The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 483

“Whatever you say,” came a disrespectful sneer from Julius, “-I don’t accept this one bit. So, is he going to be part of the running for the crown or no?”

“Don’t even dare,” glared Eira, “-none’s going to speak of the crown. We swore for it to remain secret.”

“Why not,” he argued, “-why not,” the tone felt hesitant, “-father’s disappearance came at a bad time. Mother’s been dealing with pressures from so many parties it’s all so hard to bear. What can we do, I’m afraid Arda might collapse.”

“Shut up,” voiced Eira, “-mother’s fight just as hard as we are,” underneath her breath came regret.

“Oh, yeah, sorry,” he glared, “-I suppose the kinslayer must not have the will to face the truth. You killed father by aiding those individuals, all to be acknowledged.”

“Julius,” she glared, “-stop this instant.”


“Else what,” he remained nonchalant, “-you going to commit fratricide too?” There and then, countless ethereal books conjured in a circle around Eira, her face gleamed with killing intent.

“No more of that,” came a rather cavalier Igna, “-Mother, and my dear cousins, would you partake in some snacks?” he dispelled her magic without a sweat.

“How dare you,” she rose hard, “-how dare you dispel my magic,” her hand motioned for a slap, *smack,* “-auntie,” she gritted, “-what are you doing?”

“Protecting my child,” said she held onto the princess’s hand, “-Julius, Eira,” her tone sharpened, “-I’m disappointed. Can’t believe you’ve forgotten,” she mumbled to a stop.

“Please, mother,” spoke Igna, “-there was no need to stop the princess. It’s fine, tis her right as royalty to smack down any who disrespects her,” the expression remained stern, “-I accept her punishment. It’s no matter, really,” a tilted grin illusioned flower petal sparkling out his body, a conducting sentiment of friendliness and acceptance, the warmth it brought lowered the will to fight.

“Big sister Eira, brother Julius, come, come,” scurried a little Lizzie, “-we baked some cakes,” said she excitedly.

“Come on,” turned Igna, “-you have cream on your cheeks, did you sneak some?” the eyes pressed in jest.

“No,” her legs crossed and fingers played suspiciously.

“Sure,” wiping the stain, “-would you like to partake in the snacks, tis a new year’s welcome party, is it not?”

“You bet it is,” said Julius patting his back, “-Igna, I have got a feeling we’ll be good friends, cousin.”

“Me too,” they laughed as if childhood companions, “-Prince Julius.”

“No, Julius for short, or just call me cousin, it doesn’t matter,” the pure smile gave no room for caution, rather, the openness of his heart (as it seemed) was a very good trait. An unyielding ‘godly’ charm. Hence, they moved to the kitchen where pleasantries were exchanged over the snacks. Igna took to making a few ‘exotic’ meals for the guests. Opposed to staying in the dining or rest area, a bottle of wine was brought onto a table next to the cooking station. They watched as he cooked, Julius didn’t stutter and leaped head-first into a new realm. He helped and so did Eira followed by Lizzie. Dispelling Eira’s summons earlier garnered a seedling of respect into their hearts; being a nightwalker an all also added to said respect. So, the royalty of Arda accepted Igna as a close cousin (who bared no want or greed of the throne. He was very much in line after Lizzie).

“Delicious,” exclaimed Eira holding a pleasant smile, “-did we make all of this?” asked she bewildered by their lackluster efforts turning into such a grand display of knowledge and skill.

“Brother Igna is awesome,” said Lizzie, “-I love him for his food,” she laughed.

“Tis cousin Igna,” added Julius playfully.

“No, no,” her being 11 years old was still grounds for being an infant. Her maturity came later than most as most of the childhood was spent studying music. It didn’t bother much as being a princess was engraved into her mind and heart. Memories of a forgotten past also came as flashes and in dreams – mild changes in her personality were overshadowed by the ‘childishness’. “-Cousin Igna feels more like a big brother. He is a brother since Auntie Courtney is my father’s twin sister.”

“She’s got a point there,” said a light-hearted Eira, “-the food sure swayed my mind and emotions. Aunt, I didn’t know you had a son, well, I’ll be damned if it is any other way. Wouldn’t you agree, Julius?”

“I suppose,” he sneezed, “-sorry for what I said earlier.”

“Words of anger don’t mean much in the grand state of things, I know you meant well, tis for our lady mother.” The pleasantries continued till noon, phone numbers and social media were exchanged. Julius took to Igna strongly and even made plans to hang out soon. Under the clear blue mid-day sky of Hidros – a rarity considering the habitual greyness; guards clad in green adorned by white and gold uniforms stood holding salutes. Guns holstered, daggers for emergencies and an overwhelming magical potential, dark-elves, dwarves, and beastmen.

“Tis where we part,” said Julius rolling down a window, “-Cousin Igna, don’t forget to speak regularly. I’ll see you soon.”

“Yes, cousin Julius, fare-thee-well.” Eira and Lizzie waved and nodded; the white limousine veiled in gold at front, sides, and back, dazzled into the distance where it climbed the hill into the unknown. The new year’s greetings extended to the Royal family of Hidros.

“Your turn now,” said Lady Courtney embracing him from the back, “-promise to be good to your companions. I value loyalty and honesty over strength, you hear?”

“Yes mother,” he bent to touch her feet.

“What was that?” asked she confused by the peculiar gesture.

“It’s respect,” said he, “-touching the feet of parents is tantamount to asking for blessings. I read it in a book, supposed it felt right.”

“Aww,” she grabbed his cheeks, “-then, may the future be bountiful in both good allies and excellent experiences. Don’t forget to practice the sword daily, I don’t want you to lose to anyone. Don’t be so quick to call onto the power inside, try fighting using the body and techniques only. Being able to control the vampiric blood is a boon, yet, a curse. Boon as thee art unrivaled, curse as thee will be bored for lack of work. I won’t vouch your body and mind is ready to handle the Night-walker rank. Train and learn, that is only if thee wish to become a fighter.”

“Thank you, mother,” he nodded, “-thanks for half-a-year of kindness and training.”

“Are you a fool?” a slap across the head had her chuckle, “-I’m your mother, don’t forget it.”

“Sorry, sorry.”

“You destroyed the previous bike when saving friends,” her stance tightened, “-I’d give you a stern lecture, though, when I met them, they were grateful. So, here,” a pair of keys dangled off her curled fingers, “-a new bike to travel the world. It’s fast, like unnecessarily fast; a special build from Phantom. Consider it a gift from me and Elvira, she was adamant about you having it.”

“Are you sure?” the beast slept peacefully under the dimness of parking. Purple striped with black, large tires and a very gentle yet sharp body, a sport’s mobile at first glance.

“Yes,” said she, “-it’s equipped with the AFR, meaning, éclair can use it too.”

“Oh,” fingers went up and down the handle, “-she looks fast. What’s the name?”

“Banshee X0.’

“Banshee X0?”

“X0 means unreleased, not everything Phantom makes is for the public, within our arsenal lies few but rare ‘X0’ items. Things never meant for the outside world, ranges from nukes to kingdom ending planes. The Banshee X0 was a project to test the human resistance against the wind – the faster one goes, the harder the pressure is, and so, they made it to test said theory. Long story short, humans can go damned fast. Banshee hails from the bike’s unique scream, I won’t reveal too much. Wear this,” she threw a body-suit, “-it’s protection, always wear it before a ride. Tis easy to fit and wear around the body, I want no excuses.” The black-suit had writings and wings marked at the back. A very punk-like design as showed by the seductive white silhouette of a lady on his arms.

“Fits nicely,” said he. A push toggled the beast, “-I’ll be going now, mother.”

“Have you taken everything?”

“Yes, all the essentials are in the backpack, thank you,” pulled onto the road, a map hampered by what he saw.

“Follow this route,” directed éclair. On the main road, the bike drove along the border of the linking road of the three districts till a larger one heading south. Highway 39; relatively filled by merchant trucks and cars, he sped for there were no speed limits. A road stretching onto infinity. The shadow of the Capital faded at the back as it soon vanished from the mirrors. The scenery turned to green flat-lands bearing both ghastly light-brown dried branches and weeds. Over yonder were other roads a few kilometers away leading to stranded villages and towns. To the right after a few hours, came the southern railways. No heed at the changing view, the ride lasted a long 10 hours. It was only when the sun to the west turned amber-orange that the surrounding forest came in view. The shadow cast by the change of time was grim, spots of orange escaped through the pine-trees guarding a narrower-lonelier road. There were no lights anything, if left to the dark, it was obscurity that awaited. Luckily, the gouge-like feeling from the bordering trees soon gave to a crossroad.

‘Adventuring Town of Meke to the right and Adventuring Academy to the left,’ read the signs beyond which laid a cliff overlooking the Azure wall. The roads, opposed to before, went through a few ‘gentle’ hills which culminated in such a view. An undiscovered landscape if not for the bike. ‘This view,’ he drove closer to the edge where a singular railing prevented from the deadly fall into other trees. ‘I’d have never discovered the beauty of the world without it. Who knew something like this excited, the paths north and south were always gentle inclines or slopes. I took the main-road then turned a few times into the upper-hills to then arrive here. éclair must have known of this place.’

“Azure Path,” said éclair, “-that’s the name of the view. We’re on a hill, the height might look impressive, but tis still a hill. Not many people know of this road, it’s a given, since carriages are still used in the lesser advanced towns. The Azure path is more of a scenic road that strains one’s vehicle. It takes longer to arrive at Rosespire threw it, except, when one needs to head for the Adventuring Academy.”

“Awesome,” the images burnt into his mind, ‘-this view is something worth the travel.’ Helmet on, he continued till for another hour until reaching the academy. A hurdle over the tram-rails and the destination reached. The dorms twinkled shrouded by a moonless night. Stars tried to only fall short of shining bright. Driving along the stone path felt relaxing. The park was still full of people, duos to be precise. Couples sharing memories and deepening their bonds. What more could they want?

‘7 months,’ thought he coming to the dorm, ‘-I’ve changed. A year has gone by since I woke without memories. Didn’t expect to be related to the royalty of Arda. Come to think of it, I haven’t had the Vampiric impulse in a while. Might be the slaughter I cause during the incident against Lady Yuki. Damn, I forgot to message Lady Syndra.’ Parked outside, the photo of Azure Path taken earlier uploaded... *clop, clop, clop.* ‘I’m back.’

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