500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 629  A Real God

Chapter 629   A Real God

In the brief infinitely small moment before my hand connected with Erisa\'s face, I had stretched time to work on the exact changes that I wanted to take place. The entire process had taken over three weeks if I were to count it as normal time, but it was worth it. I now had the recipe to unleash on the rest of the underworld and fix the distorted world that Kadeon had wrought.

"What will you do now?" Harissa asked from beside me, and I turned to her with a smile. "I have an important date with the Black King, and I plan on straightening out the rest of the Underworld on my way down."

Harissa nodded and then walked over to take Erisa\'s hand in hers. "We will make sure to help get this layer back on track. The next time that you visit, this place will be a market fit for a god like you!"

I smiled, but then waved my hand as a small portal appeared under me. I dropped down to the sixth layer without a word and was not surprised by the fighting that I could see below me as I lowered myself. Beautiful and ugly Demons were already going at it, but I didn\'t really have time for their squabbles. Rather than speaking, I just raised my hand.

As I raised my hand, the intricate threads of True Magic weaved around me. I could feel its raw energy coursing through my veins, eager and ready for my command. This was not just a demonstration of my powers- it was a decisive move to restore harmony to the Underworld.

I cast my gaze over the demons that were scurrying around, each locked in their own intense fights. I could feel their animosity, their relentless drive to cause havoc, the spark of violence feeding the air around them. But also, there was fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the approaching changes, fear of relinquishing their essence.

With the memory of the transformation I had performed on the demons in the Market Layer vivid in my mind, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I aimed to turn these monstrous demons back to their human form, to rid them of the cursed lives they were forced to live, to free them from the terror Kadeon had bound them to.

Rather than slap all the women below, I decided to take a more appropriate and erotic path, choosing to blast each of them with a spell to cause them to orgasm uncontrollably until they had turned back to humans. Perfectly normal use of my godly power.

As the spell hit its targets, I could see the women convulsing, pleasure overtaking their senses as their bodies contorted in ecstasy. Their demonic features wilted away, giving way to smooth, unmarred human skin. Their terrifying eyes lost their sinister glow, now shades of human hues. Their claws receded, fingers regaining their original human form, the same going for their fanged mouths as they transformed into small, rosebud lips. Their demonic essence was being peeled off, layer by layer.

Once their transformations were complete, every single one of them collapsed, gasping for breath, their faces flushed as they trembled from the overwhelming pleasure.

Looking over the transformed women, I felt satisfaction seeping into my bones. But as with every transformation, there was a certain amount of confusion and fear that followed.

Some clung onto each other, their bodies still wracked with aftershocks, while others lay sprawled on the ground, their chests heaving. Their eyes, wide and confused, ricocheted around, taking in the view of their changed bodies. The realization of their transformation dawned upon their faces, replacing their confusion with awe.

"Wh-What just happened? W-What did you do?" One of them managed to stutter out, her voice half-choked as she clutched onto her chest.

With a deep breath, I began to explain. "I returned you back to your original forms. You are no longer bound by the demonic forms that Kadeon forced upon you. You are now free from the curse, and from this moment forth, you are human again."

There was a pause, the words sinking in slowly, understanding brightening their faces.

"You\'re...a god? For real?" One of them finally questioned, her voice raspy.

I nodded, "Yes, I am your god, Galio. The real Galio. And I\'m here to set things right."

As proof, I waved my hand, and everything around me was blasted into the air. All the women braced themselves for destruction, but instead, the debris reformed into brand new beautiful buildings. The now-human women looked around them in astonishment as the once chaotic and broken battlefield became a flourishing, well-structured city within seconds. I hadn\'t neglected details; from the cobblestone pathways to the intricately designed archways, everything was given due diligence.

"Welcome to your new home, ladies." I gestured around us, a hint of pride in my voice. Their bewilderment was slowly replaced with hope.

For the first time since I had awakened for this life, I felt like a God. Not because I had all this power, but because I was actually helping people and not getting anything for it. I normally sought out pleasure, but there was nothing on my mind right now besides Kadeon.

Everything that has happened, and all that I had forgotten had been because of him and Matthias. I was going to break the cycle and remove Kadeon from this reality. This fight was between me and my old friend.

Setting my thoughts aside, I turned to the now-human women around me. There was an eerie silence, punctuated with gasps of disbelief and a few relieved sobs.

"Now begins your new life in the Underworld. The Underworld is going to be a haven, a manifestation of peace and prosperity, a place where you live harmoniously, respecting and caring for each other. And together, we will bring Kadeon down," I said, my voice resonating with purpose.

Many of them looked skeptical, but I could see the hope in their eyes. That\'s all I needed.

"Now, if you\'ll excuse me," I said and, with a wave, opened my next portal, "I have got a date with a child disguising himself as a god. I assure you all, by the time I come back, he will be nothing but a chapter from a forgotten part of history."

Without waiting for any response, I stepped into the portal. On the other side, I emerged out in the Black King\'s layer.

The first layer. I would fix the rest after I was done here, but I didn\'t want to waste more time. It was clear that Kadeon assumed he had something on me, and I had to stop him.

Before me was a grandeur of black and gold, an immense castle that screamed authority. The architecture was elaborate, projecting the power and position of its inhabitants. Despite being within the confines of the Underworld, the ambiance had a dignified charm to it.

Adjusting my posture, I stood tall as I approached the castle. I considered the fact that Kadeon already knew I was here, but I didn\'t want him to have the pleasure of watching me stumble around like a fool. Not anymore.

The guards at the gate recognized me instantly. They must have heard of my arrival from the Zodiacs. Battling in the Underworld didn\'t allow one to keep their profile low, I supposed.

"God Galio," a guard addressed me, "We were expecting you."

"I bet you were," I responded dryly.


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