The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1099 - 1099 Castle siege

“Director, is something the matter?”

“I suppose,” the wings sprouted, “-I will be back in a few minutes.”

A muffled explosion rocked the church. Demons scattered, a few perished and some left dismembered. A strange hemisphere is attached. The area limited itself – there, a few familiar auras emerged.

“My god,” said a prettier-looking gentleman, “-I thought I’d never get out alive.”

They locked eyes, “-Asmodeus?”

“MASTER!” he gasped, “-pardon me, master,” the pace of speech didn’t match the pace of the limp, “-we ran into a little bit of a problem. I have to consult with the leader of Ragno. Why are you here?”

“You’re looking a the new leader of Ragno,” he struck a sarcastic confidence pose, “-cancel the barrier,” he observed, ‘-judging at the wounds and the rate of regeneration, he fought a few hours ago. Why was there an explosion?’ the answer echoed when Asmodeus’s barrier dropped, “-the teleporter is destroyed!”

“What are we going to do, they’ll have our heads…”


“Contact the bishop or we all die.”

“Contact the bishop!” echoed the surrounding.

“Come on, Asmodeus,” he help the prince to his feet and snapped, the scene swapped for the office. “-Have some drinks,” he threw the wounded on a comfy couch and scoured the shelves for magical potions. Little by little, the blemished skin and stomach-turning openings closed, “-where are we?”

“Lucifer’s academy. It has been a while, Asmodeus. Kul sends her regards. Now, of the matter of potential treason, why did you leave the realm in the company of Charlie?”

“I was forced. I heard the lady’s mother was in dire straits. Besides, master, the lapse in judgment about the generals was dumb. You ignored them and left them freedom – freedom is no gift, it is the birth mother of boredom and stupidity. Without a goal or task, looking over the Shadow Realm, which I remind is closest to the fabled paradise, is gutting. I’m glad for the time spent in Orin, we had fun and when I left for Hell, by the call of Charlie – I found mother’s troubles. She’s trapped. We all are trapped. Without consent from the four kings of hell, the binds shan’t break.”

“And you came here to seek help in said curse?”

“No, we’re under attack from Leviathan. An army is on its way to the castle. Mother has rallied the troops and is standing for the coming defeat. They tasked me with seeking help from Lucifer’s domain, out of the four, the situation here seemed most likely to bring a resolution. What about you, master, why are you here?”

“I’ve taken my seat as the Adjudicator.”

The prince’s jaw dropped. The wounds healed, ‘-the Adjudicator,’ he swallowed, “-master, are you going to destroy reality?”


“But why?”

“To bring forth a cleaner world where magic neither magic nor the concept of god exists.”

“Where will we remain if everything is gone?”

“That, Asmodeus, is something I haven’t thought about. I’m to deliver judgment upon the vile gods who dared ruin their birthplace for greed.”

“The words, the conviction,” he stared, “-it doesn’t sound like you, master. Are you sure tis thine will?”

“Why does everyone say that?”

“I’m sure the reason is evident. You’re one to protect and help those who are closest. Laying the foundation for the Shadow Realm, bringing peace and understanding to the already broken Hidros, tis a thing of legend. Master, are you sure you want to wipe all that stands in thy way?”

“Yeah,” he reached behind the desk, pulled the drawer, and took out Tharis, “-if I don’t clean reality, the latter will buckle under its own impurities. What would you prefer in a situation where death is imminent, to fight and suffer or to go peacefully?”

“The latter I suppose?”

He smiled, “-thus my answer,” he inspected the pistol, “-we ought to catch up, dearest Asmodeus.”


“I’m coming to help,” he waited by the door, “-come on, join me, prince.”

They walked down the hallway to the admiration of passing students. “Handsome,” said many of the stunning younglings, “-seems you’re popular with the ladies.”

“Bite your tongue, Asmodeus, I rather not be labeled a lover of budding flowers.”

“I thought it is more the rage, yes?”

“Shut it.”

Thunder cracked – lightning strikes decimated the barrier, “-get down!” another roar destroyed one of the pillars, “-lift the drawbridge.”

“Ready your spells,” echoed Mammon, “-raise,” the gathered demons lifted their open palms, “-FIRE!” it curved and exploded over the coming army – “-they used a barrier,” said Beelzebub, “-brother, we can’t do much if they attack. The men you brought are fodder. We can hold out for a few days at least.”

“REPORT!” cried a petrified demon, “-master Beelzebub and Mammon, our supplies have been poisoned. We caught the perpetrator.”

Beelzebub threw up his hands, “-for fuck sake.”

“Did no one bother to guard the supplies?” sighed Mammon.

“We were focused on fortification, my lords.”

“Well,” lightning crashed vaguely behind Beelzebub, the toddler’s body darkened ominously for the few seconds it lasted, “-there goes the fortifications,” he clapped, a swarm of flies fortified around the castle. “It should buy us time,” lightning neutralized on contact with the barrier, “-they’ll physically have to make it over.”

“Come out, come out wherever you are.”

“It’s Charlie,” they peered through the battlements, “-Charlie, get out of our land.”

“Beelzebub, Asmodeus,” he hovered over the lava moat whilst tapping the barrier, “-the moment I go on break you turn around and do something stupid. Too bad your little sister has to pay for the crimes against our king. I told you, you should have handed over that whore of a mother and let our king procreate. Leviathan is a very giving person, you know that, don’t you, Prince of Greed?”

“Just leave.”

“This won’t do,” he placed his hands over the barrier and clenched – white cracks climbed and shattered, “-I’m more than a pretty face,” he said with goat horns and the remnants of a humanoid visage, “-I’m also ruthlessly passionate.” The vanguard threw ropes, and those able of flight made their way across – the main force drew behind, and at the head was another fabled demon, Menase.

‘The aura around him, he’s equal to a prince of hell. What’s happened to Hell since we left? The demons feel stronger.’

“I know what you mean,” whispered Mammon, “-did we get weaker, or are they stronger?”

“We have the Shadow-”

“No. Can’t use that power. It’s forbidden. Even if we wanted, we’d need the Authority of a Guardian. I doubt mother to betray her promise so easily.”

*ROAR* a battle cry rattled the very ground. Forces stationed inside drew blanks, “-HELP!”

“The roar of the Megni.”

“The tribe died didn’t it?”

“No, I hear Leviathan took a liking and made them his personal guards. If Menase’s one of the Megni, I suppose we don’t stand a chance. They’re readying for the siege. What should we do?”

*Clop, clop, clop,* “-we go out and meet them.”



“Sorry my boys, I had to make the best of the situation. Don’t worry, I bring you your sister,” behind her walked dark-green hair, a face always ready to sleep, a simple white dress, and a teddy in her left grip, “-you know her, don’t you?”


“Hello,” she yawned, “-mother explained the situation. Hell makes me want to sleep.”

“Why her?”

“Look at her symbol,” said Beelzebub, “-she bears the mark of Abaddon,’ she casually went past and leaned over the battlements, “-look, they have a flying beast. An evolved grosser looking cockroach, “-it’s coming for us,”

Plague-ridden mist spewed, *BARRIER* Beelzebub conjured, “-holy mother,” a speck escaped and fell on one of the soldiers, “-IT BURNS” the skin convulsed and melted off the very skeleton, “-gnarly.”


Lilith rose her hands, *Arts granted to those of higher power, come forth and paralyze my enemy, Medusa’s curse – Petrification,* the gorgon’s snake ridden flashed, and her eyes widened and turned beasts into stone. “On my mark,” she wasted no time, “-rush them!”


“Lian, are the paths ready for advancement?”

“Yes, my lord.”


War cries raged on the frontlines – demons held the ground and conjured various spells to cross the moat. “-GO.” The castle gates opened – faster units carried those able to cast projectile spells, they ran for the edge, made a sharp turn, and fired consecutively. The opposition replied kindly by firing their own spells – or so they thought. An ominous young girl ambled from castle gates, she yawned, and the aura of misery and diseases went about her person, she walked, her teddy crawled at her side, *-bring forth the malady of the ages, limit their mana, purge their morale and deliver the greatest sufferance, spell name, too lazy to decide,* a cloud rained black pebbles – those touched fell in deep slumber, “-GO, GO, GO.”



“Our frontlines are being destroyed. They have talented spellcasters. A plague’s taking most of our advance troops.”

“Raise the barriers immediately and retreat to the first point. Have another unit seek a different path. They don’t have supplies – let’s wait and watch.”

“Won’t it be easier to jump over the moat?”

“We tried,” said the messenger, “-gravity is further increased, it pulls any who cross without permission.”

“No need for fear, we’ll carry on the battle as we wish.”

“Understood, lord Menase.”

Hours turned days, and hunger and fatigue rose to their most effective. The castle’s lack of supplies, “-lady Lilith, the soldiers are rampaging through the poisoned supplies.”



“I was unable to, my lady mother. There was a chance the poison grows airborne once burnt.”

“Good foresight,” she peered out her window, “-look at the enemy force. They number in the 1,500. You think we can win?”

“Last count, we have 150 garrisoned.”

“Make that 100,” said another report, “-50 died from poison. We’ll be wiped out in a few days. Lady Lilith, what are your orders?”

“Imprison those who show signs of anguish. If it comes to the worse, we’ll eat one another.”

“Cannibalism,” they gulped, “-I’d go for anything.”

A bright flash lit the church, “-it’s fixed,” cheered the bishop, “-the portal’s ready for service. Director, are you sure?”

“Yes, there’s no other choice,” they entered, ‘-we’ve wasted four days waiting for repairs. I doubt the castle has lasted. No matter, if they’re alive, I can help.’

They crossed, “Master, what’s the plan?” red and heat covered by heavy clouds and tall cliffs, “-can we win?”

“We will,” wings sprouted, “-you head for the castle and heal the wounded. Give them these,” potions summoned, “-it’ll heal their wounds and clench the hunger.”

“What about you?”

“It’s a war,” he smiled, “-I’ll have some fun before joining.”

The last possible day came, and a sign of cannibalism spread across the dining hall. ‘Demons can’t outlast hunger like a human. They need food otherwise their power and anger deteriorate. If starved for even three days, they’ll go psychotic and kill indiscriminately,’ Asmodeus flew past enemy camp, ‘-and they were correct to starve out the castle. Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead,’ he landed, and the castle yard drew an eerie silence. There were none present – abandoned army and stained weapons scattered about. ‘Did they leave?’ the doors rocked by the sound of the wind. Soft clicks whispered, he entered – ‘-the hallways are empty, are they gone?’

The sound of fighting pierced, “-the back,” he rushed over,’ -a massacre,’ the backyard was covered in blood, enemies jumped from oversized bats. ‘-Seriously, a parachuting unit?’

Sword through flesh, sizzling of meat, ‘-it’s a massacre,’ some were crucified, the sight brought memories of ancient tactics, ‘-this comes from Orin, this barbaric way of fighting,’ last of the defenders die, ‘-where’s mother?’

Torn barricades, a pile of bodies led to Lilith’s quarters. He pushed the ajar door – nausea grabbed and tightened, “-Charlie?”

“Oh look, the prodigious son returns,” he loomed over Lilith’s bed, “-too bad, my darling, I’ve claimed your mother’s dignity. Nothing beats ravaging a queen,” a line of demons laughed and pointed. An unconscious Vanesa was chained to a vanity table, bodily fluid and blood ran down her legs, and her closed eyelids were bright red, ‘-my magic.’

“Told you, Asmodeus, we have more power than you’d imagine., This is Leviathan’s authority. You were too late,” he fell, ‘-mother, Vanesa…’ The bed rocked, and the vanity table slid as another pulled Vanesa’s hair, “-AHHHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed from her gut, her vocal cords shredded, “-FATHER!”

“Your father isn’t coming to help,” the demon laughed, “-we own you,” he grunted and pushed, Asmodeus’ heart sank, ‘-my f-f-f-family…’

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