The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1091 - 1091 The Haggard’s legacy lives on

“Yes Kul?”

“I apologize if I’m bothering,” she wondered with her words, taking detours with her expression – hesitant, confident then drops to anxious. Igna could but watch, there was a sense of relief in the air, a sense of mysticism.

“You don’t need to apologize,” he added, “-I should be more careful about the projected emotions. It’s true, I’m sad about Lucifer’s death. More than anything, his loss hits me harder than when I lost some of my family members,” those hard-hitting words, they tackled Kul, she stumbled, catching herself at the last minute by catching a nearby door handle. Igna came at the doorway and stopped – the expanded realm lessened in potency – the fracture in reality yet lived, the sense of nausea and disturbance it exuded was much to their dislike.

“More sorry about his loss?”

“I speak my mind. Kul, I think it’s a good time for me to depart from Orin.”

“Master?” her heart sank, “-is it about the whole Adjudicator thing?”

“Yeah,” he smiled timidly, “-consider me your enemy, Kul.”

“Master,” she pounced for his hand and pressed, “-master, please don’t say anything stupid. We know things aren’t always the same, we know life has its highs and lows. You can’t simply go about destroying reality on a whim. Tell me, master, was the decision yours?”


‘The sternness in her eyes. A sternness hinting at sympathy and care. She’s nothing like I remember, she’s no longer the demoness in the dungeon. Kul’s grown magnificently. This is what the peak of the world can bring, this is the potential of living without the fear of a higher power thrusting its judgment. I’m the same as the latter, I will force my judgment on them, the reason – Lucifer. I can’t believe it myself. Seeing him in that pitiful state, seeing him, hearing his story, Lucifer changed from being my enemy, my rival, into a man I can respect. He did what he had, the ends justified the means – if only we had talked about our disorder, if only we had spoken from the heart, then, then,’ the golden orb that followed after Lucifer’s death fluttered, the god’s soul lifted above the grand hall – there, it darted for the sky. Igna rose his hand over his brows and peered at the grand ceiling, the vision crossed outside where the orb seemed to join into the stars.

“Was the decision mine?” he returned a painful expression, “-Kul, the decision was never mine. I’m forced to act. Honestly, it truly doesn’t matter. What needs to be done will be done. The battle will end with victory or defeat. Therefore, Kul, the choice facing us is simple – join or abstain. I’d prefer you remain in Orin, I’d rather you enjoy your life here, enjoy it with the people you met, my family, your family, Julius, and the others. I miss them.”

“Master,” she grabbed his sleeve, “-what about lady Eira? What about Engratse…”

“She’ll awaken, trust me.”

“Should I take your word?”

“No, you need not do such a foolish thing,” *Ancient-Arts: Teleportation,* he disappeared into a comfy room. A mild rusty air blew from the ajar windows. Swaying of the windows – the crispy air, Igna looked out the window to Mount Blanc in the faded distance. ‘-The calmness of Glenda,’ he smiled for they remained within a private estate built for the lord, else, Igna. Far into the forest, protected by guards of otherworldly capability, and home to a river that ran in and out of the estate. ‘A pleasant quiet atmosphere,’ he soon looked towards Eira, “-you, big sister, rather, my little kid, are so much trouble,” and sat by her side, “-to be taken so easily by Engraste’s curse. I know now, the Alchemic God is powerful, he stands beside Artanos. This will be my last act,” he grabbed her cold-hands, *-Open the record of the forgotten, flourish and bud, for the desert is but a void of nothingness. Horizon holds the answer, the truth lays beyond – thy power mustn’t be contained, thy will is to be obeyed,* he pressed his index and middle finger into an oval-shaped then pressed said shape against his left palm, *-by order of the Adjudicator, I relinquish the Alchemic God’s Authority,* the oval-shape conjured a white-portal, it vortexed inward, *-thus as the night falls and the day dies, such comes the time of reckoning, Forgotten-Arts: Adjudicator’s Decree,* a shatter ran across the walls – the mana within the atmosphere dipped – the weather deteriorated, surrounding trees seemingly dropped in vigor – traveling merchants and adventurers fell to their feet, the nausea of mana-sickness brought the hardest to their knees. Eira’s body hopped as if being shocked. Her crest glowed in a vivid white outline, her longer fingertips channeled pure mana, the floor froze, her authority as Guardian of Nexsolium brightened, her white lashes opened, her face, her body, her lungs, the beating in her chest, ‘-she’s come back,’ Igna clenched his fist, “-RISE AND SHINE!” he clapped, the built tension released, mana blasted outwards from the room, the tenuous weather subsided.

‘I did it,’ he gasped, ‘-using my authority to overpower Engratse. Why didn’t I think of this earlier? I know,’ he looked at his hands, ‘-I was running away, looking for the Alchemic god as someone to push my anger onto, just like I did with Lucifer. Funny, it’s very funny, it’s so funny… I hate it.’

“Where am I?” she wiped her eyes and sat upright, scanning the room until locking onto Igna, “-why are you here, brother?”

“Eira,” he jumped into a tight hug, “-welcome back.”


“I’m sorry,” he sat back, “-it’s just, I don’t know, I thought I had lost you. What’s done is done, I’m glad you’re alive again, Eira.”



“Why are we in Glenda, what happened?”

“It’s a long story. You were defeated by Engratse, and now are free from his curse.”

“Igna,” she narrowed on his expression, “-you don’t look well. Are you hiding something from me?”

“Yes, I’m hiding a lot of things,” he grabbed her hands, *Ancient-Arts: Teleportation,* and reappeared within the Duquant estate, “-and I rather not disclose unappealing truths,” he reached for the handle.


“Sister, don’t worry,” he smiled, “-you’re now in control. The soul is freed from Artanos’s control. I won’t ask how or why, my duty as your brother is fulfilled.”

“Igna,” she grabbed his hand, “-we need to talk, privately,” Igna stopped his motion, the darkness lifted into a storage room, “-about the curse. I must confess, it was Artanos. Rather, one of his servants. It happened a few years ago, I can’t recall properly… during the war I think. We were under stress and Markus left to reclaim Alphia. I didn’t know what to do… I didn’t realize someone in my entourage wasn’t who he said he was. He came to me like any other, but, instead of showing respect, the man was rudely charming – a breath of fresh air. I don’t know, there was something about him that drew my interest. I slowly forgot about my troubles, I found comfort, and… regrettably, I might have had intercour-”

“Yeah coming from your mouth, I rather not picture what comes next. Eira, it’s fine. People get lonely sometimes. We’re not immune from moments of weakness.”

“Igna, you’re not angry?”

“Why would I be, I’m not your lover nor your husband. What are we, siblings? Can’t even say that. You’re you, and I am me. We’ve been together since the start – daughter of Gallienne.”

“Igna… why does it sound like you’re leaving?”

“Why you ask?” he sighed, “-many things have happened. You’re free to discover the answer on thy own. Like before, I won’t ask for understanding. Make your own choice, friend or foe, the answer will be known sooner or later,” he pushed the handle, “-they’re waiting for us.”

“Who is?”

“Aunt Elvira and Julius,” he smiled.

The estate opened to familiar faces. Kul brought the others, the new leaders of Istra.



“Good job,” said Julius, “-you always impress, don’t you, cousin.”

Igna took stock of the crowd, “-cousin, we need to talk,” Eira came out from a side room, Elvira’s expression brightened, and the collective room seemingly lit, “-EIRA!” they cheered, “-YOU’RE ALIVE!” the noise died with them entering a secluded room.

“Cousin, what’s the matter?”

“I need a favor.”

“What favor?”

“I want you to kill me.”


“I want you to kill me, Julius.”

“Igna, stop being a fool, what’s going on.”

“The time has come for me to die. Julius, you must know about me, don’t you? The Adjudicator. My awakening poses problems to this realm. This world needs to be freed of my name, my existence. It would be better for all to think that I have perished. It would be better, trust me.”

“Why now?”

“It’s a perfect time. Eira’s returned, didn’t you hear the loud cheers? She’s a holder of the royal bloodline. Despite what Hidros has become, the people love their royalty, it’s a thing of pride. The world’s no longer at threat of war,” he extended his hand, “-Lucifer is dead, and so am I.”

“IGNA, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!” he grabbed his shoulder, “-just because he dies doesn’t mean you have to die too. What are you on about, cousin, this world needs you!”

“No,” he smiled kindly at Julius, “-you’ve grown into a great father, a good man. You have shouldered more burdens than I care to imagine. I’m grateful, without you, I’d have lost my way somewhere down the line. You kept me in check, and for that, I’m very grateful,” he lowered his head, “-cousin, I ask you this as a favor.”

“I’m not going to kill you,” he pressed his grip, “-if you want to die so badly, do it yourself.”

A bat-shaped mist materialized, “-can’t help eavesdropping.”

“Aunt Elvira?”

“The one and only,” she threw a v-sign and winked, “-you, my foolish nephew, are a fool. A loveable fool,” she jumped into his arms and held tightly, “-you want to end it and have no regrets. You’re moving onto greater things, aren’t you?”

“Yes, aunt. I don’t want to leave behind regret. I want things to end…”

“Well, as your sexy aunt, I have a few words of wisdom.”

He nodded.

“Family is important, as important as you are. You mustn’t think, you must feel. Some things cannot be resolved by thinking alone. You, Igna, are an overthinker, even now, you think about what’s to come. The exhaustion is plain to see. I’ll send out the word. If you want to die, I’ll gladly kill you, nephew. Just promise you’ll visit from time to time. Before you leave, meet with Courtney. She’s worried sick. I’ll take care of the rest, my dear nephew,” she caressed his cheeks and formed a pistol with her index, “-bang,” she said, “-king Igna of Hidros died whilst saving his sister.”

He fell on one knee and raised his gaze, “-thank you, auntie, thank you,” *Ancient-Arts: Teleportation.*



“Why didn’t you stop him, aunt?”

“Julius, my dear. We knew this would happen. The world is at peace, there’s no need for a sword in these times. Igna shoulders much of his burden – he carries a past forged in death and suffering. I remember it now, back when we were poor and he lived as Staxius, Igna would always reach out and do amazing things so that we’d get by. He’s hidden his kindness, and by heart, the child birthed from Dorchester, will always have an amber of innocence. It’s the amber that keeps his heart from freezing completely,” she looked into the hall, “-and you know who’s that amber?”

Julius came up behind, “-Eira.”

“Correct. Igna’s dead on paper. Have the word reach the capital and tell them the body wasn’t found,” she pulled out a signet ring, “-here’s his remains.”

“Isn’t that the ring he sold on auction?”

“Yeah, the buyer was kind enough to return the ring. I’m sure the people will mourn his death, the Haggard’s legacy lives on. Let’s make the world a better place.”

‘The Haggard lives on.’

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