The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 924

Igna turned and smiled, “Exia Longeth, one of the inheritors of death, I was under the impression Draebala kept thee?”

“After my defeat,” pure rage held his tone superseded by an enviously murderous intent, “-I was lost, didn’t know what to do. I wanted revenge, I wanted my companions to return and there,” he paused, patted his face as if to check the expression, “-I heard it, the voice of salvation, the voice of truth, the voice of my master.”

“Pleasant,” said Igna, “-Longeth, I mean no offense when I say the conversation doesn’t interest me. Far as it concerns – you were defeated and had the companions slain for lack of strength. If tis a cliché of, ‘-I’m here to take from thee,’ I’ll strongly recommend against for you see,’ he vanished to stand whispering behind Exia’s guard, “-we don’t have to fight. Looking around, the scene tells a pretty story of a powerful entity trying to kill the Empress; unfortunately, tis my duty to safeguard the empress and her daughter. The orders thy master gave has been completed, retreat from here else,” he vanished again to stand above the manor holding an orb, “-death will be the last master thee answer too.”

“Igna,” stood at the devil’s back, “-I’m powerful...”

“Yeah, still slow on the uptake,” having followed the devil, Exia teleported behind to show he was capable of similar if not faster movement. Alas, there was much less the man could have done, for in one hand suspended an orb and the other, quietly wrapped around his waist laid another spell ready to strike, “-a battle of getting into one’s weak spot, seems I’ve won, I bet my spell’s faster.”

“Ha-ha-ha, the voice said thee liked to bluff, and here I’m going to call said bluff and show I’m the better version!”


“Ah,” he spun, caught the vaguest glimpse of Exia, and blew, a green like hex flashed onto the man’s forehead rendering him immobile, “-the hex of cursed time,” said Igna looking upon the attacker, “-Exia Longeth to whoever thee serves, I’ve reached a stage where I need not fear gods or demons. Heed my words when I say I don’t wish thee harm. You are a victim as much as the world is – you lost thy companions and for that, I’m terribly sorry. Words aren’t enough to relay my sentiment which is why,” a scroll manifested from thin-air, “-as an act of good faith, I give you this; a god-level scroll of healing.”


“Yes, revival. I know the body of Alexia’s kept safe for the day when thee can revive fallen comrades.”

“How did?”

“We’re the same,” he said coldly, “-the world shapes those around us, and those around us are shaped by our actions. It’s an afford to the title of Death. Serving a master short of thineself, look to the stars when the world seems confusing for the universe holds the truth to many o’ things. Focus on knowledge, forsake the thirst for blood, and trust in the word of a fellow man who inherited Death,” in solidarity, Igna knelt and patted the man’s shoulder, “-The Curse of Misfortune is one we can never escape. I’ve lost family, friends, lovers, fortune, and worse of all, I lost myself. We can never escape the daunting curse laid on us by fearful deities – the voice is using that pain for its advantage. Draebala is a good realm strife by hardship as is – the bonds thee’ll make will be worth every bit of effort given. Exia Longeth, it is good to network, however, here’s a word of advice from a political thinker, “-he who helps another man to power is setting himself up for ruin, as said power has been brought either by diligence or force, of which both are suspect to the man who has newly become powerful.” 1


“The man who comes in power will always be wary of the means used for his ascension. Therefore, he who stands at the top will always be cautious of those who helped. In a way, the thinker makes a point against the idea of being rewarded for helping another.”

“What then?” he unfroze, “-what should I do?”

“Turn yourself to learning. Learn from the mistakes of others and don’t be baited to g against me again. I swear, Exia if thee exhaust the fraternization showed, there lays a world far worse than Draebala. ”

“Understood,” arms rose in surrender, “-Igna, allow me to confess that I bear no ill-will for the death of my companions. I understood what had to be done – the voice offered salvation and power, hence I followed in hopes of us crossing paths again. I learned about history from a book, a chronicle written by a lady named Serene. The empress is safe, I wasn’t able to reach her – the librarian of Nexsolium is truly a strong one,” a transient pupil blinked into life at Exia’s feet, said eye transformed into a nasty mouth wherein it chowed, turning matter into pure essence, “-my time’s near,” sighed Exia, “-thank you for the insight, I will strive to be better.”

“Don’t let the curse of misfortune win, for there can be co-existence. Until we meet again, Exia Longeth,” a smile was all the response needed. What felt like hours was but a few minutes on the watch, Igna hopped off the ceiling and broke into the manor, wounded retainers gasped for air, many laid dead, frozen by the icy-cold Niflheim.

He observed the bodies for corpses never lie, ‘-they rushed up the stairs,’ he took a quick look, ‘-not to help the empress. They share space with the guards,’ a squinted told of familiar faces, ‘-yeah, they’re the guard detail from the border. Seems everyone here’s an enemy.’

*Cough, cough,* bloodied hands clambered against a marble-tiled counter, disheveled hair hid the lass’s face, “-Samara,” he laughed, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* lines shot into the maid’s head, drawing on the memories and energy, “-good enough,” the threads retracted to form a halo, ‘-a good assumption, everyone here is an enemy. No reason to starve myself,’ *Blood-Arts: Bloody Mary,* an abundance of blood forcefully tore from the deceased, reaching into a crown of blood, ‘-enough for the cleanup,’ he dusted the clothes and continued deeper, the manor held an escape hatch that ran into the ground – closer one moved the colder it got, he shivered, rubbing the palms to save any remainder of heat, “-ask for help next time,” said a whisper, warm lit ablaze, ‘-Intherna?’ a glance backward showed her prized Phoenix robe burning in its majestic glory, ‘-a god-level item used as a heater,’ an inner chuckle could but escape, ‘-goddesses, you truly are the best people alive.’

Speaking of alive, the same couldn’t be said on the shared border of Dorchester and Kreston. Reports of Dorchester’s army rattled the Krestonian holy army, “-your holiness,” shook a room in the cathedral, “-we have reports of the Dorchesterian army moving for our borders.”

“How long until they arrive?”

“A day when taking account of the scenery.”

Another messenger ran into the room, “-holiness, we received an urgent summons from the capital,’ the archbishop rested his holy book, carefully rose from the desk, and moved to the archway, “-how many men can we muster?”

“We don’t have men to speak of, sire for the holy army’s gotten the order to evacuate villagers at the border.”

“The life of the devout is worth more than taking the life of an aggressor. Have the general take care of evacuation – forfeit the border and erect a single line of defense at Castle Omley. Have transportation readied – a revolution has begun.”

Similarly, on receiving news, a military outpost near Savaview bridge immediately moved to capture the point of transport. The leader of the scouting force, Baron Inje, Captain of Injei Troop, immediately made move on taking the front lines. Their assault was stumped by artillery fire from the opposite camp, forcing mages to conjure barriers on either side, preventing rains of death from above.

“Captain, we’ve lost five-man and four are badly wounded. Rosespire’s sending reinforcement, any further action against Dorchester is to be held lest they dare invade.”

“Good enough for now, what of evacuation?”

“Second Lieutenant Jonathan Gold’s handling the evac. No information is known of the Dorchestrian forces.”

“Leave the decision to the higherups,” narrowed the strong-faced Baron, “-we have but one duty, and tis to protect the bridge,” thus the officers excused themselves from a mobile headquarter, ‘-war’s come at last,’ he wondered whilst checking supplies and manpower, ‘-four hundred men won’t suffice,’ a tap brought a smaller man, “-you called, my lord?”

“Have the mage’s corp build and fortify watchtowers.”

“Understood,” the man left no questions asked, ‘-decoys to buy time. Time’s nigh, leaders of Hidros – will the leaders efficiently win the battle, or will a revolt lay siege to the heritage of the Riverty name, I hope the Prime minister’s ready.” Weariness heightened the guard of the capital – armed forces in Arda marched to the fortress city of Balei in the northeast, after the snow-peaked mountain ranges.

Rosespire’s castle rang, “-Prime minister, we’ve issued an emergency summons. Duke of Kreston has answered the call.”

“Thank you,” nodded éclair, ‘-about the only one who’d answer. Most if not all the nobles have moved to be sheltered by Dorchester.”

“Report,” arrived another, “-Dorchestrian army is of at least 60 thousand strong. There are rumors about reinforcement arriving from the Empire.”

“Understood, you’re excused,” a mountain of data blasted the butler’s mind, ‘-Alphia’s responsible for the backlash, master, I hope you understand we can’t fight a war on both fronts. The warning saved us this time, there’s no telling what will happen and who’s just in the war.’

Ice melted and dropped, Igna felt his way deeper inside a passage until a distant blue reflection, “-there,” he crossed the opening and stood before a massive cave built on pure ice, at the center laid a divine dragon curling its tail around the empress and her child, “-Gergusser,” commented Igna raising a hand to the giant, it replied by blowing through its nose.

“Big sister.”

“Hmm?” her white eyelashes flapped, “-Igna, why are you here?” lines on her forehead immediately crinkled, “-were you not at Melmark?”

“War’s broken out,” he said, “-seen it firsthand, haven’t you?”

“Yeah,” she patted Gallienne’s head, “-barely escaped. What now?”

“I’m afraid the Imperial family of Alphia’s not needed by the state. Everyone’s made their move, Markus relinquished his claim over Owan to us – seems the shadow leaders weren’t pleased by the occasion.”

“What about Kirr, Amber, Xyra, and Hyde?”

“Don’t know and I don’t care. Big sister, it’s best for you and little Gallienne to return home, to Hidros. Alphia’s hostile, the Alrosian Alliance’s void.”

“How would you know?”

“Here,” he pulled on a video, “-earlier today, after many revolts by the state against the emperor, the former deemed emperor Markus to be unfit to lead the nation for the reason that he willingly gave land to the King of Hidros. Details of the trial pertaining to Raven and their actions have been kept secret – there’s a systematic erasure of the proof and earlier reports are retaken. It’s fair to say, Alphia’s leadership has fallen – civil wars erupted in the capital, and members of the public want answers on why the emperor was so unfairly dethroned. A force of tens of thousand is moving towards the City of Dreams, capturing towns throughout Owan. We’ll keep close on the events – for us to the people, please evacuate to shelters,” the connection cut, “-and there it is,” he sighed, “-information blackout, Alphia’s done for. We need to leave right now, sister, no use protesting.”

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