The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 707

“Leave it be,” said a nonchalant voice, “-priorities are on the potential of weaponizing the turned,” files laid atop the desk, ‘-tremendous physical enhancement from being infected, they’ll be happy about the report.’ Out the stale interior and into a wasteland of a yard, a presumed turned elf ambled in the company of a researcher. ‘-He’s taken a liking to her, hasn’t he.’

“Additional forces have embarked for Odgawoan. Ask the manager to send the vigilantes on expeditions in Zone 4. Space must be made.”


A dark veil of intrigue shrouded the already despaired dormitory. Death counts increased by the hour, those on scouting missions never returned. Veterans were given no respect nor admiration. Soldiers guarded the Q3 street, deserters were faced by the wrath of a bullet to the heads.

A messenger from the army made promptly for the office, there, the secretary, who’d been strict and kind in her own way, was forced to listen silently. “-Manager of the Central Western branch, Captain Soong hereby orders under the authority of the army to rally the remaining forces into a frontal assault. Heroes are to be sent to Whuotan. Paperwork has been issued for leadership to be transferred.” File delivered; the wooden door shut.

“Manager,” voiced she loudly, “-vigilantes art be killed needlessly. We should send them home, the area’s turned anarchic wasteland. I beg of you, allow them to live – I regret not taking a sterner approach in securing our rule.”


“I’m sorry, once the military is involved there’s no turning back. If they want the people to die, then I’ll have to obey. I’m not so much emotionless to not feel the pain of prospective fighters be send to their deaths – my hands are tied, politics is a harsh game, those at the top win, frankly, branch managers are little more pawn with clout, nothing more, nothing less.”

“There’s still time,” she rummaged through her keyboard, “-I’ll find a way to save them, I swear.”

Dawn of the 5th of December, a miracle veered a gentle glow. *Knock, knock,* a reinforced window buckled deeply, *knock, knock,* ‘-who is it,’ drool down the face and eyes bloodshot red, ‘-I told them to let me sleep,’ off the numb arm and towards the side, *knock, knock,* two ladies dressed in humble sheets yelled furiously.

‘Get us out,’ figured from lipreading, ‘-the sample must have worked.’ *click,*



“Shut up,” hand around the sliding door, “-causing such a ruckus in the morning. It’s been weeks, check the clock,” no care to their outfit, “-check the bag, there should be clothes, I’ll have breakfast ready.”

Whistles paired to chops, “-Angela from Squad 32, right?”

“Yeah,” fingers ran down her hair, “-how long have we been asleep, no wait,” memories returned, “-I was killed by Antronla, afterward, a peaceful light, my body was curled into a cocoon of some sort.”

“About what happened,” she fully sat on the cold floor, flesh to wood, “-I vaguely remember going crazy. I saw people die – I jumped headfirst to save my friends; I think.”

“Don’t sit down for long. I’m sure there’s an explanation... maybe we’re slaves to his will, turned to suit his need, this place looks like a lair...” couches, clothes flung onto the floor, empty water bottles, “-not a lair,” she stopped, “-looks more like my apartment, granted a little tidier.

“Let’s get changed.”

“Not so fast,” voiced across the hall, “-you ladies, if I’m blunt, smell. Head downstairs and take a shower, necessary supplies are in the adjacent room. Do not dilly-dally.”

“S-Sure,” bare feet scattered in a plump-like noise. The stairs felt cold and distant – lighting differed for below had a clearer blueish feel. Chatter and laughter permeated, “-I hear people,” voiced Angela.

“Nice, you have ears,” refuted Aptha immediately prowling along the vague corridor.

“What are you doing?” whispered Angela sharply, “-you’ll get caught.”

“-Ha-ha, I’ll visit the toilet,” diffused outwards.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” said she with a wink, the open doorway stood a few centimeters away.

“-Hina’s too funny,” a strong figure turned the corner, “...” the eyes locked. Aptha tried to give a smile, “-A GHOST!” reverberated.

‘I better run,’ went across Angela’s mind.

“What you mean ghost?” a horde of steps ran out, “-a monster dares invade our asylum!”

“H-hey g-guys,” said she, “-s-surprise?”


‘Looks like the kids have met one another,’ the stove toggled, ‘-the quest here has been accomplished. They were good test subjects; the cure’s ready for sale after a few more tests. Still haven’t found the reason why Hades’ wishes to invade,’ then and there, a rash idea came to mind, ‘-why am I worried about a few monsters. If they’re from another land, I should be able to converse.’ Out the coat and into Kniq’s uniform, ‘-if I want answers, I’ll go get them.’

*Clop, clop, clop,* ran up the stairs, “-Igna, where you headed?”

“Fia,” they cross paths, “-I need to check on a few things. Angela and Aptha have awakened, I’m leaving them in your care, see you soon.” *Blood-Arts: Enlian,* wings sprouted to a harsh flap, the ecstatic guests were blown under the sheer strength.

The signet ring glowed, ‘-I’m the king of monsters, why should I be worried about other monsters.’

*Wake from thy deep slumber, humble follower of Scifer’s domain, heed me, the ruler of monsters summons thee, chosen one, rise, Phenox, the spirit of Fire!* a ball of blinding yellow, an entity of four wings, majestic in glow and strength flapped to sprinkle ambers. ‘-The spirit of Fire, a mix between a dragon and the legendary phoenix – the first guardian of Scifer’s Domain.’

“You summoned me, majesty?”

“Sorry to impose,” stood on its back, “-I require strength and thy aura to get a message across.”

“Per thy wish, majesty, I shall obey.”

The journey cut across the warzone and into Fuda Mountains, ‘-there’s the portal. They’ve surrounded it with a high-tier barrier, the monsters look strong, very good fortification for an outpost. I sense heavy curse energy, the ground’s turned dark-purple, cause of the monster curse, maybe?’ they circled intimidatingly.

“Kazalon, Kazalon.”

“What is it sushi?” returned a lanky silhouette.

“How very rude,” it moved at a snail’s pace, “-look above, someone’s located the portal.”

“The vibrance, it must be of angelic nature.”

“Kazalon, Voraum...”

“Lord Cimi!”

“Not up, look down.”

“Lord Cimi, you’ve taken the small form. To what must we owe this pleasure?”

“To survey the current progress,” it stared up, “-care explain who dares move into the demon lord’s territory?” the robed fellow grew.

“Dive for the earth, Phenox,” an arrow fired against a hemisphere, the respective auras countered each to a tremendous shockwave, dark woods charred to nothingness, a noticeable circle sprang forth.

“State thy name!” smoked from the aftermath.

“King of Monsters,” said aloud, “-Igna Haggard,” he leaped and landed in an intense wave.

“King of monsters?” the body buffed to a sizeable entity, “-wait...”

“Hold on...” remarked Igna, the transformation halted and reverted, “-Cimi?”

“Correct,” returned a shorter humanoid outline, “-what you said was true, you’re a Demonlord.”

“Yes,” he nodded, “-great, we can skip the whole intimidation thing. I’ve come to ask why Hades’ decided to invade Alphia.”

“What’s the purpose, would you stop us?”

“Depends, if the conquest of the world is at stake, I might have to step in. Otherwise, if it’s only occupying Fuda Mountains, I’ll be happy to look the other way.”

“Decision isn’t mine to make, for I serve the son of Hades. The conquest is nothing more than a hobby. We’re not using our whole army for such a trifling matter. The Underworld is a harsh and boring place. The portal was something like a chance to let loose and run around. I’ve heard Hades’ looking for a wife. Who knows?” it shrugged, “-about you, to control such an angelic beast, what is thine rank?”

“I was once a god who fell from grace, betrayed by those I trusted. Regardless, I’ve gained more in starting over.”

“Other questions?”

“Will you invade past the gates?”

“Those flimsy things?” Voraum laughed, “-the thrill in the pursuit. Long as they fight, we’ll fight.”

“Silence Voraum.”

“I apologize, lord Cimi.”

“Back to us, the orders are unclear. It’s been said to scout, make notes, gather intel, and fight. All is up to my lord; afraid I can’t say much.”

“It was enough for me,” he sighed, “-here’s a proposition, the land here isn’t ripe for many conquests. The town itself is naturally secluded, gain control and there’s no way to expand outwards. If possible, investigate the north,” a map conjured, “-the monsters under my dominion currently lay siege in a war of attrition. Similarly, I care not for conquering the land – training is what matters. If thee wishes to fight stronger enemies, I present a grant occasion to fight my minions instead of human weaklings. Who is to say, the northern province is large to sustain both of our forces. Take my offer into consideration,” hopped on the radiant Phenox, “-send my regards to Zagreus.”

“Should I take him down?” inquired Kazalon.

“No, wait,” interjected Cimi, “-he knew who lord Zagreus was. The thought of defeat never crossed his mind, any questions about it. The King of Monster isn’t one to be trifled with. Strong as we are, he provided a map and gave supple information. The lay of the land is correct. Voraum, see to it the northern region is investigated. Kazalon, marshal the forces, the humans are coming to play.”

“Phenox, I appreciate you answered my call to action.”

“Worry not sire, I shall always be ready to aid the monarch,” they hovered far into the sky, above the clouds and close to heaven, so was the impression, “-may fate be on thy side,” the wings stretched and vanished into a ball of light fuzz.

The wind blew across the body, ‘-freefall,’ he smirked and dipped towards terminal velocity. *Incoming call,* interrupted the tranquility, “-Igna, where are you?”

“Quiet down, what’s the matter, Fia?”

“A heavily wounded messenger is at the doorstep; he’s barely holding onto life.”

“Aptha’s awakened isn’t she, ask her to administer first aid, I’m on my way,” the call ended, the miniature scape gained in size, ‘-if it’s not one thing.’

“Where’s the alchemist?”

“On the way,” said she pushing across the crowd, “-Aptha, how’s the boy?”

“Barely hanging onto life,” sweat dowsed the visage profusely, “-I’m in no shape to use special abilities.”

“Don’t worry about me,” he panted, “-nurse Ada wanted this note to reach the a-alchemist,” the pulse slowed.

“Not yet,” she cried, “-not on my watch.” A cloud of fear, sorrow, and anger deadened the ward.


“I leave for a few minutes,” footsteps echoed, “-I’ll take it from here,” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

Leader of squad 05 had doubts, ‘-those were gunshot wounds... has the military crossed the line of no return?’

“Lord Alchemist, I appreciate the fast response. Matters have sadly taken a turn for the worse, more and more fighters are being sent to their deaths. The hospice is being monitored heavily by the military. Please investigate the matter. Claudia’s alive and well, she visited a few hours ago in the company of a scholar. There’s a big plot brewing behind the scene, only a man of connection can remedy the situation.”

‘She honestly sent this boy to die for this note, is she daft or useless? The monsters are gearing for their next assault. Zagreus, son of Hades’ pulling the strings. Searching for a wife it said.’

*Knock, knock,*

“What now?”

“Someone has come to visit.”



‘I want to die...’

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