,” shaking his head, “-are you that craved to eat?”

“Matter of fact, yes, there’s no one willing to satisfy me. Well, I can go out and do it myself but you refuse to let me do so, come on, I want to have fun too.”

“I refuse,” giving a facepalm, “-who knew someone of thy repute would be so indulging.”

“Whatever, if you don’t want others to satisfy me, then do it thyself.”

“No,” quick to refuse, “-let’s continue this subject on another time.” Her body and words might have meant one thing, but her mind thought of another, she was shrewder than expected. Allowing her to roam free could and would have devastating repercussions, whether it worked in his favor was a differing matter.

“Do excuse her famished demeanor.”

“Who cares, Melmark is being destroyed by a virus, can’t you do anything?”

“Just you wait,” said Staxius, “-a hero will come, or should I say, a heroine.”

“A heroine?”


As predicted, a singular figure stood before the avalanche of sick individuals. The virus which spread held a yellow pigmentation, an obvious sneer at the trouble ahead.

“Please, save me,” asked a man with tears of blood and melting skin. Over yonder, a boy with the ability to mutate turned into a crazed fiend eating all in its path. Broken windows, impaled bodies on the sidewalk, the sky lit with flames. Ambulances called for the emergency all but stood still with the occupants’ dead. Men in uniform suffered the same fate.

‘How cruel,’ thought she in a skin-suit. In the final moments, a news team managed to film Luna’s arrival. The few viewers watching from their homes cowered. Death played without filter.

“You’re still alive,” came a loud enough snicker.

“So are you,” returned she who walked.

“I remember you, yes, I do, I do, I do remember you... did I say I remember you? BAHAHAHA,” it cut short to silence, “-the ghost who...who...who RUINED MY NEW YEAR’S PARTY!”

“Calm down,” she replied, “-there are no hard feelings.”

“No hard feelings?” for the first time, the Jester came out into the public, “-hell no, you see, I’m vindictive, if I want something to burn, I want it burned,” a scarlet flash had him charged forth. *BANG,* the ground buckled under the impact, *smack,* a punch from Luna had him flew to which she gave chase with a jump. A fight of devastating proportions ensued. The lasting effects of the virus killed more as time went on until, *BANG,* the ground cracked yet again with Luna holding onto the Jester’s neck.

“Y-you w-win,” he vanished leaving a case, *-Antidote, you dumbass.*

The signal cut with an explosion, the last thing recorded after Luna’s victory.

“A-are they safe?” inquired the news reporter, “-we’ve lost contact with the film crew. Part of the capital went dark, this just in, police are bordering access to that area. Wait...” the feed returned, “-it’s Luna,” said he.

“People of Alphia,” she coughed, “-I’ve failed as a hero, I’ve failed to protect the people. I wish I could have had help from the AHA, the organization in charge of helping us, where are they? The sheer amount of death today is enough, it shows how powerless we are. Heroes and civilians killed, people of Alphia, we’re weak...” she fell to her knee, “-the Jester bested me once again... but,” a grin had a ray of light shone upon her head, “-I procured the antidote. The anti-agent to the virus,” the camera sloppily panned to a nearby device, a blueish test-tube fired upwards as if a firework. *Poof,* a cloud of blue rained upon the capital, the yellow-pigment turned to naught. Laid face up with the video-camera to her side, “-it’s time to rest, Alphia, it’s time to rest,” the lens unwillingly focused on her face and arms, and soon the feed cut.

“You were right,” said Sultria, “-a hero came.”

“That she did,” a smile escaped to which Cleopatra elbowed him into focus.

“Emperor,” said she, “-tomorrow will be a hard day. Good luck in advance, the media will be at thy neck looking for answers.”

“Oh yes they will,” said Staxius, “-an unknown biological weapon with the maker vanished; getting out of it will be hard. The populous is enraged.”

“I need to take responsibility.”

“No, you don’t,” voiced she.

“She’s right. There’s no need to take the blame for this. Don’t you remember what Luna said; the blame was put on the heroes and their association. I have a sneaking suspicion that she wants revenge too, someone who knows the truth about Asuna Muld.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” The day ended with the television constantly replaying the last scene. In particular, the one where she laid down as her face was half-exposed. A death count of 50 and 30 suffering minor injuries was reported. As said earlier, the enrage masses took to blame the AHA for their poor judgment. The heroes under their contract were treated far worse than convicts, the trust in them declined.

“I’d say the scheme today ended with better results,” said Cleopatra taking a sip of whiskey.

“I agree,” fingers on the earlobe, “-éclair, start Operation Malk.”

“Orders confirmed.” On numerous blogs, videos, and relating subject to the incident, a particular comment had many wonder the true identity of she who seemed to be Luna. The only link tying her to reality, on the unbranded clothes, a watch with the name of a certain company. The rumors flared, a link to tie the mysterious lady, a link the conspiracy theorist took by storm.

Faced down on a bed, a masseuse worked her gentle hands around Aceline’s body. Moans of relief escape as the body’s tension relaxed.

“Did you see the video?” asked Scott with a platter.

“The one with the heroine taking her well deserved rest. Yes, I saw it, and I’m not happy. You noticed it as well, her watch, the company, it’s him. Will that man never leave me alone.”

“Come on, just accept the offer already.”

“Why are you so adamant?”

“It’s because I consider him a good friend. He saved you multiple times, I don’t see why thee not try and match his point of view. Lady Aceline, forgive my saying this; as a friend, I must tell thee the truth, you’ve changed for the worse. Being called humble is far from the truth, money and fame have altered your perception, frankly, I’m disappointed.”

“How dare you speak that way to me!” she screamed in anger.

“Color me scared, what, are you going to fire me?”

“Don’t cross that line, I swear, Scott, you’ll regret it.”

“Do it,” said he taking a stand, “-I’ve had enough of being worked around like a servant. Money wasn’t the reason I stayed, you were my friend, I had faith in you, not now, I’m so very much disappointed.”

“SCOTT, STOP PRETENDING TO BE MY FRIEND, YOU’RE JUST A FUCKING MANAGER,” a rude outburst had the masseuse gasp.

“I see how it is, fine, Superstar Aceline, I’ll excuse myself. I’ve taken the liberty of deleting my contact information from thy phone. Forget I ever existed, this humble manager is unworthy of dealing with a decorated idol, goodbye.”

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