The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 588

I quickly called Ray over and jumped on his back as Victoriarmor opened and enveloped me.

“...That look kind of scary. Victoria, can you open the armor in a less scarier way?” Kron asked Victoria.

“Not now. If what Roy felt is an enemy, it’s best to intimidate them instead. That’s why I did it in a scarier way,” Victoria replied.

From how others viewed it, it was as if Victoria was eating me alive. Victoria opened a gap in the armor and made some sharp teeth as I entered the armor. Though it was good for intimidation indeed. I don’t know whatever that exists in her original world, but lots of them have been helpful to me. Though that makes me scared to go to her original world.

The people of that world has scary imagination.

Anyway, we’re facing something we don’t know about. Is it an enemy? Or is it an ally?


But I have made my decision. To attack it first before it does anything.

Soon after, something like a smoke coming out of Timmy’s dead body. Is that a soul? Is Timmy turning into a ghost?

It’s now or never! Even if he became a ghost and unable to do anything to me other than scaring me, which won’t work after I got to know many ghosts, it will still be too annoying if he somehow stays in the world in whatever form.

I rushed toward whatever that is with Ray, and tried to kill it. But all of a sudden, we got stopped.

Vines suddenly grow from under us and wrapped around Ray and me. Stopping our charge.

“What the hell? Though it’s not strong enough for me,” I said as both Ray and I broke free of the bindings.

Something like a ghost suddenly appears. No. It’s not one ghost. But it’s two ghosts instead.

And my detective instinct kicked in.

“Two ghosts? And manipulating plants? I suppose that you two are Timmy’s best friends that he talked about. One is a death mage at the stage beyond master level, and the other is a plant mage at the stage beyond master level. Am I right?” I asked the two ghosts who make their appearances.

Both of them then turned into beautiful girls. One of them is an elf though. Must be the plant mage.

“You’re right. Thank you for killing Timmy and avenging us,” the human ghost said that to me.

“I didn’t do it for you. I did it because if I don’t, I will die,” I replied.

“You don’t seem to be surprised hearing that the two of us who were supposed to be Timmy’s best friend wanted revenge,” the elf ghost said.

By this time, the plants have stopped moving and I still don’t feel that they have malice. They came with friendly manner instead.

“I have a ghost with me who used to have similar power to Timmy. And she told me of how one of the men she charmed ended up attacking her. Anyway, is his name actually Timmy?” I asked the two ghosts as I let go of my weapon. Or more like transforming Victoria.

I’m still riding on Ray just in case the situation changed. Even if they hate Timmy, they are still strong. Even as a ghost, they can use magic that they had before they died. It was proven by how the plants stopped us.

“I don’t know about his name. We were just suddenly got manipulated to stay with him. And we don’t care either. Since you called him Timmy, it’s easier to explain if we called him Timmy as well,” the human ghost said.

And then, she explained about everything. Including why Timmy wanted to die.

The two of them, along with many other girls, were tricked to fall for Timmy using his charm magic. But only the two of them and Timmy can live for so long because the others couldn’t get further than master level.

Timmy was too strong, but when these two reached a stage beyond master level, they can slowly regain control of their mind. But they were still weaker than Timmy, so they didn’t do much.

Until they finally decided to built this place for fun. After staying with just the three of them for a long time while watching Aura users died one after another, the two made some plans.

The death mage casted magic on her and the elf so they will become ghosts after they died. And they will stay within Timmy’s body until he finally dies.

Because they were weak against Timmy, the only thing they could do was waiting until he died, and tell every secret Timmy had to the one who killed him. Which is me.

“...Is that the only way you can think of for revenge? Waiting until he died and telling all his secret to me?” I asked.

“Well, there’s nothing else we can do. Though we witnessed what you and your friends did all this time. And now, thanks to the Abyss Horse, we can stay here for much longer time than we expected. So, other than Timmy’s secret, we can teach you and your friends about magic. We both are mages beyond master level after all. It should be helpful for you guys to destroy the cult,” the death mage ghost said.

That is amazing. Previously, the others can only learn from master level mages who were Aura users. But now, they can learn from even stronger mages.

...I need to think of a name for a stage beyond master level.

“But to do that, we need to stay here for a while longer. And so, we need to stay with your horse. Is that okay?” the ghosts asked me to lend them Ray.

“...Wait a minute. I have realized how terrible I am in making a decision. Not that bad, but most of the time, my decisions were not good enough. So, I will call some people instead,” I said as I opened a portal.

I called Albert and the other kings,and my friends who were not here. Not the monsters. Because the opponents are death element mage and a plant mage. Though I asked Lina to call Tia and the other elves.

They are cowards and weak. But their plant magic has a lot of potential. With the elf ghost here, she can teach a lot of things to the elves. Even if the elves are still afraid to join our fight against the cult, it’s good enough to make them stronger.

I also took Shelia and Graham who have awoken to return to Monsters World. They need some rest.

Albert and the others arrive, and the first thing they checked was my condition. After all, I just fought against the strongest man in his time.

Especially old man Henry. He was the most shocked to see that Timmy suddenly appeared in his office, then he jumped off of the window and sunk into the ground.

After that, they finally see the ghosts riding on a horse. I told them about Ray and the fact that he’s my new familiar. I also told them about the two ghosts as well.

The ghosts then told us why Timmy wanted to die. It’s not that he wanted to die. It’s just that he’s a battle freak. And he had the believe that dying in a battle will get him a special spot i after life. Just like the vikings that Victoria told me about.

“About Timmy’s secret. Can you give us a map of this continent?”

The two ghosts asked for a map. I grabbed one using my portal.

“Here, here, and here. These are three places that Timmy went to after he awoke from his sleep after you cut down the tree. They are places where Timmy stored his treasures. Magic weapons, equipment, golds and jewelries. Some of them are already unusable, but some should still works. They are treasures that he hid before he built that testing ground with us,” the death mage ghost said.

The three places she pointed are a forest in Arturo, a desert in Consenza, and city in Varadis. If I’m near, with my Divine Vision, I should be able to find those places easily.

“Alright, thanks. Though I don’t think I will go there soon. How long will you stay here until you... move on?” I asked the two ghosts.

“Just until we have taught everything we know to your friends. Don’t worry. With the Abyss Horse here, we can stay as long as possible. And we won’t leave until we say our goodbye,” the elf ghost said as she looked at Tia and the other elves.

I guess they have a lot to teach. They are powerful mages after all. And just like Timmy, I don’t know if these two had other elements or not that has reached the same level as their most powerful element. If they do, that would be great.

Now that the battle is over, it’s time for me to rest. I’m tired.

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