The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1095 - 1095 Farewell, King of Hidros

“Welcome back, meowster.”

‘What’s happened here?’ Vengeance and Elize had dished their fair share of hurt. Numerous clockwork soldiers were frozen in place, some had their own limbs used as nails.

“Who are you, people!”

“Tough luck, Emitious. This realm belongs to me, I’ll be damned if I allow your filth into my domain. A barrier’s expanded over the academy town. Most of Artanos’ forces are frozen by my chains – the number’s dwindled since we began. What say you, angel, shall we end the fight?”

“End the fight?” he laughed, “-how very interesting. You know, I’m under orders not to return lest the battle brings forth profit.”

“Too bad, a pawn will always remain a pawn,” volatile energy circled, Vengeance and Elize stopped their massacre and sat underneath the only remaining tree, “-call on us if you need assistance.”

*Angel Arts: Thundra,* lightning struck – the impact caused the very ground to boil.

“No more,” a cloaked figure materialized, the gun hoisted over his back and the familiar look was something to ponder.


“Who are you?”

“I represent Hermes. Emitious, Zeus has express orders for Artanos and his troops to return. We got what we need.”

“Got what we need?”

“Yeah, we’re done here,” wind blew over the hood.

‘Mark?’ he tipped knowingly; the fallen army choked on their last breath. The time had come to end the fight – such was the thought across the opposition. Having opened the Annihilation Gate, Igna’s might could be felt through the very air. Each glance, movement, or blink, brought forth his untamed murderous intent.

‘I can’t have them leave,’ *-Death Element: Flash movement,* ‘-the look on their faces when I suddenly appear behind them. Time flows slowly, I see their expression and clearly analyze their movements. Mark’s using the gun I gave him. Good, very good. Look at the angel, a look over their shoulders and I see their army in pure terror. I’m about to kill your leader, this is the truth of war. I don’t care if you’ve accomplished the quest, I’m here to cause some chaos,’ he reached out and touched Emitious, Mark leaped back and drew his weapon, *Mana Control: Ice Element Variant – Frost Breath,* he swiped upward, a light-blue mist rose, grabbed and pulled the soldier, ‘-can’t move,’ *Mana Control: Drain,* the light hue turned a deeper red, ‘-my mana, I can’t move…’

*Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, from when you were born and till you die, I hold in my hands the strings which binds you to this world, by my authority, I order thy chains to be severed, spell, Tactus Interitus.* black specks lifted from the angel’s right arm. Time was nigh – Emitious’s regeneration deactivated, Igna pulled the angel by the left arm, grabbed the right arm wherein the curse slowly climbed his limbs, “-take a message to Undrar and your leaders. The Adjudicator will not stand for defamation of realms beyond thine authority. I would like to resolve the issue as peacefully as I can. Considering my companions and I have taken your army without so much breaking a sweat. I allowed Emitious’s life. Magnam Immortalitatem isn’t the answer – the weak will never be able to use such power,” he pressed and tore the infected limb, “-until I do thee part,” *Ancient-Arts: Cross-Dimensional Teleportation* massive magical circle lit over the academy – the radiance and beauty in the complexity of the outlines, the power it held and displayed were noticed only by a select few. Funnels encompassed every single invader, ‘-got their signature. This is the thing when using clones, they share the same frequency. Too bad, Artanos, our battle shall be placed on the back burner. You knew I was coming and chose to send a scouting unit. This attack was nothing more than a preview – well, tis my response.’

They rematerialized inside Zeus’ palace within the Eipea Empire, “-HELP US!” cried the many wounded, Emitious barely held his own, the defeat and injury had lessened his fighting spirit.

“Why are you in such a sorry state, Emitious?”

“Master Lixbin,” he dropped to his feet, “-I apologize for my worthlessness… I have failed in my mission.”

An entourage of high-ranking gods passed, “-why are the fighters in the sacred hall? Have them expulsed at once. I dare not sully my lovely view of the garden with those monsters around. Hurry along, maid,” they forcibly smacked a passing attendant, “-petty commoners.”

“I see he’s returned my message.”


“Pay those gods no mind, Lixbin. We’re good. The attack was, how can I put it, a test, yeah. A trial run with the immortality Venera’s tome granted. I’ll have them transported to the medical quarters. Good job, Emitious.”

“No, no. He’s too strong, way too strong. The Devil and his minions were three and still managed to reck our force of two thousand within minutes. No one stands in our way, we can defeat our troubles… the devil, he’s, he’s not real. He’s an entity of unrivaled strength… casting 5-layers spells like it was nothing… please, Artanos. You must be, you must be on guard. He is bad news, the world might as well be the devil’s playground, there is nothing to be done about such power… attrition, fear, hate, it, it doesn’t work”


‘Touché, Igna. You sent him into a delusion. Casting 5-layer magic. Haven’t heard that since the olden age.’

Back in Ragno; Igna hovered above the wrecked academy.

“It’s done,” Luci waved, “-I got the survivors out. The town is empty.”

“I’ll take it from here. Stand back.”

*Watchers, spectators, names ring high and low, us, unknown to the world’s reality, unknown to the world’s knowledge, have lived in utter solemness for millennia to come and go. Watcher of the Shadow Realm, beckons my might to be fully materialized without prejudice, reality is but my playground, neither god nor demon shall overcome my authority, face me in stride, face me in fear, reality’s what I wish it to be for knowledge is the true strength: Realm Expansion, Shadow Realm Variant – Rantiam.* the sheer presence emanating from the Shadows sufficed to turn the very fabric of Ragno into mush. ‘Ragno can’t handle the Shadow’s power. Better make the regeneration quick.’

*By the power bestowed upon me by the Supreme god Kronos, I, inheritor of the sickle, order for the realm to go by mine pace: Time Control – Pause.*

*Present and never changing, present and never yielding. All who wait break and all made are subjected to thine will. I, God of Death, the humble inheritor of thy power; call upon thee to have mine will answer: Time Control – Reversal.* The battle wound healed.

‘Amazing,’ escaped Luci’s awe.

“Always a pleasure to see the master’s full power in action.”

“Elize, you’re more talkative. Gotten used to the powers?”

“I’m more familiar with the master. It’s a good thing, I never expected someone like him to so carelessly offer me a contract. Goes to show the realms are riddled with eccentric people.”

*Realm Retraction.*

*Shackle mine strength: Nevermore – Full Restraint.* ‘Done,’ he landed inside the academy’s courtyard. The massive palace was joined by other buildings – most differed in use and design, a church, a cathedral, a dungeon, a training yard, name it and it was probably built. A flap of the wings had him perched atop one of the watchtowers. From here, the view of the town was grand, ‘-this is home for a while,’ he exhaled.

“Good job, master,” Elize purred.

“I see the Shadows have grown most powerful, my lord.”

“Well, Vengeance, I saw it’s a great thing we came when we did. The place would have been without repair. I need a favor.”

“Very well, master, what are your orders?”

“We’re ultimately here to seek Asmodeus and the others. As we’re in one of the king’s domains.”

“Look for information about them. Ragno is our new home?” summarized Elize.

“Well spotted,” he smiled, “-we have a long journey ahead. I’ll grant you the authority of the Shadows. Do with it as you please. Don’t make trouble and only use said power if, and only if it is necessary. Aside from that, the end justifies the means, go on and have some fun. I’d recommend Satan’s domain first, he’s wrath and should be easy to convince using the appropriate tactics.”

“Shall we report back weekly?”

“Sense of time feels slower. So yeah, why not. You can contact me using the mental link. Are we good?”

“Yes, master,” they leaped and landed in haystacks, ‘-I’ve seen that somewhere,’ he narrowed to no avail. Vengeance and Elize’s quest began – they’d spend quite a long time on the road.

‘Authority of the shadows or not, the journey across an unknown dimension will take some time. This is perfect,’ he coughed blood, ‘-I overdid it with the elements. Too much power can ruin a man from the inside. The regeneration’s kicking in… I need a way around this body.’

“This is the Ragno?”

“Cruse,” he nonchalantly blinked, “-good to see you. How is everything?”

“Come on, Adjudicator, I expected a more surprising reaction. I came to check if you need assistance.”

“I appreciate the thought, truly. However, aren’t you needed in Orin?”

“Yes, well, I was asked to deliver a message on behalf of éclair, Yui and the many others whomst thee forgot to say bid farewell,” he handed a scroll.

“Dear Master, we’re writing this letter to voice our anger. Lady Elvira’s claiming the death of King Igna Haggard of Hidros. The kingdom fell into shock, and honestly, there was nearly a war between us and the empire. The Emperor was pretty vexed to hear the news of his best-friend passing. Lady Eira had to explain the greater truth – he sends his best regards. The Era of King Igna seems to have taken the world by storm. Many nations banded together and showed their respect to the Haggards. The family’s grown more influential than before…the heirs are doing an amazing job. Julius has taken over as head of Raven and Eira, she decided to stay in Hidros and relinquish her claim as Empress of Alphia, even though Markus Sultria has claimed the throne. It saddens us to see you leave, majesty. You shaped the fate of this domain for the better. There’s so much a letter can carry, my lord. I only wished I could have been there to wish you farewell. Wherever you are, we, of Orin, wish you luck and fortune. Please visit once in a while, lady Syhton threw a fit – the movie nearly got canceled… at least come for the premiere. This concludes our letter, young master, on behalf of everyone, we thank you for the future you carved. Sincerely, everyone master forgot.”

‘Always sarcastic. éclair’s jaded penmanship hasn’t changed. I’m glad Orin’s doing well.’

“Lord Igna, hello,”


“Lord Igna.”

“Yeah, that’s me,” he landed in the courtyard, “-something the matter?”

“We need to talk, my lord.”

“My lord?” he scanned the archangel, “-are you not angry that I’ve come to replace Lucifer?”

“No,’ he dropped on one knee, “-Lord Lucifer gave me his word that a worthy director would come to his place. I see I was right, you are his inheritor, are you not, lord Igna?”

“Yes, I’m the new director I suppose. Lucifer was in charge of the academy, yes?”

“Correct, my lord, the position of Director entails lordship of its town as well. I will do my best as your aid if you’d have me, my lord.”

“Good, and drop my lord title. I much prefer master, or even better, young master.”

“As you please, young master,” he looked at the town, “-what of the destruction?”

“I took care of it,” he smiled, “-come, show me to my office, we have a much to discuss, yes?”

Thus began a new chapter in the Adjudicator’s quest toward absolution. Not that the Aapith Nation would realize, their true master, the creator, Alfred, had, by some miracle, returned to where he belonged. ‘A new opportunity to train troops and ready for war. This is going to be fun,’ he lounged into the expensive-looking chair, ‘-a new start, farewell, King of Hidros.’

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