500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 628 Flying Countess

Chapter 628  Flying Countess

Even though I had presented this transformation as if it was no big deal, in reality, the process to shift their demonic forms back into their original human form was rather complex. I had to peel off the demonic essence layer by layer, sifting through their complex physiological construct while preserving their core consciousness. The end result?

The demon women of the Underworld had been transformed back into the human women they once were, freed from their monstrous outer shells. Their once glowing eyes were now of natural hues, and their skin, once rough and scaled, was now smooth and flawless.

Their features changed but the strength and resilience that marked them were still intact. Their past as demons had undoubtedly shaped them into formidable women, and even though they now bore human bodies, their experiences had honed their physical and mental fortitude to levels unimaginable.

"So, does this mean you\'re no longer going to kill each other over petty disputes, but rather live peacefully and harmoniously?" I asked both Harissa and Erisa. Both of them looked surprised and shared a glance.

"I... I guess," replied Harissa, a finger running over her smooth arm, "More than the physical changes, I think the anger and hate I bore earlier is gone too. It\'s like being free of a burden I didn\'t know I had."

Erisa nodded in agreement, "Yes. There\'s a sense of peace now. Earlier, every passing moment was a struggle. But now, it\'s as if a storm has calmed within me." She looked at me, her eyes holding a newfound depth of gratitude and understanding. "Thank you, Galio."

I shrugged, "No need to thank me. This is how things should\'ve been. I\'m merely setting things right. But remember this peace, and make sure it extends to everyone in the Underworld. Make it a place worth living in, understood?"

They both nodded the human forms slowly adjusting to the massive wave of change that had just swept over them. Harissa and Erisa no longer bore the marks of their demonic past, instead replaced with the beauty of their original human form -- a clean slate for a new and better life in the Underworld.

Looking around, I saw similar expressions mirrored on the faces of other transformed demon women. Their demonic exoskeletons had given way to human bodies, their twisted forms now reflecting innocent beauty. They looked dazed, perhaps still reeling under the impact of my magic, but there was also a sense of peace and contentment in their eyes.

Realizing their transformation, I said, "You all, the people of the Underworld, can now start afresh. Free from the constraints placed on you by the false gods, you can now live peacefully, in harmony with each other, just as humans do. Make the Underworld your own."

Their stunned silence slowly gave way to murmurs and then exploded into cheering. Their eyes were alight with new-found hope and determination as if they were seeing the world for the first time.

Unfortunately, I didn\'t really have time to waste here, so I turned to my guards. Both Capricorn and Sage seemed to be in awe of what I had done, but Aquarius had her arms crossed.

"Do you think it is wise to just go and change everything?" Aquarius scowled, and Capricorn turned to her.

"Do you think it was better before? These people had been forced into an endless cycle of hurting each other for pleasure, only to be reborn the same to do it all over again. Is that better than giving them a new life the way they were supposed to be?" Capricorn argued back.

"I\'m not saying that he is wrong-" Aquarius began but was interrupted by Sage.

"Wow, you just might explode if you admit that Galio did something right," Sage teased, causing Aquarius to flush.

"Would you get off her?" I chuckled, and the trio turned to me in surprise. "It is not necessarily wrong to question my actions. Yes, this is a big change for all the people of the Underworld, something I did without asking them. But I believe that in the end, they will appreciate it more this way."

Giving them one last look, I said, "I\'m setting this right because it\'s my responsibility. And I will do everything in my power to make sure that these people get the lives they truly deserve."

I raised my hand, and with a wave, created a magical screen, displaying all of the Underworld. "Look at what the Underworld has become. Even though it had been a haven for demons, it should have never been a place of despair and destruction. It\'s our duty to change it into a haven of peace and prosperity, a place where its inhabitants can truly be happy. That is what I am trying to do. Now shall we move on?"

Aquarius hesitated then finally nodded. "Let\'s move on, and fix whatever more needs fixing."

"No, I can do that after. I was just fixing this problem that we caused," I said, gesturing around. "You three are going to go find-"

"Galio!" Cestia called, cutting me off, with Virgo close behind.

"What have you done to everything? A better question would be how?" Virgo asked as the two reached us. This was actually even better.

"Long story and I will tell you all about it in a few hours," I said and waved my hand for a portal to open to my favorite little Countess.

Before I could even finish turning to the portal, my little blonde-haired countess flew through the portal and tackled me to the ground. I should have expected this, but I was not complaining as I hugged her close.

"Galio!" Eliza squealed as she rubbed her face into my chest, and I stroked her hair.

"Yes, beautiful, it is I, but I have a favor to ask," I said, and Eliza looked up at me.

"Really? We are really busy with getting everything set up for the Goddess Games right now, but I can always spare some time for you!" Eliza laughed and then kissed me.

I returned the kiss and then ruffled her hair. "Good, you can get these five to help you."

Eliza looked around and then jumped off me faster than she had tackled me, straightening her dress out. "You didn\'t tell me you had guests with you!"

"We are not guests, little countess! We are his wives!" Aquarius growled, but the squeaked when Virgo pinched her.

"You have Male wives too?" Eliza asked, and Virgo laughed.

"No, but Sagittarius does love males!" Virgo laughed as Sage looked away. "But, no, only the four of us are his wives. Though, I think that you came before any of us because I do not know who you are."

"As much as I would love to get into this right now, I have an important date with a man laying claim to my name. I would like for you to watch over these four until I am finished here, but it shouldn\'t take more then a few hours," I sighed and then shook my head. "I am sure most of that time will be dealing with the Black King and her request."

The women exchanged surprised glances but nodded in agreement. They knew the urgency of my task and understood the responsibility that came with it. Eliza seemed particularly excited at the prospect.

"I\'ll take care of them, Galio! You go and show that imposter who\'s the real boss," Eliza stated firmly, her eyes twinkling with renewed determination as she adjusted her crimson spectacles.

I couldn\'t help but smile at her enthusiasm.

Reassured, I rose to my feet and turned to face my Zodiacs one last time. "I\'ll be back soon, and when I am, we\'ll finally set things right. Together," I said, my tone filled with conviction. The Zodiacs nodded, it was enough for now.

With one last nod towards Eliza and the Zodiacs, I stepped into the portal, ready to face whatever awaited at the end of the tumultuous path. I was aware of the lingering eyes of the Zodiacs and the hundreds of now-human demon women who watched me in awe. It was strange but empowering.

I had crossed the threshold, stepping into a conflict that had no guarantees of my victory. Yet I was spurred on by a newfound purpose and the knowledge that I was not alone. The Zodiacs had my back, the Underworld was on the brink of transformation, and now, I carried the shared hopes of hundreds of new humans.

Trusting in the strength of these bonds, I stepped forward, ready to face whatever awaited me in this war of divinity.


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