The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 534

Jewel asked something that we’re all curious about. What about adults? Is there any effect on adult?

“You know how old people’s hearing turned bad, right? That’s because as you grow older, some of your senses will grow duller. Even people in their twenties could have worse hearing than teenagers just a few years younger than them. Though if they are perfectly healthy, even adult can have better hearing. And since these children are experimental subjects that have gotten their physical abilities reached it’s maximum potential, their hearing should good enough. It’s something I learned in the past,” Victoria explained.

I see. As expected from a world which is more advanced than this.

As a doctor, in my past life, I had experience dealing with old people whose hearing, eyesight, sense of smell, sense of taste, or even their sense of touch dulled. And we think that’s normal. But who would have thought that people’s sense can deteriorate naturally even at the age of twenty?

Though I’m lucky that I’m an Aura user. Which mean I have better senses than normal people.

“This tool, which hasn’t been named yet, will make a noise only children can hear. We have experimented on it until adult can no longer hear it, so it should be fine. And if there are any adult artificial master level mages, none of you have problem killing them even if these tool doesn’t work on them. We’re still trying to invent something that will stop only the artificial master level mages no matter the age, but since we’re in a hurry, we decided to only stop the children first,” Victoria continued her explanation.


Seems like what makes the progress of the creation of this magic tool stalled for this long was because of this. Marie, Victoria, and everyone involved in the invention of this tool, were trying to make sure that only children can hear it. And if she said that it has been completed, we are safe.

“Once the children affected by the noise, it will automatically stopped their brainwashing and give them painful headache. That painful headache is actually because of hypnosis magic that will undo any other hypnosis in effect. Though it was not that strong, so the effect will be temporary. Like I said before, it will only made the sound for five seconds. After that, the tool needed around thirty minutes until you can use it again after it collect enough mana from the surrounding,” Victoria said.

“Five seconds? That seem to be so short. We won’t be able to do much in that five seconds. And thirty minutes cooldown? That’s too long in a war. If only you could create more of this tool, we can cover that weakness. Unfortunately, there are only two of them. And one is needed at the capital of Consenza to protect the kings. We need strategy,” Jewel said.

Oh, as expected from my disciple. She’s smart and have started to think like Kayla. Wait, that sounds more like she’s Kayla’s disciple than mine.

Well, she’s still a long way to go. Before we start thinking of the strategy, we need to check on something first.

“Before talking about the strategy, we need to check the effect of the magic tool on the surrounding area. How wide is the range, and if there are anyone among us who will get affected by the sound that this tool created. Let’s take this outside and gather everyone. Including the monsters,” I said.

Once everyone gathered, we will try testing on this magic tool which hasn’t been named yet. And as courtesy, I don’t have the right to give it a name. Why!?

I mean, I know that I have terrible naming sense. But why as courtesy? At least it’s fine giving it idea, right?

“For now, we will call it, Noise Bomb. Until Marie decided something else,” Victoria said while we’re waiting for everyone to gather.

Soon enough, everyone is gathering around us. We told them to be as close as possible and make it cramped. We’re so close to each other that we couldn’t even able to move. Though for me, I stuck my feet on a tree with Aura. While some other mages are flying with their wind magic.

Victoria is with me, while the Noise Bomb will be activated by Jewel who is interested in it. Rather, if it only affect children, won’t she be the one who got affected the most? She’s the youngest here after all.

Well, that’s also because if she got affected by the noise, she can stop the noise by pressing the button again. Good thing that Marie created it so it can be stopped right away after pressing it.

“Is everyone ready? If so, I will press the button in THREE! TWO! ONE! NOW!” Jewel suddenly shouted at the end.

Does she really need to shout like that for the signal? But before I could think of anything else, she pressed the button.


Surprisingly, I’m the only one who got affected by the noise. No one else but me can hear the ringing loud noise that came from that box. It’s truly is a Noise Bomb. No one can concentrate when they are under this loud noise. I even fall from the tree, while the others below me avoid me instead of helping.

Even the monsters who were supposed to have better senses than humans can’t hear it. Only me.

Even if there’s no hypnosis effect on the noise, just this loud sound alone is enough for anyone who hears it to be in trouble.

“Oh, Master is the only one who got affected. I guess it’s fine. He’s also the most childish one here, so it’s normal for him to be affected,” Jewel said.

“JUST STOP IT!” I shouted.

“No can do, Master. This is still a test. And we need to see if the duration is really five seconds. And it’s better if it’s longer than that, right? Please accept to be the sacrifice,” Jewel said.


“Not really. We haven’t tested it in a real battle, so more testing is needed,” Victoria said after she turn herself into her human form next to me.

“AAAH! WHY IS IT SO LONG!? Oh, it’s finally over...” I said.

It’s finally over. I think that’s more than five seconds. It feels like eternity.

“...Seems like you’re the only one affected by it, Master. How was it? Are there any side effects?” Jewel asked.

“There shouldn’t be. Other than dizziness, there shouldn’t be any other effect. Even the hypnosis effect will only affect those who have been brainwashed. So, for normal people, there’s only headache. That’s why other than dizziness, it should be safe to use even in the middle of a city. Though we need to be careful and use it only when there are no children nearby,” Victoria replied instead of me.

As for me, I was there lying on the ground looking up at the sky. It was so bright.

“That’s it, right? It’s done?” I asked.

“No, Master. We need to gauge the distance as well. If we know how far this will affect the people, there are more things we can do,” Jewel said.

“Also, since you’re the one affected by it, I need to test if my clones, the Blobbies, can block the sound if you plug them into your ears. Though that will be for later. Until we can tell the range, you will suffer for a while,” Victoria said.

“Why do I need to plug my ears? I can just find some place fa from here when you activate the Noise Bomb,” I said.

“You’re asking me that? Then, tell me anyone else here who can move faster than you. Five second is a short time. And you’re the only one who can move fast enough to subdue several children in that short time. That’s why you need to suffer and see if the Blobbies can be used to block the sound. Have a rest for thirty minutes as we will activate it again right away. We also need to make sure the right duration of the cooldown,” Victoria said.

...And I experienced hell that day.

Telling me that the cult is unlikely to arrive today, we used the whole day to experiment on the Noise Bomb.

I know that as an Aura user, my senses are much better than ordinary humans. But for it to be used like this, I wish I don’t have powerful senses. Some of the soldiers also started calling me a child because it was supposed to be only children who can hear them.

After suffering for ten more times, it’s finally over. Which mean, it has been around five hours since the start of the experiment.

We discovered that the Noise Bomb is most effective when the enemies are within twenty meters range. That’s good to know.

Other than that, it’s not five seconds. But around six and a half second. And the duration of the cooldown was twenty eight minutes, and twenty-one seconds.

And for the first time in a long time, I feel exhausted. Both physically and mentally.

“I see. So, the result is exactly the same as what we found before coming here. Well, it’s good that we double checked it,” Victoria said.

...So, she already know the exact distance and duration for the Noise Bomb, but she still wants to check it again.


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