The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 422

“Mr. Haggard, I’ve some important information.”

“If lady Gaso herself took to calling an unknown personally, I shudder to know the reason.”

“Please Mr. Haggard, there’s no need to be so off-putting. I called on assumption that we were acquaintances.”

“And acquaintances we are, I find it rather mind-blowing for thee to call. Anyway, please my lady, do continue and forgive my rather decrepit tone.”

“I say this as I’m not certain. Rumors are going around that the people from Meldorino know of Luna’s true identity. It’s a shame she died earlier today, but, it didn’t stop the news from perpetuating. The reason for the call is other than the hero. Mr. Haggard, you’ve caught the attention of a few people in the Patek Dynasty. Members who are not that high-ranking...”

“And their wishes. I get the picture, they asked you to be the mediator between me and them. What a waste of time, they could have contacted my assistants.”


“Thing is, Mr. Haggard, you’re elusive, there’s no clear path in contacting you.”

“And my elusiveness doesn’t seem to bother thee.”

“Have thee forgotten my name? Nevertheless, they want to have a meeting at thy convenience. I’m sure their secretive nature is reason enough. Mr. Haggard, I leave you on this – Meldorino’s turned into a potential rival for other luxury brands. Good luck; Patek’s aren’t the only ones who wield power in Alphia. If thee are to fight, best do it as a team, not alone.”

“Thank you for the heads up, Lady Gaso. I’ll keep the words close as I move forward. Besides,” the tone changed, “-whatever happens in the underworld, stays in the underworld. I know all about your connection with the Dark-Guild. Lady Gaso, a close ally to Godfather Stanley of the assassination Sect.”

“Oh, Shadow,” said she with a chuckle, “-leader of Phantom, an ally to Godfather Renaud, we sure are bound to face one another.”

“If tis bloodshed...”

“Let me interject,” said she sharply, “-I’ll make this clear. In no way will I get involved in the fights or bloodshed. My purpose is to only make the Gaso Group stronger; we’re people who live as the law says, not thugs who kill on sight.”

“Are you insinuating that I know naught but death?”

“Mr. Haggard, I never said anything of sorts. Granted, the fable of Shadow, the mysterious man who annihilated gang after gang and went toe-to-toe against Godfather Stanley’s elite assassins, is impressive. In no way will I be scared or back down for I’ve not done thee wrong.”

“Lady Gaso,” said he coldly, “-tis as thee said. Cross my path and death will be what awaits in the end. We may not be friends, but we are acquaintances. As long as the Gaso Groups does what it does, we’ll never be enemies. If the time comes where Godfather Stanley’s protection isn’t sufficient, Phantom will be glad to help.”

“So blatant,” she laughed, “-asking for I to change sides this late in the game. Thee are truly amusing.”

“Glad to hear so,” the call ended.

‘The Patek are shooting in the dark. Why would they want to speak to me? It’s unnatural, something’s amiss. Lady Gaso called personally. She could have sent a messenger or use some indirect way, but her actions were cut and clear. It’s a warning, the Patek’s are up to something, and it doesn’t spell good for Meldorino.’

“éclair, how long for the data to be sorted?”

“Another 12 hours, master. Have some rest, the information will be ready when thee wake.”

“As you wish.” Day turned to night, and the night was a conflicting event of interest. Riots to the North-East were rampant. The AHA did naught but cower in their headquarters. The situation grew so bad even heroes turned coat and joined the revolution.

Live-broadcast of the event played on television. Sat in his office at the mansion, Emperor Sultria’s mind grew wary. ‘I’ll cause a revolution. Justice for Asuna Muld.’ The words spoken by Staxius, he made good on the promise.

“Imperial Majesty,” opened the doors by informants, “-the riots are getting worse. Public safety is at their wit’s end.”

“I know,” came a listless response, “-the truth got out,” leaned back on the chair. “The Jester’s last word said Asuna Muld was his sister. It’s not hard to see why the man would want revenge. The condemning proof too, the AHA has a lot of explaining to do.”

“Forgive my asking; what brought about such a revolution. The death of Luna, Jester, the whole incident feels too good to be true.”

“Yet, tis what fate chose. Karma will strike one day or the other, the faint flame of retribution burns ever so gentler. Now go, it’s time for politics. Have a press conference readied, the Empire is going to refute the actions of the AHA.”

“As thee wishes,” closed with a loud echo, Sultria sat with a smirk. ‘Thank you, father-in-law, it’s the perfect opportunity to break the Hero association. The continent doesn’t need people who live to fill their coffers. We need actual heroes to help in the war against monsters.’

In a flash, the date went from the 8th to the 11th. The riot turned to civil war. More and more people rushed onto the scene. The city of Arkta became a nest for crows. The Mayor, by string-pulling, was forced into disowning the AHA. Subrea, Whuotan, Dostein, Scaica, Skouso, Uglor, and Legrury – the seven-province making the whole of Alphia, turned against the AHA. Their leaders expressed their discordance to such a scummy way of maintaining a group meant for the ‘good’ of the people.

*Knock, knock,*

“Who is it?” asked Staxius opening the door.

“You have to help them,” said a desperate voice.

“Help who?”

“My sisters,” said the figure with messy hair, a foul breath, and a night-gown.

“Did you run away from Scott?” asked he a little amused by the image of Scott chasing her in pajamas.

“That doesn’t matter. Please, Majesty, you have to help them!” begged Emi pressing her hands as if a prayer.



“Anything, are you sure?” asked he with a less than pleasant stare.


“Well then,” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

“There,” two ladies fell to their knees.

“HOW DID YOU?” her sisters returned without a second’s notice.

“Doesn’t matter,” smiled he, “-take them downstairs – I’m sure Scott can handle it from here.”


“Shut up,” the door slammed.

‘Two seconds for a rescue, quite amusing. I wanted to go there in the company of an army and lay siege to their castle. I suppose dreams will be dreams, I can’t lay siege in modern society. The All-seeing eye sure is powerful. Having so much power doesn’t feel right anymore. I can easily go anywhere in the world – my mana capacity is ever-growing. The All-Seeing eyes are fully evolved, they’ve reached their peak as a tool. I can pin-point to any location and instantly sense how many people, what they’re doing, and their thoughts in a second. The toll it has on the body is close to a mosquito bite. Maybe I’m growing senile. Subconsciously putting limits on my powers – maybe it’s in order to not make me go insane. Long are the days of constant pain. The symbols of power are nothing but tattoos on my body. The Ancient writings over my chest and limbs seem to grow dimmer with each day. The curses are being blessed by the Power of Time. It seems to have a will of its own. In every sense of the word, I’m the Wielder of Time now, the power that the God slayer inherited.’

“Master, Emperor Sultria is going to start the press conference,” said éclair.

“Turn on the television,” ordered he taking a drink out of the fridge.

“All rise for his Imperial Majesty,” said an announcer lowering his head over the screen.

“Settle down,” said the Emperor with a cold tone. “Let me express my gratitude for thee to have made it here on such short notice. As most of you know, the AHA has been essential in helping our people, the Sultrian, who has limitless power to find the path of kindness. Those at the top must help the unfortunate – villains, monsters, criminals; our idyllic continent is still under the clutches of evil. Looking for a world without evil is insanity. Yet, tis said insanity which allows us to move forth. We look, we seek, we yearn for a better tomorrow. The people of Alphia spoke, our comrades spoke – the truth, one of which I knew not, was ousted by a villain. The Jester, brother of Asuna Muld; chose the path of anarchy because of our failure to give justice. He chose to change the world in his way – I don’t praise his actions for people have died in said endeavor. It did give us a very well needed moment of silence. What is it we seek as people, what do we want? To have other Asuna Muld be defiled by those with power and driven to death. Or do we want retribution, I ask thee, people of Alphia, WHAT WILL IT BE? If more cases like Asuna happens, others will follow the path of Jester. They will bring their own anarchism and destroy the lives of the innocent. THAT,” he shouted,”-is something we must avoid at all cost. Hear me all, I, Sultria VI, Emperor of Alphia, decree that the AHA must atone for their actions. The Imperial family will back any faction who wishes to fight them. This is a culling, a very much needed restart for our society. I say it again, in no way do I wish for people to die. We need not sully our hands, those who’ve betrayed our trust deserve more than death, they need to atone and pay for their sins.”

‘Now that’s a speech if I heard one,’ thought Staxius lounged on the couch. ‘Breaking apart the faction seems the normal course of action. Those pulling strings can’t do anything. We’ve won the battle. The AHA is done for. No apology is going to quell the people’s thirst for revenge. Rekindling the passion for Asuna using Gophy, returned her memories to the people. They understood how much good savior was needed. One that could help the people out of the goodness of her heart.

“éclair, have Scott ready the Feline Force. We’re going to hammer the last nail in their coffins.”

“Understood, master.”

Without time wasted, accompanied by the manager, the trio stood at Staxius’s doorstep.

“Come on in,” said he with a smile.

“What’s this about?” whispered Scott.

“Revenge,” winked he, “-the Feline-Force was at the forefront of the AHA’s. Let the world know, didn’t you hear the Emperor’s speech earlier?”

“Yes, I did,” sighed he, “-are you sure it’s a wise idea?”

“The Emperor has announced the AHA to be evil. There’s no cause for concern. What they say, even if it’s lies, will be taken as truth. People will believe anything as long as it aligns with their ideals. The world may well be flat if it allied with the purpose of another.”

“How though?”

“The Emi Muko incident,” said Staxius, “-her situation is the same as Asuna Muld. We only need to sprinkle alcohol on fire.”

“Majesty, the news reporters are here,” voiced éclair.

“Have them sent up.” On that, an impromptu interview with many credible news outlets came to have the scoop. Another victim to add to the AHA’s responsibility. One by one, questions were asked and answers were given. Staxius made sure the Feline-force be portraited as another victim with an exception, Emi Muko. The story of the one who still shoots for the stars. The truth was reported, the abuse, and her thoughts on having wanted to die so many times. Then, as in any good heart-warming story, her will to live showed in the eyes. Her way of speaking, her wanting to start anew. The passion and dedication all but cleaned her reputation.

‘The fall of one and the rise of another, tis the reality. I’m only getting started.’

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