The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 589

The battle between Timmy and I started in the lake near Cassau, and we moved all the way deep to the forest. But thanks to Timmy’s earth magic, many trees have fallen. What a powerful magic. Good thing it was far from the city. And it was far from where hunters would go for a hunt. So it’s safe.

...Maybe. I mean there was a huge change in the landscape of where we fought. So, the guild might have given the hunters a mission to check it.

Well, I can just tell the guild leader that I was training. He’s already one of us.

After fighting, meeting two ghosts, bringing the kings and everyone who wanted to train, some discussion, and then taking the kings back home, I returned back to my house in Cassau to rest while the others were still there with the two powerful ghosts. Even as a ghost, the plant mage can still use plant magic. Must be because of the intervention of the death mage. And that’s why Sonia asked to learn from her.

Now that Victoria can slightly use Aura even though she said that she wasn’t as strong as she was in the past, she will be able to help me more in the fight against the cult. And probably after seeing that, Sonia got jealous. That’s why when we saw that the plant mage ghost can use magic, Sonia might be able to do something other than sending messages.

Though I don’t think that’s being able to send messages is bad. In fact, she is already far superior than most of us since we don’t have anything such as long distance communication. No one can replace her.


Other than me. But I’m already more of a fighter than a messenger.

And so, Sonia also training to do something, I don’t know what it is, with the death mage ghost. Even though she’s still busy because of the cult’s movement right before my fight with Timmy, she used her spare time to train something.

Or at least that’s what I heard from Lina. My excellent maid who have been taking care of me and everything else while I was asleep.

With the help of Penny who has gotten used to doing odd jobs as my secretary, in which I have forgotten most of the time that I have built a clan, they have taken care of everything. Including talking to the guild leader about what happened in the lake and in the forest.

As for Penny’s daughter, she is with the two ghosts trying to get stronger as well. She was also there when we trained with the ancient Aura users.

Hannah has now reached advanced level and will soon reach expert level. Penny told me that happily as her beloved daughter reached a level which only few people in the world can reach. Though we have quite a lot of expert level mages with us now.

But Penny looked sad as well knowing that Hannah won’t be able to avoid going to war. That’s why she committed herself in doing what she can do and became better in taking care of the clan when I’m not there. Which is most of the time.

“Well, I guess I will take a look of what’s going on over there myself. One whole day should be enough for the ghosts to teach us everything that they can teach us. Did the others stay overnight there?” I asked Lina since there’s no one here.

“Not everyone. Since Spot can just fly over here quickly, he brought those who wanted to rest here, and carried some meals for those who wanted to stay last night. And this morning, after getting their breakfast, they left again,” Lina explained.

Even Victoria stayed the night over there. I guess now that she can slightly use Aura a little while riding on Ray, she is interested in training by herself. Maybe Sonia can use Aura as well.

And if those two can do it, maybe the others can use Aura while riding on Ray’s back.

Though rather than borrowing Aura from Ray, they can just borrow mana from him. It’s best for them to not change their way of fighting to something they are not used to.

Although the term that Ray said was borrow, it’s not like we have to give something in return. I felt from Ray that the Aura I received could recover naturally. We don’t need to give anything. Or maybe because we’re alive. Ray will take something when we die. I’ll just ask the death mage ghost later. She should know more about Abyss Horse.

After breakfast, I left to where the others are training. I can see that everyone is trying their best doing self-training some were sparring, and some are asking for guidance.

The weird ones were the elves. They seem to be worshiping the plant mage elf ghost. She must be some important figure for the elves since Tia herself was also bowing her head toward the ghost.

Let’s ignore them and ask the death mage.

“Hey, thanks for giving us lessons. Do you still have things to teach us?” I asked.

“Well, everyone has done well. Especially Angela. I can feel that she could be stronger than me. Maybe she could even reach a stage beyond what we reached,” the death mage ghost said.

“Maybe we can give it a name so it will be easier than a stage beyond this or a stage beyond that. Anyway, I have some questions I want to ask.”

“Do you also want to learn magic from us?” the death mage asked.

“No. My summoning magic can improve just by letting my familiars fight. As for air magic, even in your time, was there anyone as good in air magic as I am?” I asked.

“Well, no. Even in the past, air mages were considered weak unless they were also Aura users. But even then, you are much better than them. So, what do you want to ask?” the death mage ghost was curious.

“About Abyss Horse. Tell me everything you know.”

The death mage ghost then told me everything she knows.

As a death mage, Abyss creatures were something they wanted to research on. There were various version of them. They could be animals, and they could even be humans. And the one I made a contract with is a horse.

The fact that there were many of them can mean that there are many afterworlds since one world can only have one Abyss Creature.

Well, that’s not important. No matter how many afterworlds there are, once you’re dead, there’s nothing else you can do unless you have the luck to be returned to the past or reincarnated into another living beings.

I asked about borrowing and lending Aura and mana from Ray. Do we need to give anything back in return? And if so, what would that be?

“Well, Abyss Creatures were not a creature that should exist in mortal world. Either in this world, or Monsters World, such thing shouldn’t exist. Except if they have a contract with a summoner. And once the summoner died, the Abyss Creature they contracted with will return to their original world. Unlike normal familiars which will stay here after the summoner died. The Abyss Creature stored various type of energy inside of them, like Aura and mana, because they encounter many passing souls from the weakest to the strongest. And they can freely lend those power to anyone. There’s no need for giving it back something. It’s because borrowing their power means that the power is not yours. That’s why you don’t need to worry about it,” the death mage ghost said.

That’s it? I can borrow anything from Ray, but Ray won’t need to receive anything? Well, I can just introduce Ray to the food of this world.

Anyway, is he a herbivore? Ray is a horse after all.

Maybe omnivore. He’s not a normal horse.

It will be weird if he consume blood like the vampires. Being bitten by Arin seems much more natural than being bitten by a blood-sucking horse. That’s creepy. Even though there’s nothing natural about getting your blood sucked by a vampire.

“So there’s no other meaning in borrowing power than that it’s not your own power. That’s all? I guess that’s good,” I said.

“Yeah. Ray is a good horse. The reason you could meet him must be because you experienced death. No matter how much we tried, we death mages were never able to meet Abyss Creature,” the death mage ghost said.

“What do you want to do after meeting it? Now that you have seen an Abyss Horse, what do you want to do?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about that. I have researched what I could from Ray. Though those knowledge are useless since there are no death mages among your friends. I guess it will become lost knowledge soon. Well, that’s fine. We still have a few more things to teach you guys, so we will stay a bit longer,” she said.

“You can stay as long as you want though,” I said.

“We shouldn’t. If we get too addicted to the world of living, we would end up becoming vengeful ghosts because it’s the effect of my magic. Unlike Sonia who became a normal ghost monster, vengeful ghosts can attack or even kill people. Not just scaring them. And we even prepared to have shorter time as ghosts. But thanks to Ray, we can stay a little longer. We’ll be here for a few more hours and then we will leave,” she said.

Well, if that’s what she wants, that’s good. Vengeful ghosts, huh?

I guess I should join the training as well.

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