The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 825


“-Just that I want our beliefs to be reinforced. I don’t want to look back and think I should have been better off handing ourselves to Lucifer’s army. I sincerely apologize for the trouble, I never meant to bring Kul into our private affairs.”

“Or it was planned,” an empty bottle swapped for another, “-Rachel, I understand why and how the method of getting the ringleader into sight was well executed. First, Kul was unharmed, the words of power diminished to a playground level. Second, the willingness to hear me out, and lastly, the way you took to my story and opened yours. I’ve spent my life manipulating others, in a way, I’ve gained the ability to get a person to do whatever I wish. What’s happening right now is manipulation 101, get the other side to think they came with the idea – socially get acquainted, build trust, and share secrets.”

“Figure me out?”

“You’re not a puzzle, don’t lower thyself, it’s unbecoming. I’d much prefer the alternative.”

“And it would say you’re smarter than I am.”



*Bang,* the backdoor rattled, two suited gentlemen burst onto the scene with bags and laughs. Following them were ladies and men, all dressed for a lovely night, the duo, from the standalone aura, covered the sky-ceiling in a tinge of the innate allure to vices.

“Greetings, master,” said Asmodeus.

“Been a while, master,” returned Mammon.

Rachel mumbled a few words, Igna took great attention to her pronunciation and intonation, “-pardon me,” interjected Asmodeus, “-do you speak the ancient demonic tongue?”

“Oh?” her focus flashed, “-I’m impressed.”

“She does speak the ancient tongue,” elbowed Mammon, “-master, where did thee find such a rare piece.”

“Rare piece?” he frowned.

“Let me explain, those able to read the ancient tongue are worth more than legacy items left by the predecessors. The catalog of the olden demons is lush and cryptive, deciphering the texts is an easy opening to the ancient world.”

“Why she’s called a rare piece,” said Mammon, “-the current generation started alongside Lucifer, are ignorant to the old way. Knowledge is one of the greater valued monikers in the wild, thus why the princes are obligated to learn to read and write said language.”

“The more I’m told about the demonic realm, the less I’m interested. I’ve wondered about demons and thought them to be strong and fun, the past hours changed my curiosity.”

“Well,” they tapped their bottles, “-we’ve come to the party,”

“Yeah, I understand,” he returned to the stove, “-did Midne.”

“-We brought meat,” leaped Medusa from nowhere, “-treat us to the Alchemist’s skills.”

“Strap on,” he roused the inferno into a volcano, “-I’ll have you eating your fingers.”

At the early hours of 22:45, half of the entourage were on the grass under the influence of cigarettes lined with Angel’s dust. Midne took and began adding God’s ale to the mixtures, it reached a point where the drinkers did shots and shots of the ale. Igna’s accompanying party consisted of Asmodeus, Mammon, Medusa, Rahe, Rachel, Midne, and Johna. The banter floated between tame and risky. The narcotics kept on piling, and they kept the pace till midnight, the strongest of fighters dropped.

“I win,” yawned Mammon, “-she’s standing after the last shot, I win, master.”

“Yes you did,” said Igna, “-my chosen champion dropped, what a shame,” they filled a large cup, he grabbed, opened his mouth and threw it inside, “-nothing,” he wiped his mouth, ‘-tonight’s been a great night.’

“Master can hold his liquor,” said the drifting Asmodeus.

*Beep, beep,* “-sorry,” the blond head of Johna swarmed himself through the unconscious crowd and into the manor, one thought remained in his mind, ‘-fun,’ the scattered stone path merged into the sterile inside, “-Aceline.”

“Hey,” she stood against the hallway, “-I returned.”

“Listen, I’m a little drunk, now isn’t time for me to give advice.”

“No, I don’t want advice, I want him and he wants me, I can’t help.”

“Yes, you can, forget about what’s happened tonight and return home. I’m against adultery, I won’t allow either to regret the choices made on a whim.”

“Stop!” she yelled; “-I don’t want advice from a drunken mess.”

“YOU TOO,” he grabbed her arm, “-don’t, I’m serious, you better not.”

“Johna, for the last time, I want you to stop,” she pulled, “-none’s willing to take responsibility, and I don’t want to stay my life with nothing. I wanted something genuine and it reached a point where he and I could obtain... then came the queen’s death, the kingdom, I-I...”


“Fine,” she spun, “-if I won’t get my way, I guess someone else is better suited for the job,” and stormed out the door. The stumped actor had his head against the wall, ‘-Igna, the favor is too much for me to handle, I don’t think I can...’

The next day arrived in haste, Igna slept the night outside in a jigsaw array of retainers and companions. Whispers in the tree broke the dream, ‘-the drinks must have kicked in,’ sat upright, ‘-oh boy,’ he looked about and saw many unclothed and in very incriminating positions, ‘-did Asmodeus make the party into an orgy, horny demons. Speaking of which,’ he stood and peered to naught, ‘-where are they?’ Midne was spotted hugging the log, Rahe and Rachel were gone. A hard ground did quite the damage. On stepping inside, the warm fragrance of mint, ginger, and tea cleansed the inside, he made for the kitchen and spotted the same party of last night, “-Good morning,” they said. Asmodeus handled the stove whilst the remainder gathered at the table, “-you had a great sleep, didn’t you?”

“Don’t start,” he joined and exchanged a pleasant conversation. The hours led into the fallen soldiers reviving to fight another day, and before much time passed, Igna found himself sending Medusa, Asmodeus, and Mammon to their duties, “-Rahe and Rachel,” he paused at the balcony, “-what next?”

“We don’t know,” sighed Rahe, “-the quest is over, we met King Alfred and told our story.”

“Leaving me with the responsibility,” he looked at the sky, “-here’s my tidbit. Forget everything about the Aapith nation and their troubles. It’s a new start,” he vehemently looked the two in their souls, “-when the time comes for us to go to war, I’ll call and we’ll fight Lucifer. Currently, I don’t see the good in antagonizing his faction.”

“What then?”

“Why not live here and assist the Princes of Hell. You’ve met them, consider it an informal interview, they’re willing to put thee to work.”

“R-right, the princes of hell, brothers to lucifer...”

“You misunderstand, they’re part of my inner circle.”

“Starting a new life,” she looked to Rahe, “-can we be anything?”

“Depends on the offer.”

He dropped with, “-I want to be a doctor.”

“And I want to be nurse,” fired Rachel.

“Noble professions,” he moved and placed his hands on each of their shoulders, “-consider the deal made. I’ll have arrangements made for the education and gentle transition into this world, welcome.”

A flash of red, a dark room, consciousness faded. Many whispers, a lonesome drift into emptiness, in the distance, the drowning sensation drops into a knee breaking pull, skin cries, an array of images goes top to bottom, the revolution rendered the mind useless, “-HELP,” the bed rocked, “-huff, puff,” an attenuated ray of light lays on the wooden floor, the ceiling reached high, the bedframe recognizable, ‘-my room?’ shuffled to the edge, she stood, the blanket easily slid, ‘-I’m home?’ she stared the outside in undergarments, ‘-my head,’ a needle dove into her pupils, ‘-it hurts,’ she dropped into a hunch, “-what the...” the balance faltered, “-shit,” the sharp bedpost approached till a sudden pull.

“Kul, you woke up,” said Igna, “-welcome to the world of the living.”

“Thank you for the help,” she said tugged into the comfy gateway to the land of dreams, “-why are you here?”

“I came to fight off the imperial army. What of you, tell me, what’s happened?”

“The trafficking ring’s grown too much. I can’t sit by and watch young folks be subjected to this dirty world. I’ve used most of my cash to acquire a private school. We find the few unlucky ones and send them there in case they have no homes or families. I guess I want to extend a helping hand to the weak.”

“Admirable, I’m proud.”

“Well, I don’t need nice words, I need results. I learned of the head a few weeks back, I went after their shipment and was knocked unconscious, I don’t remember anything after. I guess I walked into a trap and paid the price.”

“Don’t use woeful intonations with me,” he said, “-the efforts have saved many. You should have come to me; I’d have helped in financing the academy.”

“I appreciate the gesture,” said a hint of suspicion, “-it’s lowkey, I’d hate for you to use my actions as a ticket into some greater scheme. Pardon me for doubting thy integrity, I want those children to have a second chance, and I’ll cross anyone in my path to achieve my goals.”

“I guess you’re right. Promise to be more careful next time, I won’t be around again.”

After the little talk, Igna found himself on the road. Meeting comrades and learning a bit about what they’d accomplish breathed life anew, the will to fight heightened. A landmark of a day rose on the 20th of January, multiple strings were pulled behind the scenes – Igna and Markus sat face-to-face before a crowd of thousands, the channels transmitted the broadcast worldwide, “-good morning, people of Alphia,” he took the stand, “-the past few years have been rough on us and it has been on you. We’ve worked our hardest to keep the fighting away from the people. I know of the outrage from the residents to the north, native of Whuotan, I apologize for the province’s destruction. We’ve fought, shed blood, lost comrades, and moaned the death of war heroes. The exemplary display of courage by the heroes has motivated every single one of us. Its important Alphia makes its will known to the world,” he sidestepped, “-which is why, I’ve called onto the King of Hidros, Igna Haggard,” no applauds nor smile, the crowd watched pensively. “-Thank you,” he nodded at Markus, “-people of Alphia, I’ve come to formally announce the Imperial army’ death at our hands. General Valentino and Emperor Sultria were pillars in the last battle, I’m proud to say, the northern province has been freed. We won; the lives lost could have been avoided. I know the pain of losing someone close, we think of them, we wish they’d never taken those steps, accepting the loss require strength and selfishness. It’s a lesson to us all, take Arda for example, we’ve suffered great losses and persecution, our people enslaved and killed for the pleasures of killing, even so, my companions and I, regardless of future outcomes, pledged ourselves in rebuilding the kingdom, there’s a long road ahead, yet, I don’t regret my choice in fighting the losing battle. The tenacity eventually led to sustainability. I’m proud to say, we’re doing better than before. Why am I saying these things? simple, to prove actions have more merit than words. I don’t enjoy the way politics is played, the leaders stuff pretty words down our throats and expect us to digest their bullshit, I say, enough is enough. The greater enemy stands in form of the Wracia Empire. My kingdom is under attack, I promised the late queen to pour my soul in defending what she cultivated till I breathe my last breath. Time is nigh to swallow pride and stand in a united front. Give me, no, give us the chance to show strength in unity,”

“-as my brother-in-law said, the decision to be united lays in thy hand, people of Alphia. We will make right on the lost lives, the United Nation of Alrosia will rise against the world and show our might. Vote, my people, vote. We can’t afford a repeat of Whuotan, nor will I allow for it. Trust in me, thy emperor.”

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