The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 533

At least that’s the information we received. We have tortured, charmed, and do various things for the investigation. And as a result, we still didn’t find where their main base is.

“Sigh... If it’s like this, our side will be too relaxed. By the time the enemy truly appears, we won’t be ready to greet them,” I said to myself.

It’s a good thing that there are still enemies coming, but their number is too little and it’s not enough to keep up our guard.

Even the generals agree with me that we have become too relaxed. We need to do something, so I opened a portal to somewhere with a lot of monsters once in a while. This way, we can let the soldiers and the monsters on our side to stay in shape for the real battle.

Over the few days, the tournament has progressed well. I heard that there’s only one mage left from Arturo who will fight in the next round. That one will be defeated soon. And once all of the mages from Arturo are defeated, Albert will make a move to the fake king. That’s what I heard from Sonia.

Also, the participants from our side who have lost were taken here using portal. Though not all.


Kayla lost against Celestine. Celestine’s metal magic is stronger than Kayla’s magic. It should be interesting to watch Celestine against Angela. Oh, wait. She goes by Celes to keep her identity secret. Though no one from the cult has ever recognize her just by covering her breasts.

And Julia lost against Shirley. I heard from Sonia that it was the most hyped match in the whole tournament even though it’s not the final because the two of them are princesses. One is the sister of the King of Tatrama, and the other is the daughter of the King of Varadis.

It was a spectacular match of fire against ice. With ice being the winner of the bout.

But in the end, both Kayla and Julia were not here. They can’t participate in the battle here. Though there aren’t any.

Kayla’s strategy and planning is much needed over there in case the cult somehow attacked the capital. Even if we’re trying to stop them in this place, it’s not like there won’t be other cult members appearing from somewhere else.

As for Julia, she’s old man Henry’s daughter. She’s staying there to protect old man Henry.

Which mean, Veronica can come here. So I called her here.

She was the guard of old man Henry. At least that’s her disguise while the others are participating in the tournament.

But now that Julia has lost, Julia can be the one to protect old man Henry in case anything happen. And since Veronica was pretending to be weaker than expert level mage, once Julia came, no one will think much about Julia alone protecting old man Henry because she’s stronger. That’s why Veronica can leave.

It’s great that we have someone as powerful as Veronica here.

“It’s good that we don’t have any battle, right? I’ll just rest in one of the stone house. Call me if there’s any battle. Also, bring me a lot of books to spend the time,” Veronica said as soon as I transferred her here.

She entered one of the stone houses that was made by the cult back when they built this fake village. It became our base and the soldiers on our side used that place from time to time to rest or chat. But now, it has became Veronica’s private house and no one dares to enter there. Except for those who knows her. Like Jewel, Sara, or me.

One reason everyone afraid of her was because she’s the strongest expert level mage we have here. Though there are some other expert level mages, she alone stopped a mohawk’s attack and killed him with her wind magic while other expert level mages needed to cooperate to bring down one.

Those mohawks were members of the cult which for some reason can only come to this place a few days after their group was supposed to come. Probably they arrive late because of maintenance. Like shampooing their mohawk or something.

One other reason that everyone afraid of Veronica is because they still couldn’t trust her. She used to be a member of the cult. And someone at a pretty high status at that. A leader of a faction.

And when one of the generals asked her anything she knows, she said that she doesn’t know anything despite being in a high position. That’s why they don’t know if they can trust her or not.

Though it’s also the fault of the cult as well. Even among their own members, they keep a lot of secrets that other cult members with high status don’t know.

But for Veronica who is an introvert, being able to stay in a house and do nothing but read to waste the time is good. And I know that even though she said that she’s going to spend her time reading or doing nothing, she’s diligently cultivating. She brought a lot of wind element magic stones.

Jewel and Sara were also diligently cultivating in that same stone house. There’s nothing else to do anyway.

And then, the semi-final of the tournament is over. With Angela defeated Celestine, and Shirley managed to gain victory against the last mage from Arturo. Meaning the final match will be Angela against Shirley. And Celestine is willing to come to this side instead of protecting Lynn. The final will be held in a few days.

Well, with Julia, Mustache, and Kayla over there, even if Angela and Shirley will be busy, those three and the soldiers of Consenza should be able to stop the cult from hurting the kings. Except for the fake king. He can be hurt as much as possible.

Another good news! Marie and Victoria’s magic tool is complete! Now, what we need to do is to use it in a real battle to stop the artificial master level children.

I opened a portal to get Victoria back here again. She helped me fighting the fire dragon previously. And after we’re done, I brought her back to Marie’s side after she gave me more Blobbies.

“With the time we had, we could only make two of them. Roy, you will take one. As for the other...”

“I’ll transport you to Albert’s side. It will be safer that way. Or do you want me to just bring the tool instead and bring you back home to Tatrama? Don’t you miss Albert?”

I interrupted Marie as I suggested her to visit Albert. Her children were also in the capital of Consenza. Though only Alan stayed with him. As for Lana, she is with Daniel and the others. Being watched by Sophie.

And by using Sophie’s status as Angela’s and Kayla’s friend, Albert can get Lana to meet Albert when Albert arranged a dinner for the participants from Tatrama.

Lana is smart enough to act, and she pretends to be a stranger with her father and brother. And slowly in the future, Albert will introduce Lana as his daughter and the twin sister of the crown prince, Alan. Her existence was kept secret because of the danger.

Just the crown prince being born, and Albert needed to experience many assassination attempts. But if the cult knows that the newborn daughter, Lana, has the aptitude in ice magic just as soon as she was born, the cult won’t stop at anything to kill her.

That’s why soon, after the war, when the power of the cult is declining, Albert will be able to introduce Lana to the world. He should have enough power to protect his family at that time.

“I’ll go. It’s been so long since I met Albert, Alan, and Lana. And I can’t let him stay with my body double all the time,” Marie said.

So, after I brought Victoria and Marie here, I opened another portal to get Marie to Consenza.

“Tell me about the magic tool and how to use it,” I said to Victoria who is in her human form.

“It’s simple. Anyway, this is the tool,” Victoria said.

We are currently in the stone house where Veronica is resting. Veronica, Celestine, Sara, Jewel, and the generals are here to listen to Victoria’s explanation.

Victoria put a cube the size of a fist on the table. That cube has a button in the middle.

“All you need to do is to press this button. Once you do, the box will let out a sound that only children could hear. Probably teenagers could hear it as well. That sound, with the help of Russell, and Marie, has the power to make those who hear it to feel dizziness in their brain. Use that chance to subdue the children and transport them into a room in Varadis where I left my clone. In that room, the sound will keep on sounding. But for this box, it will only let out the sound for five seconds. After that, it needs thirty minutes of cooldown until you can use it again,” Victoria explained.

A sound that only children can hear? That’s interesting. I’d like to hear more.

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