Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 164 - Alpha Of All

Sasha stared dumbly. They couldn\'t possibly… this couldn\'t be… they couldn\'t mean…

As everyone finally went silent and looked at her, her eyes locked with Zev. His face was somehow pale and flushed at the same time, his eyes bright and locked on hers, his expression an impossible combination of pride and fear.

My strong, beautiful mate, he murmured in her head. I knew you would prove it to them.

"Prove what? What are you—?"

Kyelle tugged at her elbow and Sasha jerked to look at her as the female, eyes wide, whispered, "You have to choose a clan. Choose a mate. You have to belong."

"What do you mean? I\'m mating Zev!"

The wolves raised their howls, faces beaming, pumping their fists and slapping each other on the back.

Sasha stared around the clearing, dumbfounded.

What the hell was going on? They couldn\'t possibly be saying that she… she was the one… in charge?

Zev got to his feet and the others all followed his example. His gaze had sharpened, his mouth turning up on the sides.

It\'s even more important now that you make me work for it, he said in her mind, his voice a strange mix of anticipation and awe. Do you get it, Sash? You\'re Alpha now. I have to deserve you in their eyes.


Kyelle\'s hand tightened on her arm in the same moment Zev\'s voice got louder in her head.

You cannot deny it. You\'ll send the packs into chaos again. I can help you, Sash. This is… this is amazing. Just go with it. Lead. We\'ll figure the rest out later.

Her jaw dropped, but she snapped it closed and shook her head, taking a deep breath. She lifted her hands to her hips and the arm she\'d used to defend herself screamed at her suddenly. She winced, and Kyelle gasped.

"Bring a healer for the Alpha! Now!" she snapped.

Two of the males darted away from the crowd.

"Bring them to Zev first!" she called after them. "He\'s hurt worse!"

A rumble passed through the crowd and Sasha looked around. What had she done? Why were they all looking at her like she was confusing them.

"When things aren\'t life threatening, the Alpha should always be attended first," Kyelle murmured to her. "In case there\'s a need for their leadership."

But Sasha turned to her and blurted, "That\'s stupid. His wounds are far worse than mine. He needs attention first." When the men around them went quiet she turned and looked at them. "Hierarchy doesn\'t do you any good if people are unhealthy or overlooked. If I was dying, sure, but I\'m not. It\'s called triage—you find out who has the greatest need and you fill that first, that\'s all."

Why was she explaining triage to Chimera? She shook her head, but the men seemed more comfortable now, murmuring amongst themselves, some of them nodding.

She looked at Zev and found him smiling, shaking his head.

You\'re amazing, Sash. His voice was a low, approving growl in her head. You are my mate and I am so damned happy I could howl.

Sasha spluttered with laughter, trying to hold herself together. The whole world seemed to be crumbling. But Zev was still in love with her.

She could hold onto that and hopefully stave off the crazy long enough to get her bearings. She just needed to give Alpha to him, that was all. This was ridiculous. A technicality because she\'d hit Xar—who was already half-dead from Zev\'s attack.

Once they realized that… they would sort it out.

Sasha sucked in a breath and turned to Kyelle. "We have to finish the ritual. I\'m not leaving here without—"

"The Alpha calls for her mate!" Kyelle pealed. "Stand, Thana! Stand and acknowledge your Alpha as she selects her mate!"

"As… what?" Sasha looked back and forth between Kyelle and Zev and Yhet. "I thought we did the vows or—"

"Her mate is selected," Zev snarled. "Let anyone come who would challenge him!"

Sasha sucked in a breath to scream NO! as Zev turned, once again in a fighting stance, beckoning to the males around him, his eyes sparking a challenge.

No, this was done! There wasn\'t supposed to be any more fighting!

She opened her mouth to say as much when Kyelle pulled her close and hissed in her ear, "He has to earn you. Let him earn you. You are Alpha now. Everything changes."


"Just watch! And don\'t give in too easily. Make him earn you."

Zev must have heard the words because even as he turned, waiting for a challenger to come at him, he nodded and whispered in her head, She\'s right. I told you. Make me work for it.

"How?" Sasha groaned.

Kyelle\'s smile was sad. It was Zev who answered her in her head.

Play hard to get.

Sasha rolled her eyes. He had to be fucking kidding! This was a joke, right? This whole situation was completely fucked!

But before she could decide which protest to voice first, Sasha noticed the crowd moving. The men on both sides of where they were gathered at the center began to back away, their heads down and eyes on the ground. And Zev stood, chin low, but the rest of his body—sheened in sweat, oiled, and most of the body paint now smeared or scraped—taut and poised.

He scanned the crowds, his eyes daring any of them to step closer.

And none of them did.

Kyelle ushered Sasha back, Yhet coming to stand to her other side, both of them watching Zev through narrowed eyes.

He began to prowl the edge of the circle, forcing the males to back away further or step into his path, his eyes almost fevered as he locked on each one of them as he passed.

"Do any challenge me? Any believe themselves the match for the Alpha?" he called. His chest still moved quickly, as if his breathing was rapid. But he looked incredible and Sasha\'s mouth went dry when he\'d made the full circuit of the crowd—then she gasped when he turned to face her again, and his wounded side was revealed—purple with spreading bruises, and gashed, sliced in multiple directions, seeping blood that ran down his side.

But he moved as if he didn\'t even feel it, coming back to the middle of the circle to face her and standing, feet shoulder width apart, and his hands clasped to fists, but held in front of him.

Then he finally met her eyes again and he smiled.

"Only I stand for you, Sasha-don. Only I stand. I choose you, Sasha-don. Will you have me?"

Make. Me. Work for it.

Against her better judgment, Sasha folded her arms and forced herself to frown.

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