The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 709

“Worry about the others for once,” exclaimed an impatient voice.


‘Good, get away from here, the place is about to become a warzone,’ the nonchalant confidence dulled to a frown, ‘-I had a dream, a bad dream. My death was written and played out in slow motion; the whole point of death was to reincarnate without the curse of misfortune. Perish the thought, I know the curse is gone. This is different, time felt faster, precognition of a dire outcome. Death of the vigilantes, the destruction of my acquaintances. At the helm stood a crown, a signet – Cobalt Unit.’

Monsters rampaged through the open gates – meanwhile, at the opposite end, the summoned monsters vanquished the soldiers. Heavy, light, strong, agile, footsteps of various characteristics, inclusive of slithers, crawls, and growls, the King of Monster’s army sped past. *Woosh,* a severed head flung to the back, the brutal massacre between monsters began.

*Crack,* “-you’ve come.”



“Cardie,” her hollowed sockets peered outward, the expression remained strut in discomfort. ‘She’s a shell of the former self,’ noise echoed at her back, a platoon of soldiers, reinforcement by the looks, beelined to the escapees. *Go forth, Vengeance,* ‘-protect until the evacuation is complete. Afterward, kill those who dare show malicious intent.’ Unrecognizable limbs landed shy of his stead.

“Alchemist of the University of Rotherham,” a manlier voice spoke through her empty lips, “-never mind, I should use the title of Demonlord, shouldn’t I. My name’s not of importance, and I care none. My master, the new leader of the Cobalt Unit, has decreed this to Phantom and the Haggard lineage. Long has thy tyranny outlasted this realm, an army of God slaying puppets will be thy downfall. Hades’ might I add, is also complicit in the scheme.”

“And, should I be worried?” mana expulsed at an increasing rate, a dark mist manifested in his shadow, “-go after me, leave the Haggards out of the scheme. There’s no need to involve innocents.”

“Don’t preach innocence, damned hypocrite. Watch closely,” she pulled out a dagger and stabbed her heart, magical circles lit around the handle. Emptiness in the eyes fermented in a reddish glow, “-rest in peace, Igna,” she levitated and glowed – behind, the allies were bested, gathering forces closed the distance. ‘-Barrier,’ *BOOOM,* shockwave resounded across the whole town, monsters had skin and flesh torn by the shimmer of light. *Crack,* ‘-strong,’ the protection fractured and pushed him backward. Palms to the ground, eyes barely able to look straight, the light intensified, skin melted to barebones, ‘-holy light?’ the expulsion of power rebounded to an amplified effect, physical damage neutralized, elemental and spiritual entities fell instantly, the mana in the atmosphere vanished – an ulterior domain rose.

“I’m awake,” said an entity of old, the armor, the visage, the hairstyle, and the undeniable allegiance to the gods, “-you,” a decorated sword rose toward the fallen man, “-on thy feet, vile beast. Thee who dares assault and insult the god’s art be vanquished. Raise thy head and face me in faith.”

‘My element’s out cold,’ the skin regenerated, ‘-no blood nor sustenance. Blood-Art’s immortality’s been nullified. The dream was real,’ clambered to a stand, “-who are you?” priority of healing focused onto the arms and hands, the burnt cheeks partly healed, the charred flesh replaced to a large black scar.

A thunder-shaped crack enlarged, “-my dear Staxius Haggard,” adorned in golden jewelry, a darker complexion, feline eyes, and the beauty rivaling that of an angel, “-have you forgotten my name?” she stopped. The muscular warrior, bearing the mask of a pharaoh, knelt.

“Cleopatra,” he gritted, “-why are you here?”

“You remember me?” she chuckled, “-same reason I was here long ago,” *snap,* countless mirrors summoned, “-where is the symbol of Kronos?”

“What symbol?”

“Play the fool,” the mirrors focused onto escapees, “-and they die.”

“Go ahead and try,” he smirked, “-bluff does not work on me.”

“Fair,” she made for a golden throne, “-have at it, Aeeil.”

“Your wish is my command,” an arrow-shaped projectile summoned out the portal.

“Too bad there’s none who can protect them,” said a smug shrug. A raise of the hand pulled a staff from the differing portal, “-don’t sneer at me. The domain of Eduipt is a place of happiness and joy, for me anyway.”

“Look again,” he smiled, the projectile reflected to the sender, *crash,* a cloud of golden specks rained onto the throne. She sat unbothered; the warrior took the attack without prejudice. Once the dust settled, another rose from the shadow of her bare feet, of which held a golden anklet.

“Seems there are stronger foes outside the domain. No matter, the priority isn’t them. Threats won’t shake the heart of a cold murderer, would it?” she smirked sadistically, “-come forth spiritual guardians of Pharaohs, thy queen, Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, orders for the man’s utter defeat. Spare no mercy.” Identical masked warriors appeared from the closed portals, the blood-filled street cleared into a land of sand and heat. The throne was distant to look down from a pyramid, servants waited beside her throne, big fans gently swayed her black hair, her feet kicked onto a prostrated half-naked man. “-do make the fight entertaining,” spoke directly in the ears. Scimitar swords clad in golden-yellow slashed and drew blood. ‘-my abilities are being neutralized,’ he dodged and sidestepped, ducks and hops didn’t do much, the faster he moved, the quicker the opponents learned and adapted.

A downward strike came suddenly, he guarded with crossed forearms, the blade halted midway through the bones, pain shot throughout the body, the moment of idealness sufficed, the four remainders thrust, pulled, and thrust again, each blow rang harshly, life in the eyes emptied, ‘-I knew it,’ he fell, ‘-the nightmare was precognition of my coming death. What a pain,’ the head hit the sand, ‘-this is what it’s like to fight myself. No hope of refuting, escape plans blocked, and no chance of survival. Cleopatra knows my weakness,’ he rolled over to stare at the sky, tears of blood dripped, ‘-no regrets, suppose death has been part of my life ever since birth.’

“How pitiful,” *crunch,* “-the reincarnation of Staxius Haggard,” her naked foot laid atop the bloodied stomach, “-if you can’t defeat this easy of a domain, there’s no way thou art ready for the godly realm. Lixbin was wrong about you,” she shamefully kicked the carcass, “-the boon of godhood is gone. No matter the strength acquired, vampire or Origin, it won’t help.”

“Stop playing dead,” said a sharp response.

“Let me go, Lilith.”

“Don’t intervene, Intherna, this isn’t the time.”

“Miira, tell her to let me go this instant!”

“Intherna, I’m sorry. We can’t jump in,” an undertone of rage and anger spooked the others, “-we promised, didn’t we?”

“Yes, we did,” said Gophy, “-leave him alone.”

“Heartless!” she cried, “-I’m jumping in, no matter the consequences.”

‘I know those voices; they’re fighting for real. What’s happened to me anyway,’ *thud,* the hands snapped to her ankle, *thud,* the ground shook, *thud,* “-LET ME GO!” she screamed.

“Cleopatra,” the eyes opened in deep crimson, the symbol of death lit in the depth of the abyssal gaze, “-death was for naught.”

“ATTACK HIM!” warriors summoned in dozens.

*Burnt eternal in my domain, I, Igna Haggard, the inheritor of death, calls forth the flame which purges gods and demons alike. Set ablaze for I’ve ordered so, Death Element: Abyssal Wrath,* flames conjured from a somber realm, the attackers fell into dust. *Death Element: Chains of Alok,* stakes summoned in a star shape (an X in the middle of which held a firm straight line) threads of white linked her limbs and forcibly pulled onto the edifice. Her arms and legs stretched, the head glued to the backbone of the construction, “-centuries ago, before magic was accepted, the story of a white witch, lost to the passage of time, speak of her tragedy and misunderstood kindness. The priest, Alok, foolish to the ways of the spirit, performed the first burning to the stakes. Her regret, seething rage, and light heart turned dark, cast a powerful curse onto the descendant and allies to his cause. Long story short,” he rose, the wounds healed, “-emotions have the power to engrave into the very fabric of history.”

“What have you done?” she gritted,”-Eduipt is my realm, there’s no way to move without my approval. IGNA HAGGARD!”

“Since we’re old friends,” he smugly climbed to the stake, “-why not have a little watch party,” scimitar in hand, two strokes sliced off her clothes, “-how about a little deal,” pulled closer, the emotions of the trial ran through the stakes and into her body, “-I’ve dialed her pain to a minimum.”

“What do you want?” her strong glare didn’t halt, “-is my body the only thing thee cares for?”

“Don’t think so highly of yourself,” the remainder of the garments fell, “-I’m not interested in carnal pleasures. Instead, the humiliation of a queen is way entertaining.”


“Stop screaming,” *smack,* “-I’m right here, I can hear you, understand?”

Blood dripped from her mouth; “-how can you move in my domain?”

“There, wasn’t that easy to formulate?” he dropped onto the sand ridden ground, “-the plan to defeat me was perfect,” he side-glanced, “-until greed and the sadistic nature took over. Killing me was the fatal flaw. You gave death his source of power, how foolish,” the mana flowed violently, “-I haven’t forgotten our last encounter. Tell me,” he sat on her throne, the stakes hovered to the pyramid, “-how does it feel to be at the receiving end?”

“Kill me already,” fired she, “-I won’t reveal information.”

“I know,” the legs crossed, “-and I don’t care for the information. Zeus and Lucifer are partly involved. The Cobalt Unit, the elf’s self-destruction, a rift in the realm, I know the gist of what has happened. Don’t forget,” he tapped his temple, “-my strength has always laid up here.”

“You’re a fool to think I’ll give up so easily. The demonic and godly realms are wary. Creation, Death, and Time, the trifactor of power have grown distant to the heavenly world. If I die, expect both realms to come in stride – you won’t survive the assault, my domain is in its infancy. Besides, Hades has already found his match.”

“Silence,” her mouth shut, ‘-infuse power into words, nice idea.’

The disgruntled generals saw the Shadow Realm’s sky turn blue; a gate materialized.

“Told you,” winked Miira, “-do not underestimate the watcher.”

“Cleopatra, there’s one thing I forgot to mention. I don’t care if I’m strong or not,” four portal summoned in the throne’s shadow, “-I have goddesses to guard my back.”

“Took long enough,” reproached Gophy taking a stand to his right.

“We should have run out earlier,” voiced Intherna grabbing his arm to the left.

“Now, now, no fighting you two,” said Miira stood behind the throne.

“What do we have here?” snickered Lilith, “-my poor old husband’s side dish?” her arms crossed mockingly.

“Goddesses,” said Igna, “-I appreciate not intervening, thank you for trusting in me.”

“Stop being modest,” winked Intherna.

“We have business with her,” Miira’s caring self-vanished, “-Gophy, care to do the honors.”

“My pleasure,” her finger rose, “-Cleopatra, the curse of Akina is known to thee, right?”

“No,” her face froze, “-DON’T YOU DARE!”

“Why squirm now?” they surrounded the stake, “-don’t worry, I’ll only conjure my elder daughter.”

“Lilith, Queen of Demons, don’t you dare!”

“Awe,” warm fingers went about her chin, “-the queen feels humiliated?” and down the chest to her hips, “-hey, we promise to be gentle.”

“Igna,” fired Gophy, “-we’ll handle matters from here,” the domain ruptured, “-there’s more fighting to do.” Miira held the queen’s jaws tightly, sapphic lust gleamed.

‘Better not question,’ the realm broke, he fell, the wounds materialized, ‘-conniving queen, she planned for the injuries to remain,’ headstrong before the newly gathered horde, Orenmir unhid from the belt, ‘-use mana and my wounds will deepen. The regeneration should activate sooner or later,’ hand on the grip, ‘-looks like the others are in trouble.’ Metal slid against the sheath, ‘-time to fight.’

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