The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 828

“I never knew big sister to be so open with compliments,” he peered out the hall.

“Don’t bend, I can see those butt,” she chuckled, “-look all you want, not going to change the truth, we’re stuck in an elite hospital. You should have seen the look on Markus’s face when you arrived at the ER, you were dead, no pulse, cold to the touch, and with a massive wound in the chest. If not for Benith.”

“-let me guess,” he pulled from the sterile-white corridor, “-he begged the doctors to give me a bed for recovery, said I’d heal myself over time?”

“Not really. Four young adults barged into your room, security had nothing on the skimpily dressed one, her words were sharp, too sharp. They said they were your children, Raphael began treatment, we saw the ominous expression motioned into a smirk. Tell me,” she rested her elbow on her horizontally strapped arm, “-why were they so adamant in saying you’re their father?”

“They came,” he smiled, “-those trouble makers are my children. I had them take care of an errand,” the words trailed for a few seconds, “-ok, I get it,” he turned to the counter, “-they must have been following the invader’s trail,” the drawer pulled ever so gently. Inside laid the phone and a case for the glasses, he reached and pulled on the former, toggled the screen to a massive font of, the 23rd, “-I’ve been in here for that long?”

“Surprised?” she stood, “-they did a number,” a welcoming pat on his shoulder had her move to the doorway, “-I’ll tell everyone the King’s awake, the hero king,” she coyly winked and slid the door shut. A draft fluttered in the tangled mess of white-curtains, the phone laid inactive, he pressed his bottom against the bed’s edge and exhaled. ‘-I missed out on the announcement,’ *brr, brr*



“Master, you’re awake.”

“éclair,” he pulled from the cacophonous mess, “-where are you, and what’s with the loud mess?”

“Celebrations,” cried the background, “-in honor of the founding of a United front against the Wracia Empire. I’ve summarized the events, there’s quite a load to digest. Take the time and read, most of us have flown to Hidros, the children are back home. The emperor will most likely wish to make a public announcement. Congratulations,” they laughed and pressed mugs to each other, “-see you soon,” the call ended.

‘Interesting,’ he stared at the blackout screen – the reflection showed a genuine smile being looked upon an utter look of despair, the pupil’s bicolored nature screamed the blatantness of chaos between the personas. The screen toggled to avoid the issue, ‘-greetings master,’ read the first-line, ‘-here’s an account of what happened since the impromptu rest. Videos of the nukes being deployed were sent to the Wracia Empire, we had witnesses come forward with the Church’s inhumane way of battle, their integrity is being scrutinized. Much pressure is being put by the independent nations, we divulged information of Elendor’s betrayal and how the queen faked being a friend for years to only backstab her comrade at the last instant. The supplies and money granted for her to fight the war, not to mention, the death of King Staxius and her poaching our resources, let’s say, the information wasn’t pleasing to the opposition. Back to the nukes, it devastated the mothership; strong waves were reported from nearby sea-side settlements. In a single hour, Phantom took the elite fortress – we’re back on the playing field, the power of Maicite’s grown an issue of national security. The policy to protect national interests has sent many spies across the world in search of Maicite mines. The western dragons of Easel Run Gard luckily came across a rich mine, we took action in purchasing the rights for quite the price. Alta was quite the negotiator in our goodwill voyage to the kingdom, she lashed at the King’s competency and forced him to admit weakness. We leveraged the battle the devils fought and displayed the state of Whuotan and Arda after the church took a liking. It’s a battle for supremacy, and we took a giant leap, the king had no trouble signing agreements saying we had rights over any new mines, there are two conditions, one, the plague spawned a few years back, nicknamed, la mort mauve1, has defiled researcher’s medicines by evolving into lesser and more potent entities depending on the continent. They want easy access to drugs at a lowered rate and the promise to have a seat at the table of the United Nation of Alrosia council. He was pretty adamant on the latter, the king’s been good to us, and even when they had nothing to give, they dug and sent forces to aid in Hidros’ inner strife. The vote successfully ended, turns out the battle against the paladin really showed actions have more weight than words. The people watched a king of a nation risk his life to save Benith, a beloved hero – he especially gave an ambiguous tale on how you risked everything to save the bystander’s life. He did more PR than we’d assemble. And here I reach the end, my wrists are hurting from all the typing. Right, I shouldn’t add personal, whatever, master, you better recover quickly, I’d hate to see thee waste away inside Alphia, Hidros’ needs a firm stance on the world; the spark of revolution may compromise thy claim to the title. Queen Eia might not be so good. One last thing, the Wracia Empire and the church have firmed their intention in signing an armistice, the war is finally over. Each side will occupy land claimed during the battle, prisoners are to be released by their capturers’ discretion. Congratulations, you did it, master, you did it.’

“Good news,” he stretched his arms to the heavens, “-after all this time, the gamble paid off. They led the troops to us; by faking my lowered guard against the guardian saint, she snuck into the city and wreak chaos. Killing a few heroes granted the moral cause to take an eye for an eye. The entourage consists of elite’s, I’m glad,” the fingers interlocked, ‘-still shaking from what I did. Have I grown soft or am I scared, I don’t know,’ flash images of him devouring the angels played, ‘-was a long time coming, I thought I accepted that part of me, seeing it and doing it is very different. Regardless,’ he stares his arms, ‘-the more powerful I get, the lesser I’ll care. I’m not truly emotionless, Origin’s promise of influence has merged us into a single entity, he’s there and not, a very weird sensation. Another being’s in my shadow, Alfred, a tall mass of hatred and jealousy. Nothing out the ordinary,’ he exhaled.

The locks unhinged, “-you’re awake,” said a familiar face.

“Mina?” he exclaimed.

“In the flesh,” the door closed behind, “-how are you feeling, Igna?”

“Good and perplexed,” he watched, her hair was longer than before, “-why are you here?”

“I saved my money and flew to Alphia in search of a job. Got lucky and married a wealthy man, he’s the owner of the hospice – turns out, some people yearn for inner beauty, I swear, I was shaken.”

“The shoulders are straight, there’s a spring in the step, you’re jovial, I’m glad,” he smiled,”-good to see an acquaintance in good shape.”

“Same can’t be said about you. The paperwork’s been filled,” a package dropped, “-there’s a new change of clothes, hero-king, be ready in fifteen minutes, someone special is on the way.”

“Let me guess, the emperor.”

“Correct,” she stopped with a pointed-gun gesture, a reference to a popular comedy show, her version wasn’t much accurate, the feet were unbalanced and the awkward stance felt more to her needing the washroom, “-sui.”

“You got it,” she laughed wholeheartedly, “-anyway, I’ll be on my way. Take care, Igna, and thank you.”

“For what?”

“If not for our encounter, I’d still be working in Reforge, doing nothing but contemplate my life. I’m fulfilled.”

“Sorry to ruin the parade, it was all you,” he made for the unopened suit-bag, “-I’m glad the influence was worth a thank you.”

“Right,” her lips pressed, the room inflated in tension, “-I’ll get going, take care, Igna, don’t visit, I rather not see the traumatic wounds again.”

“I’ll try not to...” the door closed on her way. Before long, he stood in a very expensive three-piece suit, the leather shoes were brown, the low-key striped texture and dark navy-blue color were one synonymous to Alphian elites. Again, the door pulled open, two guards leaped inside followed by a similarly dressed men, the difference, a slightly lighter blue, “-Igna,” he said and leaped into his arms, “-you’re well,” they embraced tightly, “-how are you,” Markus pulled from the embrace and laid a small peck on Igna’s cheek.

“Markus, I don’t want to ruin the parade, this might be considered cheating on my big sister.”

“Oh come on,” the sound of cheating forced him to step, the sound of footsteps carried into the room, “-what is this about cheating?” frowned Eira.

“N-nothing,” he said.

“I’m kidding,” she broke her icy-cold glare, “-I’m headed out,” she said, “-take care, Igna,” the guards promptly followed her to the elevator.

“I could have died,” he whispered.

“I doubt it. Let’s have it, Markus, why the sudden affection? Did I miss a memo?”

The casually friendly mien took a hit, the confidence seemed to empty similar to a punctured bottle, “-n-no?”

“I’m joking,” he said, “-don’t worry so much. Tell me, why the celebration?”

“The Alrosia nation,” he gleamed, “-the new leadership forced us to restructure the leadership, par efforts by the Raven’s, I was able to kick the conglomerates’ into their place by firing some of the top-dogs. The seats have been filled by members of Raven, Asmodeus, and Mammon to be precise. Evidence of collusion between them and the empire truly added to the imperial family’s might. They won’t be making waves; I ordered the bank to freeze their assets until the turmoil settles. Can you believe a 75% in favor vote, I can’t, the majority usually tops between 55 and 59%, more people are in favor... I wonder why?”

“The entertainment industry. Both countries are fascinated by one another, especially the youths, we make dramas, movies, and other mediums of entertainment, Alphia’s our biggest and largest customers. Alphian entertain, they’re the best Rosespire’s seen. Sprinkle the popularity of the Arcanum and tis a medium of cross-continent exchange.”

“Yeah, one of the more popular shows currently is, King of Stene, a show based on Hidros’ culture of monarchy, knights, swords, and magic, it’s a good combination. One of the characters loosely based on you,” he smiled, “-the writing team contacted Eira not long ago, she gave her green light and here we are.”

“Must have been the push we needed,” they exited the premises. Oppressed to the ground floor, Markus took to the roof, there, admits the troubling wind, a helicopter waited, “-we’re headed to the city square. They need to know of the heroic king’s triumph.”

The scale of his popularity became blatant on passing over the city square, a mass of black lined before a stage, music played, instruments rang, floodlights leaped from one end to the next.

‘Vorn, Aceline, and Xius,’ they passed to land a fair distance from the stage.

“Igna,” they dropped onto the cold ground, “-play for the people,” he said, “-I searched the Arcanum and stumbled on your Lokka page, the last upload dates a few years back,” a black car drove to their spot, the boot unlocked automatically, “-a guitar,” he said, “-take it and go perform. Musicians banded together in remembrance to the fallen heroes and soldiers, the end of the war,” he said and grabbed a violin, “-I’m confident – we start now, a new leadership, and most importantly, a tale of camaraderie.”

“I’m in,” he cheered, “-Markus, you’ve changed for the better, Alphia’s in good hands.”

A golfing cart slid to a stop, “-GET IN, BROTHER!” screamed Loftha.

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