The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1082 - 1082 "Dear Boss" [Finale] [5]

“You’re new,” hailed a softer voice, Cruse looked at the corner and winced.

“My god,” he echoed, “-what happened to you?”

A young man waited with a gash on his forehead, “-just chilling,” he said amiably.

“Sorry to bring up the subject,” he inched closer, “-you’re bleeding?”

“Comes with the work,” he sighed, “-see those ladies there,” he walked into the light, “-they kinda hit me.”

“What did you do?” they made for the shadow of the side. Like the center stage, where showoffs laughed, the side, the shadows, were filled with want-do-be bodies. Envy, want lust. The trifactor of a teenager’s world, “-I might have asked them for the naughty stuff.”

“Don’t you feel pain?”

“Not really.”


“Tell me, why did you approach me?”

The young man strode to the walls and scanned, “-because you stand out and are not of this soiree. Look,” he slyly motioned, “-many dames have horned their wants onto you. If only you were known, they’d approach without so much a word said. You must be foreign, yes?”

“Yeah, but my time here is short. I’m a passing guest.”

The tension pulled forward. The orchestra’s muse halted. Two taps gently braced the scattered speakers, “-ladies and gentlemen, might I have a round of applause for our guest of honor, the mayor of Istra, Thaos Duquant,” applauded, and the fabled man took the spotlight. Gray hair, facial traits of an Iqeavean; sharp nose, sharp jaw, and a haunting glare. The circles under his eyes were dark and piercing, the forehead seemed a block of nerves, the brows furrowed and the posture imposed upon the onlooking crowd. “Thank you,” he paused, silence zipped, “-I’m grateful for your presence, my fellow guests. As you know, tonight is a night of celebration, tonight is when we shall pledge ourselves to our god,” an excitement grew, the middle gleamed whilst the side shuddered – the brighter they lit(expression wise) the gloomier became the not-so-famous, “-may the night be vibrant and full of passion.” *Cheers*

“What’s that about?”

“It begins,” the young boy gulped, “-man, you need to leave.”

“Why?” the question needn’t be answered. A swarm of elite exploded onto the sides. From old to young, the rich scoured the lines as if picking merchandise. They’d simply take the hand of whoever they were interested in and pulled them into their arms.

Older women flocked to Cruse, “-you there, boy, be my plaything.”

“No, you’re mine,” argued another.

“I have much I can give, you only need ask, little boy.”

“My apologies,” Cruse interjected, “-you seem to misunderstand. I’m not one of Istra, I hail from foreign nobility,” he stepped into the light, “-as such, your little games do not apply to me, yes?”

“How dare you!”

A supervisor, or what it seemed, jumped into where they stood, “-enough,” he exhaled, “-this man is not from the usual crowd. We have been asked to excuse him for tonight’s festivities. Ladies, if you would, please find others for your satisfaction.”

‘Timing is a little too perfect,’ he noticed a familiar face in the distant crowd, ‘-Demi. Look at him with that smug smile,’ and so, the music rose to cover the cacophony of solicitation.

‘Maybe standing out wasn’t such a good idea,’ Cruse escaped to the waiting hall. A few elites waited under works of art or around statues. One most prominent was the body of an elder god dressed with but a leaf over his crotch. A stranger-looking fellow; one of undisguisable male/female features, pondered at the piece. Cruse shook his head and headed for somewhere noticeable. Couples left the ballroom. The older gentlemen drooled over their coming feast. ‘Where’s Duquant,’ he watched and watched, but none came. The maid of before returned time after time with drinks. Cruse’s intriguing nature soon went out the window – naked dancers were thrust into the middle for the enjoyment of all.

“You’re having fun.”

“Demi,” he exhaled, “-it’s just you.”

“What do you mean just me?” he elbowed Cruse jokingly, “-expecting someone?”

“Not really,” he sipped, “-I’m just watching. I thought the party would be funnier, you know, something along the lines of the Mile-high-club, you know, the elite gathering of hungry mongrels. Nothing of the sort here. It’s pathetic,” he sipped, “-just old men flaunting cash and women. Even the cougars… I’m rather partial to older women, this…” he swallowed hard, “-is a display of plastic surgery and tons of makeup. How do you even partake?”

“You’ve had too much to drink.”

“I guess you’re right,” he grabbed Demi’s shoulder, “-could help me to my room. I think I’ve had enough.”


*Thunder,* she toggled the light and threw Cruse onto the bed, “-I’ll lock the door. Don’t overdo it. See you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I’ll see you, Demi. Thanks for the help,” he dove into the pillow and was sound asleep. ‘-Good, I’ve scouted the area,’ he sat upright when the distant lock clicked, ‘-Duquant’s staying in a private room nearest to the dance hall,’ he took out a tablet and wore contacts, ‘-SSY, Detailed security information,’ the hotel’s layout and security protocol was shown. ‘-To make the strike. The weather’s looming, so shutting off the generators might buy the necessary time. Dania and Sunta’s trackers, let’s see,’ a separate window opened with a transcript feed of a conversation.

“Lord Duquant, these are the girls who you requested.”

“Dania Elmster and Sunta Haol.”

“Good, you may leave.”

“Lord Duquant.”

“Lord Duquant.”

“Let’s cut to the chase, Dania Elster. Your family has waned in popularity. Your father was gracious enough to send his daughter my way. He implicitly said you were pure. From the look of things, you’re not so pure. I have eyes around the hotel. People know who and what I represent. A deal is a deal, you were daft to break the sanctity of a contract. Tell me, Dania, what would you do if you were in my shoe?”

“I can’t say.”

“I didn’t give you permission to speak. Silence woman. Speak only when I say.”


“I know how you can make it up to me. When produce is rotten, the simplest answer is often the best. A few of my comrades are interested in your supple beauty. Satisfy them. Only when they give their approval that you are to go free. Understand?”


“Shut up.”

“…” *Distant crash.*

“Now you, Sunta Haol. I hear you are very good in bed. I heard much from your father himself. I suppose the man did have a few screws loose. Your family sure is handy with their women. I could never see myself lay a finger on my own daughter… he’s a weird one. Too bad he’s going to be killed soon. Even in death, he condemns you for your suffering. How tragic. Since you’re innocent, I’ll make it quick. Join me and my mistress in bed. You’ll do as she says. Understand?” the transcript went on subtly. A tracker beeped. Dania was forced into a separate room, somewhere off the actual map. ‘A secret passage…’ with SSY a blink away, he exited the room with the security footage in the hallway played on a loop. ‘Why does it have to be me?’ he sighed and shrunk. His ethereal self slithered.

Beyond the waiting hall, just before the main hall where ladies danced, split a path. On first look, it seemed to head outside, and outside it did go. However, before outside, it cut into yet another sharp corner, this time – a private area reserved for staff. The doors are heavy and security tight. Cruse slithered, regardless of the door being locked or unlocked, he simply shrunk further. ‘-There’s the beep,’ he snuck into one of the many symmetrically built doorways.

The smell of sweat hit. Frantic moans and the feeling of urgency hit upon entry, “-l-l-l-leave m-m-m-me,” a chubby old fellow had his nasty grip on Dania. He’d forced her onto the bed, the bald head and drool; an insignia on the arm revealed; “-Aroe Dynasty.” Cruse casually bit the man’s ankle, unlocked the door using SSY, and whispered, “-get out, Dania.”

*Thud,* he collapsed, she ran.

‘Onto the main course,’ he slithered down the ever-growing corridor. Eventually, a nasty sensation clogged his vision, ‘-strong mana, are they doing a ritual?’ he passed through and was faced with a dark circular room. The smell of blood, distant hymns, and chants to the Celestial bodies. *The shackles of the ruthless god hail from below. The lock is but a fa?ade of mortality, the command over life and soul comes from the blessed. Pray to Yigner, the Vindictive God, for reverence. With the blood of the innocent, we give thee thy feast,* cloaked men circled a ritualistic symbol.

‘Thoas Duquant. He’s partaking in the ritual,’ the mayor knelt in the middle. Blood from unknown providence lathered his bare chest. His mistress, a lady with demonic features, long sharp nails, dark hair, darker colored lips, and pointy ears and protruding horns. She hissed and growled in a beast-like manner. ‘-The crest,’ Cruse narrowed, ‘-she’s one of Artanos’ followers. The church, the town, it’s interlocked,’ a gagged lady got kicked into the middle. ‘-Sunta.’

“Satisfy me!” the mistress growled, “-SATISFY ME!” she lashed onto Sunta’s reserved expression, “-SCREAM, BEG, AND CRY, SATISFY ME!” followers joined, “-Satisfy, satisfy, satisfy.”

‘I can’t kill him. If he dies here, it won’t have the same appeal as I would like for it to have. Wait…’ a connection established with Odgar, “-hello?” he texted.

“I have news, Odgar. We might have the perfect scene for the resolution of the DBK scene. Thoas’ is involved with a Cult. If I kill him, what will it take for you to bring the investigation there?”

“I don’t know, I’ll need evidence?”

“How does a witness sound?”

“Yeah, I’ll be able to mobilize the ECA if I have a proper concern.”

“Good, I’ll send someone to this location. Have you connected the drive?”

“Yeah, I’m on my way.”

“Understood, this is the perfect ending, Odgar, get your stuff ready.” Cruse teleported into the yard and grabbed Dania’s wrist, “-wait!” he shouted, her feet locked, she stumbled then fell, taking Cruse with her into a puddle, “-my head,” he winced, “-god damn it,” thunder roared.

“What a-a-a-are y-y-y-you-”

“Dania, I don’t have time to explain. I know what happened. I know what they tried to do. I want you to go to this address and look for this man. He’s Odgar, an investigator and a friend of mine. Sunta’s in danger. He will notify the ECA, those people are under imperial command, and they can’t be corrupted. Do you understand?”


“Dania, Sunta’ is in danger, are you going to help or not?”

“Yes, yes,” she clambered, “-I will help, I will help.”

“Cruse, is that you, my lord?”

“Marvin,” the old man strolled, “-I’m glad to see you.”

“My lord, you’re going to catch a cold. The weather’s getting worse.”

“Marvin, you got a bike I can borrow?”

“Yeah, I got my scooter, why?”

“Can I have it?”

“Sure, I’m about to get off my shift. I can drop you.”

“Not me, drop her at this address.”

“Oh, the Ital Pub. It’s on my way home,” he hung an umbrella over the duo, “-she’s seen the worse side of Istra. I’m sorry, kid,” he patted her head, “-I’ve seen young women try to escape. None of them got very far.”

“Changes today,” Cruse firmed and disappeared.

“Foreign nobility,” Marvin chuckled, ‘-is that what master’s son calls himself?’ the old man’s sharpened teeth gleamed under the night, “-shall we?”

Sunta’s pain doubled, “-SATISFY!” they cried, each passed around partners. Faces were covered to protect anonymity – an imminent stench rose. Cruse sunk into the fold and went for the mistress, “-you,” she locked and growled, “-don’t step any closer…”

Cruse looked at her seductively, “-I choose you,” he bravely pointed, “-I can satisfy you.”

“And if you don’t?” her speed alone made the room shift, “-what do I get in return?” her fingers went down his stomach, “-tell me, boy.”

“My soul,” he turned, grabbed the back of her head, and pulled her into an intoxicating kiss, she bit, and he made no effort. Her eyes widened in anticipation; pleasure turned to shock, “-what have you done?”


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