The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 407

Following a nod of gratitude, the idol pushed against the brass colored handle to fade into the bar and the common room. There, Queen Shanna and Queen Gallienne awaited patiently, discussing about life in general. They would often complain about how their husbands would ignore them for days, and even months on end. Prince consort Piers was assigned to help the Goldberg’s in managing Dorchester; hence the absence. As for the King, the man rarely came home, often staying abroad for months until the task would be settled. The drive and determination were yet to fade, from the marriage to now, Staxius unwillingly chose to distance himself. The fear of the curse of the Death Reapers was etched into the soul. A good example in recent years was the killing at Dorchester; he blamed himself partly for if they didn’t come into his life, they would have lived a peaceful life.

“Majesty,” opened the great-door, “-shall I bring thee drinks?” asked a concerned Laurance.

“No, it’s fine. I shall be in the library – do apologize to the queen on my behalf.”


The smell of books, aging pages, the glue of binding, and the scent of wood – a place befitting a scholar. Sat against a newer looking desk on which laid dated notes going as far back as XX88. ‘Must have been some project I gave up on following.’ Reclined to stare at the ceiling, the chair eased the rather uncomfortable looking posture. ‘Aceline and Scott turned side. I have Emi being catered by Scott. Julius’s involvement came as a surprise, the boy is going to make me proud, I can feel it. The AHA is still a mystery, Cimier, how far are they embedded into Alphia?’ going over known information, making a timeline and representation of the events often led to unexpected leads; assumptions of proportions as saying the world was flat as opposed to round. No building to tall nor too short; the world one made inside one’s mind was endless – an adventure where the finish was but another step going forth.

*Knock, knock,*


“Who is it?” he asked nearly falling over.

“It’s Rosetta, majesty, tis lady Aceline, she says there are details she wishes to share.”

“Have her sent in,” replied Staxius, “-also, tell Queen Shanna to take Lizzie to town. Since Queen Gallienne made the trip to our doorstep, it would be nice for them to be treated as is due. Cost is not a concern; go on, a shopping trip; I know how much she loves to buy new clothes.”

“As you wish majesty, and who shall I send as an escort?”

“Seiran, Rile, and Laura, you can go if thee wants.”

“I shall take up the offer, majesty, thank you,” her footsteps echoed, happy from the pace and intensity, silence soon retook its throne.

The moment he relayed the message, a gleeful expression slapped across the ladies’ faces. A girl’s day out – they knew his intent and wouldn’t pass the offer for anything in the world. Thus, they jumped into new outfits – the new car pulled to the porch. The retainers made it a point to have their master enjoy the trip – thus, without looking back, the guests headed into the ever-developing Rosespire.

*Clop, clop, clop.*

“There’s no need to knock,” fired across.

“O-ok,” the door opened with hesitation, “-pardon the intrusion.”

“No, it’s fine,” said Staxius sitting with one foot over the other, “-about the details; I hope it’s concerning the unsightly state of the entertainment world,” inquired with a raised brow, she nodded to take a seat. “Please explain,” his posture relaxed to one more formal.

“Before I start, let me say this, I’ll try my best to give facts, but my memory is still hazy,” apologetic in a way, her lower lips slid subtly from left to right as for her eyes, they seem to stare into nothingness.

“Doesn’t matter, just speak,” said he in reassurance.

With a pause, she inhaled to puff up her chest, “-ok,” exhaled, “-I am, or was, dating a member of the Patek dynasty. When I first arrived at Alphia, the country felt as if a book was left unturned. Scott helped me get few jobs here and there, to model for small companies and such. I wasn’t well known, the Pride of Hidros was a name given only in Hidros and Iqeavea. As to here, I was nothing more than another girl with dreams. My singing got to be places – the agencies sure know who I was. Apexi was kind enough to recommend my work to other agencies. The next I knew; I was gaining popularity fast. It was there that Scott suggested I move to the film industry. I had previous experience since I shot commercials and videos for the music. I played minor roles here and there until that fated script landed in my hands. I was blown and wanted to do it at all costs. Hero Luna waltz in after I landed the role, she took the spot just because of her boyfriend; the guy I ended up dating to reach where I was. I did catch his eye since I received a call from Ansoft a month or so later, an invitation to join their team. I accepted and my journey into the dark-work began. I met with the Patek’s – he introduced me to a few family members, but I doubt them to be real. As for Luna, she disappeared the moment I came onto the scene. It’s related in a way, the events which led to her overdose. In the process of me being a star, I destroyed Sugar and Dei’s life because of a disrespectful comment. I know, I ended up giving information on how I came to be where I am. Staxius, here’s what I came up with; I was killed by a hired hitman. Patek would never have someone link them to any filth since their reputation is on the line. I’m sure the killer is probably dead, fake promises and fake wealth; I hate them with a passion. The heir to it all, my supposed boyfriend, was the worst – a narcissistic, rapist, on an ego trip thinking the world belongs to him. The words aren’t enough to describe how shit of a person he is; I want him dead with all my heart. By the way, the reason I was killed is most likely to do with a document I read on a visit to his hotel. It had details on a drug that could have anyone pass out and give themselves physically to the user. The notes further elaborated on shipping ‘products’ marked by size, age, and gender, to various parts of Iqeavea; the sickening thing about it all was ages had numbers from 8 to 16,” her expression showed exhaustion as she could no longer continue speaking. The last piece of memory seemed to have triggered an unpleasant thought.

“Enough,” he stood to pat her shoulder, “-thanks for telling me about the experience. There’re even more secrets deep under the Patek Dynasty, we’re closer to the truth,” the door opened, “-go, Laurance’s outside waiting for you – tis a girl’s day out, don’t miss it, the others are waiting,” her slumped shoulders and lowered gaze wandered into the hall, “-take it easy, you’ll be in Alphia soon – as a star.”

Stood on the balcony, one could see the idol be escorted in another car towards the thriving capital city. ‘Patek and Cimier could be the same entity. Her last description was similar to a prostitution ring or something to do with slavery. It didn’t specify race, I doubt she skipped that detail, the only conclusion is that humans are being sold and traded. To Iqeavea said she, there must be a red-light district in Alphia too; maybe to the south, the Emperor wasn’t keen on speaking of the happenings in that spot. I doubt the spies to have any relevant information.’

“Master, there’s a call coming from Alphia,” voiced éclair.

“Put it through.”

“Hello?” spoke a timid voice.

“Hello, who is this?” returned Staxius.

“Finally,” a sigh filled the transmission with white noise, “-I’ve been trying to contact you for ages.”

“Sorry about that. I figure you’ve found Sugar?”

“Yes, he’s in the village.”

“Going by the tone, you two made up?”

“Correct,” she giggled, “-we’re a couple again. Talking over our feelings to one another did help, he wanted to protect me and I wanted to support him.”

“Excellent,” another hurdle crossed, “-listen, I’ll have a pick-up arranged, thou art returning to Hidros.”

“Where must we go?” asked she.

“Stay where you are, the money is sufficient to stay at an inn, is it not?”

“Yes, it’s more than enough, master, when will the transport come?”

“In a day or two, sit tight.”

“T-thank you,” said she bowing as if he would see her.

“Very well, I shall see thee in three days, goodbye,” the phone hung.

“éclair, get me in contact with the Lerado’s,” the spirit was quick to change to another channel.

“Hello, Mallie Lerado, speaking,” came a rather confident voice.

“Hey, it’s Shadow.”

“I apologize for my tone; how can I help?” the shuffle of her posture was heard loudly.

“I need an escort for two people.”

“An armed escort?”

“No, nothing that extravagant,” after which, details on the location of Sugar and Dei was given.

“Consider it done,” the call ended. The Lerado would transport them from the village to the airfield where a plane from Phantom would wait. On that ended a tedious day – a day where many unknown came to life, a day where a friend returned home and the plot advanced. There still remained a doubt in his mind, a doubt about Origin and the powers of a god of time. What did it mean, gods are not right and demons are not wrong, a conflict with the result being neutralism. Who to side with, and who to chastise, the godly realm was still so far from the reach.

Meanwhile, inside Rosespire at a very renowned bakery, the ladies enjoyed pastries on the second floor. The windows gave onto a more or less busy road with taller buildings shielding from the sun. The activity of the town sure was uncanny in a good way. The populous all but forgot the dirty stain of war. Demi-humans were allowed to roam freely; there were even inter-racial couples. The connection of the monarchs was the catalyst. Who were they, the people, to oppose to another race when their Queen was good friends with a Vampire-king or Blood-King, as referred to in chronicles.

“Aceline,” said a joyful Gallienne.

“Hey,” she waved with a changed persona, “-how’s the day been so far?”

“Only getting started,” interjected Shanna with a wink, “-on that, how was the discussion with the King?”

“Oh, that,” she frowned in disgust at the pain of death, “-eye-opening,” said approach was why she stood before them, “-I got a lot of things out of my chest. I truly feel reborn.”

“Good to hear,” added Gallienne sweetly, “-welcome back home, Aceline, Hidros missed you.”

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