The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 901

Thus, the Haggard Dynasty established itself as a true Celestial, who but had three requirements; fortune, power, and the symbol of a god. Three of which the Dynasty drowned in. Behind the scene, under the harshness of the Devil act, the following wars weren’t just shows of bloodshed and defiance, no, absolutely not. In comes, Elya, representative of the Lixbin’s head, and Ron, representative of Lombart’s head. On the declaration of war; the families vowed to see who was the strongest. And in a small but necessary move, after the show of his forces and wit, the representative of Ron’s court scurried into Orn village. Underneath the shadowy night, they made a deal – information in exchange for the Lombart’s safety. A wise move for Igna was on their heels, and in exchange of the heads of Lombart’s lives, the devil wished for a target of higher importance to be presented – there, Zeus’s name was uttered – a mention which shook Alfred to his core, the persona screeched internally. The scene was thus set for the later battles. Like the Sen dynasty, Lixbin’s heads were brought to the Sen palace, a simple carriage ride from the higher district in Nordway. A man, a lady, and two sons, dressed in lovely clothes and bound by rusted chains were pushed through the gates. The close meeting discussion was never known to Azian familiar or the little entourage Igna built thus far. Like the Sen’s, the Lixbin’s were thrown on a velvety red carpet.

The Devil sat at his throne( a leathery couch) behind which laid a deathly landscape of mutilation and torture. Limbs left hanging from the ceiling; Igna scanned the prisoners, their fate laid in his hand, was in heaven, was it hell – judgment looked upon the captive emotionlessly.

Sky cackled, black lightning struck the building – a dark presence shrouded in godly mana peered at Igna with beaten white flakes, “-Igna!”

“Lord Lixbin.”

“What is this?” he turned to his children whomst bowed before the heavy presence.

“I’m judging the weak,” he said, “-Lord Lixbin, do not dismay for I haven’t forgotten what thee did. Granted, there were times you aided be in the past – all the good was undone per a simple act of deception. Cleopatra,” he narrowed, “-the muse who brought about my downfall. Lucifer and Zeus joined hands to take my symbols. Too bad,” he smirked, “-the symbols will never be found nor will I allow anyone else to inherit them. My curse of never becoming a god’s forced me to take on the title of an equal but perilous path.”


“You were always a devil,” he cried, “-as Staxius, must I name the countless heads slain?”

“Please, don’t plead,” he laughed, “-the god of Darkness at my court arguing if my actions were right or wrong. Will I blame you for taking the path of darkness? No, will I take my revenge? Yes. And you, will you blame the inheritor of Death’s element for killing? No, you won’t. It goes against the nature of things. Besides, the title of God of Darkness isn’t so known by the world. Lucifer, on the other hand,” he summoned the wings above the palm, “-is far more valuable.”

Stunned, “-what is it thee wishes, Devil?”

“Nothing,” he returned, “-I have what I want and get what I wish. Nothing the God of Darkness can offer. Perhaps the soul of Cleopatra, but then again, I don’t much care for a snarly little vixen who fooled and caused her lover to kill himself,” he crossed his legs and stared at the family, “-the family’s been defeated, how about we stay at that. Head of Lixbin, I grant thee freedom.”

The God, Lixbin, rose a baffled brow at Igna, then turned to his children, then Igna again, “-why?”

“Kill them with kindness?” he laughed, “-I jest,” he rose and walked around until facing their exposed backs, “-I have a fondness for families who look tight and welcoming to each other. I understand empathy and relatability, both of which I used selfishly when it suits my whims. To see a god lower himself to the mortal realm in a plea for his children’s life, I’m impressed. More than that,” the chains clicked, “-thee choose the path of negotiation and not the path of battle. Many disagreements can be settled in simple conversations, the middle-ground is always a line we should aspire to reach.”

Lixbin, confused and amazed, rubbed his hands and exhaled, “-Igna Haggard, I’m surprised. You’re truly wise,” he looked at the family, “-I assume the kindness is signed blank check?”

“Right you are,” he returned, “-when the time comes, I will ask for thy assistance.”

“And I’ll respect the agreement,” in a heavy puff of smoke, the god vanished. Similarly, after each battle, Igna brought the captives to Sen manor where matters went either peacefully or ended in gruesome torture. The latter, bloodied, filled with agony and pain. During said secret meetings of life and death, information about the inner workings of Marinda boarded the chessboard.

To truly overturn the current hold, Igna needed the support of the people and the Celestials – factions who at the time were oil and water. Backed by the Azian family, Igna sowed distrust, assassinated servants, and pinned the incident on other families. There were times he even controlled noblemen to lure noble ladies of other households to cottages where he’d order the nobleman to abuse the unconsenting ladies. Many were conscious and screamed for their lives, some were allowed to live and tell the stories, others were killed, and some had their closest friend and family member walk in on the blasphemous display. Extramarital affairs and abuse were frowned upon in the elite society of Celestials. There was no risk in the ploys for the families hid the occurrence in fear of public shame.

Months turned years, Haggard fought wars, gathered allies, force their influence, and gained momentum. On the defeat of the Xinfe familia – Haggard’s reached a critical stage – the turning point of tales of the Devil’s influence. He kindly presented two sides of himself – a murderous demon and a caring protector of Orn. Tania’s exploit also showed how the Devil could nurture a village girl into a princess. The title of Princess of Faes was bestowed on her by the guardians of the forest, the dryads. To the natives – ‘twould be the same to a god descending on the earth to bless one of their children.

Gustv, the inheritor of Intherna’s symbol. Rumor of the Wiseman was sometimes the closest guarded secret the prisoners held. Empty shells of prisoners fell upon the floor, Rosespire II landed at the capital. Igna strode onto the street and made for the bridge where young Djen proposed to Mariane, there, pieces fell into order – the outcome of taking Marinda wasn’t an idea, but a possibility. Rest is known by history – Xinfe and Danio played major parts in antagonizing the Wiseman’s council. A bait Igna threw to get Gustv on his side. A meeting with Intherna brought the powerful young fellow at his side, thus, angering the last boss, the committee. Facades shattered, layers of protection broken to expose the heart of Marinda’s influence, the elderly Celestials.

Smoke puffed onto the empty ceiling; the tranquil lakes chirped and splashed. Many months passed since the War of Independence; Marinda dove into another hidden realm per Cthulhu hunger, therein, time flashed. Those peaceful inebriated days of nothings healed Igna’s soul.

Marinda’s new leadership acted quickly in implementing acts and treaties. The island would be broken into regions for easier management. Defenses aside, the tall task of rebuilding a stable environment fell onto the capable shoulders of Gustv and his comrades. For most of the idle days, Igna fished and worked as a shop-owner, dawn was on the lake’s tranquil mirror. The hectic lifestyle of the capital wasn’t much interesting, thus the return of the Rosespire II at Cthulhu. ‘-Einheim’s secret,’ he crushed the cigar and exited the quiet manor dressed in working attire, “-a simple lie to motivate the troops in taking an otherwise useless castle.”

Workers passed the bridge and waved, “-Igna,” they waved, “-how’s the morning today?”

“Normal,” he returned with a laugh. Fishermen passed, gave quick handshakes, and left for their trip. Igna hopped into the Twin Jelly shop, lit his stove, and began another day of work. For the first time in a long while, the citizen was able to pay for Igna’s services that included freshly cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner at a nearby tavern. Another was partly dropped on him by a vindictive Elliana – the tightly spaced shelves were stacked with items from the capital. Life in a booming mining town, what else was there. Igna lived and laughed, the locals were friendly and also enjoyed laughs. News occasionally came from the capital – improvements of roads and towns; in the back of his mind, there was an unresolved issue, “-the beast’s hunger.”

Mug against the cheerful counter, “-that’s it for me tonight,” said the Devil. Younger ladies frowned at him coyly, “...’

“Not tonight,” he said respectfully and left.

“Goodnight,” bellowed the tavern, after which he stepped into the chilly streets. Passersby wore overcoats, couples ran to the nearest taverns for warm meals, the always amber volcano’s mouth seemed a lighthouse to nightly travelers. The Act of Adventuring was passed to ensure the safe passage of travelers at night. Slowly but surely, the more reserved raced boarded their reach -a different yet reminiscent Ardanian feel sprung along the street and sky.

*Woosh,* “-Cthulhu,” the voice echoed, “-are you there, friend?”

“Igna,” multiple masses joined into a humanoid figure, “-good to see you,” the speech tremendously improved. “-Sorry, my hunger, I can’t control it for long.”

“Yeah, I understand,” a table and two chairs summoned, “-as it stands, for Marinda to truly reach its potential, we’ll have to give them the mana they need.”

“Kill me,” he said, “-without me around, I think they’ll be happy to live after.’

“No, friend,” shook Igna, “-you will not be dying anytime soon. I promise that much, my friend. We will find another way.”

“What other way, friend. I nearly devoured... daughter was very happy about the ritual. Death’s the only way forward. I pain every day, it’s hard, very hard, I cannot think properly and my stomach controls my action.”

“Well, friend, I have a solution, no guarantee but it might work.”

“What solution?”

“When in doubt,” he leaned into his chair, “-call onto my friends,” the ground shook.

*Goddess of Chaos, Goddess of Fire, Guardian of time and Queen of Demons, heed my humble voice,* portals warped into reality, the four generals stepped into the mortal realm with the cries of nature, lightning, rain, the sea, everything shuddered on the entrance of the Alterian Goddesses.

“Long time no see,” winked Lilith already at beast’s side.

“And here I thought you’d never ask,” smiled Intherna taking a seat on the table.

“Where are we?” wondered Gophy, staring the cave up and down.

“Hello, Igna,” added Miira, “-you called?”

He coughed, “-lower the auras,” he gasped, “-lim-”

“Oh, sorry,” they returned, the heavy presence nearly shattered the isle’s core, “-so, why have thee called on us?”

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