The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 397

The reputation assigned to them was of conspiracy, stealing idols from other agencies in hopes of profit. Despite the condemning statements made by affronted agencies, nothing was ever done. Lack of evidence and lack of finance, going to Court would but tarnish names. The more notable case was with Aceline. She changed from Apexi to Ansoft in a heartbeat around the start of the war. From there on, they made sure she became the more desirable idol in the continent. A task one could say they accomplished beyond expectation. Her break into the film industry; stumped at first, but her talent carried her multiple levels beyond the other stars. Hence where she’s now.

Ansoft also held a group; close friends and a once-popular male singer and guitarist. He played alongside Aceline at the concert in Iqeavea; Sugar. A young man who once made the female audience cry by his lyrics – the would-be-figure face of Ansoft, if not for the scandal with his bassist. An affair, even when most liked the possible romance, many other fans were jealous of her involvement. A lesser attractive girl taking to be with Sugar – the wave of jealousy that came could have had an earthquake seem as if a gentle breeze.

Then on forth, the band broke, Sugar had a history in narcotics and his name grew lesser-known. The female fan-base was vindictive. The bassist went into hiding; none even remembers the band anymore. While the other two disappeared from the map, the drummer went on to join a prominent boy-band; Riot. The mystery surrounding the two were yet to be known.

‘If Emi is going to take the road of following Aceline, she’ll need talented musicians behind her. Sugar, and his bassist, I’m sure they’re around, I’m sure they never quit music. Meeting them the first time; I refuse to think that a man who vowed to become the best guitarist in the world just ended up lost. éclair gave me nothing but a summary of Ansoft; Aceline’s agency.’

Soon, the connection linked. Riot would be performing on the 20th of March. Aceline was also scheduled to make an appearance, it seemed that the two rulings over the male and female audience would take to the stage. There was a lot of hype around the Pride of Hidros making a return to sing. Her voice that captivated many was yet to be heard.

‘I have a sneaking suspicion that Apexi is being lost in the torment of the competition. Emi Muko, for you to have revenge, you must become more popular than the AHA. Fly over thy weaknesses; this isn’t pity, tis a second chance. Go, become what you wanted to become so I can have a stronghold in the entertainment industry. A sob story isn’t going to cut it, I need Sugar, a strong guitarist. The last song they ever recorded touched my heart – I remembered it so fondly. Eira played it on full-blast at the castle; he did what he meant, the notes were alive and from a man who had practiced ruthlessly.’


“Master, the 10th anniversary is going to be a big crowd.”

“Yes, I know, someone familiar might show up, who is to say, really,” pressing the last chord, “-who is to say.”

On said night, Scott in the company of Emi agreed. Her will was lit anew, she wanted to change herself for the better. As for 02, the latter went to infiltrate Cimier. Staxius sat and watched as the pawns moved. Meldorino was hard at work designing watches; the watchmakers worked tirelessly for it had been a month. The development of a new movement began; the planning phase, as reported, was finalized well before the intervention of Phantom. They all had a similar idea – what was needed, testing, and finding the parts and materials. A process that would have taken eight years came down to a few months. Everything was in-house, the engineer led hands, the mechanics gave ideas; the things made available to the makers were close to a miracle. If one didn’t work, if the mechanism were wrong, the option to turn to magic remained. After finalizing the deal with the watchmakers, Staxius gave a simple offer; to have one of the watches have Meldorino written on its dial. They, themselves, knew not of what happened to the timepiece.


“Yes, father?” asked the prince with heavy gust swaying the suit.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, the task thee gave was to have me make Emi into a model. Scott and I discussed it over a long period and I’ve come to a decision. I want to try my best in the field of entertainment. I’ll shadow him first and then try at becoming an idol. I saw Scott’s passion, he’s an inspiring man.”

“A prince becoming an idol, the prospect is so Avant-guard it makes me wonder. Supposed the music lesson will go to good use, thou have a great voice, prince, go on and become what thy wishes.”

“I know,” stood few feet apart, he bowed, “-I must apologize for my selfishness. I know I stopped school to follow you around, and now this. It must be heartbreaking to see a boy wander around aimlessly.”

“There’s no need for that,” he lifted his head, “-I applaud thy will. Go wander the world, discover it for thyself. I think it best; thou did come to experience the real-world.”

“Thank you, father, I love you.”

“Yes, yes,” he breathed a nervous chuckle, “-a prince mustn’t be so open with his feelings.”

“Who cares,” a quick embrace later had the trio take-off Marrowy’s airstrip.

‘Creation’s heir, or should I say, my son. What a turn of events. Guess the world works in differing ways. I feel like I’ve lived so many lives, everyone around me changes, people I’ve met are but unknown figures wandering our world. Immortality, what will happen when the ones I love eventually die.’ Staring him was the cold truth. Time waits for no one, and it certainly didn’t wait for the mortals.

“Boss, are you climbing?” asked a pilot.

“No, go ahead to the hotel.”

“As ordered, boss,” giving a salute, the helicopter took-off. The old lock to the hangar opened with a single twist. The sound of the sides moving was of utmost pain to one’s ear. The high pitch screaming of the hinges brought upon by rust and time resounded across the empty inside. A vail formed the silhouette of a bike, the Monif-4T. ‘Good thing I had it parked here,’ toggled, it raced down the slope to where the wind blew.


“Yes, how may I be of service?”

“Find me a way to get unlimited access to the backstage of the concert.”

“Orders confirmed.”

The scenery changed fast, Staxius darted as if a bullet – dodging the few cars, no wonder Courtney loved her bike.

“Two options; enter as a backstage member or pay to have unlimited access. There’s a man who is known to accept a little gift to have anyone do as they please.”

“Give me the history of the man in question.”

“Name: Rel Nedo, age thirty-five. Heir to the electrical company: Meadow Tech and one of the sponsors for the event. Ever since taking the rein over the business, money is low, the man is less than intelligent.”

“How certain is it he’ll accept a bribe?”

“Update, another option has been discovered – become a sponsor.”

‘A sponsor, considering how much publicity it’s going to get, might be a viable option.’

“Get me on a call with Cake.”

“Orders received.”

*Calling Cake,*

“Good afternoon boss, how can I help?”

“Did you get the present?”

“You mean the gold and precious stone you sent?”

“Must I repeat myself?”

“Sorry, we did get the shipment. It’s been processed into money as we speak. May I ask where thee procured so much?”

“It’s not of importance.” (Besides, I can’t go around and say that my son has the power to make anything out of nothing. We agreed that he was only allowed it when I said so).

“As you wish boss, so, how can I help?”

“I need around 30% deposited into my account.”

“What of the rest?”

“20% goes to bonuses for all our employees. The remainder thee do per our company’s need, invest in estate or stock-market.”

“20% as bonus, boss, you do know it’s a large sum of money.”

“Yeah, I know, we have a lot of people working for us. Rotherham runs on our money – catch my drift?”

“I understand, it’s for the economy of the continent, sure, I’ll have workers be given bonuses. Only if good work is done.”

“To thy discretion, now, send the money, I have things to do.”

Calculated and handled by éclair, the deposit amount was 15 million gold or 150 million Exa. Added onto the current balance, 198,391,000 Exa stood big and proud. As impressive as the number looked, there were other people with even more money than that wandering the world, given, they were a few and well hidden. 50 million worth of pure gold and precious stones or half a billion Exa, created by the Prince. For him, it all but took a few minutes. To not upset the economy; a limit to his power was instated. Besides, his personal account held over ten-million Exa, sufficient for a young adult.

“éclair,” still on the road, “-get me a hold of Mr. Dorino.”

“G-good m-morning, Majesty.”

“Good morning, how was the office, did you find it adequate?”

“Yes, it’s perfect for a newly reborn company, the workers sure are motivated to do their best. We did as was told, the team is familiar with clocks and watches.”

“Excellent, have them come with ideas, anything, design, mechanism, the sky is the limit. I trust my companion spoke about the watchmakers?”

“Yes, Lady Cake was friendly and charming, our teams are working hand in hand with the master-craftsmen,” said he confidently with a hint of joy. The vacation did and served its purpose.

“Director Dorino, are you at the office?”

“Yes, why so?”

“I need you to check if we can apply as sponsors for the upcoming concert.”

“O-ok,” came a confused man, “-let me contact them,” for a few minutes, the line remained silent – it gave time for the sun to rise over the mountain range.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting; there was one spot but...”

“But what?”

“Another company beat us to the chase.”

“How much are they offering?” inquired Staxius without care.

“Excuse me?” coughed Dorino for he knew the amount of money involved in said events was large.

“Just do so,” said he.

“Meadow Tech offered 500,000 Exa.”

“What of the top sponsor, what is their name?”

“Are you sure, majesty?” asked Dorino once more.

“Did I stutter?” returned a less than inviting tone.

“The top sponsors are Pildi and Denly, they’ve 25 Million Exa each.”

‘Now that’s a big number,’ he smirked, “-contact the organizers. Tell them Meldorino is going to grant 60 Million Exa.”


“Get it done, Meldorino is going to have their re-launch on the big stage,” the trees swayed, ‘-the time has come, we need to make an impact.’

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