The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 427

“If we can’t have the mansion, then neither can you!” yelled Wondelle with the murky hair still blocking part of his eyes. “Attack!”

“Not on my watch.” The building-sized arms swung at the mansion the same as a blacksmith would hammer a weapon.

*Death Element: Magical Barrier,* arms held out forward, a hemisphere materialized to only break. The power behind the strike wasn’t physical, no, it was imbued with higher-mana.

*Heed mine call for I, Staxius Haggard, call upon thy strength. Stop all who dare oppose mine own will, Death Element: Magical Barrier, Pentagram Variant, Hell’s Gate.* Conjured with the same size as the demon – the strike halted. The demon followed with the other arms; slow yet powerful, the strike kept on adding one after the other. It made breathing hard.

‘Just how powerful is this demon,’ thought he straining to block the attacks. Each shockwave traversed the land to shake the surrounding. Tremors came as a result; people thought the end of time came.

“COME ON, MORE, ATTACK MORE, DEMON, CONSUME ME TOO,” fissures formed on the gates. Wondelle’s face shrunk in exchange for the beast’s power.


‘The heir has lost it,’ panting,’-if the gate breaks now, the whole town is going to be destroyed.’ With a sudden push, the gate broke at the exact time of the strike. In turn, this had the arms ricocheted. *Death Element: Hand of God.* No spell, ‘-I’ll stop him myself,’ invisible hands grabbed onto the monster’s arms. Power versus power;

*Deep slumber, deep rest, awaken for the chance at retribution. Gate of which stands before mine way, open for thy master has come: Nevermore – Hell’s Gate.* The pony-tail loosened as it swayed. Focused and firm, the release of mana had the demon pause momentarily.

*Souls bound to my soul, companions, servants, those who I’ve deemed worthy to stand at my side, heed me, heed mine voice, heed mine call. I, Staxius Haggard, Ruler of Death, call upon thy strength, arise: Box of Soul – Release.*

*Roar!* body of a lion, front feet talons, head and wing of an eagle and twice as big as he. A griffin, big and majestic, stood pridefully on the roof. The wind seemed to obey as it eyed the demon.

“Majesty,” came a lady with blue-skin, long eyelashes, and hair to match the color.

“Saniata,” smiled he, “-I need help.”

“Thy wish is my command,” said she bowing.

“Go, take the griffin, and go rescue the goddesses.”

“Yes majesty,” whistling, the legendary beast sprawled its wing to dash for the demon.

‘This is between me and you, demon.’

*By the power bestowed upon me by the Supreme god Kronos, I, Staxius Haggard, inheritor of the sickle, order for the realm to go by mine pace: Time Control – Pause.* Stuck in place by a stranger force, Saniata did her job all the while the Griffin roared. *Snap,* ‘-that took more mana than I thought.’ Dazzled by the change, the demon stood quietly as Wondelle held the worst after-effects. He hurled to such an extreme that blood spewed.

*O’ goddess forgotten by the ages, o’ goddess who spread victory and peace over the souls of true warriors. I, humble vessel for thy Symbol, plea to have a sliver of thy strength.*

“Thy wish has been granted.”

The cold moon hid behind clouds, Staxius stood strongly.

*I am he who slays without fear, I am he who shall be the last of what thee see. Heed mine call thou whomst dared to fight the natural order, tis the day thou ought to be destroyed, Ancient Magic – Astral Binding.* The prison used on demons. Five pillars made a pentagram and dug themselves around the enormous figure. White and charged with concentrated mana, its channel in a catalytical way, the power of the higher-being. The weather changed, lightning struck, thunder roared; ‘-tis time for all to go back.’ A giant sphere enveloped the forest, it devoured most to shrink in an orb to then into a tinkle of light.

Wondelle, responsible for the mess fell into his own puddle of vomit and blood. The ground crumbled around. With the remaining mana, *present and never changing, present and never yielding. All who wait break and all made are subjected to thine will. I, God of Death, the humble inheritor of thy power; call upon thee to have mine will answered: Time Control – Reversal.*

“Master, I have reports from Kendy’s platoon. They’ve wiped out the forces in Memat.”

“Good,” laid on the moist grass yard, “-did you locate their base of operation?” the ghouls returned to his soul – any sign of fight disappeared.

“Yes, those who came to fight made camp to the south in Legrury near a military facility.”

“Any more details?” asked he thirsty from the battle.

“It’s hidden on the map inside the forest of Quendoel.”

“Have the VT10-BSQD bomb the area. I want the airfield to be decimated.”

“Master, I’d advice against it for the forest might suffer as a result.”

“No need to worry – just order the strike, we can revive the forest afterward. Make sure they use the tamer bombs.”

“Pabruska V1?”


“Orders confirmed.”

Out in 025, orders came for an airstrike.

“Luea, the boss has asked for our intervention,” said a high-ranking officer.

“Yes commander,” replied a young man fresh out of the flying academy.

“Go make us proud,” replied two others. Four pilots came to assist in the fight; Luea Gregor, an orphan from Hidros was called on duty. He showed exceptional dogfighting capabilities. Thus, he stepped onto the darker runway with his partner, XF-23. A plane made for stealth, high-speed, and bombing. Black to match the night, the other three were the XR-00 Phantom Variant. The concept jet made by Cobalt so many years ago.

‘That should be enough for today,’ thought Staxius with arms over the forehead.

“Master, we’re sorry,” came two apologetic voices.

“Intherna, Gophy, how could goddesses be caught off-guard?”

“I don’t know,” trailed Gophy who disappeared into the shadows.

“...’ Intherna followed suit.

‘I have strong yet troublesome companions.’ Saniata made a circle on her griffin above. She seemed to enjoy the ride; ‘-can’t believe she was the monster I killed when Eira was mind-controlled. I barely made it tonight – if it wasn’t for the bluffs and firepower...’

“Master,” landed Saniata, “-what should I do with Wondelle?”

“Have him tied to a chair,” said he sat upright, “-before you go,” the voice grew cold, “-come here.”

“Did I do something?” her lashes fluttered endlessly.

“Nothing that grave.” The words didn’t help to calm the lady.

“Y-yes master?” asked she closer than before.

“Kneel and don’t move,” stood he.


*Bite,* sharp canines dug into the side of her neck, blue-colored blood flowed, her face flushed, her hands clenched and her eyes squinted.

On the night of the 16th – massive destruction inside Legrury made the headline. If it wasn’t for the explosion and the cloud that stretched onto the 17th, many would have stayed oblivious. Not wanting to acknowledge the existence of the airfield; those leading the southern province gave statements that the cause was an experiment gone wrong. The whole vicinity occupied by the base was gone in an instant. Orders for the squadron to return were issued. Kendy’s squad who were very much tired from the suit were also sent back. Thempa remained to be overwatch. Subjugation Platoon 04, would take over Platoon 05. The lower the number, the stronger the team.

‘We need to have them pay,’ mumbled Staxius waking. ‘Phantom isn’t going to stand down.’

“éclair, has Godfather Renaud been contacted?”

“Yes,” answered the butler. The curtains parted to show an unchanged yard, Tale was as if the same old town. “Good, what did he have to say?”

“The issue was sent to the Overlord; we need but wait.”

“Good,” quick to have breakfast; he teleported to the hotel where a heavy day awaited. Jefferson’s transgression during last night was clear. They, despite the ambush, held a meeting with Cimier. One of which Kendy broke apart to have hostages. Needless to say, the captives were tortured into saying what he wanted. ‘We’re allied with Cimier.’

That phrase alone broke the DG’s code of conduct. Thus, the plan to have Godfather Stanley and Jefferson fall was enacted. Godfather Renaud himself was pleased by the results. Lerado thus had room to breathe.

“What’s the plan for today, master?” inquired éclair.

“I’m teleporting to Hidros.”


“Yeah, there’s no time to waste.” *Ancient Magic: Conjure Portal – Hidros.* Opposite to teleporting his body, the portal’s requirements were cheaper than a cross-continental trip.

“The air feels homely,” commented he taking a big whiff.

“Master, you’re home,” said a smiling Rosetta tending to the garden.

“Feels like ages,” nodded he, “-where’s Lizzie?”

“Her highness just left for piano lessons; shall I call back Rile?”

“No, there’s no need to trouble her.”

“Will you be staying?” going through the motion of calling one of the maids, “-no.”

“Sorry?” she frowned with her ears spiking.

“The mansion is but a stop on my journey someplace else,” the conversation ended. He walked to the attic where the portal to Rotherham was summoned. ‘-There’s a man who made an impression on me so many years ago. I need to seek his assistance. He might not be willing to speak to me at first, but I must make sure to meet him.’ Teleported inside his office at one of the skyscrapers, the walk took to Cake’s office.

*Knock, knock.*

“Boss,” coughed Cake sucking onto a child’s neck.

“Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“N-no-no-no,” her head shook furiously.

“Excuse me,” scurried the boy out of the room.

“I’m so sorry about that,” she wiped her mouth carelessly.

“The blood of a virgin?”



“Did you seriously?” paused he with a raised brow.

“I’m joking,” she laughed, “-I’d never do something so crude,” lashes flickered. “How was the trip in Alphia?”

“Bad,” said he taking a seat, “-the continent is a mess. Though it shames me, I was played for a fool by the conglomerates.”

“What did the emperor say?”

“Nothing, he’s hand-bound to avoid potential war between the factions.”

“Who knew,” sighed Cake, “-who knew the idyllic continent to be such a festered mess of greedy conspirators. I presume you have a plan?”

“Yes, I need a flight to Elendor.”

“Elendor, that’s around a 10-hour flight. I’ll have the plane be readied, you’ll be there at the latest, tomorrow 10:00. The V12-Mk-2 will be readied.”

“Thank you,” the door closed behind. Down on the street where none roamed about, he walked for the airfield stood a far distance away. Trees, bins, street-lights and the cleanlily built town of Phantom. It was hard to imagine only workers, researchers, and students lived here.


“Eira?” stared he as a car sped by.

*SCREEEECH!* “-be careful.”

“What are you doing here?” asked she with the car door opened.

“How are your studies going?”

“Please father, this isn’t the time to have a conversation about me. I need answers, were you not with Sultria?” the pale complexion turned into mild pink – especially the cheeks. The long white hair and face matured into a refined lady.

“Tell me, Eira, what do you think of Alphia?”

“Why this question?” her brows knitted.

“Just tell me.”

“It’s a good place,” the tension relaxed, “-with dark secrets, I suppose?”

“Is that all?”

“Yeah, that’s all,” she shrugged, “-you still haven’t answered my question.”

“I’ve come to take a flight to Elendor. Does that suffice?”

“Father...” her expression sunk the same as he would.


“I heard of what happened in Alphia. Are you sure you’ll be alright? Julius told me about a few things mother would not have wanted to hear.”

“Will I be alright?” giving a puzzled look, “-listen, you need to worry about getting engaged.”

“Not this talk again,” her eyes rolled, “-I thought I made it clear that I wanted to study first.”

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