The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 412

“Excuse me,” said a large man peering over the dark-brown counter.

“Yes?” returned the leader of the gossip group, her body was on the chubby side and her clothes weren’t enticing – rather, it was covered from top to bottom.

“I have a meeting scheduled with Mr. Goodwill.” They recoiled upon hearing the name, slightly and not enough to make a scene.

“Mr. Goodwill,” repeated she giving a once over through her square glasses, “-let me check.” The tapping of keyboard cut amidst the noisy background, a pair of scissors rattling on and on until, “-take the elevator to the third floor; someone from Apexi will fetch you.”

“Thank you,” he nodded as a form of courtesy.

“Who was that?” inquired another group coming in from behind.


“Don’t know,” was the last heard of the conversation for the elevator came in view. The hallways sure weren’t the best, the cleaners must have been slacking. One could see moist, green, and repugnant, growing far into the corners where wiring linked the many rooms.

‘Could have been cleaned,’ thought he facing a weird layout of buttons; the push to close function seemed to have been broken as it was the only one to not be lit. Thinking nothing of it, the fingers moved to select floor three.

“Hold the elevator,” waved a disorganized lady wearing uncomfortable heels. Her feet perpetually seemed to reject each step.

“Thank you,” panted she with unlevelled glasses, the short sprint had her body in ruin. The clothes were at a point one could refer to as bed-time ware. She entered first then came four ‘fashionably’ dressed boys.

“You’ve saved me again,” said she gathering her breath.

“It was my pleasure, my lady, what floor?”

“The third,” said one of the boys – darker clothes and a more reserved stance than his comrades.

“Very well,” the tight cell grew tighter and soon, the doors would open to a factory – a modern-day plant. The immediate exit was of a semi-transparent wall with posters of Aceline and other idols. Behind the blurred wall; one could see figures, numerous figures going back and forth working, handing paper works, and even shouting. Granted the voices never made it out to the relatively quiet corridor; the body language painted an ‘X’ in red.

“Can I ask a personal question?” inquired the troubled-lady alone and at a slower pace.

“Depends,” said he.

“Oh...” her fingers fidgeted as if it was important; the aura she gave was of a stray animal.

“I’ll try my best to answer,” added he with a sigh.

“Thanks,” her pitch shot up, “-I’ve never seen you here,” the tone lowered to a point between respectful and friendly.

“It’s my first visit,” he replied whilst giving his full attention, “-what about you?” her gaze would often wander everywhere but his face.

“I w-work here,” her speech slowed, “-enough about me, what about you? Did you come to audition as a potential idol?”

“No, no,” he chuckled, “-far from it. I’m too old for such a line of work.”

“Do apologize for my informality, but thee look very young,” the slight smile of her eyes showed sincerity.

“I’m very much honored to be complimented by a diligent lady such as yourself.”

“What makes you say that?” she coyly asked.

“Tis was the first impression I got,” smooth and honest, “-you focus on others. I saw how thee acted upon the papers being fluttered by the wind – thee was the first to jump and fetch. Might I add, thy appearance, not that I mean it in bad-spirit, is lesser of importance; it showed the dedication to thy craft. I admire people who are that focused, it’s a very good trait, Miss?”

“Oh,” she stumbled trying to give a hand-shake, “-Miss Alexia.”

“Staxius Haggard, well met, my lady, well met,” following the greeting, he helped her to carry the unorganized paperwork.

“The walk felt so much longer,” commented she resting against a counter.

“It sure did,” he returned the files. “Can I trouble you to show where Mr. Goodwill’s office is?”

“Mr. Goodwill,” she pointed to the left, “-over there – should be easy to spot since the office is bigger than the rest.”

“Once again, tis was a pleasure,” he nodded to head deeper in. ‘Alexia, a manager of some sort. I’d figure she’s new and is in charge of the boyband. Maybe new talents affiliated to Apexi, who knows?’ Uninterested yet, Staxius walked in confidence across the workplace. A trip made by many guests and potential sponsors amidst a factory of mindless workers. Blue hue glowed from the computers, the mouse clicked away, while the keyboard typed away – some exhausted, some on the brink of death, and others flat-out sleeping; nothing about it struck as being in order.

“Mr. Goodwill.”

“Who are you?” returned a chubby man slightly annoyed.

“Excuse me,” muffled a petite figure who scurried out with arms covering her chests.

“Staxius Haggard,” returned he strongly.

“Majesty,” the palms rubbed disgustingly. Small eyes amplified by the strong glasses; a large nose and larger ears – one could have easily mistaken him for a savage beast if it were not for the suit and partly bald hair. “I had a call that you would be visiting.”

“I’m glad to see my assistants are doing their jobs; a thing not common around here.”

“There is no need for such animosity,” said the beast of a man proudly, “-they’re doing their jobs. Besides, I’m a man of open-mindedness.”

“A man of disrespectful manners I’d say,” voiced the king strongly.

“If the purpose of this visit is to throw insults, then I would most appreciate you leaving; with all respect, of course.” The last comment struck home.

“There’s no wrong in pointing out such an insolent lack of manners from one of the Federation’s citizens. Can you not muster the proper etiquette of standing, greeting the guest, and offer a seat?”

“...” the large nose sneered similar to a threatened prey.

“I suppose I would also be disrespectful if I thought with my libido instead of my head,” a reference to the Director.

“MAJESTY,” he screamed, “-kindly leave.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do so,” said the king taking a strong seat, “-Mr. Goodwill, how far from thy name have thee strayed. I came to negotiate the fate of Apexi, but I suppose, a company that is being liquidated doesn’t hold much value in the greater scheme. The market of idols is slim as is, the idols aren’t getting paid, the workers all but sit and do nothing.”

“On what basis are you saying this?” he snickered, “-majesty, I’m afraid the agency is still mine, and I’d rather die than liquidate the assets.

“éclair, shut the blinders and toggle the screen.”

“Orders confirmed.” Unknown to Mr. Goodwill, the room’s automated curtains closed, the blinders shut, and a screen toggled.

“What is this sorcery?” asked the director afraid by what was to come, “-what have you done, majesty?”

“Nothing much than to ask my assistant to scour for some insider information. I have testimonies from the employees who were fired not so long ago. The receptionist downstairs and the girl who ran earlier confirmed my doubts – your libido can’t be controlled. Promising the moon in exchange for their flesh, how low can a human fall?” accurate and to the point, the option of having a peaceful talk was never in the cards. Upon hearing the state of Apexi, the place where Aceline grew and where Emi Muko applied to join; ??clair, tasked to monitor her activities, revealed that she was insulted in the company of Scott. Mr. Goodwill heavily scrutinized Scott for running away with Aceline. Apparently, the director never gave her permission to leave. It was through help from Prince Ernis and Queen Gallienne that she escaped. Once again it came to the single most prominent mean of exchange – ‘pleasure’ for a chance at changing one’s life. Emi who had tried her best to forget her past sat there unable to move. She intended to agree to his demands. Scott replied with a harsh ‘no’. Emi was reborn, she tried to remake herself and her manager knew.

“Should I continue to play the video?” asked Staxius.

“No, please, stop,” he begged, “-if this gets leaked, I’ll be ousted and killed. My family needs me, my wife, my children, they c-c-can’t live without me.”

“Mr. Goodwill,” he laughed, “-how oblivious are you?” shaking the head, “-have you forgotten who I am? In no way will you live peacefully – thy family knows of the truth and soon will the continent. Good luck rotting in a demented world of hate, regret, and agony.”

“Heh... heh... heh, I-I’m still the d-director of Apexi, I h-have p-power.”

“Let me stop the misunderstanding,” a piece of paper slammed across the desk, “-Apexi’s shares have been bought by Phantom. Meaning, the Agency who thee revered, is rightfully mine. Enough of false games, the world doesn’t need another Sten Parcyvell.”

“M-majesty, t-thee a-are a fool. H-how a-are you going to run an agency w-without knowledge on the entertainment industry, the failing company will take you down with it. The millions of debts are still to be a pain, there’s no way you’re going to survive. I made sure if the company is ever sold, the new owners would go down with me.”

“Do you mean the ten-million Exa of debt?”

“Yes,” he smirked, “-in no way do you have that amount of money.”

“Fool,” said the king pitying the clueless man, “-money is never a concern. As for the Agency, I have someone in mind who will perform better than anyone on the market. Mark my word, she’s the best companion one might have wished for, my moneymaker. As for you,” relaxed on the chair, “-out.”

“Y-you c-can’t d-do this!” rhythmic loud footstep stormed the office to give a salute.

“Guards, take this man away,” ordered the king.

“Yes, Boss.”

“I’ll make sure you never forget this day, MAJESTY!” shouted he being dragged away.

“Boss, what are your next orders?” asked a singular guard.

“Make sure he atones for the pain he’s caused. A little session of torture might beneficiate to enlighten him to his ways; have him sat on the Judas Chair.1” On that, the guards left as soon as they came. The employees were baffled, the director was taken away and the King of Arda stood in their presence.

“My fellow companions,” a pin drop silence enveloped the room, “-Apexi is now a part of Phantom. I heard from the ex-employees that Mr. Goodwill had outstayed his welcome. A new director will be appointed as of tomorrow. Those who were fired will have their job returned. Apexi’s will start a new era. As the owner, I’ll do the same as I did to Meldorino. A one-week, all-paid vacation to a resort in Plaustan. Go and enjoy it. When thee returns, I want only the best.”

“A one-week all-paid vacation...” the thought of the sun, sand, and sea, had them in awe.

“Majesty,” spoke a well-dressed man, “-what are we supposed to do now?”

“Call it a day,” replied he.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, go,” he smiled, “-go relax and return as better individuals. I’m expecting great things,” the office emptied one by one.

‘There they go,’ thought he, ‘-I can’t believe that worked. Mr. Goodwill and his libido. If it hadn’t been for éclair acting on his own; I doubt we could have acquired the Agency so quickly.’

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