The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 705

‘Sign by Ada Rapht,’ he paused, ‘-things aren’t looking good for the vigilantes. Information blackout and the Cobalt unit, this doesn’t smell so great. Why did a fellow Ardanian get involved.’

*Incoming transmission,* displayed across the lens, “-what’s the matter?”

“Igna, the dormitory isn’t willing to grant access,” gunfire diffused in pants and cries, “-more running less talking,” reverberated in the distance. “-What should we do?”

“Retreat and don’t turn back. Kill if you have to, I’ll take responsibility.”

“Understo-” *Transmission Interrupted.* ‘Trouble follows like my shadow,’ glimpsed to the unconscious ladies, ‘-at least the drug’s moving along nicely,’ he smiled, ‘-Henzh’s blood was the right guess. A cure can be made to counteract the curse and perhaps undo the ‘turned’ effect.’

*Knock, knock,*


“Who is it?”

“Hina here,”

“Enter,” he stepped out the research room, “-the whole crew is here.”

“There’s something we need to discuss,” said she in a somber tone. A look to the corner showed the messenger, ‘-he must have run his mouth.’

“Not here, the ladies are resting.”

Snaps landed, Meza sprinted faster than ever before, soon after, the armored unit pelted out of sight, “-are they serious?” she gasped.

“The military for you,” he panted, “-I knew this would have happened. I’m sure we’re reported dead, there’s no reason to believe otherwise. Should have been more careful – I doubt they’re stupid enough to give chase.”

“Way to jinx,” headlights drove into the rear-view mirror, “-I’ll distract, focus on the road.” Stray boulders and rocks levitated and shot backward. A line of dust zoomed in the distance, “-look there,” she pointed, “-a bike and...”

“Yeah, looks like they’re being chased,” he drifted around a corner, “-do it now.”

*Woosh,* a harsh swipe toppled an already shaky structure, “-make for the biker.” The rider in black sped forth, “-that’s a blocked alley,” cried the princess, “-buy time,” out the hatch and into the fray. ‘-Crazy personality,’ it made directly for the pursuers.

‘If I’m correct,’ hovered, ‘-the alley should have flat slabs,’ a ramp swiftly built-in the nick of time, a growl of the bike ended in skids and screeches. *CRASH* smoke rose a few blocks away, “-I need transport,” transmitted across.

“Meza, what happened?” inquired a calmer voice.

“Bowling I’d say,” he sat before a cacophony of bundled flames, “-the pursuers are dead, the alchemist said to kill if needed right?” *Grrr* vibrations resonated, ‘-the structures’ shaking.’ A tall reaching building shadowed the streets, broken glass, a non-existent entrance blocked by furniture. Dark-brownish stains on the floor remain of rotten meat in a once flowerbed and a sense of uneasiness.

“Where are you?”

“Follow the pile of smoke,” the rumbles intensified, the heart raced, “-hey, I think there may be monsters hiding in the building I’m currently under...” strained to stare the upper floors, ‘-oh god, crawlers,’ quadruplets of disgusting appearances, roach-like in some instances and spiders in others, salivated. Goo landed to a slight fizz, ‘-acidic breath, seriously...’

“RUN THEN!” cried the earpiece.

“Thing is, I might have sprained my ankle in the landing...” a clueless chuckle upward didn’t help the situation, a bone-breaking sound and wings coated in green spread nastily, the foul stench of sulphur and rotten meat permeated. ‘-Stand up Meza,’ the hands glued in fear, ‘-why do they have to be insects,’ he cringed, ‘-damned phobia, I-I...’ The morbid grayness of the scene amplifies by a slow-rolling mist to the side. Streets, alleys, buildings, broken cars, and even the sky, was swept under a tsunami of fog. Slow-paced waves cherished the trip, Fia scanned the area erratically, the biker of before spun and left.

‘Just my luck, insects up top and fogs to the side. I had to try and be an idiot.’ Characteristic high pitch buzz fluttered; ‘-I so wished those flaps to have been pigeons...’

“Stop being an idiot,” green hues surrounded, crushed, and squeezed the bodily juices, Meza gagged.

“-Seriously?” hands on her hips, “-the great strategist Meza is afraid of some insects?” a buzz stopped short of her neck, “-pest,” a grit and the latter tore into pieces, he hurled. *touf, touf, touf,* deep and prominent, “-Meza, we have trouble,” she gulped, “-that sound doesn’t inspire great news...”

“Why?” he wiped his mouth, “-another monster?”

“No, far worse. The fog’s here... the sound’s associated to the envoys of Satuel. Little insects able to replicate any monster’s ability,’ heavy footsteps gave into scraping metals.

“Stand up.”

“I can’t,” a look told of a different story, “-my ankle isn’t sprained, I’ve broken it...”

No sooner than a second, a figure flashed between the duo, dove into the fog, and eradicated the sizeable presence. Meza, still on his bottom beside the pool of vomit, crawled to the sidewalk. The outline of a lady exited the mist, orbs of black levitated in a circle. A show of the index and the orbs funneled out of existence. Heels against the asphalt, “-are you familiar with the name Haggard?” the bike autonomously followed.

“Who might you be?” inquired Fia.

“A humble companion. I appreciate the help earlier,” she took off the helmet, “-the place is far worse than I’d imagined,” locked onto the displaced ankle, “-the kamikaze who dove headfirst,” *snap,* he hovered, “-I’ll lock the bones in place, might hurt a little.”

‘Who’s this pretty lady,’ wondered Fia, ‘-there’s a familiar aura about her.’

“Hold on a moment, what happened to the monsters in the fog?”

“Killed them, those weaklings aren’t sufficed to be labeled monsters. Insects are but insects, they are to be crushed promptly. My question?”

“The Alchemist quarters a walk away. I don’t mind flying there...”

“Sure, take the lead, I’ll carry the headstrong gentleman.”

Another note was handed to the messenger, “-here, a few potions to aid in future combat. Come as a squad next time,” said Igna.

“Understood sir,” the man ran off while stranger outlines appeared against the cloudy sky, “-we’re home,” said Fia, “-Meza’s broken the ankle, care to help?”

“Sure, take him inside,” the nonchalant stare filled in a sudden gleam, the white pupil smiled, “-hello master.”

“Kul,” they launched into a tight embrace, “-never expected this visit.”

“Mere pleasantries won’t aid in the slight discomfort I have against you...”

“Fair deal,” they entered, “-head upstairs, I’ll treat the man and come right up.”

“Master,” voiced she in shock, “-I digress, this place isn’t suitable for the likes of a princ-”

“No more talking,” said he gently, “-take in the surrounding, dear Kul, adapt to survive.Go on, I’ll be there shortly.”

“She’s hot,” murmured Kinka.

“Not so loud,” they peeped and watched her climb the stairs.

“Don’t mind us,” chuckled Froy, “-been so long since we’ve seen a proper woman...”

“Take in the sight boys,” said Igna in jest, “-looking isn’t a crime.”

“What about a proper woman?” pouted Fia.

“Sorry, sorry,” Jonl jumped in, “-they didn’t mean it literally, let’s say lady assassin is lesser noticeable...” damage control didn’t work.

Trip into town didn’t help much earlier the day. Starix’s constant input, multitude of outfits, and facepalms ended in a standard modest business outfit.

‘-Kul’s already readied the ankle for further treatment,’ *Mana Control: Healing Element Variant: Restoration.*

“HA-HA-HA-HA,” escaped from the training room.

“She must have told how I got hurt,” exhaled Meza in disappointment, “-not my fault I get disgusted by insects, I hate them.”

“Done,” he stood, “-take it easy for the next two hours. Don’t worry about the supplies, I’ll figure something out. Supervise the others, the day isn’t far whereby the combined squads set to the battlefield.”

“Wait,” hailed Fia.

‘Well equipped for a supposed abandoned building,’ wondered the guest.

“I’m here,” the doors shut, “-I heard a brief story from Fia, care to explain?”

“You mean the princess?” she lounged about and dug through the various shelves, “-master, the books and papers are quite detailed. Am I to assume the research is about the plague?”

“Should I answer?”

“Therewith the sarcastic remarks,” she giggled, “-no matter, I came here to audit thy way of life. I know it’s selfish,” the flutters turned daggers, “-sworn to thy name, I must endeavor for my monarch to be in an agreeable way of life.”

“I appreciate the sentiment – no need to worry about my abode, tis cozy. Care to explain why the military gave chase?”

“They didn’t grant passage, therefore I wrecked the checkpoint and made for the location given éclair. Thought I’d lose them in the alleys, the princess gave ample help, thus I returned the favor, and here we are.”

Moved to the kitchen, “-want drinks?”

“Coffee should be enough,” her lips pressed, “-no allow me to make the beverages.”

“Sit down,” said he with a fatherly authority, “-for a demon to get nervous, the sun must have risen from the west.”

“Heh,” anxious laughter escaped, “-be truthful, are you well?”

“Yes,” he handed the cups and sat opposite, “-the princess and I have gotten to know one another pretty well. She’s a good person by heart.”

“If his majesty has no qualms, I have no right to object,” a sip warmed the innards, ‘-delicious.’

“Come to discuss plans about the count’s estate?”

“You knew?”

“Tis the logical path forward. The Chief will be handled by Starix – I’ll call in a favor from the emperor, he owes me much from the rescue. About my time spend,” he shuffled to the laboratory, “-here are a few samples of potential cures. Have éclair take them to Rotherham University. I’ll send the paperwork later.”

“What about the budget?”

“What budget, money isn’t an issue. Besides, the property will be sold at a lowered rate. Glad you could make it, the meeting’s over. Stay around or head on home, thy choice, Kul, I’ll be in the lab.”

‘I came all this way for a five-minute talk... why do I even bother.’ Cup in the sink, ‘-Starix did say he wouldn’t talk much. Does the homunculus know the king more than I do? Very annoying...’

*Click,* “-careful!” yelled Fia.


“Eavesdropping,” glared Kul, “-waste of time, wasn’t it,” she slid along the handrail, “-tell me, the area’s infested with monsters, right?”

“Yes, why ask?”

“You,” she pointed to Fia, “-care to come with, I’d like to blow off some steam. Where’s the monster hideout?” killing intent froze the hall, disorderly glances, and petrified whispers jumped from person to person, ‘-I swear, monsters will be culled.’

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