The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 845

“Injured ladies must not add frivolous comments.” Thus, the motions of healing an injured followed, it started by assessment of the wounds left unhealed. Overusing mana was quite the risk. Rumors of Xen’s actions circulated around the palace, those directly involved, candidates, rose their heads to the outsider. Luck would have it, a meeting of the gathering was called by a military officer. The recommended ten arrived onto the burning hot tarmac – sweat poured, and in said heat, guards ran laps around the premises. Dedication to their craft was quite the sight to behold.

“Attention,” thundered the officer, “-today will be combat evaluation. Certain criterias have to be met, consider this, a large majority will return home today. The position of retainer to the crown isn’t earned by doing chores or housework. If those qualities were needed, I’d have hired human-looking workers, unlike the circus at play here,” the row stood formidable, the officer walked from end to end, gauging grit and determination.

Igna’s effort wouldn’t affect the greater picture save making connections, real trouble brewed on the empty streets headed outward of Rosespire.

éclair watched from the window of a skyscraper, gazing onto the passing vehicles, “-prime-minister,” said a well-dressed figure, “-you called?” he approached the view, passed glances inside where laid office-cabinets and cubicles.

“Made it in time,” he said, “-how goes the negotiations?”

“Depends,” they stood side-to-side, “-between us, it’s bad. The Goldberg dynasty’s paying to reframe their reputation.”


“They’re the enemies?”

“Yes, the influence skyrocketed after the marriage. Reason says to expect a greater scheme.”

“I know as much,” he exhaled, “-anything on how they’re earning their money?”

“Nothing conclusive, my position stops me from prying further. A conflict of interest on my side will most likely break the only liaison the crown has to the noble faction,” curiosity had him glance at the office, yearning for answers about the area, “-pray tell-”

“Don’t mind the workers,” interjected éclair, “-they’re diligent studies to the market trends. Our eyes and ears. No matter,” a motion of a handshake marked the end of the conversation, “-Lord Dyale,” a piece of paper slipped into the breast pocket, “-a few tips in changes. The well-being of contacts takes precedence.”

The face lit in a thousand flames, “-thank you very much, prime minister,” a sharpy energized the walk toward the elevator. éclair kept composed amidst countless notifications and messages, *-calling Yui.*

“Hello brother,” returned a curt and innocent voice.

“About the Goldbergs?”

“I traced the money, the point of origin’s lost somewhere around the cooking academy.”

“The gray area controlled by Snow or whatever figurehead they’d like to use.”

“On the subject of Leko’s academy, we have dire news about lady Lizzie and her comrade, Lady Syndra. Seems they’ve been harassed. What should I do?”

“Leave it into her guard’s hand, send them the message, monitor Syndra. Her fiancé is quite the character.”

“Understood,” the call ended.

His reflection layered on the glass, ‘-master’s in Iqeavea, and conveniently – our test shipment of narcotics is attacked in the woods. Narrowing the list is going to be hard, the route and information came from Phantom; meaning, the rat problem still exists. A message to lady Elvira won’t accomplish much,’ therein, another phone call phased through his interface, *-incoming call – Alta.*

“Status on the meeting?”



“The council’s putting the royalist faction’s integrity in question. They’ve horned on the feud between the crown and the nobles. Using that logic, they’re pushing to have the royalist faction give and allow freedom in conduction of the sittings.”

“A good plan, saying nobles and us don’t align, free reign. What was the result?”

“The discussion is postponed for the meeting.”

“The people trust in the council, if it fails, master’s reputation will crumble,” an array of numbers suddenly materialized, he side-glanced inside to sleep-deprived workers giving thumbs up, “-give me a moment,” the call paused, to which éclair entered the working area confined within transparent walls. The data hovered above his palm, as for the employees, most had their heads on desks.

“Good work, it saddens me people will never know of the amount of manpower required to keep our interests sane. The month’s been insane, take a one-week vacation, the remainder will be outsourced. Preparations will be made at the Tajeh Resort,” a tip of the head later, he watched from the outside, files flung in the air, celebrations were at an all-time high. “-Sorry for the wait,” the call resumed.

“Nothing to apologize for, any leads?”

“Yes,” he smiled smugly, “-I sent the workers on vacation, the pile of numbers indicates deals between the merchant guild and the nobles. Latter must have given information to the former, united, they want to break the influence the crown has on the royalist faction. Let them try – we know their hand. About time to decimate their newfound confidence, Eia will fall, gather the evidence and file a complaint of conspiracy against the crown to the Goldberg’s, name Nicola as the main suspect. Bring the best we have. Let’s shut them up for good.”

Nature of the rebuttal flashed across Igna’s pants. Seven out of ten fell at the end of the day – a pinkish evening drew over the horizon, trees thickly shadowed the sky, ‘-éclair’s going on the move,’ laid on the grass and face to the thicket’s foliage, ‘-dragging Eia’s reputation, we’ll fall and bring her down with us. Good plan,’ he gasped.

“Alive?” a mask-wearing silhouette leaned at him; “-the training’s supposed to be easy...”

“It is,” he sat, “-except,” pointing at the fallen participants, “-if not for that damned officer’s grueling kink at breaking people, the evaluation would be over long ago.”

“There, there,” she patted his back, “-don’t cry,” a cold bottle dropped into his hands. A twist brought the liquid onto his visage. The wind changed, the atmosphere altered, ‘-I know this feeling,’ he stood, ‘-an ambush?’ Bushes shuffled, armed fighters pounced, a forceful kick pushed Lessie out of harm’s way, the motion had the body off-balance, to which a fighter strike by chipping Igna’s nose, the following attacks made contact with bone, ‘-three in total,’ forearm as a shield, an opening allowed for a retreat to Lessie’s side, “-stay behind me,” he said, physically blocking her from the attackers. ‘-Seven, ‘ he narrowed their eyes, ‘-a test,’ he wondered, a twig crackled in at their six, ‘-maybe not,’ the blood crystalized and stopped the bleeding, ‘-they’re coming to kill.’ A circle of warriors moved simultaneously to Igna, a step to the right and the whole circle followed, the spacing and breathing mimicked his.

Shuffles sprinted at Lessie, the dagger swiped for her neck, Igna pulled her arms downward, her whole body dropped, and caught the attacker’s wrist. The stop signaled the others to strike, *Mana-Control: Field of Awareness,* time slowed, ‘-practitioners or not, everything has mana,’ the eye closed to be reopened, ‘-no mana...’ the targeted blades grew ever close, ‘-they’re after her,’ he side-stepped into harms ‘way, three knives dug into the belly, the remainders ran for Lessie. “Try again, later,” he smiled, pulled the knives, and knocked the three closest unconscious – blades laid inches from Lessie, the daggers flung and tore the attacker’s hand. Defending someone was a tall order, Tharis clocked – gunfire resounded across the battlefield.

“STOP, STOP, STOP!” a familiar face ran into the open, “-did you kill anyone?” panted the officer.

“No,” hands to his stomach, “-it was obviously a test...” a cold stare washed those who blatantly flaunted killing intent, “-Onte and his possie, next time, face me in a real match.” The fired bullets reached their marks, the string holding the masks, “-Lessie,” he gave a helping hand, “-let’s go,” they passed the officer, “-I wonder how the king will react after the mess is recounted.” Night settled, dinner was served, a reserved table for the participants held four men and four ladies. The latter half opted to quietly enjoy their meals – as for the remainder, “-who does he think he is?” snarled Onte, the gaze firm at the corner table were laid Xen, Lessie, and Claury.

“Was it necessary to use lethal force?” questioned an observant maid.

“Angela,” the table turned to her, “-got something to say?”

“I do,” she sipped, “-but I doubt my words to have any effect on morons. How pathetic can envy get. Xen’s obviously strong and charismatic, he’s the only candidate I’ve heard rumors about. Some say he avenged Scorpio’s defeat.”

“I agree,” added another, “-you fellows keep dragging us into a pointless mess.”

“Don’t you girl’s see the favoritism?” glared Onte, “-he’s faulting the pretty face around. Look at him...”

“Does it matter?” shrugged another, “-what happens between you and him is private business. Sargent Faber was dragged into the supposed test, an impossible task Xen proved possible, he held attacks from the strongest rogues trained at the military academy. Good job,” the ladies rose in tandem.

“It ends tonight,” muffled Onte. Igna rose to return the tray and visit the men’s room. Waiting was Onte, back against the wall and arms crossed, “Xen,” he motioned. Igna paid no heed, walked to the sink, and stared the mirror unbothered by the envious bystander, “Xen,” another gesture returned naught.

“Find pleasure in taking the washroom aroma or is it the sight of naked men that sails your boat?”

“Ha,” he walked at the same time Igna headed for the entry, “-meet me at the training grounds later tonight. We’re going to settle the feud.”

‘On cue,’ the proud rogue vanished into the cafeteria, ‘-made allies, used the vampire allure to draw attention, saved Lessie, a close connection to King Juvey twice. The narrative’s structured for me to come out on top.’ Little did Igna know said night held more than a duel.

Time for the meeting approached – Tharis on the side and mind ready for battle. The outline gave onto a moonless sky, cold drafts rose hairs. ‘-More than one?’ the gathering spot stood in the distance; a heavy outline contrasted against the darker aura. ‘Scorpio?’ a wheelchair soon caught the attention.

“Welcome, Xen,” said the King backing Onte.

“Majesty,” he nodded and scanned the entourage.

“Shit yourself yet?” chuckled Onte.

“Silence,” thundered Juvey, “-Xen, do you have any idea why we’re out here?” a look at Scorpio paired with the condescending tone screamed treason.

“Yes,” he replied nonchalantly, “-came to have a pleasant exchange of fists against Onte. Why, should I be wary of the man’s talent?”

“Enough!” the ground shook, “-Scorpio said everything, you’re not a normal adventurer, nor are you someone suited to be a butler.”

‘He knows?’

“Majesty, please,” motioned Onte, “-looks like Xen wants to fight.”

“If I have to fight,” he reached for Tharis, *snap,* lasers locked.

“-I’d wait.”

“I’m trapped?” he exhaled.

“No, you’re not,” Juvey’s tone swapped, “-Onte, you were wrong. He’s not a double agent.”


“Xen, don’t look confused, Onte here is a spy working for me. A carefully chosen agent to infiltrate the ranks. Scorpio vouched heavily on accounts of thy skill. The earlier attack was my idea. Most forsake Lessie after learning her story. I had her tortured to test the strength of character. After what’s happened, you chose to take three daggers in order to protect a worthless pest, I’m pleased, very pleased.”

“What of the battle in two days?”

“Settled, nothing to worry about. My agents took the leader’s head and are in process of cleansing the land. I must be objective; I’ve asked the best-trained soldiers to come for thy head. Win or die, Lessie’s identity must remain secret, the way of the palace is a matter none must ever learn or understand. Win, show me how strong you are. No restriction, thee asked and I’ve delivered – a battle to the death,” sharp chops blasted the area, the gathered crowd soon climbed and left – Igna stood in the open with lasers aimed at him.

“Killing him, majesty?”

“Scorpio, you said it yourself. If he’s worth my trust – I’d like to see how he fairs against those I deem worthy.”

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