Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 165 - You Are Mine


When she didn\'t deny him, Zev prowled towards her, all shining, brutal beauty, his chin low and those incredible, piercing eyes fixed on her. He stalked her, as if he was, indeed, the wolf and she were prey—his eyes glowing with intensity.

Had it been anyone else, Sasha would have backed away. But she raised her chin so she was staring at him down her nose and he didn\'t stop until they were toe-to-toe and he blocked her view of every other male in the circle.

His eyes dipped to her mouth as he leaned in, his whisper playing on her skin.

"You. Are. Mine."

His deep voice twanged in her belly as the howls of the wolf pack rose from behind him to echo across the mountains of Thana, while the other Chimera protested his claim—but none of them moved. There would be no more fighting today.

"Speak your choice," he growled. "I declare for you, do you declare for me?"

She raised one eyebrow, pursing her lips. "Should I?" she asked far more calmly than she felt.

Zev\'s lips twisted up on one side in a that lopsided grin that sent butterflies fluttering through her stomach.

Ask me who I am, he said in his head. Ask me why you should accept me.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice loud enough to carry, though all the Chimera would hear it anyway, she realized. "Why should I accept you?"

"I am Alpha of the Wolf Clan," he growled. "I carry the pride of the pack, and the strength of our people. And I bring them to you. Willingly. Because you are mine. My mate. My pair."

Fighting the urge to stroke his broad, bare chest with her shaking hands, Sasha forced herself to tilt her head and raise an eyebrow. "So bold for a pup who just found his fangs."

The other males roared with laughter.

Ignoring their taunts, Zev\'s eyes sparked and he leaned even closer, the scruff on his jaw tickling her cheek as he smiled. "So bold for a human who already knows the pleasure of gasping my name." She shivered when his teeth grazed her ear.

Howls of approval echoed around the clearing.

So… she had to flirt? They had to play that kind of game? In front of this whole crowd?

Sasha was so unsettled, so unable to absorb all that was happening, for a moment she almost pulled him in, almost buried her head in his chest and just pleaded with him to carry her out of there.

Sasha, its okay. It\'s going to be more than okay. Just keep going.

She took another deep breath and met his eyes again, then lifted a hand to his jaw, took his chin in her hand and forced him to turn his head, first in one direction, then the other.

"I suppose you\'re pretty enough," she said casually.

Zev huffed as the males behind him howled with laughter, calling out insults and urging him to show her just how pretty he was.

But even though his smile grew, Zev\'s eyes never left hers, and the promise in them never died.

Sasha\'s stomach trilled at the flame that had lit in his eyes the moment she touched him.

He put one hand up to take hers, then much to her consternation, he took one knee again, bowing over her hand.

"I submit myself to the Alpha," he said, his voice warm and full. "I submit myself to your rule, to your Kingdom. And to your strength. I am a tool in your hands—"

"I bet you are!" someone crowed and the crowd laughed. But Zev hadn\'t stopped talking.

"—an asset at your disposal. Whatever you wish, I will do. Whatever battles you might fight, I am your sword. Whatever you need, I will provide. My time before yours, my sweat before yours, my blood before yours… my life before yours."

Sasha\'s heart squeezed. Zev wasn\'t flirting anymore. His eyes didn\'t flash, they pleaded. He\'d stopped playing.

He was baring himself.

She wanted nothing more than to just throw herself into his arms and say yes, but she could see the warning in his gaze.

"I accept your, um, loyalty," she said, still staring at him. "What else do you have?"

His smile did take on that glint of heat then and Sasha\'s stomach fluttered.

Zev got back to his feet and stared down at her, her chest just a breath from brushing on his as he leaned in. He slid one palm to her neck, his fingers tickling at her nape, his thumb stroking the line of her jaw, and the world suddenly got very small.

To Sasha, they were alone—no more Kyelle, no more Yhet, no audience. She stood with Zev and he was touching her and all she wanted was more.

"I give you my body," he whispered. "I give you my soul. I am ardent, Sasha. I am yours. Keep me, or use me, but do not deny my claim."

He must have seen the question in her eye, sensed her urge to draw closer, because he chuckled in her head.

Just make it clear that you\'re the one in charge, he said, his voice warm and amused. Make sure they know that I serve you.

She almost blurted, "But you don\'t!" but when she opened her mouth, he must have guessed she was going to protest, because he shook his head.

"Will you take me, Sasha-don? Declare yourself for me? Your mate?" he called, loud enough to echo across the clearing.

Sasha hung on that word, swallowing, attempting to dampen her throat that was suddenly so dry.

Then she did take that half step forward to press their bodies together, reached up to fist her hand in his hair, and pull his head back, arching his neck so his Adam\'s apple protruded sharply.

Up on her tiptoes, she stretched to lay her mouth at the base of his neck, letting her teeth graze down to the hollow between his collarbones.

Zev whined and one, shaking hand shot up to grip her elbow, but he didn\'t move her.

Then she nuzzled that little hollow and sighed.

"You are my mate," she said, her voice more pleading than command, but she was passed playing this game. She remembered what he\'d said the day before and she cleared her throat to make sure they\'d all hear it.

"I am ardent, Zev. I\'ll love you in this world, and in the next. No matter what, you are mine."

The clearing erupted with cheers and applause as Zev took her face in his hands and kissed her soundly.


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This note was added after publication so you aren\'t charged for the words.

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